Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info '$Collector' -> Name: "BaseLib", Version: "5.71.334.1". Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'Time' -> UtcNow: 09/30/2023 14:58:19, Now: 09/30/2023 15:58:19, TickCount: 262953. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'Debugger' -> IsAttached: False. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'AssemblyAttributes' -> AssemblyConfiguration: "Release". Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'ExecutingAssembly' -> FullName: "OpcLabs.BaseLib, Version=5.71.334.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6faddca41dacb409", Location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\OPC Labs QuickOPC 2023.1\Components\net472\OpcLabs.BaseLib.dll", GlobalAssemblyCache: False. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'AppDomain' -> FriendlyName: "DefaultDomain", Id: 1. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'SystemAssembly' -> FullName: "mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", Location: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll", GlobalAssemblyCache: True. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'Clr' -> ClrVersion: "4.0.30319.42000", PtrSize: 8. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'RuntimeEnvironment' -> SystemConfigurationFile: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config", RuntimeDirectory: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\", SystemVersion: "v4.0.30319". Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'RuntimeInformation' -> OSArchitecture: X64, OSDescription: "Microsoft Windows 10.0.22621 ", ProcessArchitecture: X64, FrameworkDescription: ".NET Framework 4.8.9181.0". Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'Process' -> Is64BitProcess: True, CurrentDirectory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\OPC Labs QuickOPC 2023.1\Examples-COM\OP\UADocExamples\Win64\Release", Id: 10600. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'User' -> Name: "Antigua", DomainName: "CW09", Interactive: True. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'OSConfiguration' -> MachineName: "CW09", SystemPageSize: 4096. Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'OperatingSystem' -> VersionString: "Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0". Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'Environment' -> Is64BitOperatingSystem: True, SystemDirectory: "C:\WINDOWS\system32". Information(111): OPC-UA engine application info 'Computer' -> ProcessorCount: 16. Information(101): The OPC-UA engine is connecting to the underlying subsystems. Information(1201): Licensing for EasyUAClient component started, license serial number 1999324804, issuer name "OPC Labs", subject name "Colin Coleman". Information(1203): License validity check for EasyUAClient component has been successful. Information(1203): License validity check for EasyUAClient component has been successful. Information(133): OPC UA SDK application configuration file path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\OPC Labs QuickOPC 2023.1\Examples-COM\OP\UADocExamples\Win64\Release\UADocExamples.Config.xml", file exists: False. Information(132): OPC-UA engine SDK configuration successfully provided by "InternalSdkConfigurationProvider("OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA, Version=5.71.334.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6faddca41dacb409", "OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Toolkit.Client.UAClientEngine.Config.xml")". Information(144): The OPC-UA engine has determined the application configuration parameters as listed below. ProductUri: urn:literal:string:UADocExamples Information(103): The OPC-UA engine has successfully connected to the underlying subsystems. Information(4021): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://". Information(161): The OPC-UA engine has determined new own application instance certificate sub-id "" parameters as listed below. ApplicationType: Client SubjectName: CN=UADocExamples StorePath: C:\ProgramData\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault ApplicationName: UADocExamples ApplicationUri: uri:CW09: Information(162): The OPC-UA engine will resolve own application instance certificate sub-id "" parameters directory store path to "C:\ProgramData\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault". Information(4031): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" will use an endpoint selection policy that has warnings. The policy warnings are: - OPCUA0021: An endpoint with obsolete security policy may be selected by this policy. Information(4001): OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (8 entries) follows. [0:AcceptedNotWinner(3.5), 1:EligibleNotAccepted(2.5), 2:Winner(1000+0.5), 3:NotEligible(EndpointUrl("", NotAllowed(Scheme))), 4:NotEligible(EndpointUrl("", NotAllowed(Scheme))), 5:NotEligible(EndpointUrl("", NotAllowed(Scheme))), 6:NotEligible(EndpointUrl("", NotAllowed(Scheme))), 7:NotEligible(EndpointUrl("", NotAllowed(Scheme)))]. Warning(4002): The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection. Information(4007): An OPC UA endpoint has been selected and normalized. Endpoint URL: "opc.tcp://", security mode: 'None', security policy URI: "", transport profile URI: "" Information(4032): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 has preselected an OPC-UA endpoint for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters: Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI ", use binary encoding: yes. Information(4011): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (3 entries) follows. [0:Winner(""), 1:NotEligible(NotApplicable("")), 2:NotEligible(NotApplicable(""))]. Information(4014): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has been associated with user identity token type 'Anonymous', display name "Anonymous". Warning(4211): The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned a list of endpoints that does not match the list from the discovery endpoint. Information(4171): The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates. Warning(4181): The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature. Information(4301): The client session on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has read server start time 09/30/2023 14:00:50 and build info ProductUri="", ManufacturerName="OPC Foundation", ProductName="OPC UA SDK Samples", SoftwareVersion="1.2", BuildNumber="334.4", BuildDate=09/25/2013 10:20:31. Information(4023): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://". The server-assigned session Id is "ns=6;i=656588195". Information(4021): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 2 is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://[100::]/warmup". Processing log entry events for 1 minute... Warning(4022): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 2 failed to connect to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://[100::]/warmup". UA SDK error (Opc.UA.ServiceResult=0x808A0000) in 'DiscoveryClient.GetEndpoints'. OPC UA service result - Error establishing a connection: BadNotConnected. + The error occurred when preselecting an endpoint for discovery URL "opc.tcp://[100::]/warmup". + Connection attempt #1; last connected at 01/01/0001 00:00:00 (local); unconnected for 00:00:00.7970000. Information(4026): The OPC-UA client session on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://[100::]/warmup" failed at tick 264109 and will retry in 10000 milliseconds. Information(4024): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://". Affect SDK engine: yes. Information(4025): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".