Tipo: 'Information' Licensing for EasyUAClient component started, license serial number 1953009698, issuer name "OPC Labs", subject name "xxx.yyy@mydomain.it". Tipo: 'Information' The OPC-UA engine executing from assembly "OpcLabs.EasyOpcUAInternal, Version=5.31.1331.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6faddca41dacb409", manifest location "C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\OpcLabs.EasyOpcUAInternal\v4.0_5.31.1331.1__6faddca41dacb409\OpcLabs.EasyOpcUAInternal.dll", loaded from the global assembly cache: True. Tipo: 'Information' Running under common language runtime version '4.0.30319.18444', pointer size in this process is 8 bytes. Tipo: 'Information' Running under operating system "Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1". Tipo: 'Information' Logged on user name "user.name", associated network domain "DOMAIN", running in user interactive mode: True. Tipo: 'Information' The OPC-UA engine is connecting to the underlying subsystems. Tipo: 'Information' The OPC-UA engine has determined the client certificate parameters as listed below. SubjectName: CN=UADocExamples, DC=MyMachine ApplicationName: UADocExamples ApplicationUri: urn:MyMachine:UADocExamples:5.31.1131.1:neutral:null ProductUri: urn:literal:string:QuickOPC-UA Tipo: 'Information' The OPC-UA engine has successfully connected to the underlying subsystems. Tipo: 'Information' The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://xxx:yyy@DiscoveryServer:4841/". Tipo: 'Information' OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://xxx:yyy@DiscoveryServer:4841/" candidate report (5 entries) follows. [0:Winner(1000+0), 1:ValidNotEligible(SecurityMode), 2:ValidNotEligible(SecurityMode), 3:ValidNotEligible(SecurityMode), 4:ValidNotEligible(SecurityMode)]. Tipo: 'Warning' The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://MyEndpoint:4841" with security policy URI "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None" and transport policy URI "http://opcfoundation.org/UA-Profile/Transport/uatcp-uasc-uabinary", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://xxx:yyy@DiscoveryServer:4841/", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection. Tipo: 'Information' An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://xxx:yyy@DiscoveryServer:4841/" with following parameters: Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://MyEndpoint:4841", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None", transport profile URI "http://opcfoundation.org/UA-Profile/Transport/uatcp-uasc-uabinary". Tipo: 'Warning' The server certificate failed validation with error code 0x801A0000 while establishing OPC-UA client session to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://xxx:yyy@DiscoveryServer:4841/". BadCertificateUntrusted 'Certificate is not trusted. SubjectName: CN=MyEndpointServer@MyEndpoint, OU=Development, O=TestServerDomain, L=MyEndpoint, C=DE, DC=MyEndpoint IssuerName: CN=MyEndpointServer@MyEndpoint, OU=Development, O=TestServerDomain, L=MyEndpoint, C=DE, DC=MyEndpoint' Tipo: 'SuccessAudit' The server certificate has been accepted for the OPC-UA client session to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://xxx:yyy@DiscoveryServer:4841/" by a fallback method. Certificate information: [Subject] CN=MyEndpointServer@MyEndpoint, OU=Development, O=TestServerDomain, L=MyEndpoint, C=DE, DC=MyEndpoint [Issuer] CN=MyEndpointServer@MyEndpoint, OU=Development, O=TestServerDomain, L=MyEndpoint, C=DE, DC=MyEndpoint [Serial Number] 54088E42 [Not Before] 04/09/2014 18:07:14 [Not After] 03/09/2019 18:07:14 [Thumbprint] CBC95E4FA05B1AA8031B97FFE8D46A9BE22A8CF9 An OPC-UA operation failure with error code -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) occurred, originating from ''. The inner exception, of type 'OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.UAClientEngineException', contains details about the problem. ============== Exception =========== Timeout connecting the OPC-UA client session. The total timeout value was 60000 milliseconds, and we have waited for 60000 milliseconds. The actual waiting time is lower than the total timeout (or even zero) if the connection operation has already started earlier.