// Created by Microsoft (R) C/C++ Compiler Version 14.11.25547.0 (5d0cd9bd). // // c:\users\admin\documents\projects\pcs\pcs\pcs-supervisor\x64\debug\mscorlib.tlh // // C++ source equivalent of Win32 type library BED7F4EA-1A96-11D2-8F08-00A0C9A6186D // compiler-generated file created 12/04/17 at 14:11:32 - DO NOT EDIT! #pragma once #pragma pack(push, 8) #include namespace mscorlib { // // Forward references and typedefs // struct __declspec(uuid("bed7f4ea-1a96-11d2-8f08-00a0c9a6186d")) /* LIBID */ __mscorlib; struct /* coclass */ Object; struct __declspec(uuid("d0eeaa62-3d30-3ee2-b896-a2f34dda47d8")) /* dual interface */ ISerializable; struct __declspec(uuid("b36b5c63-42ef-38bc-a07e-0b34c98f164a")) /* dual interface */ _Exception; struct /* coclass */ Exception; struct /* coclass */ ValueType; struct __declspec(uuid("deb0e770-91fd-3cf6-9a6c-e6a3656f3965")) /* dual interface */ IComparable; struct __declspec(uuid("9a604ee7-e630-3ded-9444-baae247075ab")) /* dual interface */ IFormattable; struct __declspec(uuid("805e3b62-b5e9-393d-8941-377d8bf4556b")) /* dual interface */ IConvertible; struct /* coclass */ Enum; struct __declspec(uuid("0cb251a7-3ab3-3b5c-a0b8-9ddf88824b85")) /* dual interface */ ICloneable; struct /* coclass */ Delegate; struct /* coclass */ MulticastDelegate; struct __declspec(uuid("496b0abe-cdee-11d3-88e8-00902754c43a")) /* dual interface */ IEnumerable; struct __declspec(uuid("de8db6f8-d101-3a92-8d1c-e72e5f10e992")) /* dual interface */ ICollection; struct __declspec(uuid("7bcfa00f-f764-3113-9140-3bbd127a96bb")) /* dual interface */ IList; struct /* coclass */ Array; struct __declspec(uuid("496b0abf-cdee-11d3-88e8-00902754c43a")) /* dual interface */ IEnumerator; struct __declspec(uuid("805d7a98-d4af-3f0f-967f-e5cf45312d2c")) /* dual interface */ IDisposable; struct /* coclass */ String; struct __declspec(uuid("c20fd3eb-7022-3d14-8477-760fab54e50d")) /* dual interface */ IComparer; struct __declspec(uuid("aab7c6ea-cab0-3adb-82aa-cf32e29af238")) /* dual interface */ IEqualityComparer; struct /* coclass */ StringComparer; enum StringComparison; struct /* coclass */ StringBuilder; enum DateTimeKind; struct __declspec(uuid("ab3f47e4-c227-3b05-bf9f-94649bef9888")) /* dual interface */ IDeserializationCallback; struct /* coclass */ SystemException; struct /* coclass */ OutOfMemoryException; struct /* coclass */ StackOverflowException; struct /* coclass */ DataMisalignedException; struct /* coclass */ ExecutionEngineException; struct /* coclass */ MemberAccessException; struct __declspec(uuid("03973551-57a1-3900-a2b5-9083e3ff2943")) /* interface */ _Activator; struct /* coclass */ Activator; struct /* coclass */ AccessViolationException; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationActivator; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationException; struct /* coclass */ EventArgs; struct /* coclass */ ResolveEventArgs; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyLoadEventArgs; struct /* coclass */ ResolveEventHandler; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyLoadEventHandler; struct /* coclass */ AppDomainInitializer; struct /* coclass */ MarshalByRefObject; struct __declspec(uuid("05f696dc-2b29-3663-ad8b-c4389cf2a713")) /* interface */ _AppDomain; struct __declspec(uuid("35a8f3ac-fe28-360f-a0c0-9a4d50c4682a")) /* dual interface */ IEvidenceFactory; struct /* coclass */ AppDomain; struct /* coclass */ CrossAppDomainDelegate; enum AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions; struct /* coclass */ AppDomainManager; struct __declspec(uuid("27fff232-a7a8-40dd-8d4a-734ad59fcd41")) /* interface */ IAppDomainSetup; struct /* coclass */ AppDomainSetup; enum LoaderOptimization; struct __declspec(uuid("917b14d0-2d9e-38b8-92a9-381acf52f7c0")) /* interface */ _Attribute; struct /* coclass */ Attribute; struct /* coclass */ LoaderOptimizationAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AppDomainUnloadedException; struct /* coclass */ EvidenceBase; struct /* coclass */ ActivationArguments; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationId; struct /* coclass */ ArgumentException; struct /* coclass */ ArgumentNullException; struct /* coclass */ ArgumentOutOfRangeException; struct /* coclass */ ArithmeticException; struct /* coclass */ ArrayTypeMismatchException; struct /* coclass */ AsyncCallback; enum AttributeTargets; struct /* coclass */ AttributeUsageAttribute; struct /* coclass */ BadImageFormatException; struct Boolean; struct /* coclass */ Buffer; struct Byte; struct /* coclass */ CannotUnloadAppDomainException; struct Char; struct /* coclass */ CharEnumerator; struct /* coclass */ CLSCompliantAttribute; struct /* coclass */ TypeUnloadedException; struct __declspec(uuid("c281c7f1-4aa9-3517-961a-463cfed57e75")) /* interface */ _Thread; struct /* coclass */ CriticalFinalizerObject; struct /* coclass */ ContextMarshalException; struct /* coclass */ ContextBoundObject; struct /* coclass */ ContextStaticAttribute; struct /* coclass */ TimeZone; enum DayOfWeek; struct /* coclass */ DBNull; struct Decimal; struct /* coclass */ Binder; struct __declspec(uuid("6e70ed5f-0439-38ce-83bb-860f1421f29f")) /* dual interface */ IObjectReference; struct /* coclass */ DivideByZeroException; struct Double; struct /* coclass */ DuplicateWaitObjectException; struct /* coclass */ TypeLoadException; struct /* coclass */ EntryPointNotFoundException; struct /* coclass */ DllNotFoundException; enum EnvironmentVariableTarget; struct /* coclass */ Environment; struct /* coclass */ EventHandler; struct /* coclass */ FieldAccessException; struct /* coclass */ FlagsAttribute; struct /* coclass */ FormatException; struct Guid; struct __declspec(uuid("11ab34e7-0176-3c9e-9efe-197858400a3d")) /* dual interface */ IAsyncResult; struct __declspec(uuid("2b130940-ca5e-3406-8385-e259e68ab039")) /* dual interface */ ICustomFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("c8cb1ded-2814-396a-9cc0-473ca49779cc")) /* dual interface */ IFormatProvider; struct /* coclass */ IndexOutOfRangeException; struct Int16; struct Int32; struct Int64; struct IntPtr; struct /* coclass */ InvalidCastException; struct /* coclass */ InvalidOperationException; struct /* coclass */ InvalidProgramException; struct /* coclass */ LocalDataStoreSlot; struct /* coclass */ MethodAccessException; enum MidpointRounding; struct /* coclass */ MissingMemberException; struct /* coclass */ MissingFieldException; struct /* coclass */ MissingMethodException; struct /* coclass */ MulticastNotSupportedException; struct /* coclass */ NonSerializedAttribute; struct /* coclass */ NotFiniteNumberException; struct /* coclass */ NotImplementedException; struct /* coclass */ NotSupportedException; struct /* coclass */ NullReferenceException; struct /* coclass */ ObjectDisposedException; struct /* coclass */ ObsoleteAttribute; struct /* coclass */ OperatingSystem; struct /* coclass */ OperationCanceledException; struct /* coclass */ OverflowException; struct /* coclass */ ParamArrayAttribute; enum PlatformID; struct /* coclass */ PlatformNotSupportedException; struct /* coclass */ Random; struct /* coclass */ RankException; struct __declspec(uuid("b9b91146-d6c2-3a62-8159-c2d1794cdeb0")) /* dual interface */ ICustomAttributeProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("f7102fa9-cabb-3a74-a6da-b4567ef1b079")) /* interface */ _MemberInfo; struct /* coclass */ MemberInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("bca8b44d-aad6-3a86-8ab7-03349f4f2da2")) /* interface */ _Type; struct __declspec(uuid("afbf15e5-c37c-11d2-b88e-00a0c9b471b8")) /* dual interface */ IReflect; struct /* coclass */ Type; struct /* coclass */ TypeInfo; struct RuntimeArgumentHandle; struct RuntimeTypeHandle; struct RuntimeMethodHandle; struct RuntimeFieldHandle; struct ModuleHandle; struct SByte; struct /* coclass */ SerializableAttribute; struct Single; struct /* coclass */ STAThreadAttribute; struct /* coclass */ MTAThreadAttribute; struct /* coclass */ TimeoutException; struct TimeSpan; enum TypeCode; struct TypedReference; struct /* coclass */ TypeInitializationException; struct UInt16; struct UInt32; struct UInt64; struct UIntPtr; struct /* coclass */ UnauthorizedAccessException; struct /* coclass */ UnhandledExceptionEventArgs; struct /* coclass */ UnhandledExceptionEventHandler; struct /* coclass */ Version; struct Void; struct /* coclass */ WeakReference; struct /* coclass */ WaitHandle; struct /* coclass */ EventWaitHandle; struct /* coclass */ AutoResetEvent; struct /* coclass */ ContextCallback; struct __declspec(uuid("c460e2b4-e199-412a-8456-84dc3e4838c3")) /* interface */ IObjectHandle; struct LockCookie; struct /* coclass */ ManualResetEvent; struct /* coclass */ Monitor; struct /* coclass */ Mutex; struct NativeOverlapped; struct /* coclass */ Overlapped; struct /* coclass */ ReaderWriterLock; struct /* coclass */ SynchronizationLockException; struct /* coclass */ Thread; struct /* coclass */ ThreadAbortException; struct /* coclass */ ThreadInterruptedException; struct /* coclass */ RegisteredWaitHandle; struct /* coclass */ WaitCallback; struct /* coclass */ WaitOrTimerCallback; struct /* coclass */ IOCompletionCallback; enum ThreadPriority; struct /* coclass */ ThreadStart; enum ThreadState; struct /* coclass */ ThreadStateException; struct /* coclass */ ThreadStaticAttribute; struct /* coclass */ Timeout; struct /* coclass */ TimerCallback; struct /* coclass */ Timer; enum ApartmentState; struct /* coclass */ CaseInsensitiveComparer; struct __declspec(uuid("5d573036-3435-3c5a-aeff-2b8191082c71")) /* dual interface */ IHashCodeProvider; struct /* coclass */ CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider; struct /* coclass */ CollectionBase; struct __declspec(uuid("6a6841df-3287-3d87-8060-ce0b4c77d2a1")) /* dual interface */ IDictionary; struct /* coclass */ DictionaryBase; struct /* coclass */ ReadOnlyCollectionBase; struct /* coclass */ Queue; struct /* coclass */ ArrayList; struct /* coclass */ BitArray; struct /* coclass */ Stack; struct /* coclass */ Comparer; struct __declspec(uuid("35d574bf-7a4f-3588-8c19-12212a0fe4dc")) /* dual interface */ IDictionaryEnumerator; struct /* coclass */ Hashtable; struct DictionaryEntry; struct /* coclass */ SortedList; struct /* coclass */ Nullable; struct /* coclass */ KeyNotFoundException; struct /* coclass */ ConditionalAttribute; struct /* coclass */ Debugger; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerStepThroughAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerHiddenAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DebuggableAttribute; enum DebuggerBrowsableState; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerBrowsableAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerDisplayAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DebuggerVisualizerAttribute; struct /* coclass */ StackTrace; struct /* coclass */ StackFrame; struct __declspec(uuid("20808adc-cc01-3f3a-8f09-ed12940fc212")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolBinder; struct __declspec(uuid("027c036a-4052-3821-85de-b53319df1211")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolBinder1; struct __declspec(uuid("1c32f012-2684-3efe-8d50-9c2973acc00b")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolDocument; struct __declspec(uuid("fa682f24-3a3c-390d-b8a2-96f1106f4b37")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolDocumentWriter; struct __declspec(uuid("25c72eb0-e437-3f17-946d-3b72a3acff37")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolMethod; struct __declspec(uuid("23ed2454-6899-3c28-bab7-6ec86683964a")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolNamespace; struct __declspec(uuid("e809a5f1-d3d7-3144-9bef-fe8ac0364699")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolReader; struct __declspec(uuid("1cee3a11-01ae-3244-a939-4972fc9703ef")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolScope; struct __declspec(uuid("4042bd4d-b5ab-30e8-919b-14910687baae")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolVariable; struct __declspec(uuid("da295a1b-c5bd-3b34-8acd-1d7d334ffb7f")) /* dual interface */ ISymbolWriter; enum SymAddressKind; struct /* coclass */ SymDocumentType; struct /* coclass */ SymLanguageType; struct /* coclass */ SymLanguageVendor; struct SymbolToken; struct /* coclass */ AmbiguousMatchException; struct /* coclass */ ModuleResolveEventHandler; struct __declspec(uuid("17156360-2f1a-384a-bc52-fde93c215c5b")) /* dual interface */ _Assembly; struct /* coclass */ Assembly; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyCopyrightAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyTrademarkAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyProductAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyCompanyAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyDescriptionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyTitleAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyConfigurationAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyFileVersionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyCultureAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyVersionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyKeyFileAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyDelaySignAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyFlagsAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyKeyNameAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("b42b6aac-317e-34d5-9fa9-093bb4160c50")) /* interface */ _AssemblyName; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyName; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyNameProxy; enum AssemblyNameFlags; enum ProcessorArchitecture; struct /* coclass */ CustomAttributeFormatException; enum BindingFlags; enum CallingConventions; struct __declspec(uuid("6240837a-707f-3181-8e98-a36ae086766b")) /* interface */ _MethodBase; struct __declspec(uuid("ffcc1b5d-ecb8-38dd-9b01-3dc8abc2aa5f")) /* interface */ _MethodInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("e9a19478-9646-3679-9b10-8411ae1fd57d")) /* interface */ _ConstructorInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("8a7c1442-a9fb-366b-80d8-4939ffa6dbe0")) /* interface */ _FieldInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("f59ed4e4-e68f-3218-bd77-061aa82824bf")) /* interface */ _PropertyInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("9de59c64-d889-35a1-b897-587d74469e5b")) /* interface */ _EventInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("993634c4-e47a-32cc-be08-85f567dc27d6")) /* interface */ _ParameterInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("d002e9ba-d9e3-3749-b1d3-d565a08b13e7")) /* interface */ _Module; struct /* coclass */ MethodBase; struct /* coclass */ ConstructorInfo; struct /* coclass */ CustomAttributeData; struct CustomAttributeNamedArgument; struct CustomAttributeTypedArgument; struct /* coclass */ DefaultMemberAttribute; enum EventAttributes; struct /* coclass */ EventInfo; enum FieldAttributes; struct /* coclass */ FieldInfo; struct InterfaceMapping; struct /* coclass */ InvalidFilterCriteriaException; struct /* coclass */ ManifestResourceInfo; enum ResourceLocation; struct /* coclass */ MemberFilter; enum MemberTypes; enum MethodAttributes; enum MethodImplAttributes; struct /* coclass */ MethodInfo; struct /* coclass */ Missing; enum PortableExecutableKinds; enum ImageFileMachine; struct /* coclass */ Module; struct /* coclass */ ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ObfuscationAttribute; enum ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions; struct /* coclass */ ExceptionHandlingClause; struct /* coclass */ MethodBody; struct /* coclass */ LocalVariableInfo; enum ParameterAttributes; struct /* coclass */ ParameterInfo; struct ParameterModifier; struct /* coclass */ Pointer; enum PropertyAttributes; struct /* coclass */ PropertyInfo; struct /* coclass */ ReflectionTypeLoadException; enum ResourceAttributes; struct /* coclass */ StrongNameKeyPair; struct /* coclass */ TargetException; struct /* coclass */ TargetInvocationException; struct /* coclass */ TargetParameterCountException; enum TypeAttributes; struct /* coclass */ TypeDelegator; struct /* coclass */ TypeFilter; struct __declspec(uuid("f4f5c303-fad3-3d0c-a4df-bb82b5ee308f")) /* dual interface */ IFormatterConverter; struct /* coclass */ FormatterConverter; struct /* coclass */ FormatterServices; struct __declspec(uuid("62339172-dbfa-337b-8ac8-053b241e06ab")) /* dual interface */ ISerializationSurrogate; struct __declspec(uuid("93d7a8c5-d2eb-319b-a374-a65d321f2aa9")) /* dual interface */ IFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("7c66ff18-a1a5-3e19-857b-0e7b6a9e3f38")) /* dual interface */ ISurrogateSelector; struct /* coclass */ OptionalFieldAttribute; struct /* coclass */ OnSerializingAttribute; struct /* coclass */ OnSerializedAttribute; struct /* coclass */ OnDeserializingAttribute; struct /* coclass */ OnDeserializedAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SerializationBinder; struct /* coclass */ SerializationException; struct /* coclass */ SerializationInfo; struct SerializationEntry; struct /* coclass */ SerializationInfoEnumerator; struct StreamingContext; enum StreamingContextStates; struct /* coclass */ Formatter; struct /* coclass */ ObjectIDGenerator; struct /* coclass */ ObjectManager; struct /* coclass */ SurrogateSelector; struct /* coclass */ Calendar; enum CalendarAlgorithmType; enum CalendarWeekRule; enum CompareOptions; struct /* coclass */ CompareInfo; struct /* coclass */ CultureInfo; struct /* coclass */ CultureNotFoundException; enum CultureTypes; enum DateTimeStyles; struct /* coclass */ DateTimeFormatInfo; struct /* coclass */ DaylightTime; enum DigitShapes; struct /* coclass */ GregorianCalendar; enum GregorianCalendarTypes; struct /* coclass */ HebrewCalendar; struct /* coclass */ HijriCalendar; struct /* coclass */ EastAsianLunisolarCalendar; struct /* coclass */ JulianCalendar; struct /* coclass */ JapaneseCalendar; struct /* coclass */ KoreanCalendar; struct /* coclass */ RegionInfo; struct /* coclass */ SortKey; struct /* coclass */ StringInfo; struct /* coclass */ TaiwanCalendar; struct /* coclass */ TextElementEnumerator; struct /* coclass */ TextInfo; struct /* coclass */ ThaiBuddhistCalendar; struct /* coclass */ NumberFormatInfo; enum NumberStyles; enum UnicodeCategory; struct /* coclass */ Encoding; struct /* coclass */ Encoder; struct /* coclass */ Decoder; struct /* coclass */ ASCIIEncoding; enum NormalizationForm; struct /* coclass */ UnicodeEncoding; struct /* coclass */ UTF7Encoding; struct /* coclass */ UTF8Encoding; struct __declspec(uuid("8965a22f-fba8-36ad-8132-70bbd0da457d")) /* dual interface */ IResourceReader; struct __declspec(uuid("e97aa6e5-595e-31c3-82f0-688fb91954c6")) /* dual interface */ IResourceWriter; struct /* coclass */ MissingManifestResourceException; struct /* coclass */ MissingSatelliteAssemblyException; struct /* coclass */ NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ResourceManager; struct /* coclass */ ResourceReader; struct /* coclass */ ResourceSet; struct /* coclass */ ResourceWriter; struct /* coclass */ SatelliteContractVersionAttribute; enum UltimateResourceFallbackLocation; struct /* coclass */ Registry; enum RegistryHive; struct /* coclass */ RegistryKey; enum RegistryValueKind; struct __declspec(uuid("fd46bde5-acdf-3ca5-b189-f0678387077f")) /* dual interface */ ISecurityEncodable; struct __declspec(uuid("e6c21ba7-21bb-34e9-8e57-db66d8ce4a70")) /* dual interface */ ISecurityPolicyEncodable; struct __declspec(uuid("6844eff4-4f86-3ca1-a1ea-aaf583a6395e")) /* dual interface */ IMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ AllMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationDirectory; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationSecurityInfo; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationSecurityManager; enum ApplicationVersionMatch; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationTrust; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationTrustCollection; struct /* coclass */ ApplicationTrustEnumerator; struct /* coclass */ CodeGroup; struct /* coclass */ Evidence; struct /* coclass */ FileCodeGroup; struct /* coclass */ FirstMatchCodeGroup; struct __declspec(uuid("4e95244e-c6fc-3a86-8db7-1712454de3b6")) /* dual interface */ IIdentityPermissionFactory; struct __declspec(uuid("427e255d-af02-3b0d-8ce3-a2bb94ba300f")) /* dual interface */ IApplicationTrustManager; enum TrustManagerUIContext; struct /* coclass */ TrustManagerContext; struct /* coclass */ CodeConnectAccess; struct /* coclass */ NetCodeGroup; struct /* coclass */ PermissionRequestEvidence; struct /* coclass */ PolicyException; struct /* coclass */ PolicyLevel; enum PolicyStatementAttribute; struct /* coclass */ PolicyStatement; struct /* coclass */ Site; struct /* coclass */ SiteMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ StrongName; struct /* coclass */ StrongNameMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ UnionCodeGroup; struct /* coclass */ Url; struct /* coclass */ UrlMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ Zone; struct /* coclass */ ZoneMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ GacInstalled; struct /* coclass */ GacMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ Hash; struct /* coclass */ HashMembershipCondition; struct /* coclass */ Publisher; struct /* coclass */ PublisherMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("f4205a87-4d46-303d-b1d9-5a99f7c90d30")) /* dual interface */ IIdentity; struct /* coclass */ ClaimsIdentity; struct /* coclass */ GenericIdentity; struct __declspec(uuid("4283ca6c-d291-3481-83c9-9554481fe888")) /* dual interface */ IPrincipal; struct /* coclass */ ClaimsPrincipal; struct /* coclass */ GenericPrincipal; enum PrincipalPolicy; enum TokenAccessLevels; enum WindowsAccountType; enum TokenImpersonationLevel; struct /* coclass */ WindowsIdentity; struct /* coclass */ WindowsImpersonationContext; enum WindowsBuiltInRole; struct /* coclass */ WindowsPrincipal; struct ArrayWithOffset; struct /* coclass */ UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DispIdAttribute; enum ComInterfaceType; struct /* coclass */ InterfaceTypeAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute; enum ClassInterfaceType; struct /* coclass */ ClassInterfaceAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComVisibleAttribute; struct /* coclass */ TypeLibImportClassAttribute; struct /* coclass */ LCIDConversionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComRegisterFunctionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ProgIdAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute; enum IDispatchImplType; struct /* coclass */ IDispatchImplAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComSourceInterfacesAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComConversionLossAttribute; enum TypeLibTypeFlags; enum TypeLibFuncFlags; enum TypeLibVarFlags; struct /* coclass */ TypeLibTypeAttribute; struct /* coclass */ TypeLibFuncAttribute; struct /* coclass */ TypeLibVarAttribute; enum VarEnum; enum UnmanagedType; struct /* coclass */ MarshalAsAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComImportAttribute; struct /* coclass */ GuidAttribute; struct /* coclass */ PreserveSigAttribute; struct /* coclass */ InAttribute; struct /* coclass */ OutAttribute; struct /* coclass */ OptionalAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DllImportAttribute; struct /* coclass */ StructLayoutAttribute; struct /* coclass */ FieldOffsetAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComAliasNameAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AutomationProxyAttribute; struct /* coclass */ PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute; struct /* coclass */ CoClassAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComEventInterfaceAttribute; struct /* coclass */ TypeLibVersionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ComCompatibleVersionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ BestFitMappingAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DefaultCharSetAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute; enum CallingConvention; enum CharSet; struct /* coclass */ ExternalException; struct /* coclass */ COMException; enum GCHandleType; struct GCHandle; struct HandleRef; struct __declspec(uuid("601cd486-04bf-3213-9ea9-06ebe4351d74")) /* dual interface */ ICustomMarshaler; struct /* coclass */ InvalidOleVariantTypeException; enum LayoutKind; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c3bf76-c3e4-11d3-88e7-00902754c43a")) /* interface */ ITypeLibImporterNotifySink; struct /* coclass */ MarshalDirectiveException; struct /* coclass */ RuntimeEnvironment; struct /* coclass */ SEHException; struct /* coclass */ BStrWrapper; enum ComMemberType; struct /* coclass */ CurrencyWrapper; struct /* coclass */ DispatchWrapper; struct /* coclass */ ErrorWrapper; struct /* coclass */ ExtensibleClassFactory; struct __declspec(uuid("3cc86595-feb5-3ce9-ba14-d05c8dc3321c")) /* dual interface */ ICustomAdapter; struct __declspec(uuid("0ca9008e-ee90-356e-9f6d-b59e6006b9a4")) /* dual interface */ ICustomFactory; struct /* coclass */ InvalidComObjectException; enum AssemblyRegistrationFlags; struct __declspec(uuid("ccbd682c-73a5-4568-b8b0-c7007e11aba2")) /* dual interface */ IRegistrationServices; enum TypeLibImporterFlags; enum TypeLibExporterFlags; enum ImporterEventKind; enum ExporterEventKind; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c3bf77-c3e4-11d3-88e7-00902754c43a")) /* interface */ ITypeLibExporterNotifySink; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c3bf78-c3e4-11d3-88e7-00902754c43a")) /* interface */ ITypeLibConverter; struct __declspec(uuid("fa1f3615-acb9-486d-9eac-1bef87e36b09")) /* interface */ ITypeLibExporterNameProvider; struct /* coclass */ ObjectCreationDelegate; struct /* coclass */ RegistrationServices; struct /* coclass */ SafeArrayRankMismatchException; struct /* coclass */ SafeArrayTypeMismatchException; struct /* coclass */ TypeLibConverter; struct /* coclass */ UnknownWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("afbf15e6-c37c-11d2-b88e-00a0c9b471b8")) /* dual interface */ IExpando; struct /* coclass */ TextWriter; struct /* coclass */ Stream; struct /* coclass */ BinaryReader; struct /* coclass */ BinaryWriter; struct /* coclass */ BufferedStream; struct /* coclass */ Directory; struct /* coclass */ FileSystemInfo; struct /* coclass */ DirectoryInfo; enum SearchOption; struct /* coclass */ IOException; struct /* coclass */ DirectoryNotFoundException; enum DriveType; struct /* coclass */ DriveInfo; struct /* coclass */ DriveNotFoundException; struct /* coclass */ EndOfStreamException; struct /* coclass */ File; enum FileAccess; struct /* coclass */ FileInfo; struct /* coclass */ FileLoadException; enum FileMode; struct /* coclass */ FileNotFoundException; enum FileOptions; enum FileShare; struct /* coclass */ FileStream; enum FileAttributes; struct /* coclass */ MemoryStream; struct /* coclass */ Path; struct /* coclass */ PathTooLongException; enum SeekOrigin; struct /* coclass */ TextReader; struct /* coclass */ StreamReader; struct /* coclass */ StreamWriter; struct /* coclass */ StringReader; struct /* coclass */ StringWriter; struct /* coclass */ AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute; struct /* coclass */ CallConvCdecl; struct /* coclass */ CallConvStdcall; struct /* coclass */ CallConvThiscall; struct /* coclass */ CallConvFastcall; struct /* coclass */ CustomConstantAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DateTimeConstantAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DiscardableAttribute; struct /* coclass */ DecimalConstantAttribute; enum CompilationRelaxations; struct /* coclass */ CompilationRelaxationsAttribute; struct /* coclass */ CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute; struct /* coclass */ IndexerNameAttribute; struct /* coclass */ IsVolatile; enum MethodImplOptions; enum MethodCodeType; struct /* coclass */ MethodImplAttribute; struct /* coclass */ RequiredAttributeAttribute; struct /* coclass */ IsCopyConstructed; struct /* coclass */ NativeCppClassAttribute; struct /* coclass */ IDispatchConstantAttribute; struct /* coclass */ IUnknownConstantAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SecurityElement; struct /* coclass */ XmlSyntaxException; enum EnvironmentPermissionAccess; struct __declspec(uuid("a19b3fc6-d680-3dd4-a17a-f58a7d481494")) /* dual interface */ IPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("60fc57b0-4a46-32a0-a5b4-b05b0de8e781")) /* dual interface */ IStackWalk; struct /* coclass */ CodeAccessPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("0f1284e6-4399-3963-8ddd-a6a4904f66c8")) /* dual interface */ IUnrestrictedPermission; struct /* coclass */ EnvironmentPermission; enum FileDialogPermissionAccess; struct /* coclass */ FileDialogPermission; enum FileIOPermissionAccess; struct /* coclass */ FileIOPermission; enum HostProtectionResource; struct /* coclass */ SecurityAttribute; struct /* coclass */ CodeAccessSecurityAttribute; struct /* coclass */ HostProtectionAttribute; enum IsolatedStorageContainment; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStoragePermission; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStorageFilePermission; enum PermissionState; enum SecurityAction; struct /* coclass */ EnvironmentPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ FileDialogPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ FileIOPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ KeyContainerPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ PrincipalPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ReflectionPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ RegistryPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SecurityPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ UIPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ PermissionSetAttribute; enum ReflectionPermissionFlag; struct /* coclass */ ReflectionPermission; struct /* coclass */ PrincipalPermission; enum SecurityPermissionFlag; struct /* coclass */ SecurityPermission; struct /* coclass */ SiteIdentityPermission; struct /* coclass */ StrongNameIdentityPermission; struct /* coclass */ StrongNamePublicKeyBlob; enum UIPermissionWindow; enum UIPermissionClipboard; struct /* coclass */ UIPermission; struct /* coclass */ UrlIdentityPermission; struct /* coclass */ ZoneIdentityPermission; struct /* coclass */ GacIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct /* coclass */ GacIdentityPermission; enum KeyContainerPermissionFlags; struct /* coclass */ KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry; struct /* coclass */ KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection; struct /* coclass */ KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator; struct /* coclass */ KeyContainerPermission; struct /* coclass */ PublisherIdentityPermission; enum RegistryPermissionAccess; struct /* coclass */ RegistryPermission; struct /* coclass */ SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute; struct /* coclass */ UnverifiableCodeAttribute; struct /* coclass */ AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute; enum HostSecurityManagerOptions; struct /* coclass */ HostSecurityManager; struct /* coclass */ PermissionSet; struct /* coclass */ NamedPermissionSet; struct /* coclass */ SecurityException; struct /* coclass */ HostProtectionException; enum PolicyLevelType; struct /* coclass */ SecurityManager; enum SecurityZone; struct /* coclass */ VerificationException; struct __declspec(uuid("4a68baa3-27aa-314a-bdbb-6ae9bdfc0420")) /* dual interface */ IContextAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("f01d896d-8d5f-3235-be59-20e1e10dc22a")) /* dual interface */ IContextProperty; struct /* coclass */ ContextAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c02bbb79-5aa8-390d-927f-717b7bff06a1")) /* dual interface */ IActivator; struct __declspec(uuid("941f8aaa-a353-3b1d-a019-12e44377f1cd")) /* dual interface */ IMessageSink; struct /* coclass */ AsyncResult; struct /* coclass */ ChannelServices; struct __declspec(uuid("3afab213-f5a2-3241-93ba-329ea4ba8016")) /* dual interface */ IClientResponseChannelSinkStack; struct __declspec(uuid("3a5fde6b-db46-34e8-bacd-16ea5a440540")) /* dual interface */ IClientChannelSinkStack; struct /* coclass */ ClientChannelSinkStack; struct __declspec(uuid("9be679a6-61fd-38fc-a7b2-89982d33338b")) /* dual interface */ IServerResponseChannelSinkStack; struct __declspec(uuid("e694a733-768d-314d-b317-dcead136b11d")) /* dual interface */ IServerChannelSinkStack; struct /* coclass */ ServerChannelSinkStack; struct __declspec(uuid("675591af-0508-3131-a7cc-287d265ca7d6")) /* dual interface */ ISponsor; struct /* coclass */ ClientSponsor; enum WellKnownObjectMode; struct /* coclass */ CrossContextDelegate; struct /* coclass */ Context; struct /* coclass */ ContextProperty; struct __declspec(uuid("7197b56b-5fa1-31ef-b38b-62fee737277f")) /* dual interface */ IContextPropertyActivator; struct __declspec(uuid("563581e8-c86d-39e2-b2e8-6c23f7987a4b")) /* dual interface */ IChannel; struct __declspec(uuid("10f1d605-e201-3145-b7ae-3ad746701986")) /* dual interface */ IChannelSender; struct __declspec(uuid("48ad41da-0872-31da-9887-f81f213527e6")) /* dual interface */ IChannelReceiver; struct __declspec(uuid("7dd6e975-24ea-323c-a98c-0fde96f9c4e6")) /* dual interface */ IServerChannelSinkProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("308de042-acc8-32f8-b632-7cb9799d9aa6")) /* dual interface */ IChannelSinkBase; struct __declspec(uuid("21b5f37b-bef3-354c-8f84-0f9f0863f5c5")) /* dual interface */ IServerChannelSink; struct /* coclass */ EnterpriseServicesHelper; enum ActivatorLevel; struct __declspec(uuid("1a8b0de6-b825-38c5-b744-8f93075fd6fa")) /* dual interface */ IMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("8e5e0b95-750e-310d-892c-8ca7231cf75b")) /* dual interface */ IMethodMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("b90efaa6-25e4-33d2-aca3-94bf74dc4ab9")) /* dual interface */ IMethodCallMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("fa28e3af-7d09-31d5-beeb-7f2626497cde")) /* dual interface */ IConstructionCallMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("f617690a-55f4-36af-9149-d199831f8594")) /* dual interface */ IMethodReturnMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("ca0ab564-f5e9-3a7f-a80b-eb0aeefa44e9")) /* dual interface */ IConstructionReturnMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("3a02d3f7-3f40-3022-853d-cfda765182fe")) /* dual interface */ IChannelReceiverHook; struct __declspec(uuid("3f8742c2-ac57-3440-a283-fe5ff4c75025")) /* dual interface */ IClientChannelSinkProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("6d94b6f3-da91-3c2f-b876-083769667468")) /* dual interface */ IClientFormatterSinkProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("042b5200-4317-3e4d-b653-7e9a08f1a5f2")) /* dual interface */ IServerFormatterSinkProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("ff726320-6b92-3e6c-aaac-f97063d0b142")) /* dual interface */ IClientChannelSink; enum ServerProcessing; struct __declspec(uuid("46527c03-b144-3cf0-86b3-b8776148a6e9")) /* dual interface */ IClientFormatterSink; struct __declspec(uuid("1e250ccd-dc30-3217-a7e4-148f375a0088")) /* dual interface */ IChannelDataStore; struct /* coclass */ ChannelDataStore; struct __declspec(uuid("1ac82fbe-4ff0-383c-bbfd-fe40ecb3628d")) /* dual interface */ ITransportHeaders; struct /* coclass */ TransportHeaders; struct /* coclass */ SinkProviderData; struct /* coclass */ BaseChannelObjectWithProperties; struct /* coclass */ BaseChannelSinkWithProperties; struct /* coclass */ BaseChannelWithProperties; struct __declspec(uuid("4db956b7-69d0-312a-aa75-44fb55fd5d4b")) /* dual interface */ IContributeClientContextSink; struct __declspec(uuid("a0fe9b86-0c06-32ce-85fa-2ff1b58697fb")) /* dual interface */ IContributeDynamicSink; struct __declspec(uuid("124777b6-0308-3569-97e5-e6fe88eae4eb")) /* dual interface */ IContributeEnvoySink; struct __declspec(uuid("6a5d38bc-2789-3546-81a1-f10c0fb59366")) /* dual interface */ IContributeObjectSink; struct __declspec(uuid("0caa23ec-f78c-39c9-8d25-b7a9ce4097a7")) /* dual interface */ IContributeServerContextSink; struct __declspec(uuid("00a358d4-4d58-3b9d-8fb6-fb7f6bc1713b")) /* dual interface */ IDynamicProperty; struct __declspec(uuid("c74076bb-8a2d-3c20-a542-625329e9af04")) /* dual interface */ IDynamicMessageSink; struct __declspec(uuid("53a561f2-cbbf-3748-bffe-2180002db3df")) /* dual interface */ ILease; struct __declspec(uuid("3677cbb0-784d-3c15-bbc8-75cd7dc3901e")) /* dual interface */ IMessageCtrl; struct __declspec(uuid("ae1850fd-3596-3727-a242-2fc31c5a0312")) /* dual interface */ IRemotingFormatter; enum LeaseState; struct /* coclass */ LifetimeServices; struct /* coclass */ ReturnMessage; struct /* coclass */ MethodCall; struct /* coclass */ ConstructionCall; struct /* coclass */ MethodResponse; struct __declspec(uuid("cc18fd4d-aa2d-3ab4-9848-584bbae4ab44")) /* dual interface */ IFieldInfo; struct /* coclass */ ConstructionResponse; struct /* coclass */ InternalMessageWrapper; struct /* coclass */ MethodCallMessageWrapper; struct /* coclass */ MethodReturnMessageWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("c09effa9-1ffe-3a52-a733-6236cbc45e7b")) /* dual interface */ IRemotingTypeInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("855e6566-014a-3fe8-aa70-1eac771e3a88")) /* dual interface */ IChannelInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("2a6e91b9-a874-38e4-99c2-c5d83d78140d")) /* dual interface */ IEnvoyInfo; struct /* coclass */ ObjRef; struct /* coclass */ OneWayAttribute; struct /* coclass */ ProxyAttribute; struct /* coclass */ RealProxy; enum SoapOption; enum XmlFieldOrderOption; struct /* coclass */ SoapAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SoapTypeAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SoapMethodAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SoapFieldAttribute; struct /* coclass */ SoapParameterAttribute; struct /* coclass */ RemotingConfiguration; struct /* coclass */ TypeEntry; struct /* coclass */ ActivatedClientTypeEntry; struct /* coclass */ ActivatedServiceTypeEntry; struct /* coclass */ WellKnownClientTypeEntry; struct /* coclass */ WellKnownServiceTypeEntry; enum CustomErrorsModes; struct /* coclass */ RemotingException; struct /* coclass */ ServerException; struct /* coclass */ RemotingTimeoutException; struct /* coclass */ RemotingServices; struct /* coclass */ InternalRemotingServices; struct /* coclass */ MessageSurrogateFilter; struct /* coclass */ RemotingSurrogateSelector; struct /* coclass */ SoapServices; struct __declspec(uuid("80031d2a-ad59-3fb4-97f3-b864d71da86b")) /* dual interface */ ISoapXsd; struct /* coclass */ SoapDateTime; struct /* coclass */ SoapDuration; struct /* coclass */ SoapTime; struct /* coclass */ SoapDate; struct /* coclass */ SoapYearMonth; struct /* coclass */ SoapYear; struct /* coclass */ SoapMonthDay; struct /* coclass */ SoapDay; struct /* coclass */ SoapMonth; struct /* coclass */ SoapHexBinary; struct /* coclass */ SoapBase64Binary; struct /* coclass */ SoapInteger; struct /* coclass */ SoapPositiveInteger; struct /* coclass */ SoapNonPositiveInteger; struct /* coclass */ SoapNonNegativeInteger; struct /* coclass */ SoapNegativeInteger; struct /* coclass */ SoapAnyUri; struct /* coclass */ SoapQName; struct /* coclass */ SoapNotation; struct /* coclass */ SoapNormalizedString; struct /* coclass */ SoapToken; struct /* coclass */ SoapLanguage; struct /* coclass */ SoapName; struct /* coclass */ SoapIdrefs; struct /* coclass */ SoapEntities; struct /* coclass */ SoapNmtoken; struct /* coclass */ SoapNmtokens; struct /* coclass */ SoapNcName; struct /* coclass */ SoapId; struct /* coclass */ SoapIdref; struct /* coclass */ SoapEntity; struct /* coclass */ SynchronizationAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("03ec7d10-17a5-3585-9a2e-0596fcac3870")) /* dual interface */ ITrackingHandler; struct /* coclass */ TrackingServices; struct /* coclass */ UrlAttribute; struct /* coclass */ Header; struct /* coclass */ HeaderHandler; struct /* coclass */ CallContext; struct __declspec(uuid("4d125449-ba27-3927-8589-3e1b34b622e5")) /* dual interface */ ILogicalThreadAffinative; struct /* coclass */ LogicalCallContext; struct /* coclass */ ObjectHandle; enum IsolatedStorageScope; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStorage; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStorageFileStream; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStorageException; struct __declspec(uuid("f5006531-d4d7-319e-9eda-9b4b65ad8d4f")) /* dual interface */ INormalizeForIsolatedStorage; struct /* coclass */ IsolatedStorageFile; enum FormatterTypeStyle; enum FormatterAssemblyStyle; enum TypeFilterLevel; struct __declspec(uuid("e699146c-7793-3455-9bef-964c90d8f995")) /* dual interface */ ISoapMessage; struct /* coclass */ InternalRM; struct /* coclass */ InternalST; struct /* coclass */ SoapMessage; struct /* coclass */ SoapFault; struct /* coclass */ ServerFault; struct /* coclass */ BinaryFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("bebb2505-8b54-3443-aead-142a16dd9cc7")) /* interface */ _AssemblyBuilder; struct /* coclass */ AssemblyBuilder; enum AssemblyBuilderAccess; struct __declspec(uuid("ed3e4384-d7e2-3fa7-8ffd-8940d330519a")) /* interface */ _ConstructorBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("be9acce8-aaff-3b91-81ae-8211663f5cad")) /* interface */ _CustomAttributeBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("c7bd73de-9f85-3290-88ee-090b8bdfe2df")) /* interface */ _EnumBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("aadaba99-895d-3d65-9760-b1f12621fae8")) /* interface */ _EventBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("ce1a3bf5-975e-30cc-97c9-1ef70f8f3993")) /* interface */ _FieldBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("a4924b27-6e3b-37f7-9b83-a4501955e6a7")) /* interface */ _ILGenerator; struct __declspec(uuid("4e6350d1-a08b-3dec-9a3e-c465f9aeec0c")) /* interface */ _LocalBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("007d8a14-fdf3-363e-9a0b-fec0618260a2")) /* interface */ _MethodBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("c2323c25-f57f-3880-8a4d-12ebea7a5852")) /* interface */ _MethodRental; struct __declspec(uuid("d05ffa9a-04af-3519-8ee1-8d93ad73430b")) /* interface */ _ModuleBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("36329eba-f97a-3565-bc07-0ed5c6ef19fc")) /* interface */ _ParameterBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("15f9a479-9397-3a63-acbd-f51977fb0f02")) /* interface */ _PropertyBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("7d13dd37-5a04-393c-bbca-a5fea802893d")) /* interface */ _SignatureHelper; struct __declspec(uuid("7e5678ee-48b3-3f83-b076-c58543498a58")) /* interface */ _TypeBuilder; struct /* coclass */ ConstructorBuilder; struct /* coclass */ ILGenerator; struct /* coclass */ DynamicILInfo; struct /* coclass */ DynamicMethod; struct /* coclass */ EventBuilder; struct EventToken; struct /* coclass */ FieldBuilder; struct FieldToken; struct Label; struct /* coclass */ LocalBuilder; struct /* coclass */ MethodBuilder; struct /* coclass */ CustomAttributeBuilder; struct /* coclass */ MethodRental; struct MethodToken; struct /* coclass */ ModuleBuilder; enum PEFileKinds; struct /* coclass */ OpCodes; struct OpCode; enum OpCodeType; enum StackBehaviour; enum OperandType; enum FlowControl; struct /* coclass */ ParameterBuilder; struct ParameterToken; struct /* coclass */ PropertyBuilder; struct PropertyToken; struct /* coclass */ SignatureHelper; struct SignatureToken; struct StringToken; enum PackingSize; struct /* coclass */ TypeBuilder; struct /* coclass */ GenericTypeParameterBuilder; struct /* coclass */ EnumBuilder; struct TypeToken; struct /* coclass */ UnmanagedMarshal; struct AssemblyHash; enum AssemblyHashAlgorithm; enum AssemblyVersionCompatibility; enum CipherMode; enum PaddingMode; struct /* coclass */ KeySizes; struct /* coclass */ CryptographicException; struct /* coclass */ CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException; struct __declspec(uuid("8abad867-f515-3cf6-bb62-5f0c88b3bb11")) /* dual interface */ ICryptoTransform; struct /* coclass */ RandomNumberGenerator; struct /* coclass */ RNGCryptoServiceProvider; struct /* coclass */ SymmetricAlgorithm; struct /* coclass */ AsymmetricAlgorithm; struct /* coclass */ AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter; struct /* coclass */ AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter; struct /* coclass */ AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter; struct /* coclass */ AsymmetricSignatureFormatter; enum FromBase64TransformMode; struct /* coclass */ ToBase64Transform; struct /* coclass */ FromBase64Transform; struct /* coclass */ CryptoAPITransform; enum CspProviderFlags; struct /* coclass */ CspParameters; struct /* coclass */ CryptoConfig; enum CryptoStreamMode; struct /* coclass */ CryptoStream; struct /* coclass */ DES; struct /* coclass */ DESCryptoServiceProvider; struct /* coclass */ DeriveBytes; struct DSAParameters; struct /* coclass */ DSA; struct __declspec(uuid("494a7583-190e-3693-9ec4-de54dc6a84a2")) /* dual interface */ ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm; struct /* coclass */ DSACryptoServiceProvider; struct /* coclass */ DSASignatureDeformatter; struct /* coclass */ DSASignatureFormatter; struct /* coclass */ HashAlgorithm; struct /* coclass */ KeyedHashAlgorithm; struct /* coclass */ HMAC; struct /* coclass */ HMACMD5; struct /* coclass */ HMACRIPEMD160; struct /* coclass */ HMACSHA1; struct /* coclass */ HMACSHA256; struct /* coclass */ HMACSHA384; struct /* coclass */ HMACSHA512; enum KeyNumber; struct /* coclass */ CspKeyContainerInfo; struct /* coclass */ MACTripleDES; struct /* coclass */ MD5; struct /* coclass */ MD5CryptoServiceProvider; struct /* coclass */ MaskGenerationMethod; struct /* coclass */ PasswordDeriveBytes; struct /* coclass */ PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod; struct /* coclass */ RC2; struct /* coclass */ RC2CryptoServiceProvider; struct /* coclass */ Rfc2898DeriveBytes; struct /* coclass */ RIPEMD160; struct /* coclass */ RIPEMD160Managed; struct RSAParameters; struct /* coclass */ RSA; struct /* coclass */ RSACryptoServiceProvider; struct /* coclass */ RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter; struct /* coclass */ RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter; struct /* coclass */ RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter; struct /* coclass */ RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter; struct /* coclass */ RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter; struct /* coclass */ RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter; struct /* coclass */ Rijndael; struct /* coclass */ RijndaelManaged; struct /* coclass */ RijndaelManagedTransform; struct /* coclass */ SHA1; struct /* coclass */ SHA1CryptoServiceProvider; struct /* coclass */ SHA1Managed; struct /* coclass */ SHA256; struct /* coclass */ SHA256Managed; struct /* coclass */ SHA384; struct /* coclass */ SHA384Managed; struct /* coclass */ SHA512; struct /* coclass */ SHA512Managed; struct /* coclass */ SignatureDescription; struct /* coclass */ TripleDES; struct /* coclass */ TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider; enum X509ContentType; enum X509KeyStorageFlags; struct /* coclass */ X509Certificate; enum SpecialFolder; enum DebuggingModes; struct __declspec(uuid("65074f7f-63c0-304e-af0a-d51741cb4a8d")) /* dual interface */ _Object; struct __declspec(uuid("139e041d-0e41-39f5-a302-c4387e9d0a6c")) /* dual interface */ _ValueType; struct __declspec(uuid("d09d1e04-d590-39a3-b517-b734a49a9277")) /* dual interface */ _Enum; struct __declspec(uuid("fb6ab00f-5096-3af8-a33d-d7885a5fa829")) /* dual interface */ _Delegate; struct __declspec(uuid("16fe0885-9129-3884-a232-90b58c5b2aa9")) /* dual interface */ _MulticastDelegate; struct __declspec(uuid("2b67cece-71c3-36a9-a136-925ccc1935a8")) /* dual interface */ _Array; struct __declspec(uuid("36936699-fc79-324d-ab43-e33c1f94e263")) /* dual interface */ _String; struct __declspec(uuid("7499e7e8-df01-3948-b8d4-fa4b9661d36b")) /* dual interface */ _StringComparer; struct __declspec(uuid("9fb09782-8d39-3b0c-b79e-f7a37a65b3da")) /* dual interface */ _StringBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("4c482cc2-68e9-37c6-8353-9a94bd2d7f0b")) /* dual interface */ _SystemException; struct __declspec(uuid("cf3edb7e-0574-3383-a44f-292f7c145db4")) /* dual interface */ _OutOfMemoryException; struct __declspec(uuid("9cf4339a-2911-3b8a-8f30-e5c6b5be9a29")) /* dual interface */ _StackOverflowException; struct __declspec(uuid("152a6b4d-09af-3edf-8cba-11797eeeea4e")) /* dual interface */ _DataMisalignedException; struct __declspec(uuid("ccf0139c-79f7-3d0a-affe-2b0762c65b07")) /* dual interface */ _ExecutionEngineException; struct __declspec(uuid("7eaba4e2-1259-3cf2-b084-9854278e5897")) /* dual interface */ _MemberAccessException; struct __declspec(uuid("13ef674a-6327-3caf-8772-fa0395612669")) /* dual interface */ _AccessViolationException; struct __declspec(uuid("d1204423-01f0-336a-8911-a7e8fbe185a3")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationActivator; struct __declspec(uuid("d81130bf-d627-3b91-a7c7-cea597093464")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationException; struct __declspec(uuid("1f9ec719-343a-3cb3-8040-3927626777c1")) /* dual interface */ _EventArgs; struct __declspec(uuid("98947cf0-77e7-328e-b709-5dd1aa1c9c96")) /* dual interface */ _ResolveEventArgs; struct __declspec(uuid("7a0325f0-22c2-31f9-8823-9b8aee9456b1")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyLoadEventArgs; struct __declspec(uuid("8e54a9cc-7aa4-34ca-985b-bd7d7527b110")) /* dual interface */ _ResolveEventHandler; struct __declspec(uuid("deece11f-a893-3e35-a4c3-dab7fa0911eb")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyLoadEventHandler; struct __declspec(uuid("5e6f9edb-3ce1-3a56-86d9-cd2ddf7a6fff")) /* dual interface */ _AppDomainInitializer; struct __declspec(uuid("2c358e27-8c1a-3c03-b086-a40465625557")) /* dual interface */ _MarshalByRefObject; struct __declspec(uuid("af93163f-c2f4-3fab-9ff1-728a7aaad1cb")) /* dual interface */ _CrossAppDomainDelegate; struct __declspec(uuid("63e53e04-d31b-3099-9f0c-c7a1c883c1d9")) /* dual interface */ _AppDomainManager; struct __declspec(uuid("ce59d7ad-05ca-33b4-a1dd-06028d46e9d2")) /* dual interface */ _LoaderOptimizationAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("6e96aa70-9ffb-399d-96bf-a68436095c54")) /* dual interface */ _AppDomainUnloadedException; struct __declspec(uuid("f4b8d231-6028-39ef-b017-72988a3f6766")) /* dual interface */ _EvidenceBase; struct __declspec(uuid("cfd9ca27-f0ba-388a-acde-b7e20fcad79c")) /* dual interface */ _ActivationArguments; struct __declspec(uuid("2f218f95-4215-3cc6-8a51-bd2770c090e4")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationId; struct __declspec(uuid("4db2c2b7-cbc2-3185-b966-875d4625b1a8")) /* dual interface */ _ArgumentException; struct __declspec(uuid("c991949b-e623-3f24-885c-bbb01ff43564")) /* dual interface */ _ArgumentNullException; struct __declspec(uuid("77da3028-bc45-3e82-bf76-2c123ee2c021")) /* dual interface */ _ArgumentOutOfRangeException; struct __declspec(uuid("9b012cf1-acf6-3389-a336-c023040c62a2")) /* dual interface */ _ArithmeticException; struct __declspec(uuid("dd7488a6-1b3f-3823-9556-c2772b15150f")) /* dual interface */ _ArrayTypeMismatchException; struct __declspec(uuid("3612706e-0239-35fd-b900-0819d16d442d")) /* dual interface */ _AsyncCallback; struct __declspec(uuid("a902a192-49ba-3ec8-b444-af5f7743f61a")) /* dual interface */ _AttributeUsageAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("f98bce04-4a4b-398c-a512-fd8348d51e3b")) /* dual interface */ _BadImageFormatException; struct __declspec(uuid("f036bca4-f8df-3682-8290-75285ce7456c")) /* dual interface */ _Buffer; struct __declspec(uuid("6d4b6adb-b9fa-3809-b5ea-fa57b56c546f")) /* dual interface */ _CannotUnloadAppDomainException; struct __declspec(uuid("1dd627fc-89e3-384f-bb9d-58cb4efb9456")) /* dual interface */ _CharEnumerator; struct __declspec(uuid("bf1af177-94ca-3e6d-9d91-55cf9e859d22")) /* dual interface */ _CLSCompliantAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c2a10f3a-356a-3c77-aab9-8991d73a2561")) /* dual interface */ _TypeUnloadedException; struct __declspec(uuid("6b3f9834-1725-38c5-955e-20f051d067bd")) /* dual interface */ _CriticalFinalizerObject; struct __declspec(uuid("7386f4d7-7c11-389f-bb75-895714b12bb5")) /* dual interface */ _ContextMarshalException; struct __declspec(uuid("3eb1d909-e8bf-3c6b-ada5-0e86e31e186e")) /* dual interface */ _ContextBoundObject; struct __declspec(uuid("160d517f-f175-3b61-8264-6d2305b8246c")) /* dual interface */ _ContextStaticAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("3025f666-7891-33d7-aacd-23d169ef354e")) /* dual interface */ _TimeZone; struct __declspec(uuid("0d9f1b65-6d27-3e9f-baf3-0597837e0f33")) /* dual interface */ _DBNull; struct __declspec(uuid("3169ab11-7109-3808-9a61-ef4ba0534fd9")) /* dual interface */ _Binder; struct __declspec(uuid("bdeea460-8241-3b41-9ed3-6e3e9977ac7f")) /* dual interface */ _DivideByZeroException; struct __declspec(uuid("d345a42b-cfe0-3eee-861c-f3322812b388")) /* dual interface */ _DuplicateWaitObjectException; struct __declspec(uuid("82d6b3bf-a633-3b3b-a09e-2363e4b24a41")) /* dual interface */ _TypeLoadException; struct __declspec(uuid("67388f3f-b600-3bcf-84aa-bb2b88dd9ee2")) /* dual interface */ _EntryPointNotFoundException; struct __declspec(uuid("24ae6464-2834-32cd-83d6-fa06953de62a")) /* dual interface */ _DllNotFoundException; struct __declspec(uuid("29dc56cf-b981-3432-97c8-3680ab6d862d")) /* dual interface */ _Environment; struct __declspec(uuid("7cefc46e-16e0-3e65-9c38-55b4342ba7f0")) /* dual interface */ _EventHandler; struct __declspec(uuid("8d5f5811-ffa1-3306-93e3-8afc572b9b82")) /* dual interface */ _FieldAccessException; struct __declspec(uuid("ebe3746d-ddec-3d23-8e8d-9361ba87bac6")) /* dual interface */ _FlagsAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("07f92156-398a-3548-90b7-2e58026353d0")) /* dual interface */ _FormatException; struct __declspec(uuid("e5a5f1e4-82c1-391f-a1c6-f39eae9dc72f")) /* dual interface */ _IndexOutOfRangeException; struct __declspec(uuid("fa047cbd-9ba5-3a13-9b1f-6694d622cd76")) /* dual interface */ _InvalidCastException; struct __declspec(uuid("8d520d10-0b8a-3553-8874-d30a4ad2ff4c")) /* dual interface */ _InvalidOperationException; struct __declspec(uuid("3410e0fb-636f-3cd1-8045-3993ca113f25")) /* dual interface */ _InvalidProgramException; struct __declspec(uuid("dc77f976-318d-3a1a-9b60-abb9dd9406d6")) /* dual interface */ _LocalDataStoreSlot; struct __declspec(uuid("ff0bf77d-8f81-3d31-a3bb-6f54440fa7e5")) /* dual interface */ _MethodAccessException; struct __declspec(uuid("8897d14b-7fb3-3d8b-9ee4-221c3dbad6fe")) /* dual interface */ _MissingMemberException; struct __declspec(uuid("9717176d-1179-3487-8849-cf5f63de356e")) /* dual interface */ _MissingFieldException; struct __declspec(uuid("e5c659f6-92c8-3887-a07e-74d0d9c6267a")) /* dual interface */ _MissingMethodException; struct __declspec(uuid("d2ba71cc-1b3d-3966-a0d7-c61e957ad325")) /* dual interface */ _MulticastNotSupportedException; struct __declspec(uuid("665c9669-b9c6-3add-9213-099f0127c893")) /* dual interface */ _NonSerializedAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("8e21ce22-4f17-347b-b3b5-6a6df3e0e58a")) /* dual interface */ _NotFiniteNumberException; struct __declspec(uuid("1e4d31a2-63ea-397a-a77e-b20ad87a9614")) /* dual interface */ _NotImplementedException; struct __declspec(uuid("40e5451f-b237-33f8-945b-0230db700bbb")) /* dual interface */ _NotSupportedException; struct __declspec(uuid("ecbe2313-cf41-34b4-9fd0-b6cd602b023f")) /* dual interface */ _NullReferenceException; struct __declspec(uuid("17b730ba-45ef-3ddf-9f8d-a490bac731f4")) /* dual interface */ _ObjectDisposedException; struct __declspec(uuid("e84307be-3036-307a-acc2-5d5de8a006a8")) /* dual interface */ _ObsoleteAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("9e230640-a5d0-30e1-b217-9d2b6cc0fc40")) /* dual interface */ _OperatingSystem; struct __declspec(uuid("9df9af5a-7853-3d55-9b48-bd1f5d8367ab")) /* dual interface */ _OperationCanceledException; struct __declspec(uuid("37c69a5d-7619-3a0f-a96b-9c9578ae00ef")) /* dual interface */ _OverflowException; struct __declspec(uuid("d54500ae-8cf4-3092-9054-90dc91ac65c9")) /* dual interface */ _ParamArrayAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("1eb8340b-8190-3d9d-92f8-51244b9804c5")) /* dual interface */ _PlatformNotSupportedException; struct __declspec(uuid("0f240708-629a-31ab-94a5-2bb476fe1783")) /* dual interface */ _Random; struct __declspec(uuid("871ddc46-b68e-3fee-a09a-c808b0f827e6")) /* dual interface */ _RankException; struct __declspec(uuid("0c4e9393-dab1-3f92-b36b-d9b958acaaf9")) /* dual interface */ _TypeInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("1b96e53c-4028-38bc-9dc3-8d7a9555c311")) /* dual interface */ _SerializableAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("85d72f83-be91-3cb1-b4f0-76b56ff04033")) /* dual interface */ _STAThreadAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c02468d1-8713-3225-bda3-49b2fe37ddbb")) /* dual interface */ _MTAThreadAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("7ab88ca9-17f4-385e-ad41-4ee0aa316fa1")) /* dual interface */ _TimeoutException; struct __declspec(uuid("feb0323d-8ce4-36a4-a41e-0ba0c32e1a6a")) /* dual interface */ _TypeInitializationException; struct __declspec(uuid("6193c5f6-6807-3561-a7f3-b64c80b5f00f")) /* dual interface */ _UnauthorizedAccessException; struct __declspec(uuid("a218e20a-0905-3741-b0b3-9e3193162e50")) /* dual interface */ _UnhandledExceptionEventArgs; struct __declspec(uuid("84199e64-439c-3011-b249-3c9065735adb")) /* dual interface */ _UnhandledExceptionEventHandler; struct __declspec(uuid("011a90c5-4910-3c29-bbb7-50d05ccbaa4a")) /* dual interface */ _Version; struct __declspec(uuid("c5df3568-c251-3c58-afb4-32e79e8261f0")) /* dual interface */ _WeakReference; struct __declspec(uuid("40dfc50a-e93a-3c08-b9ef-e2b4f28b5676")) /* dual interface */ _WaitHandle; struct __declspec(uuid("e142db4a-1a52-34ce-965e-13affd5447d0")) /* dual interface */ _EventWaitHandle; struct __declspec(uuid("3f243ebd-612f-3db8-9e03-bd92343a8371")) /* dual interface */ _AutoResetEvent; struct __declspec(uuid("56d201f1-3e5d-39d9-b5de-064710818905")) /* dual interface */ _ContextCallback; struct __declspec(uuid("c0bb9361-268f-3e72-bf6f-4120175a1500")) /* dual interface */ _ManualResetEvent; struct __declspec(uuid("ee22485e-4c45-3c9d-9027-a8d61c5f53f2")) /* dual interface */ _Monitor; struct __declspec(uuid("36cb559b-87c6-3ad2-9225-62a7ed499b37")) /* dual interface */ _Mutex; struct __declspec(uuid("dd846fcc-8d04-3665-81b6-aacbe99c19c3")) /* dual interface */ _Overlapped; struct __declspec(uuid("ad89b568-4fd4-3f8d-8327-b396b20a460e")) /* dual interface */ _ReaderWriterLock; struct __declspec(uuid("87f55344-17e0-30fd-8eb9-38eaf6a19b3f")) /* dual interface */ _SynchronizationLockException; struct __declspec(uuid("95b525db-6b81-3cdc-8fe7-713f7fc793c0")) /* dual interface */ _ThreadAbortException; struct __declspec(uuid("b9e07599-7c44-33be-a70e-efa16f51f54a")) /* dual interface */ _ThreadInterruptedException; struct __declspec(uuid("64409425-f8c9-370e-809e-3241ce804541")) /* dual interface */ _RegisteredWaitHandle; struct __declspec(uuid("ce949142-4d4c-358d-89a9-e69a531aa363")) /* dual interface */ _WaitCallback; struct __declspec(uuid("f078f795-f452-3d2d-8cc8-16d66ae46c67")) /* dual interface */ _WaitOrTimerCallback; struct __declspec(uuid("bbae942d-bff4-36e2-a3bc-508bb3801f4f")) /* dual interface */ _IOCompletionCallback; struct __declspec(uuid("b45bbd7e-a977-3f56-a626-7a693e5dbbc5")) /* dual interface */ _ThreadStart; struct __declspec(uuid("a13a41cf-e066-3b90-82f4-73109104e348")) /* dual interface */ _ThreadStateException; struct __declspec(uuid("a6b94b6d-854e-3172-a4ec-a17edd16f85e")) /* dual interface */ _ThreadStaticAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("81456e86-22af-31d1-a91a-9c370c0e2530")) /* dual interface */ _Timeout; struct __declspec(uuid("3741bc6f-101b-36d7-a9d5-03fcc0ecda35")) /* dual interface */ _TimerCallback; struct __declspec(uuid("b49a029b-406b-3b1e-88e4-f86690d20364")) /* dual interface */ _Timer; struct __declspec(uuid("ea6795ac-97d6-3377-be64-829abd67607b")) /* dual interface */ _CaseInsensitiveComparer; struct __declspec(uuid("0422b845-b636-3688-8f61-9b6d93096336")) /* dual interface */ _CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("b7d29e26-7798-3fa4-90f4-e6a22d2099f9")) /* dual interface */ _CollectionBase; struct __declspec(uuid("ddd44da2-bc6b-3620-9317-c0372968c741")) /* dual interface */ _DictionaryBase; struct __declspec(uuid("bd32d878-a59b-3e5c-bfe0-a96b1a1e9d6f")) /* dual interface */ _ReadOnlyCollectionBase; struct __declspec(uuid("3a7d3ca4-b7d1-3a2a-800c-8fc2acfcbda4")) /* dual interface */ _Queue; struct __declspec(uuid("401f89cb-c127-3041-82fd-b67035395c56")) /* dual interface */ _ArrayList; struct __declspec(uuid("f145c46a-d170-3170-b52f-4678dfca0300")) /* dual interface */ _BitArray; struct __declspec(uuid("ab538809-3c2f-35d9-80e6-7bad540484a1")) /* dual interface */ _Stack; struct __declspec(uuid("8064a157-b5c8-3a4a-ad3d-02dc1a39c417")) /* dual interface */ _Comparer; struct __declspec(uuid("d25a197e-3e69-3271-a989-23d85e97f920")) /* dual interface */ _Hashtable; struct __declspec(uuid("56421139-a143-3ae9-9852-1dbdfe3d6bfa")) /* dual interface */ _SortedList; struct __declspec(uuid("84e7ac09-795a-3ea9-a36a-5b81ebab0558")) /* dual interface */ _Nullable; struct __declspec(uuid("8039c41f-4399-38a2-99b7-d234b5cf7a7b")) /* dual interface */ _KeyNotFoundException; struct __declspec(uuid("e40a025c-645b-3c8e-a1ac-9c5cca279625")) /* dual interface */ _ConditionalAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a9b4786c-08e3-344f-a651-2f9926deac5e")) /* dual interface */ _Debugger; struct __declspec(uuid("3344e8b4-a5c3-3882-8d30-63792485eccf")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerStepThroughAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("b3276180-b23e-3034-b18f-e0122ba4e4cf")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("55b6903b-55fe-35e0-804f-e42a096d2eb0")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerHiddenAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("cc6dcafd-0185-308a-891c-83812fe574e7")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("428e3627-2b1f-302c-a7e6-6388cd535e75")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggableAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a3fc6319-7355-3d7d-8621-b598561152fc")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerBrowsableAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("404fafdd-1e3f-3602-bff6-755c00613ed8")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("22fdabc0-eec7-33e0-b4f2-f3b739e19a5e")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerDisplayAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("e19ea1a2-67ff-31a5-b95c-e0b753403f6b")) /* dual interface */ _DebuggerVisualizerAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("9a2669ec-ff84-3726-89a0-663a3ef3b5cd")) /* dual interface */ _StackTrace; struct __declspec(uuid("0e9b8e47-ca67-38b6-b9db-2c42ee757b08")) /* dual interface */ _StackFrame; struct __declspec(uuid("5141d79c-7b01-37da-b7e9-53e5a271baf8")) /* dual interface */ _SymDocumentType; struct __declspec(uuid("22bb8891-fd21-313d-92e4-8a892dc0b39c")) /* dual interface */ _SymLanguageType; struct __declspec(uuid("01364e7b-c983-3651-b7d8-fd1b64fc0e00")) /* dual interface */ _SymLanguageVendor; struct __declspec(uuid("81aa0d59-c3b1-36a3-b2e7-054928fbfc1a")) /* dual interface */ _AmbiguousMatchException; struct __declspec(uuid("05532e88-e0f2-3263-9b57-805ac6b6bb72")) /* dual interface */ _ModuleResolveEventHandler; struct __declspec(uuid("6163f792-3cd6-38f1-b5f7-000b96a5082b")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyCopyrightAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("64c26bf9-c9e5-3f66-ad74-bebaade36214")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyTrademarkAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("de10d587-a188-3dcb-8000-92dfdb9b8021")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyProductAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c6802233-ef82-3c91-ad72-b3a5d7230ed5")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyCompanyAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("6b2c0bc4-ddb7-38ea-8a86-f0b59e192816")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyDescriptionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("df44cad3-cef2-36a9-b013-383cc03177d7")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyTitleAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("746d1d1e-ee37-393b-b6fa-e387d37553aa")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyConfigurationAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("04311d35-75ec-347b-bedf-969487ce4014")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c6f5946c-143a-3747-a7c0-abfada6bdeb7")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("b101fe3c-4479-311a-a945-1225ee1731e8")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyFileVersionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("177c4e63-9e0b-354d-838b-b52aa8683ef6")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyCultureAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a1693c5c-101f-3557-94db-c480ceb4c16b")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyVersionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a9fcda18-c237-3c6f-a6ef-749be22ba2bf")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyKeyFileAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("6cf1c077-c974-38e1-90a4-976e4835e165")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyDelaySignAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("57b849aa-d8ef-3ea6-9538-c5b4d498c2f7")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0ecd8635-f5eb-3e4a-8989-4d684d67c48a")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyFlagsAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("322a304d-11ac-3814-a905-a019f6e3dae9")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyKeyNameAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("fe52f19a-8aa8-309c-bf99-9d0a566fb76a")) /* dual interface */ _AssemblyNameProxy; struct __declspec(uuid("1660eb67-ee41-363e-beb0-c2de09214abf")) /* dual interface */ _CustomAttributeFormatException; struct __declspec(uuid("f4e5539d-0a65-3073-bf27-8dce8ef1def1")) /* dual interface */ _CustomAttributeData; struct __declspec(uuid("c462b072-fe6e-3bdc-9fab-4cdbfcbcd124")) /* dual interface */ _DefaultMemberAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("e6df0ae7-ba15-3f80-8afa-27773ae414fc")) /* dual interface */ _InvalidFilterCriteriaException; struct __declspec(uuid("3188878c-deb3-3558-80e8-84e9ed95f92c")) /* dual interface */ _ManifestResourceInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("fae5d9b7-40c1-3de1-be06-a91c9da1ba9f")) /* dual interface */ _MemberFilter; struct __declspec(uuid("0c48f55d-5240-30c7-a8f1-af87a640cefe")) /* dual interface */ _Missing; struct __declspec(uuid("8a5f0da2-7b43-3767-b623-2424cf7cd268")) /* dual interface */ _ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("71fb8dcf-3fa7-3483-8464-9d8200e57c43")) /* dual interface */ _ObfuscationAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("643a4016-1b16-3ccf-ae86-9c2d9135ecb0")) /* dual interface */ _ExceptionHandlingClause; struct __declspec(uuid("b072efe2-c943-3977-bfd9-91d5232b0d53")) /* dual interface */ _MethodBody; struct __declspec(uuid("f2ecd8ca-91a2-31e8-b808-e028b4f5ca67")) /* dual interface */ _LocalVariableInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("f0deafe9-5eba-3737-9950-c1795739cdcd")) /* dual interface */ _Pointer; struct __declspec(uuid("22c26a41-5fa3-34e3-a76f-ba480252d8ec")) /* dual interface */ _ReflectionTypeLoadException; struct __declspec(uuid("fc4963cb-e52b-32d8-a418-d058fa51a1fa")) /* dual interface */ _StrongNameKeyPair; struct __declspec(uuid("98b1524d-da12-3c4b-8a69-7539a6dec4fa")) /* dual interface */ _TargetException; struct __declspec(uuid("a90106ed-9099-3329-8a5a-2044b3d8552b")) /* dual interface */ _TargetInvocationException; struct __declspec(uuid("6032b3cd-9bed-351c-a145-9d500b0f636f")) /* dual interface */ _TargetParameterCountException; struct __declspec(uuid("34e00ef9-83e2-3bbc-b6af-4cae703838bd")) /* dual interface */ _TypeDelegator; struct __declspec(uuid("e1817846-3745-3c97-b4a6-ee20a1641b29")) /* dual interface */ _TypeFilter; struct __declspec(uuid("3faa35ee-c867-3e2e-bf48-2da271f88303")) /* dual interface */ _FormatterConverter; struct __declspec(uuid("f859954a-78cf-3d00-86ab-ef661e6a4b8d")) /* dual interface */ _FormatterServices; struct __declspec(uuid("feca70d4-ae27-3d94-93dd-a90f02e299d5")) /* dual interface */ _OptionalFieldAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("9ec28d2c-04c0-35f3-a7ee-0013271ff65e")) /* dual interface */ _OnSerializingAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("547bf8cd-f2a8-3b41-966d-98db33ded06d")) /* dual interface */ _OnSerializedAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("f5aef88f-9ac4-320c-95d2-88e863a35762")) /* dual interface */ _OnDeserializingAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("dd36c803-73d1-338d-88ba-dc9eb7620ef7")) /* dual interface */ _OnDeserializedAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("450222d0-87ca-3699-a7b4-d8a0fdb72357")) /* dual interface */ _SerializationBinder; struct __declspec(uuid("245fe7fd-e020-3053-b5f6-7467fd2c6883")) /* dual interface */ _SerializationException; struct __declspec(uuid("b58d62cf-b03a-3a14-b0b6-b1e5ad4e4ad5")) /* dual interface */ _SerializationInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("607056c6-1bca-36c8-ab87-33b202ebf0d8")) /* dual interface */ _SerializationInfoEnumerator; struct __declspec(uuid("d9bd3c8d-9395-3657-b6ee-d1b509c38b70")) /* dual interface */ _Formatter; struct __declspec(uuid("a30646cc-f710-3bfa-a356-b4c858d4ed8e")) /* dual interface */ _ObjectIDGenerator; struct __declspec(uuid("f28e7d04-3319-3968-8201-c6e55becd3d4")) /* dual interface */ _ObjectManager; struct __declspec(uuid("6de1230e-1f52-3779-9619-f5184103466c")) /* dual interface */ _SurrogateSelector; struct __declspec(uuid("4cca29e4-584b-3cd0-ad25-855dc5799c16")) /* dual interface */ _Calendar; struct __declspec(uuid("505defe5-aefa-3e23-82b0-d5eb085bb840")) /* dual interface */ _CompareInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("152722c2-f0b1-3d19-ada8-f40ca5caecb8")) /* dual interface */ _CultureInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("ab20bf9e-7549-3226-ba87-c1edfb6cda6c")) /* dual interface */ _CultureNotFoundException; struct __declspec(uuid("015e9f67-337c-398a-a0c1-da4af1905571")) /* dual interface */ _DateTimeFormatInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("efea8feb-ee7f-3e48-8a36-6206a6acbf73")) /* dual interface */ _DaylightTime; struct __declspec(uuid("677ad8b5-8a0e-3c39-92fb-72fb817cf694")) /* dual interface */ _GregorianCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("96a62d6c-72a9-387a-81fa-e6dd5998caee")) /* dual interface */ _HebrewCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("28ddc187-56b2-34cf-a078-48bd1e113d1e")) /* dual interface */ _HijriCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("89e148c4-2424-30ae-80f5-c5d21ea3366c")) /* dual interface */ _EastAsianLunisolarCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("36e2de92-1fb3-3d7d-ba26-9cad5b98dd52")) /* dual interface */ _JulianCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("d662ae3f-cef9-38b4-bb8e-5d8dd1dbf806")) /* dual interface */ _JapaneseCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("48bea6c4-752e-3974-8ca8-cfb6274e2379")) /* dual interface */ _KoreanCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("f9e97e04-4e1e-368f-b6c6-5e96ce4362d6")) /* dual interface */ _RegionInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("f4c70e15-2ca6-3e90-96ed-92e28491f538")) /* dual interface */ _SortKey; struct __declspec(uuid("0a25141f-51b3-3121-aa30-0af4556a52d9")) /* dual interface */ _StringInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("0c08ed74-0acf-32a9-99df-09a9dc4786dd")) /* dual interface */ _TaiwanCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("8c248251-3e6c-3151-9f8e-a255fb8d2b12")) /* dual interface */ _TextElementEnumerator; struct __declspec(uuid("db8de23f-f264-39ac-b61c-cc1e7eb4a5e6")) /* dual interface */ _TextInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("c70c8ae8-925b-37ce-8944-34f15ff94307")) /* dual interface */ _ThaiBuddhistCalendar; struct __declspec(uuid("25e47d71-20dd-31be-b261-7ae76497d6b9")) /* dual interface */ _NumberFormatInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("ddedb94d-4f3f-35c1-97c9-3f1d87628d9e")) /* dual interface */ _Encoding; struct __declspec(uuid("8fd56502-8724-3df0-a1b5-9d0e8d4e4f78")) /* dual interface */ _Encoder; struct __declspec(uuid("2adb0d4a-5976-38e4-852b-c131797430f5")) /* dual interface */ _Decoder; struct __declspec(uuid("0cbe0204-12a1-3d40-9d9e-195de6aaa534")) /* dual interface */ _ASCIIEncoding; struct __declspec(uuid("f7dd3b7f-2b05-3894-8eda-59cdf9395b6a")) /* dual interface */ _UnicodeEncoding; struct __declspec(uuid("89b9f00b-aa2a-3a49-91b4-e8d1f1c00e58")) /* dual interface */ _UTF7Encoding; struct __declspec(uuid("010fc1d0-3ef9-3f3b-aa0a-b78a1ff83a37")) /* dual interface */ _UTF8Encoding; struct __declspec(uuid("1a4e1878-fe8c-3f59-b6a9-21ab82be57e9")) /* dual interface */ _MissingManifestResourceException; struct __declspec(uuid("5a8de087-d9d7-3bba-92b4-fe1034a1242f")) /* dual interface */ _MissingSatelliteAssemblyException; struct __declspec(uuid("f48df808-8b7d-3f4e-9159-1dfd60f298d6")) /* dual interface */ _NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("4de671b7-7c85-37e9-aff8-1222abe4883e")) /* dual interface */ _ResourceManager; struct __declspec(uuid("7fbcfdc7-5cec-3945-8095-daed61be5fb1")) /* dual interface */ _ResourceReader; struct __declspec(uuid("44d5f81a-727c-35ae-8df8-9ff6722f1c6c")) /* dual interface */ _ResourceSet; struct __declspec(uuid("af170258-aac6-3a86-bd34-303e62ced10e")) /* dual interface */ _ResourceWriter; struct __declspec(uuid("5cbb1f47-fba5-33b9-9d4a-57d6e3d133d2")) /* dual interface */ _SatelliteContractVersionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("23bae0c0-3a36-32f0-9dad-0e95add67d23")) /* dual interface */ _Registry; struct __declspec(uuid("2eac6733-8d92-31d9-be04-dc467efc3eb1")) /* dual interface */ _RegistryKey; struct __declspec(uuid("99f01720-3cc2-366d-9ab9-50e36647617f")) /* dual interface */ _AllMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("9ccc831b-1ba7-34be-a966-56d5a6db5aad")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationDirectory; struct __declspec(uuid("a02a2b22-1dba-3f92-9f84-5563182851bb")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("18e473f6-637b-3c01-8d46-d011aad26c95")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationSecurityInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("c664fe09-0a55-316d-b25b-6b3200ecaf70")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationSecurityManager; struct __declspec(uuid("e66a9755-58e2-3fcb-a265-835851cbf063")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationTrust; struct __declspec(uuid("bb03c920-1c05-3ecb-982d-53324d5ac9ff")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationTrustCollection; struct __declspec(uuid("01afd447-60ca-3b67-803a-e57b727f3a5b")) /* dual interface */ _ApplicationTrustEnumerator; struct __declspec(uuid("d7093f61-ed6b-343f-b1e9-02472fcc710e")) /* dual interface */ _CodeGroup; struct __declspec(uuid("a505edbc-380e-3b23-9e1a-0974d4ef02ef")) /* dual interface */ _Evidence; struct __declspec(uuid("dfad74dc-8390-32f6-9612-1bd293b233f4")) /* dual interface */ _FileCodeGroup; struct __declspec(uuid("54b0afb1-e7d3-3770-bb0e-75a95e8d2656")) /* dual interface */ _FirstMatchCodeGroup; struct __declspec(uuid("d89eac5e-0331-3fcd-9c16-4f1ed3fe1be2")) /* dual interface */ _TrustManagerContext; struct __declspec(uuid("fe8a2546-3478-3fad-be1d-da7bc25c4e4e")) /* dual interface */ _CodeConnectAccess; struct __declspec(uuid("a8f69eca-8c48-3b5e-92a1-654925058059")) /* dual interface */ _NetCodeGroup; struct __declspec(uuid("34b0417e-e71d-304c-9fac-689350a1b41c")) /* dual interface */ _PermissionRequestEvidence; struct __declspec(uuid("a9c9f3d9-e153-39b8-a533-b8df4664407b")) /* dual interface */ _PolicyException; struct __declspec(uuid("44494e35-c370-3014-bc78-0f2ecbf83f53")) /* dual interface */ _PolicyLevel; struct __declspec(uuid("3eefd1fc-4d8d-3177-99f6-6c19d9e088d3")) /* dual interface */ _PolicyStatement; struct __declspec(uuid("90c40b4c-b0d0-30f5-b520-fdba97bc31a0")) /* dual interface */ _Site; struct __declspec(uuid("0a7c3542-8031-3593-872c-78d85d7cc273")) /* dual interface */ _SiteMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("2a75c1fd-06b0-3cbb-b467-2545d4d6c865")) /* dual interface */ _StrongName; struct __declspec(uuid("579e93bc-ffab-3b8d-9181-ce9c22b51915")) /* dual interface */ _StrongNameMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("d9d822de-44e5-33ce-a43f-173e475cecb1")) /* dual interface */ _UnionCodeGroup; struct __declspec(uuid("d94ed9bf-c065-3703-81a2-2f76ea8e312f")) /* dual interface */ _Url; struct __declspec(uuid("bb7a158d-dbd9-3e13-b137-8e61e87e1128")) /* dual interface */ _UrlMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("742e0c26-0e23-3d20-968c-d221094909aa")) /* dual interface */ _Zone; struct __declspec(uuid("adbc3463-0101-3429-a06c-db2f1dd6b724")) /* dual interface */ _ZoneMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("a7aef52c-b47b-3660-bb3e-34347d56db46")) /* dual interface */ _GacInstalled; struct __declspec(uuid("b2217ab5-6e55-3ff6-a1a9-1b0dc0585040")) /* dual interface */ _GacMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("7574e121-74a6-3626-b578-0783badb19d2")) /* dual interface */ _Hash; struct __declspec(uuid("6ba6ea7a-c9fc-3e73-82ec-18f29d83eefd")) /* dual interface */ _HashMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("77cca693-abf6-3773-bf58-c0b02701a744")) /* dual interface */ _Publisher; struct __declspec(uuid("3515cf63-9863-3044-b3e1-210e98efc702")) /* dual interface */ _PublisherMembershipCondition; struct __declspec(uuid("42ca6b3f-8cb9-3005-a7c1-ee9021db369b")) /* dual interface */ _ClaimsIdentity; struct __declspec(uuid("9a37d8b2-2256-3fe3-8bf0-4fc421a1244f")) /* dual interface */ _GenericIdentity; struct __declspec(uuid("d26a9704-bf99-3a3f-ac55-96af1a314c7f")) /* dual interface */ _ClaimsPrincipal; struct __declspec(uuid("b4701c26-1509-3726-b2e1-409a636c9b4f")) /* dual interface */ _GenericPrincipal; struct __declspec(uuid("d8cf3f23-1a66-3344-8230-07eb53970b85")) /* dual interface */ _WindowsIdentity; struct __declspec(uuid("60ecfdda-650a-324c-b4b3-f4d75b563bb1")) /* dual interface */ _WindowsImpersonationContext; struct __declspec(uuid("6c42baf9-1893-34fc-b3af-06931e9b34a3")) /* dual interface */ _WindowsPrincipal; struct __declspec(uuid("1b6ed26a-4b7f-34fc-b2c8-8109d684b3df")) /* dual interface */ _UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("bbe41ac5-8692-3427-9ae1-c1058a38d492")) /* dual interface */ _DispIdAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a2145f38-cac1-33dd-a318-21948af6825d")) /* dual interface */ _InterfaceTypeAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0c1e7b57-b9b1-36e4-8396-549c29062a81")) /* dual interface */ _ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("6b6391ee-842f-3e9a-8eee-f13325e10996")) /* dual interface */ _ClassInterfaceAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("1e7fffe2-aad9-34ee-8a9f-3c016b880ff0")) /* dual interface */ _ComVisibleAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("288a86d1-6f4f-39c9-9e42-162cf1c37226")) /* dual interface */ _TypeLibImportClassAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("4ab67927-3c86-328a-8186-f85357dd5527")) /* dual interface */ _LCIDConversionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("51ba926f-aab5-3945-b8a6-c8f0f4a7d12b")) /* dual interface */ _ComRegisterFunctionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("9f164188-34eb-3f86-9f74-0bbe4155e65e")) /* dual interface */ _ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("2b9f01df-5a12-3688-98d6-c34bf5ed1865")) /* dual interface */ _ProgIdAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("3f3311ce-6baf-3fb0-b855-489aff740b6e")) /* dual interface */ _ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("5778e7c7-2040-330e-b47a-92974dffcfd4")) /* dual interface */ _IDispatchImplAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("e1984175-55f5-3065-82d8-a683fdfcf0ac")) /* dual interface */ _ComSourceInterfacesAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("fd5b6aac-ff8c-3472-b894-cd6dfadb6939")) /* dual interface */ _ComConversionLossAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("b5a1729e-b721-3121-a838-fde43af13468")) /* dual interface */ _TypeLibTypeAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("3d18a8e2-eede-3139-b29d-8cac057955df")) /* dual interface */ _TypeLibFuncAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("7b89862a-02a4-3279-8b42-4095fa3a778e")) /* dual interface */ _TypeLibVarAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("d858399f-e19e-3423-a720-ac12abe2e5e8")) /* dual interface */ _MarshalAsAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("1b093056-5454-386f-8971-bbcbc4e9a8f3")) /* dual interface */ _ComImportAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("74435dad-ec55-354b-8f5b-fa70d13b6293")) /* dual interface */ _GuidAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("fdf2a2ee-c882-3198-a48b-e37f0e574dfa")) /* dual interface */ _PreserveSigAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("8474b65c-c39a-3d05-893d-577b9a314615")) /* dual interface */ _InAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0697fc8c-9b04-3783-95c7-45eccac1ca27")) /* dual interface */ _OutAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0d6bd9ad-198e-3904-ad99-f6f82a2787c4")) /* dual interface */ _OptionalAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a1a26181-d55e-3ee2-96e6-70b354ef9371")) /* dual interface */ _DllImportAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("23753322-c7b3-3f9a-ac96-52672c1b1ca9")) /* dual interface */ _StructLayoutAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c14342b8-bafd-322a-bb71-62c672da284e")) /* dual interface */ _FieldOffsetAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("e78785c4-3a73-3c15-9390-618bf3a14719")) /* dual interface */ _ComAliasNameAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("57b908a8-c082-3581-8a47-6b41b86e8fdc")) /* dual interface */ _AutomationProxyAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c69e96b2-6161-3621-b165-5805198c6b8d")) /* dual interface */ _PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("15d54c00-7c95-38d7-b859-e19346677dcd")) /* dual interface */ _CoClassAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("76cc0491-9a10-35c0-8a66-7931ec345b7f")) /* dual interface */ _ComEventInterfaceAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a03b61a4-ca61-3460-8232-2f4ec96aa88f")) /* dual interface */ _TypeLibVersionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("ad419379-2ac8-3588-ab1e-0115413277c4")) /* dual interface */ _ComCompatibleVersionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("ed47abe7-c84b-39f9-be1b-828cfb925afe")) /* dual interface */ _BestFitMappingAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("b26b3465-28e4-33b5-b9bf-dd7c4f6461f5")) /* dual interface */ _DefaultCharSetAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a54ac093-bfce-37b0-a81f-148dfed0971f")) /* dual interface */ _SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a83f04e9-fd28-384a-9dff-410688ac23ab")) /* dual interface */ _ExternalException; struct __declspec(uuid("a28c19df-b488-34ae-becc-7de744d17f7b")) /* dual interface */ _COMException; struct __declspec(uuid("76e5dbd6-f960-3c65-8ea6-fc8ad6a67022")) /* dual interface */ _InvalidOleVariantTypeException; struct __declspec(uuid("523f42a5-1fd2-355d-82bf-0d67c4a0a0e7")) /* dual interface */ _MarshalDirectiveException; struct __declspec(uuid("edcee21a-3e3a-331e-a86d-274028be6716")) /* dual interface */ _RuntimeEnvironment; struct __declspec(uuid("3e72e067-4c5e-36c8-bbef-1e2978c7780d")) /* dual interface */ _SEHException; struct __declspec(uuid("80da5818-609f-32b8-a9f8-95fcfbdb9c8e")) /* dual interface */ _BStrWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("7df6f279-da62-3c9f-8944-4dd3c0f08170")) /* dual interface */ _CurrencyWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("72103c67-d511-329c-b19a-dd5ec3f1206c")) /* dual interface */ _DispatchWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("f79db336-06be-3959-a5ab-58b2ab6c5fd1")) /* dual interface */ _ErrorWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("519eb857-7a2d-3a95-a2a3-8bb8ed63d41b")) /* dual interface */ _ExtensibleClassFactory; struct __declspec(uuid("de9156b5-5e7a-3041-bf45-a29a6c2cf48a")) /* dual interface */ _InvalidComObjectException; struct __declspec(uuid("e4a369d3-6cf0-3b05-9c0c-1a91e331641a")) /* dual interface */ _ObjectCreationDelegate; struct __declspec(uuid("8608fe7b-2fdc-318a-b711-6f7b2feded06")) /* dual interface */ _SafeArrayRankMismatchException; struct __declspec(uuid("e093fb32-e43b-3b3f-a163-742c920c2af3")) /* dual interface */ _SafeArrayTypeMismatchException; struct __declspec(uuid("1c8d8b14-4589-3dca-8e0f-a30e80fbd1a8")) /* dual interface */ _UnknownWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("556137ea-8825-30bc-9d49-e47a9db034ee")) /* dual interface */ _TextWriter; struct __declspec(uuid("2752364a-924f-3603-8f6f-6586df98b292")) /* dual interface */ _Stream; struct __declspec(uuid("442e3c03-a205-3f21-aa4d-31768bb8ea28")) /* dual interface */ _BinaryReader; struct __declspec(uuid("4ca8147e-baa3-3a7f-92ce-a4fd7f17d8da")) /* dual interface */ _BinaryWriter; struct __declspec(uuid("4b7571c3-1275-3457-8fee-9976fd3937e3")) /* dual interface */ _BufferedStream; struct __declspec(uuid("8ce58ff5-f26d-38a4-9195-0e2ecb3b56b9")) /* dual interface */ _Directory; struct __declspec(uuid("a5d29a57-36a8-3e36-a099-7458b1fabaa2")) /* dual interface */ _FileSystemInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("487e52f1-2bb9-3bd0-a0ca-6728b3a1d051")) /* dual interface */ _DirectoryInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("c5bfc9bf-27a7-3a59-a986-44c85f3521bf")) /* dual interface */ _IOException; struct __declspec(uuid("c8a200e4-9735-30e4-b168-ed861a3020f2")) /* dual interface */ _DirectoryNotFoundException; struct __declspec(uuid("ce83a763-940f-341f-b880-332325eb6f4b")) /* dual interface */ _DriveInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("b24e9559-a662-3762-ae33-bc7dfdd538f4")) /* dual interface */ _DriveNotFoundException; struct __declspec(uuid("d625afd0-8fd9-3113-a900-43912a54c421")) /* dual interface */ _EndOfStreamException; struct __declspec(uuid("5d59051f-e19d-329a-9962-fd00d552e13d")) /* dual interface */ _File; struct __declspec(uuid("c3c429f9-8590-3a01-b2b2-434837f3d16d")) /* dual interface */ _FileInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("51d2c393-9b70-3551-84b5-ff5409fb3ada")) /* dual interface */ _FileLoadException; struct __declspec(uuid("a15a976b-81e3-3ef4-8ff1-d75ddbe20aef")) /* dual interface */ _FileNotFoundException; struct __declspec(uuid("74265195-4a46-3d6f-a9dd-69c367ea39c8")) /* dual interface */ _FileStream; struct __declspec(uuid("2dbc46fe-b3dd-3858-afc2-d3a2d492a588")) /* dual interface */ _MemoryStream; struct __declspec(uuid("6df93530-d276-31d9-8573-346778c650af")) /* dual interface */ _Path; struct __declspec(uuid("468b8eb4-89ac-381b-8f86-5e47ec0648b4")) /* dual interface */ _PathTooLongException; struct __declspec(uuid("897471f2-9450-3f03-a41f-d2e1f1397854")) /* dual interface */ _TextReader; struct __declspec(uuid("e645b470-dc3f-3ce0-8104-5837feda04b3")) /* dual interface */ _StreamReader; struct __declspec(uuid("1f124e1c-d05d-3643-a59f-c3de6051994f")) /* dual interface */ _StreamWriter; struct __declspec(uuid("59733b03-0ea5-358c-95b5-659fcd9aa0b4")) /* dual interface */ _StringReader; struct __declspec(uuid("cb9f94c0-d691-3b62-b0b2-3ce5309cfa62")) /* dual interface */ _StringWriter; struct __declspec(uuid("998dcf16-f603-355d-8c89-3b675947997f")) /* dual interface */ _AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a6c2239b-08e6-3822-9769-e3d4b0431b82")) /* dual interface */ _CallConvCdecl; struct __declspec(uuid("8e17a5cd-1160-32dc-8548-407e7c3827c9")) /* dual interface */ _CallConvStdcall; struct __declspec(uuid("fa73dd3d-a472-35ed-b8be-f99a13581f72")) /* dual interface */ _CallConvThiscall; struct __declspec(uuid("3b452d17-3c5e-36c4-a12d-5e9276036cf8")) /* dual interface */ _CallConvFastcall; struct __declspec(uuid("62caf4a2-6a78-3fc7-af81-a6bbf930761f")) /* dual interface */ _CustomConstantAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("ef387020-b664-3acd-a1d2-806345845953")) /* dual interface */ _DateTimeConstantAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("3c3a8c69-7417-32fa-aa20-762d85e1b594")) /* dual interface */ _DiscardableAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("7e133967-ccec-3e89-8bd2-6cfca649ecbf")) /* dual interface */ _DecimalConstantAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c5c4f625-2329-3382-8994-aaf561e5dfe9")) /* dual interface */ _CompilationRelaxationsAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("1eed213e-656a-3a73-a4b9-0d3b26fd942b")) /* dual interface */ _CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("243368f5-67c9-3510-9424-335a8a67772f")) /* dual interface */ _IndexerNameAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0278c819-0c06-3756-b053-601a3e566d9b")) /* dual interface */ _IsVolatile; struct __declspec(uuid("98966503-5d80-3242-83ef-79e136f6b954")) /* dual interface */ _MethodImplAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("db2c11d9-3870-35e7-a10c-a3ddc3dc79b1")) /* dual interface */ _RequiredAttributeAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("f68a4008-ab94-3370-a9ac-8cc99939f534")) /* dual interface */ _IsCopyConstructed; struct __declspec(uuid("40e8e914-dc23-38a6-936b-90e4e3ab01fa")) /* dual interface */ _NativeCppClassAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("97d0b28a-6932-3d74-b67f-6bcd3c921e7d")) /* dual interface */ _IDispatchConstantAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("54542649-ce64-3f96-bce5-fde3bb22f242")) /* dual interface */ _IUnknownConstantAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("8d597c42-2cfd-32b6-b6d6-86c9e2cff00a")) /* dual interface */ _SecurityElement; struct __declspec(uuid("d9fcad88-d869-3788-a802-1b1e007c7a22")) /* dual interface */ _XmlSyntaxException; struct __declspec(uuid("4803ce39-2f30-31fc-b84b-5a0141385269")) /* dual interface */ _CodeAccessPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("0720590d-5218-352a-a337-5449e6bd19da")) /* dual interface */ _EnvironmentPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("a8b7138c-8932-3d78-a585-a91569c743ac")) /* dual interface */ _FileDialogPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("a2ed7efc-8e59-3ccc-ae92-ea2377f4d5ef")) /* dual interface */ _FileIOPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("48815668-6c27-3312-803e-2757f55ce96a")) /* dual interface */ _SecurityAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("9c5149cb-d3c6-32fd-a0d5-95350de7b813")) /* dual interface */ _CodeAccessSecurityAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("9f8f73a3-1e99-3e51-a41b-179a41dc747c")) /* dual interface */ _HostProtectionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("7fee7903-f97c-3350-ad42-196b00ad2564")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStoragePermission; struct __declspec(uuid("0d0c83e8-bde1-3ba5-b1ef-a8fc686d8bc9")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStorageFilePermission; struct __declspec(uuid("4164071a-ed12-3bdd-af40-fdabcaa77d5f")) /* dual interface */ _EnvironmentPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0ccca629-440f-313e-96cd-ba1b4b4997f7")) /* dual interface */ _FileDialogPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0dca817d-f21a-3943-b54c-5e800ce5bc50")) /* dual interface */ _FileIOPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("edb51d1c-08ad-346a-be6f-d74fd6d6f965")) /* dual interface */ _KeyContainerPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("68ab69e4-5d68-3b51-b74d-1beab9f37f2b")) /* dual interface */ _PrincipalPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("d31eed10-a5f0-308f-a951-e557961ec568")) /* dual interface */ _ReflectionPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("38b6068c-1e94-3119-8841-1eca35ed8578")) /* dual interface */ _RegistryPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("3a5b876c-cde4-32d2-9c7e-020a14aca332")) /* dual interface */ _SecurityPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("1d5c0f70-af29-38a3-9436-3070a310c73b")) /* dual interface */ _UIPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("2e3be3ed-2f22-3b20-9f92-bd29b79d6f42")) /* dual interface */ _ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c9a740f4-26e9-39a8-8885-8ca26bd79b21")) /* dual interface */ _StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("6fe6894a-2a53-3fb6-a06e-348f9bdad23b")) /* dual interface */ _SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("ca4a2073-48c5-3e61-8349-11701a90dd9b")) /* dual interface */ _UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("6722c730-1239-3784-ac94-c285ae5b901a")) /* dual interface */ _PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("5c4c522f-de4e-3595-9aa9-9319c86a5283")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("6f1f8aae-d667-39cc-98fa-722bebbbeac3")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("947a1995-bc16-3e7c-b65a-99e71f39c091")) /* dual interface */ _PermissionSetAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("aeb3727f-5c3a-34c4-bf18-a38f088ac8c7")) /* dual interface */ _ReflectionPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("7c6b06d1-63ad-35ef-a938-149b4ad9a71f")) /* dual interface */ _PrincipalPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("33c54a2d-02bd-3848-80b6-742d537085e5")) /* dual interface */ _SecurityPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("790b3ee9-7e06-3cd0-8243-5848486d6a78")) /* dual interface */ _SiteIdentityPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("5f1562fb-0160-3655-baea-b15bef609161")) /* dual interface */ _StrongNameIdentityPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("af53d21a-d6af-3406-b399-7df9d2aad48a")) /* dual interface */ _StrongNamePublicKeyBlob; struct __declspec(uuid("47698389-f182-3a67-87df-aed490e14dc6")) /* dual interface */ _UIPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("ec7cac31-08a2-393b-bdf2-d052eb53af2c")) /* dual interface */ _UrlIdentityPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("38b2f8d7-8cf4-323b-9c17-9c55ee287a63")) /* dual interface */ _ZoneIdentityPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("5f19e082-26f8-3361-b338-9bacb98809a4")) /* dual interface */ _GacIdentityPermissionAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("a9637792-5be8-3c93-a501-49f0e840de38")) /* dual interface */ _GacIdentityPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("094351ea-dbc1-327f-8a83-913b593a66be")) /* dual interface */ _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry; struct __declspec(uuid("28ecf94e-3510-3a3e-8bd1-f866f45f3b06")) /* dual interface */ _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection; struct __declspec(uuid("293187ea-5f88-316f-86a5-533b0c7b353f")) /* dual interface */ _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator; struct __declspec(uuid("107a3cf1-b35e-3a23-b660-60264b231225")) /* dual interface */ _KeyContainerPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("e86cc74a-1233-3df3-b13f-8b27eeaac1f6")) /* dual interface */ _PublisherIdentityPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("c3fb5510-3454-3b31-b64f-de6aad6be820")) /* dual interface */ _RegistryPermission; struct __declspec(uuid("8000e51a-541c-3b20-a8ec-c8a8b41116c4")) /* dual interface */ _SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("41f41c1b-7b8d-39a3-a28f-aae20787f469")) /* dual interface */ _UnverifiableCodeAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c930c4-2233-3924-9840-231d008259b4")) /* dual interface */ _AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("9deae196-48c1-3590-9d0a-33716a214acd")) /* dual interface */ _HostSecurityManager; struct __declspec(uuid("c2af4970-4fb6-319c-a8aa-0614d27f2b2c")) /* dual interface */ _PermissionSet; struct __declspec(uuid("ba3e053f-ade3-3233-874a-16e624c9a49b")) /* dual interface */ _NamedPermissionSet; struct __declspec(uuid("f174290f-e4cf-3976-88aa-4f8e32eb03db")) /* dual interface */ _SecurityException; struct __declspec(uuid("ed727a9b-6fc5-3fed-bedd-7b66c847f87a")) /* dual interface */ _HostProtectionException; struct __declspec(uuid("abc04b16-5539-3c7e-92ec-0905a4a24464")) /* dual interface */ _SecurityManager; struct __declspec(uuid("f65070df-57af-3ae3-b951-d2ad7d513347")) /* dual interface */ _VerificationException; struct __declspec(uuid("f042505b-7aac-313b-a8c7-3f1ac949c311")) /* dual interface */ _ContextAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("3936abe1-b29e-3593-83f1-793d1a7f3898")) /* dual interface */ _AsyncResult; struct __declspec(uuid("ffb2e16e-e5c7-367c-b326-965abf510f24")) /* dual interface */ _ChannelServices; struct __declspec(uuid("e1796120-c324-30d8-86f4-20086711463b")) /* dual interface */ _ClientChannelSinkStack; struct __declspec(uuid("52da9f90-89b3-35ab-907b-3562642967de")) /* dual interface */ _ServerChannelSinkStack; struct __declspec(uuid("ff19d114-3bda-30ac-8e89-36ca64a87120")) /* dual interface */ _ClientSponsor; struct __declspec(uuid("ee949b7b-439f-363e-b9fc-34db1fb781d7")) /* dual interface */ _CrossContextDelegate; struct __declspec(uuid("11a2ea7a-d600-307b-a606-511a6c7950d1")) /* dual interface */ _Context; struct __declspec(uuid("4acb3495-05db-381b-890a-d12f5340dca3")) /* dual interface */ _ContextProperty; struct __declspec(uuid("77c9bceb-9958-33c0-a858-599f66697da7")) /* dual interface */ _EnterpriseServicesHelper; struct __declspec(uuid("aa6da581-f972-36de-a53b-7585428a68ab")) /* dual interface */ _ChannelDataStore; struct __declspec(uuid("65887f70-c646-3a66-8697-8a3f7d8fe94d")) /* dual interface */ _TransportHeaders; struct __declspec(uuid("a18545b7-e5ee-31ee-9b9b-41199b11c995")) /* dual interface */ _SinkProviderData; struct __declspec(uuid("a1329ec9-e567-369f-8258-18366d89eaf8")) /* dual interface */ _BaseChannelObjectWithProperties; struct __declspec(uuid("8af3451e-154d-3d86-80d8-f8478b9733ed")) /* dual interface */ _BaseChannelSinkWithProperties; struct __declspec(uuid("94bb98ed-18bb-3843-a7fe-642824ab4e01")) /* dual interface */ _BaseChannelWithProperties; struct __declspec(uuid("b0ad9a21-5439-3d88-8975-4018b828d74c")) /* dual interface */ _LifetimeServices; struct __declspec(uuid("0eeff4c2-84bf-3e4e-bf22-b7bdbb5df899")) /* dual interface */ _ReturnMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("95e01216-5467-371b-8597-4074402ccb06")) /* dual interface */ _MethodCall; struct __declspec(uuid("a2246ae7-eb81-3a20-8e70-c9fa341c7e10")) /* dual interface */ _ConstructionCall; struct __declspec(uuid("9e9ea93a-d000-3ab9-bfca-ddeb398a55b9")) /* dual interface */ _MethodResponse; struct __declspec(uuid("be457280-6ffa-3e76-9822-83de63c0c4e0")) /* dual interface */ _ConstructionResponse; struct __declspec(uuid("ef926e1f-3ee7-32bc-8b01-c6e98c24bc19")) /* dual interface */ _InternalMessageWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("c9614d78-10ea-3310-87ea-821b70632898")) /* dual interface */ _MethodCallMessageWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("89304439-a24f-30f6-9a8f-89ce472d85da")) /* dual interface */ _MethodReturnMessageWrapper; struct __declspec(uuid("1dd3cf3d-df8e-32ff-91ec-e19aa10b63fb")) /* dual interface */ _ObjRef; struct __declspec(uuid("8ffedc68-5233-3fa8-813d-405aabb33ecb")) /* dual interface */ _OneWayAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("d80ff312-2930-3680-a5e9-b48296c7415f")) /* dual interface */ _ProxyAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("e0cf3f77-c7c3-33da-beb4-46147fc905de")) /* dual interface */ _RealProxy; struct __declspec(uuid("725692a5-9e12-37f6-911c-e3da77e5faca")) /* dual interface */ _SoapAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("ebcdcd84-8c74-39fd-821c-f5eb3a2704d7")) /* dual interface */ _SoapTypeAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c58145b5-bd5a-3896-95d9-b358f54fbc44")) /* dual interface */ _SoapMethodAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("46a3f9ff-f73c-33c7-bcc3-1bef4b25e4ae")) /* dual interface */ _SoapFieldAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("c32abfc9-3917-30bf-a7bc-44250bdfc5d8")) /* dual interface */ _SoapParameterAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("4b10971e-d61d-373f-bc8d-2ccf31126215")) /* dual interface */ _RemotingConfiguration; struct __declspec(uuid("8359f3ab-643f-3bcf-91e8-16e779edebe1")) /* dual interface */ _TypeEntry; struct __declspec(uuid("bac12781-6865-3558-a8d1-f1cadd2806dd")) /* dual interface */ _ActivatedClientTypeEntry; struct __declspec(uuid("94855a3b-5ca2-32cf-b1ab-48fd3915822c")) /* dual interface */ _ActivatedServiceTypeEntry; struct __declspec(uuid("4d0bc339-e3f9-3e9e-8f68-92168e6f6981")) /* dual interface */ _WellKnownClientTypeEntry; struct __declspec(uuid("60b8b604-0aed-3093-ac05-eb98fb29fc47")) /* dual interface */ _WellKnownServiceTypeEntry; struct __declspec(uuid("7264843f-f60c-39a9-99e1-029126aa0815")) /* dual interface */ _RemotingException; struct __declspec(uuid("19373c44-55b4-3487-9ad8-4c621aae85ea")) /* dual interface */ _ServerException; struct __declspec(uuid("44db8e15-acb1-34ee-81f9-56ed7ae37a5c")) /* dual interface */ _RemotingTimeoutException; struct __declspec(uuid("7b91368d-a50a-3d36-be8e-5b8836a419ad")) /* dual interface */ _RemotingServices; struct __declspec(uuid("f4efb305-cdc4-31c5-8102-33c9b91774f3")) /* dual interface */ _InternalRemotingServices; struct __declspec(uuid("04a35d22-0b08-34e7-a573-88ef2374375e")) /* dual interface */ _MessageSurrogateFilter; struct __declspec(uuid("551f7a57-8651-37db-a94a-6a3ca09c0ed7")) /* dual interface */ _RemotingSurrogateSelector; struct __declspec(uuid("7416b6ee-82e8-3a16-966b-018a40e7b1aa")) /* dual interface */ _SoapServices; struct __declspec(uuid("1738adbc-156e-3897-844f-c3147c528dea")) /* dual interface */ _SoapDateTime; struct __declspec(uuid("7ef50ddb-32a5-30a1-b412-47fab911404a")) /* dual interface */ _SoapDuration; struct __declspec(uuid("a3bf0bcd-ec32-38e6-92f2-5f37bad8030d")) /* dual interface */ _SoapTime; struct __declspec(uuid("cfa6e9d2-b3de-39a6-94d1-cc691de193f8")) /* dual interface */ _SoapDate; struct __declspec(uuid("103c7ef9-a9ee-35fb-84c5-3086c9725a20")) /* dual interface */ _SoapYearMonth; struct __declspec(uuid("c20769f3-858d-316a-be6d-c347a47948ad")) /* dual interface */ _SoapYear; struct __declspec(uuid("f9ead0aa-4156-368f-ae05-fd59d70f758d")) /* dual interface */ _SoapMonthDay; struct __declspec(uuid("d9e8314d-5053-3497-8a33-97d3dcfe33e2")) /* dual interface */ _SoapDay; struct __declspec(uuid("b4e32423-e473-3562-aa12-62fde5a7d4a2")) /* dual interface */ _SoapMonth; struct __declspec(uuid("63b9da95-fb91-358a-b7b7-90c34aa34ab7")) /* dual interface */ _SoapHexBinary; struct __declspec(uuid("8ed115a1-5e7b-34dc-ab85-90316f28015d")) /* dual interface */ _SoapBase64Binary; struct __declspec(uuid("30c65c40-4e54-3051-9d8f-4709b6ab214c")) /* dual interface */ _SoapInteger; struct __declspec(uuid("4979ec29-c2b7-3ad6-986d-5aaf7344cc4e")) /* dual interface */ _SoapPositiveInteger; struct __declspec(uuid("aaf5401e-f71c-3fe3-8a73-a25074b20d3a")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNonPositiveInteger; struct __declspec(uuid("bc261fc6-7132-3fb5-9aac-224845d3aa99")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNonNegativeInteger; struct __declspec(uuid("e384aa10-a70c-3943-97cf-0f7c282c3bdc")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNegativeInteger; struct __declspec(uuid("818ec118-be7e-3cde-92c8-44b99160920e")) /* dual interface */ _SoapAnyUri; struct __declspec(uuid("3ac646b6-6b84-382f-9aed-22c2433244e6")) /* dual interface */ _SoapQName; struct __declspec(uuid("974f01f4-6086-3137-9448-6a31fc9bef08")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNotation; struct __declspec(uuid("f4926b50-3f23-37e0-9afa-aa91ff89a7bd")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNormalizedString; struct __declspec(uuid("ab4e97b9-651d-36f4-aaba-28acf5746624")) /* dual interface */ _SoapToken; struct __declspec(uuid("14aed851-a168-3462-b877-8f9a01126653")) /* dual interface */ _SoapLanguage; struct __declspec(uuid("5eb06bef-4adf-3cc1-a6f2-62f76886b13a")) /* dual interface */ _SoapName; struct __declspec(uuid("7947a829-adb5-34d0-9cc8-6c172742c803")) /* dual interface */ _SoapIdrefs; struct __declspec(uuid("aca96da3-96ed-397e-8a72-ee1be1025f5e")) /* dual interface */ _SoapEntities; struct __declspec(uuid("e941fa15-e6c8-3dd4-b060-c0ddfbc0240a")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNmtoken; struct __declspec(uuid("a5e385ae-27fb-3708-baf7-0bf1f3955747")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNmtokens; struct __declspec(uuid("725cdaf7-b739-35c1-8463-e2a923e1f618")) /* dual interface */ _SoapNcName; struct __declspec(uuid("6a46b6a2-2d2c-3c67-af67-aae0175f17ae")) /* dual interface */ _SoapId; struct __declspec(uuid("7db7fd83-de89-38e1-9645-d4cabde694c0")) /* dual interface */ _SoapIdref; struct __declspec(uuid("37171746-b784-3586-a7d5-692a7604a66b")) /* dual interface */ _SoapEntity; struct __declspec(uuid("2d985674-231c-33d4-b14d-f3a6bd2ebe19")) /* dual interface */ _SynchronizationAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("f51728f2-2def-308c-874a-cbb1baa9cf9e")) /* dual interface */ _TrackingServices; struct __declspec(uuid("717105a3-739b-3bc3-a2b7-ad215903fad2")) /* dual interface */ _UrlAttribute; struct __declspec(uuid("0d296515-ad19-3602-b415-d8ec77066081")) /* dual interface */ _Header; struct __declspec(uuid("5dbbaf39-a3df-30b7-aaea-9fd11394123f")) /* dual interface */ _HeaderHandler; struct __declspec(uuid("53bce4d4-6209-396d-bd4a-0b0a0a177df9")) /* dual interface */ _CallContext; struct __declspec(uuid("9aff21f5-1c9c-35e7-aea4-c3aa0beb3b77")) /* dual interface */ _LogicalCallContext; struct __declspec(uuid("ea675b47-64e0-3b5f-9be7-f7dc2990730d")) /* dual interface */ _ObjectHandle; struct __declspec(uuid("34ec3bd7-f2f6-3c20-a639-804bff89df65")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStorage; struct __declspec(uuid("68d5592b-47c8-381a-8d51-3925c16cf025")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStorageFileStream; struct __declspec(uuid("aec2b0de-9898-3607-b845-63e2e307cb5f")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStorageException; struct __declspec(uuid("6bbb7dee-186f-3d51-9486-be0a71e915ce")) /* dual interface */ _IsolatedStorageFile; struct __declspec(uuid("361a5049-1bc8-35a9-946a-53a877902f25")) /* dual interface */ _InternalRM; struct __declspec(uuid("a864fb13-f945-3dc0-a01c-b903f944fc97")) /* dual interface */ _InternalST; struct __declspec(uuid("bc0847b2-bd5c-37b3-ba67-7d2d54b17238")) /* dual interface */ _SoapMessage; struct __declspec(uuid("a1c392fc-314c-39d5-8de6-1f8ebca0a1e2")) /* dual interface */ _SoapFault; struct __declspec(uuid("02d1bd78-3bb6-37ad-a9f8-f7d5da273e4e")) /* dual interface */ _ServerFault; struct __declspec(uuid("3bcf0cb2-a849-375e-8189-1ba5f1f4a9b0")) /* dual interface */ _BinaryFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("0daeaee7-007b-3fca-8755-a5c6c3158955")) /* dual interface */ _DynamicILInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("eaaa2670-0fb1-33ea-852b-f1c97fed1797")) /* dual interface */ _DynamicMethod; struct __declspec(uuid("1db1cc2a-da73-389e-828b-5c616f4fac49")) /* dual interface */ _OpCodes; struct __declspec(uuid("b1a62835-fc19-35a4-b206-a452463d7ee7")) /* dual interface */ _GenericTypeParameterBuilder; struct __declspec(uuid("fd302d86-240a-3694-a31f-9ef59e6e41bc")) /* dual interface */ _UnmanagedMarshal; struct __declspec(uuid("8978b0be-a89e-3ff9-9834-77862cebff3d")) /* dual interface */ _KeySizes; struct __declspec(uuid("4311e8f5-b249-3f81-8ff4-cf853d85306d")) /* dual interface */ _CryptographicException; struct __declspec(uuid("7fb08423-038f-3acc-b600-e6d072bae160")) /* dual interface */ _CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException; struct __declspec(uuid("7ae4b03c-414a-36e0-ba68-f9603004c925")) /* dual interface */ _RandomNumberGenerator; struct __declspec(uuid("2c65d4c0-584c-3e4e-8e6d-1afb112bff69")) /* dual interface */ _RNGCryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("05bc0e38-7136-3825-9e34-26c1cf2142c9")) /* dual interface */ _SymmetricAlgorithm; struct __declspec(uuid("09343ac0-d19a-3e62-bc16-0f600f10180a")) /* dual interface */ _AsymmetricAlgorithm; struct __declspec(uuid("b6685cca-7a49-37d1-a805-3de829cb8deb")) /* dual interface */ _AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter; struct __declspec(uuid("1365b84b-6477-3c40-be6a-089dc01eced9")) /* dual interface */ _AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("7ca5fe57-d1ac-3064-bb0b-f450be40f194")) /* dual interface */ _AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter; struct __declspec(uuid("5363d066-6295-3618-be33-3f0b070b7976")) /* dual interface */ _AsymmetricSignatureFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("23ded1e1-7d5f-3936-aa4e-18bbcc39b155")) /* dual interface */ _ToBase64Transform; struct __declspec(uuid("fc0717a6-2e86-372f-81f4-b35ed4bdf0de")) /* dual interface */ _FromBase64Transform; struct __declspec(uuid("983b8639-2ed7-364c-9899-682abb2ce850")) /* dual interface */ _CryptoAPITransform; struct __declspec(uuid("d5331d95-fff2-358f-afd5-588f469ff2e4")) /* dual interface */ _CspParameters; struct __declspec(uuid("ab00f3f8-7dde-3ff5-b805-6c5dbb200549")) /* dual interface */ _CryptoConfig; struct __declspec(uuid("4134f762-d0ec-3210-93c0-de4f443d5669")) /* dual interface */ _CryptoStream; struct __declspec(uuid("c7ef0214-b91c-3799-98dd-c994aabfc741")) /* dual interface */ _DES; struct __declspec(uuid("65e8495e-5207-3248-9250-0fc849b4f096")) /* dual interface */ _DESCryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("140ee78f-067f-3765-9258-c3bc72fe976b")) /* dual interface */ _DeriveBytes; struct __declspec(uuid("0eb5b5e0-1be6-3a5f-87b3-e3323342f44e")) /* dual interface */ _DSA; struct __declspec(uuid("1f38aafe-7502-332f-971f-c2fc700a1d55")) /* dual interface */ _DSACryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("0e774498-ade6-3820-b1d5-426b06397be7")) /* dual interface */ _DSASignatureDeformatter; struct __declspec(uuid("4b5fc561-5983-31e4-903b-1404231b2c89")) /* dual interface */ _DSASignatureFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("69d3baba-1c3d-354c-acfe-f19109ec3896")) /* dual interface */ _HashAlgorithm; struct __declspec(uuid("d182cf91-628c-3ff6-87f0-41ba51cc7433")) /* dual interface */ _KeyedHashAlgorithm; struct __declspec(uuid("e5456726-33f6-34e4-95c2-db2bfa581462")) /* dual interface */ _HMAC; struct __declspec(uuid("486360f5-6213-322b-befb-45221579d4af")) /* dual interface */ _HMACMD5; struct __declspec(uuid("9fd974a5-338c-37b9-a1b2-d45f0c2b25c2")) /* dual interface */ _HMACRIPEMD160; struct __declspec(uuid("63ac7c37-c51a-3d82-8fdd-2a567039e46d")) /* dual interface */ _HMACSHA1; struct __declspec(uuid("1377ce34-8921-3bd4-96e9-c8d5d5aa1adf")) /* dual interface */ _HMACSHA256; struct __declspec(uuid("786f8ac3-93e4-3b6f-9f62-1901b0e5f433")) /* dual interface */ _HMACSHA384; struct __declspec(uuid("eb081b9d-a766-3abe-b720-505c42162d83")) /* dual interface */ _HMACSHA512; struct __declspec(uuid("be8619cb-3731-3cb2-a3a8-cd0bfa5566ec")) /* dual interface */ _CspKeyContainerInfo; struct __declspec(uuid("1cac0bda-ac58-31bc-b624-63f77d0c3d2f")) /* dual interface */ _MACTripleDES; struct __declspec(uuid("9aa8765e-69a0-30e3-9cde-ebc70662ae37")) /* dual interface */ _MD5; struct __declspec(uuid("d3f5c812-5867-33c9-8cee-cb170e8d844a")) /* dual interface */ _MD5CryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("85601fee-a79d-3710-af21-099089edc0bf")) /* dual interface */ _MaskGenerationMethod; struct __declspec(uuid("3cd62d67-586f-309e-a6d8-1f4baac5ac28")) /* dual interface */ _PasswordDeriveBytes; struct __declspec(uuid("425bff0d-59e4-36a8-b1ff-1f5d39d698f4")) /* dual interface */ _PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod; struct __declspec(uuid("f7c0c4cc-0d49-31ee-a3d3-b8b551e4928c")) /* dual interface */ _RC2; struct __declspec(uuid("875715c5-cb64-3920-8156-0ee9cb0e07ea")) /* dual interface */ _RC2CryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("a6589897-5a67-305f-9497-72e5fe8bead5")) /* dual interface */ _Rfc2898DeriveBytes; struct __declspec(uuid("e5481be9-3422-3506-bc35-b96d4535014d")) /* dual interface */ _RIPEMD160; struct __declspec(uuid("814f9c35-b7f8-3ceb-8e43-e01f09157060")) /* dual interface */ _RIPEMD160Managed; struct __declspec(uuid("0b3fb710-a25c-3310-8774-1cf117f95bd4")) /* dual interface */ _RSA; struct __declspec(uuid("bd9df856-2300-3254-bcf0-679ba03c7a13")) /* dual interface */ _RSACryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("37625095-7baa-377d-a0dc-7f465c0167aa")) /* dual interface */ _RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter; struct __declspec(uuid("77a416e7-2ac6-3d0e-98ff-3ba0f586f56f")) /* dual interface */ _RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("8034aaf4-3666-3b6f-85cf-463f9bfd31a9")) /* dual interface */ _RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter; struct __declspec(uuid("9ff67f8e-a7aa-3ba6-90ee-9d44af6e2f8c")) /* dual interface */ _RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("fc38507e-06a4-3300-8652-8d7b54341f65")) /* dual interface */ _RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter; struct __declspec(uuid("fb7a5ff4-cfa8-3f24-ad5f-d5eb39359707")) /* dual interface */ _RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter; struct __declspec(uuid("21b52a91-856f-373c-ad42-4cf3f1021f5a")) /* dual interface */ _Rijndael; struct __declspec(uuid("427ea9d3-11d8-3e38-9e05-a4f7fa684183")) /* dual interface */ _RijndaelManaged; struct __declspec(uuid("5767c78f-f344-35a5-84bc-53b9eaeb68cb")) /* dual interface */ _RijndaelManagedTransform; struct __declspec(uuid("48600dd2-0099-337f-92d6-961d1e5010d4")) /* dual interface */ _SHA1; struct __declspec(uuid("a16537bc-1edf-3516-b75e-cc65caf873ab")) /* dual interface */ _SHA1CryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("c27990bb-3cfd-3d29-8dc0-bbe5fbadeafd")) /* dual interface */ _SHA1Managed; struct __declspec(uuid("3b274703-dfae-3f9c-a1b5-9990df9d7fa3")) /* dual interface */ _SHA256; struct __declspec(uuid("3d077954-7bcc-325b-9dda-3b17a03378e0")) /* dual interface */ _SHA256Managed; struct __declspec(uuid("b60ad5d7-2c2e-35b7-8d77-7946156cfe8e")) /* dual interface */ _SHA384; struct __declspec(uuid("de541460-f838-3698-b2da-510b09070118")) /* dual interface */ _SHA384Managed; struct __declspec(uuid("49dd9e4b-84f3-3d6d-91fb-3fedcef634c7")) /* dual interface */ _SHA512; struct __declspec(uuid("dc8ce439-7954-36ed-803c-674f72f27249")) /* dual interface */ _SHA512Managed; struct __declspec(uuid("8017b414-4886-33da-80a3-7865c1350d43")) /* dual interface */ _SignatureDescription; struct __declspec(uuid("c040b889-5278-3132-aff9-afa61707a81d")) /* dual interface */ _TripleDES; struct __declspec(uuid("ec69d083-3cd0-3c0c-998c-3b738db535d5")) /* dual interface */ _TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider; struct __declspec(uuid("68fd6f14-a7b2-36c8-a724-d01f90d73477")) /* dual interface */ _X509Certificate; // // Smart pointer typedef declarations // _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IComparable, __uuidof(IComparable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICloneable, __uuidof(ICloneable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumerable, __uuidof(IEnumerable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IList, __uuidof(IList)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumerator, __uuidof(IEnumerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IDisposable, __uuidof(IDisposable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IComparer, __uuidof(IComparer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEqualityComparer, __uuidof(IEqualityComparer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IDeserializationCallback, __uuidof(IDeserializationCallback)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Activator, __uuidof(_Activator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IAppDomainSetup, __uuidof(IAppDomainSetup)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Attribute, __uuidof(_Attribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Thread, __uuidof(_Thread)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IObjectHandle, __uuidof(IObjectHandle)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IHashCodeProvider, __uuidof(IHashCodeProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IDictionaryEnumerator, __uuidof(IDictionaryEnumerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolDocument, __uuidof(ISymbolDocument)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolDocumentWriter, __uuidof(ISymbolDocumentWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolNamespace, __uuidof(ISymbolNamespace)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolVariable, __uuidof(ISymbolVariable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyName, __uuidof(_AssemblyName)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ParameterInfo, __uuidof(_ParameterInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Module, __uuidof(_Module)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolWriter, __uuidof(ISymbolWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IObjectReference, __uuidof(IObjectReference)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IResourceReader, __uuidof(IResourceReader)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IResourceWriter, __uuidof(IResourceWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IIdentity, __uuidof(IIdentity)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrincipal, __uuidof(IPrincipal)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomMarshaler, __uuidof(ICustomMarshaler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomAdapter, __uuidof(ICustomAdapter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ITypeLibExporterNameProvider, __uuidof(ITypeLibExporterNameProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPermission, __uuidof(IPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IStackWalk, __uuidof(IStackWalk)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IUnrestrictedPermission, __uuidof(IUnrestrictedPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IChannel, __uuidof(IChannel)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IChannelReceiver, __uuidof(IChannelReceiver)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMethodCallMessage, __uuidof(IMethodCallMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IConstructionReturnMessage, __uuidof(IConstructionReturnMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IClientFormatterSinkProvider, __uuidof(IClientFormatterSinkProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IServerFormatterSinkProvider, __uuidof(IServerFormatterSinkProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IClientFormatterSink, __uuidof(IClientFormatterSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IChannelDataStore, __uuidof(IChannelDataStore)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ITransportHeaders, __uuidof(ITransportHeaders)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IDynamicProperty, __uuidof(IDynamicProperty)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMessageCtrl, __uuidof(IMessageCtrl)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFieldInfo, __uuidof(IFieldInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IChannelInfo, __uuidof(IChannelInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISoapXsd, __uuidof(ISoapXsd)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ILogicalThreadAffinative, __uuidof(ILogicalThreadAffinative)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(INormalizeForIsolatedStorage, __uuidof(INormalizeForIsolatedStorage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISoapMessage, __uuidof(ISoapMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyBuilder, __uuidof(_AssemblyBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ConstructorBuilder, __uuidof(_ConstructorBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomAttributeBuilder, __uuidof(_CustomAttributeBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EnumBuilder, __uuidof(_EnumBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EventBuilder, __uuidof(_EventBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FieldBuilder, __uuidof(_FieldBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ILGenerator, __uuidof(_ILGenerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_LocalBuilder, __uuidof(_LocalBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodBuilder, __uuidof(_MethodBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodRental, __uuidof(_MethodRental)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ModuleBuilder, __uuidof(_ModuleBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ParameterBuilder, __uuidof(_ParameterBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PropertyBuilder, __uuidof(_PropertyBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SignatureHelper, __uuidof(_SignatureHelper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeBuilder, __uuidof(_TypeBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICryptoTransform, __uuidof(ICryptoTransform)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ValueType, __uuidof(_ValueType)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Enum, __uuidof(_Enum)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MulticastDelegate, __uuidof(_MulticastDelegate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Array, __uuidof(_Array)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICollection, __uuidof(ICollection)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IDictionary, __uuidof(IDictionary)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IChannelSinkBase, __uuidof(IChannelSinkBase)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMessage, __uuidof(IMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMessageSink, __uuidof(IMessageSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IChannelSender, __uuidof(IChannelSender)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContributeClientContextSink, __uuidof(IContributeClientContextSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContributeServerContextSink, __uuidof(IContributeServerContextSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IDynamicMessageSink, __uuidof(IDynamicMessageSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContributeDynamicSink, __uuidof(IContributeDynamicSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnvoyInfo, __uuidof(IEnvoyInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_String, __uuidof(_String)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StringComparer, __uuidof(_StringComparer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StringBuilder, __uuidof(_StringBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SystemException, __uuidof(_SystemException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OutOfMemoryException, __uuidof(_OutOfMemoryException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StackOverflowException, __uuidof(_StackOverflowException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DataMisalignedException, __uuidof(_DataMisalignedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ExecutionEngineException, __uuidof(_ExecutionEngineException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MemberAccessException, __uuidof(_MemberAccessException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AccessViolationException, __uuidof(_AccessViolationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationActivator, __uuidof(_ApplicationActivator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationException, __uuidof(_ApplicationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EventArgs, __uuidof(_EventArgs)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ResolveEventArgs, __uuidof(_ResolveEventArgs)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyLoadEventArgs, __uuidof(_AssemblyLoadEventArgs)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ResolveEventHandler, __uuidof(_ResolveEventHandler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyLoadEventHandler, __uuidof(_AssemblyLoadEventHandler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AppDomainInitializer, __uuidof(_AppDomainInitializer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MarshalByRefObject, __uuidof(_MarshalByRefObject)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContributeEnvoySink, __uuidof(IContributeEnvoySink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContributeObjectSink, __uuidof(IContributeObjectSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CrossAppDomainDelegate, __uuidof(_CrossAppDomainDelegate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AppDomainManager, __uuidof(_AppDomainManager)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_LoaderOptimizationAttribute, __uuidof(_LoaderOptimizationAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AppDomainUnloadedException, __uuidof(_AppDomainUnloadedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EvidenceBase, __uuidof(_EvidenceBase)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ActivationArguments, __uuidof(_ActivationArguments)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationId, __uuidof(_ApplicationId)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ArgumentException, __uuidof(_ArgumentException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ArgumentNullException, __uuidof(_ArgumentNullException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ArgumentOutOfRangeException, __uuidof(_ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ArithmeticException, __uuidof(_ArithmeticException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ArrayTypeMismatchException, __uuidof(_ArrayTypeMismatchException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AsyncCallback, __uuidof(_AsyncCallback)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AttributeUsageAttribute, __uuidof(_AttributeUsageAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BadImageFormatException, __uuidof(_BadImageFormatException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Buffer, __uuidof(_Buffer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CannotUnloadAppDomainException, __uuidof(_CannotUnloadAppDomainException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CharEnumerator, __uuidof(_CharEnumerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CLSCompliantAttribute, __uuidof(_CLSCompliantAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeUnloadedException, __uuidof(_TypeUnloadedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CriticalFinalizerObject, __uuidof(_CriticalFinalizerObject)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ContextMarshalException, __uuidof(_ContextMarshalException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ContextBoundObject, __uuidof(_ContextBoundObject)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ContextStaticAttribute, __uuidof(_ContextStaticAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TimeZone, __uuidof(_TimeZone)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DBNull, __uuidof(_DBNull)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DivideByZeroException, __uuidof(_DivideByZeroException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DuplicateWaitObjectException, __uuidof(_DuplicateWaitObjectException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeLoadException, __uuidof(_TypeLoadException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EntryPointNotFoundException, __uuidof(_EntryPointNotFoundException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DllNotFoundException, __uuidof(_DllNotFoundException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Environment, __uuidof(_Environment)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EventHandler, __uuidof(_EventHandler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FieldAccessException, __uuidof(_FieldAccessException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FlagsAttribute, __uuidof(_FlagsAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FormatException, __uuidof(_FormatException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IndexOutOfRangeException, __uuidof(_IndexOutOfRangeException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InvalidCastException, __uuidof(_InvalidCastException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InvalidOperationException, __uuidof(_InvalidOperationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InvalidProgramException, __uuidof(_InvalidProgramException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_LocalDataStoreSlot, __uuidof(_LocalDataStoreSlot)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodAccessException, __uuidof(_MethodAccessException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MissingMemberException, __uuidof(_MissingMemberException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MissingFieldException, __uuidof(_MissingFieldException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MissingMethodException, __uuidof(_MissingMethodException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MulticastNotSupportedException, __uuidof(_MulticastNotSupportedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NonSerializedAttribute, __uuidof(_NonSerializedAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NotFiniteNumberException, __uuidof(_NotFiniteNumberException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NotImplementedException, __uuidof(_NotImplementedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NotSupportedException, __uuidof(_NotSupportedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NullReferenceException, __uuidof(_NullReferenceException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObjectDisposedException, __uuidof(_ObjectDisposedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObsoleteAttribute, __uuidof(_ObsoleteAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OperatingSystem, __uuidof(_OperatingSystem)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OperationCanceledException, __uuidof(_OperationCanceledException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OverflowException, __uuidof(_OverflowException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ParamArrayAttribute, __uuidof(_ParamArrayAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PlatformNotSupportedException, __uuidof(_PlatformNotSupportedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Random, __uuidof(_Random)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RankException, __uuidof(_RankException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeInfo, __uuidof(_TypeInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SerializableAttribute, __uuidof(_SerializableAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_STAThreadAttribute, __uuidof(_STAThreadAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MTAThreadAttribute, __uuidof(_MTAThreadAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TimeoutException, __uuidof(_TimeoutException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeInitializationException, __uuidof(_TypeInitializationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnauthorizedAccessException, __uuidof(_UnauthorizedAccessException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnhandledExceptionEventArgs, __uuidof(_UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnhandledExceptionEventHandler, __uuidof(_UnhandledExceptionEventHandler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Version, __uuidof(_Version)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WeakReference, __uuidof(_WeakReference)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WaitHandle, __uuidof(_WaitHandle)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IAsyncResult, __uuidof(IAsyncResult)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EventWaitHandle, __uuidof(_EventWaitHandle)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AutoResetEvent, __uuidof(_AutoResetEvent)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ContextCallback, __uuidof(_ContextCallback)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ManualResetEvent, __uuidof(_ManualResetEvent)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Monitor, __uuidof(_Monitor)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Mutex, __uuidof(_Mutex)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Overlapped, __uuidof(_Overlapped)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ReaderWriterLock, __uuidof(_ReaderWriterLock)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SynchronizationLockException, __uuidof(_SynchronizationLockException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ThreadAbortException, __uuidof(_ThreadAbortException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ThreadInterruptedException, __uuidof(_ThreadInterruptedException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RegisteredWaitHandle, __uuidof(_RegisteredWaitHandle)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WaitCallback, __uuidof(_WaitCallback)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WaitOrTimerCallback, __uuidof(_WaitOrTimerCallback)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IOCompletionCallback, __uuidof(_IOCompletionCallback)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ThreadStart, __uuidof(_ThreadStart)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ThreadStateException, __uuidof(_ThreadStateException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ThreadStaticAttribute, __uuidof(_ThreadStaticAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Timeout, __uuidof(_Timeout)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TimerCallback, __uuidof(_TimerCallback)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Timer, __uuidof(_Timer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CaseInsensitiveComparer, __uuidof(_CaseInsensitiveComparer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, __uuidof(_CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CollectionBase, __uuidof(_CollectionBase)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DictionaryBase, __uuidof(_DictionaryBase)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ReadOnlyCollectionBase, __uuidof(_ReadOnlyCollectionBase)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Queue, __uuidof(_Queue)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ArrayList, __uuidof(_ArrayList)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BitArray, __uuidof(_BitArray)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Stack, __uuidof(_Stack)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Comparer, __uuidof(_Comparer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Hashtable, __uuidof(_Hashtable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SortedList, __uuidof(_SortedList)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Nullable, __uuidof(_Nullable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeyNotFoundException, __uuidof(_KeyNotFoundException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ConditionalAttribute, __uuidof(_ConditionalAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Debugger, __uuidof(_Debugger)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerStepThroughAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerStepThroughAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerHiddenAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerHiddenAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggableAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggableAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerBrowsableAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerBrowsableAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerDisplayAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerDisplayAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DebuggerVisualizerAttribute, __uuidof(_DebuggerVisualizerAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StackTrace, __uuidof(_StackTrace)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StackFrame, __uuidof(_StackFrame)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SymDocumentType, __uuidof(_SymDocumentType)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SymLanguageType, __uuidof(_SymLanguageType)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SymLanguageVendor, __uuidof(_SymLanguageVendor)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AmbiguousMatchException, __uuidof(_AmbiguousMatchException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ModuleResolveEventHandler, __uuidof(_ModuleResolveEventHandler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyCopyrightAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyTrademarkAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyTrademarkAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyProductAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyProductAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyCompanyAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyCompanyAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyDescriptionAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyTitleAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyTitleAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyConfigurationAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyConfigurationAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyFileVersionAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyCultureAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyCultureAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyVersionAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyVersionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyKeyFileAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyKeyFileAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyDelaySignAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyDelaySignAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyFlagsAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyFlagsAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyKeyNameAttribute, __uuidof(_AssemblyKeyNameAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AssemblyNameProxy, __uuidof(_AssemblyNameProxy)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomAttributeFormatException, __uuidof(_CustomAttributeFormatException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomAttributeData, __uuidof(_CustomAttributeData)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DefaultMemberAttribute, __uuidof(_DefaultMemberAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InvalidFilterCriteriaException, __uuidof(_InvalidFilterCriteriaException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ManifestResourceInfo, __uuidof(_ManifestResourceInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MemberFilter, __uuidof(_MemberFilter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Missing, __uuidof(_Missing)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute, __uuidof(_ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObfuscationAttribute, __uuidof(_ObfuscationAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ExceptionHandlingClause, __uuidof(_ExceptionHandlingClause)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodBody, __uuidof(_MethodBody)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_LocalVariableInfo, __uuidof(_LocalVariableInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Pointer, __uuidof(_Pointer)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ReflectionTypeLoadException, __uuidof(_ReflectionTypeLoadException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StrongNameKeyPair, __uuidof(_StrongNameKeyPair)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TargetException, __uuidof(_TargetException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TargetInvocationException, __uuidof(_TargetInvocationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TargetParameterCountException, __uuidof(_TargetParameterCountException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeDelegator, __uuidof(_TypeDelegator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeFilter, __uuidof(_TypeFilter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FormatterConverter, __uuidof(_FormatterConverter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FormatterServices, __uuidof(_FormatterServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OptionalFieldAttribute, __uuidof(_OptionalFieldAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OnSerializingAttribute, __uuidof(_OnSerializingAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OnSerializedAttribute, __uuidof(_OnSerializedAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OnDeserializingAttribute, __uuidof(_OnDeserializingAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OnDeserializedAttribute, __uuidof(_OnDeserializedAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SerializationBinder, __uuidof(_SerializationBinder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SerializationException, __uuidof(_SerializationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SerializationInfo, __uuidof(_SerializationInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISerializable, __uuidof(ISerializable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SerializationInfoEnumerator, __uuidof(_SerializationInfoEnumerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Formatter, __uuidof(_Formatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObjectIDGenerator, __uuidof(_ObjectIDGenerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObjectManager, __uuidof(_ObjectManager)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SurrogateSelector, __uuidof(_SurrogateSelector)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Calendar, __uuidof(_Calendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CompareInfo, __uuidof(_CompareInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CultureInfo, __uuidof(_CultureInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CultureNotFoundException, __uuidof(_CultureNotFoundException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DateTimeFormatInfo, __uuidof(_DateTimeFormatInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DaylightTime, __uuidof(_DaylightTime)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GregorianCalendar, __uuidof(_GregorianCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HebrewCalendar, __uuidof(_HebrewCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HijriCalendar, __uuidof(_HijriCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EastAsianLunisolarCalendar, __uuidof(_EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_JulianCalendar, __uuidof(_JulianCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_JapaneseCalendar, __uuidof(_JapaneseCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KoreanCalendar, __uuidof(_KoreanCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RegionInfo, __uuidof(_RegionInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SortKey, __uuidof(_SortKey)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StringInfo, __uuidof(_StringInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TaiwanCalendar, __uuidof(_TaiwanCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TextElementEnumerator, __uuidof(_TextElementEnumerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TextInfo, __uuidof(_TextInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ThaiBuddhistCalendar, __uuidof(_ThaiBuddhistCalendar)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NumberFormatInfo, __uuidof(_NumberFormatInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Encoding, __uuidof(_Encoding)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Encoder, __uuidof(_Encoder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Decoder, __uuidof(_Decoder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ASCIIEncoding, __uuidof(_ASCIIEncoding)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnicodeEncoding, __uuidof(_UnicodeEncoding)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UTF7Encoding, __uuidof(_UTF7Encoding)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UTF8Encoding, __uuidof(_UTF8Encoding)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MissingManifestResourceException, __uuidof(_MissingManifestResourceException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MissingSatelliteAssemblyException, __uuidof(_MissingSatelliteAssemblyException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute, __uuidof(_NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ResourceManager, __uuidof(_ResourceManager)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ResourceReader, __uuidof(_ResourceReader)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ResourceSet, __uuidof(_ResourceSet)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ResourceWriter, __uuidof(_ResourceWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SatelliteContractVersionAttribute, __uuidof(_SatelliteContractVersionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Registry, __uuidof(_Registry)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RegistryKey, __uuidof(_RegistryKey)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AllMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_AllMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationDirectory, __uuidof(_ApplicationDirectory)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationSecurityInfo, __uuidof(_ApplicationSecurityInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationSecurityManager, __uuidof(_ApplicationSecurityManager)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationTrust, __uuidof(_ApplicationTrust)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationTrustCollection, __uuidof(_ApplicationTrustCollection)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ApplicationTrustEnumerator, __uuidof(_ApplicationTrustEnumerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CodeGroup, __uuidof(_CodeGroup)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Evidence, __uuidof(_Evidence)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEvidenceFactory, __uuidof(IEvidenceFactory)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMembershipCondition, __uuidof(IMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IIdentityPermissionFactory, __uuidof(IIdentityPermissionFactory)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileCodeGroup, __uuidof(_FileCodeGroup)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FirstMatchCodeGroup, __uuidof(_FirstMatchCodeGroup)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TrustManagerContext, __uuidof(_TrustManagerContext)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IApplicationTrustManager, __uuidof(IApplicationTrustManager)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CodeConnectAccess, __uuidof(_CodeConnectAccess)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NetCodeGroup, __uuidof(_NetCodeGroup)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PermissionRequestEvidence, __uuidof(_PermissionRequestEvidence)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PolicyException, __uuidof(_PolicyException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PolicyLevel, __uuidof(_PolicyLevel)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PolicyStatement, __uuidof(_PolicyStatement)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Site, __uuidof(_Site)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SiteMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_SiteMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StrongName, __uuidof(_StrongName)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StrongNameMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_StrongNameMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnionCodeGroup, __uuidof(_UnionCodeGroup)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Url, __uuidof(_Url)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UrlMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_UrlMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Zone, __uuidof(_Zone)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ZoneMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_ZoneMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GacInstalled, __uuidof(_GacInstalled)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GacMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_GacMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Hash, __uuidof(_Hash)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HashMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_HashMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Publisher, __uuidof(_Publisher)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PublisherMembershipCondition, __uuidof(_PublisherMembershipCondition)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ClaimsIdentity, __uuidof(_ClaimsIdentity)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GenericIdentity, __uuidof(_GenericIdentity)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ClaimsPrincipal, __uuidof(_ClaimsPrincipal)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GenericPrincipal, __uuidof(_GenericPrincipal)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WindowsIdentity, __uuidof(_WindowsIdentity)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WindowsImpersonationContext, __uuidof(_WindowsImpersonationContext)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WindowsPrincipal, __uuidof(_WindowsPrincipal)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute, __uuidof(_UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DispIdAttribute, __uuidof(_DispIdAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InterfaceTypeAttribute, __uuidof(_InterfaceTypeAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute, __uuidof(_ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ClassInterfaceAttribute, __uuidof(_ClassInterfaceAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComVisibleAttribute, __uuidof(_ComVisibleAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeLibImportClassAttribute, __uuidof(_TypeLibImportClassAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_LCIDConversionAttribute, __uuidof(_LCIDConversionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComRegisterFunctionAttribute, __uuidof(_ComRegisterFunctionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute, __uuidof(_ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ProgIdAttribute, __uuidof(_ProgIdAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute, __uuidof(_ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IDispatchImplAttribute, __uuidof(_IDispatchImplAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComSourceInterfacesAttribute, __uuidof(_ComSourceInterfacesAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComConversionLossAttribute, __uuidof(_ComConversionLossAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeLibTypeAttribute, __uuidof(_TypeLibTypeAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeLibFuncAttribute, __uuidof(_TypeLibFuncAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeLibVarAttribute, __uuidof(_TypeLibVarAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MarshalAsAttribute, __uuidof(_MarshalAsAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComImportAttribute, __uuidof(_ComImportAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GuidAttribute, __uuidof(_GuidAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PreserveSigAttribute, __uuidof(_PreserveSigAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InAttribute, __uuidof(_InAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OutAttribute, __uuidof(_OutAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OptionalAttribute, __uuidof(_OptionalAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DllImportAttribute, __uuidof(_DllImportAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StructLayoutAttribute, __uuidof(_StructLayoutAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FieldOffsetAttribute, __uuidof(_FieldOffsetAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComAliasNameAttribute, __uuidof(_ComAliasNameAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AutomationProxyAttribute, __uuidof(_AutomationProxyAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute, __uuidof(_PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CoClassAttribute, __uuidof(_CoClassAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComEventInterfaceAttribute, __uuidof(_ComEventInterfaceAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeLibVersionAttribute, __uuidof(_TypeLibVersionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ComCompatibleVersionAttribute, __uuidof(_ComCompatibleVersionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BestFitMappingAttribute, __uuidof(_BestFitMappingAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DefaultCharSetAttribute, __uuidof(_DefaultCharSetAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute, __uuidof(_SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ExternalException, __uuidof(_ExternalException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_COMException, __uuidof(_COMException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InvalidOleVariantTypeException, __uuidof(_InvalidOleVariantTypeException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MarshalDirectiveException, __uuidof(_MarshalDirectiveException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RuntimeEnvironment, __uuidof(_RuntimeEnvironment)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SEHException, __uuidof(_SEHException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BStrWrapper, __uuidof(_BStrWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CurrencyWrapper, __uuidof(_CurrencyWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DispatchWrapper, __uuidof(_DispatchWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ErrorWrapper, __uuidof(_ErrorWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ExtensibleClassFactory, __uuidof(_ExtensibleClassFactory)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InvalidComObjectException, __uuidof(_InvalidComObjectException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObjectCreationDelegate, __uuidof(_ObjectCreationDelegate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SafeArrayRankMismatchException, __uuidof(_SafeArrayRankMismatchException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SafeArrayTypeMismatchException, __uuidof(_SafeArrayTypeMismatchException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnknownWrapper, __uuidof(_UnknownWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TextWriter, __uuidof(_TextWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Stream, __uuidof(_Stream)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IServerResponseChannelSinkStack, __uuidof(IServerResponseChannelSinkStack)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BinaryReader, __uuidof(_BinaryReader)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BinaryWriter, __uuidof(_BinaryWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BufferedStream, __uuidof(_BufferedStream)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Directory, __uuidof(_Directory)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileSystemInfo, __uuidof(_FileSystemInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DirectoryInfo, __uuidof(_DirectoryInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IOException, __uuidof(_IOException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DirectoryNotFoundException, __uuidof(_DirectoryNotFoundException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DriveInfo, __uuidof(_DriveInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DriveNotFoundException, __uuidof(_DriveNotFoundException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EndOfStreamException, __uuidof(_EndOfStreamException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_File, __uuidof(_File)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileInfo, __uuidof(_FileInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileLoadException, __uuidof(_FileLoadException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileNotFoundException, __uuidof(_FileNotFoundException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileStream, __uuidof(_FileStream)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MemoryStream, __uuidof(_MemoryStream)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Path, __uuidof(_Path)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PathTooLongException, __uuidof(_PathTooLongException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TextReader, __uuidof(_TextReader)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StreamReader, __uuidof(_StreamReader)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StreamWriter, __uuidof(_StreamWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StringReader, __uuidof(_StringReader)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StringWriter, __uuidof(_StringWriter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute, __uuidof(_AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CallConvCdecl, __uuidof(_CallConvCdecl)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CallConvStdcall, __uuidof(_CallConvStdcall)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CallConvThiscall, __uuidof(_CallConvThiscall)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CallConvFastcall, __uuidof(_CallConvFastcall)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CustomConstantAttribute, __uuidof(_CustomConstantAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DateTimeConstantAttribute, __uuidof(_DateTimeConstantAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DiscardableAttribute, __uuidof(_DiscardableAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DecimalConstantAttribute, __uuidof(_DecimalConstantAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CompilationRelaxationsAttribute, __uuidof(_CompilationRelaxationsAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute, __uuidof(_CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IndexerNameAttribute, __uuidof(_IndexerNameAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsVolatile, __uuidof(_IsVolatile)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodImplAttribute, __uuidof(_MethodImplAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RequiredAttributeAttribute, __uuidof(_RequiredAttributeAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsCopyConstructed, __uuidof(_IsCopyConstructed)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NativeCppClassAttribute, __uuidof(_NativeCppClassAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IDispatchConstantAttribute, __uuidof(_IDispatchConstantAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IUnknownConstantAttribute, __uuidof(_IUnknownConstantAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SecurityElement, __uuidof(_SecurityElement)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISecurityEncodable, __uuidof(ISecurityEncodable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISecurityPolicyEncodable, __uuidof(ISecurityPolicyEncodable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_XmlSyntaxException, __uuidof(_XmlSyntaxException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CodeAccessPermission, __uuidof(_CodeAccessPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EnvironmentPermission, __uuidof(_EnvironmentPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileDialogPermission, __uuidof(_FileDialogPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileIOPermission, __uuidof(_FileIOPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SecurityAttribute, __uuidof(_SecurityAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CodeAccessSecurityAttribute, __uuidof(_CodeAccessSecurityAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HostProtectionAttribute, __uuidof(_HostProtectionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStoragePermission, __uuidof(_IsolatedStoragePermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStorageFilePermission, __uuidof(_IsolatedStorageFilePermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EnvironmentPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_EnvironmentPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileDialogPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_FileDialogPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FileIOPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_FileIOPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeyContainerPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_KeyContainerPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PrincipalPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_PrincipalPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ReflectionPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_ReflectionPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RegistryPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_RegistryPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SecurityPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_SecurityPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UIPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_UIPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PermissionSetAttribute, __uuidof(_PermissionSetAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ReflectionPermission, __uuidof(_ReflectionPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PrincipalPermission, __uuidof(_PrincipalPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SecurityPermission, __uuidof(_SecurityPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SiteIdentityPermission, __uuidof(_SiteIdentityPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StrongNameIdentityPermission, __uuidof(_StrongNameIdentityPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_StrongNamePublicKeyBlob, __uuidof(_StrongNamePublicKeyBlob)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UIPermission, __uuidof(_UIPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UrlIdentityPermission, __uuidof(_UrlIdentityPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ZoneIdentityPermission, __uuidof(_ZoneIdentityPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GacIdentityPermissionAttribute, __uuidof(_GacIdentityPermissionAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GacIdentityPermission, __uuidof(_GacIdentityPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry, __uuidof(_KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection, __uuidof(_KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator, __uuidof(_KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeyContainerPermission, __uuidof(_KeyContainerPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PublisherIdentityPermission, __uuidof(_PublisherIdentityPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RegistryPermission, __uuidof(_RegistryPermission)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute, __uuidof(_SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnverifiableCodeAttribute, __uuidof(_UnverifiableCodeAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute, __uuidof(_AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HostSecurityManager, __uuidof(_HostSecurityManager)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PermissionSet, __uuidof(_PermissionSet)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_NamedPermissionSet, __uuidof(_NamedPermissionSet)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SecurityException, __uuidof(_SecurityException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HostProtectionException, __uuidof(_HostProtectionException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SecurityManager, __uuidof(_SecurityManager)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_VerificationException, __uuidof(_VerificationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ContextAttribute, __uuidof(_ContextAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AsyncResult, __uuidof(_AsyncResult)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ChannelServices, __uuidof(_ChannelServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ClientChannelSinkStack, __uuidof(_ClientChannelSinkStack)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ServerChannelSinkStack, __uuidof(_ServerChannelSinkStack)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ClientSponsor, __uuidof(_ClientSponsor)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CrossContextDelegate, __uuidof(_CrossContextDelegate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Context, __uuidof(_Context)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContextProperty, __uuidof(IContextProperty)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ContextProperty, __uuidof(_ContextProperty)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EnterpriseServicesHelper, __uuidof(_EnterpriseServicesHelper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ChannelDataStore, __uuidof(_ChannelDataStore)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TransportHeaders, __uuidof(_TransportHeaders)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SinkProviderData, __uuidof(_SinkProviderData)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BaseChannelObjectWithProperties, __uuidof(_BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BaseChannelSinkWithProperties, __uuidof(_BaseChannelSinkWithProperties)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BaseChannelWithProperties, __uuidof(_BaseChannelWithProperties)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_LifetimeServices, __uuidof(_LifetimeServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ReturnMessage, __uuidof(_ReturnMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodCall, __uuidof(_MethodCall)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ConstructionCall, __uuidof(_ConstructionCall)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodResponse, __uuidof(_MethodResponse)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ConstructionResponse, __uuidof(_ConstructionResponse)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InternalMessageWrapper, __uuidof(_InternalMessageWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodCallMessageWrapper, __uuidof(_MethodCallMessageWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodReturnMessageWrapper, __uuidof(_MethodReturnMessageWrapper)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObjRef, __uuidof(_ObjRef)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ITrackingHandler, __uuidof(ITrackingHandler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OneWayAttribute, __uuidof(_OneWayAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ProxyAttribute, __uuidof(_ProxyAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RealProxy, __uuidof(_RealProxy)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapAttribute, __uuidof(_SoapAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapTypeAttribute, __uuidof(_SoapTypeAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapMethodAttribute, __uuidof(_SoapMethodAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapFieldAttribute, __uuidof(_SoapFieldAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapParameterAttribute, __uuidof(_SoapParameterAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RemotingConfiguration, __uuidof(_RemotingConfiguration)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TypeEntry, __uuidof(_TypeEntry)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ActivatedClientTypeEntry, __uuidof(_ActivatedClientTypeEntry)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ActivatedServiceTypeEntry, __uuidof(_ActivatedServiceTypeEntry)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WellKnownClientTypeEntry, __uuidof(_WellKnownClientTypeEntry)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_WellKnownServiceTypeEntry, __uuidof(_WellKnownServiceTypeEntry)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RemotingException, __uuidof(_RemotingException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ServerException, __uuidof(_ServerException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RemotingTimeoutException, __uuidof(_RemotingTimeoutException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RemotingServices, __uuidof(_RemotingServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InternalRemotingServices, __uuidof(_InternalRemotingServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MessageSurrogateFilter, __uuidof(_MessageSurrogateFilter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RemotingSurrogateSelector, __uuidof(_RemotingSurrogateSelector)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapServices, __uuidof(_SoapServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapDateTime, __uuidof(_SoapDateTime)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapDuration, __uuidof(_SoapDuration)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapTime, __uuidof(_SoapTime)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapDate, __uuidof(_SoapDate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapYearMonth, __uuidof(_SoapYearMonth)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapYear, __uuidof(_SoapYear)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapMonthDay, __uuidof(_SoapMonthDay)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapDay, __uuidof(_SoapDay)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapMonth, __uuidof(_SoapMonth)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapHexBinary, __uuidof(_SoapHexBinary)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapBase64Binary, __uuidof(_SoapBase64Binary)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapInteger, __uuidof(_SoapInteger)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapPositiveInteger, __uuidof(_SoapPositiveInteger)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNonPositiveInteger, __uuidof(_SoapNonPositiveInteger)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNonNegativeInteger, __uuidof(_SoapNonNegativeInteger)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNegativeInteger, __uuidof(_SoapNegativeInteger)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapAnyUri, __uuidof(_SoapAnyUri)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapQName, __uuidof(_SoapQName)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNotation, __uuidof(_SoapNotation)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNormalizedString, __uuidof(_SoapNormalizedString)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapToken, __uuidof(_SoapToken)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapLanguage, __uuidof(_SoapLanguage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapName, __uuidof(_SoapName)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapIdrefs, __uuidof(_SoapIdrefs)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapEntities, __uuidof(_SoapEntities)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNmtoken, __uuidof(_SoapNmtoken)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNmtokens, __uuidof(_SoapNmtokens)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapNcName, __uuidof(_SoapNcName)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapId, __uuidof(_SoapId)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapIdref, __uuidof(_SoapIdref)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapEntity, __uuidof(_SoapEntity)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SynchronizationAttribute, __uuidof(_SynchronizationAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TrackingServices, __uuidof(_TrackingServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UrlAttribute, __uuidof(_UrlAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Header, __uuidof(_Header)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HeaderHandler, __uuidof(_HeaderHandler)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IRemotingFormatter, __uuidof(IRemotingFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CallContext, __uuidof(_CallContext)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_LogicalCallContext, __uuidof(_LogicalCallContext)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStorage, __uuidof(_IsolatedStorage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStorageFileStream, __uuidof(_IsolatedStorageFileStream)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStorageException, __uuidof(_IsolatedStorageException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IsolatedStorageFile, __uuidof(_IsolatedStorageFile)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InternalRM, __uuidof(_InternalRM)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_InternalST, __uuidof(_InternalST)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapMessage, __uuidof(_SoapMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SoapFault, __uuidof(_SoapFault)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ServerFault, __uuidof(_ServerFault)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_BinaryFormatter, __uuidof(_BinaryFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DynamicILInfo, __uuidof(_DynamicILInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DynamicMethod, __uuidof(_DynamicMethod)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_OpCodes, __uuidof(_OpCodes)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_GenericTypeParameterBuilder, __uuidof(_GenericTypeParameterBuilder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_UnmanagedMarshal, __uuidof(_UnmanagedMarshal)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeySizes, __uuidof(_KeySizes)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CryptographicException, __uuidof(_CryptographicException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException, __uuidof(_CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RandomNumberGenerator, __uuidof(_RandomNumberGenerator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RNGCryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_RNGCryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SymmetricAlgorithm, __uuidof(_SymmetricAlgorithm)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AsymmetricAlgorithm, __uuidof(_AsymmetricAlgorithm)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter, __uuidof(_AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter, __uuidof(_AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter, __uuidof(_AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AsymmetricSignatureFormatter, __uuidof(_AsymmetricSignatureFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ToBase64Transform, __uuidof(_ToBase64Transform)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FromBase64Transform, __uuidof(_FromBase64Transform)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CryptoAPITransform, __uuidof(_CryptoAPITransform)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CspParameters, __uuidof(_CspParameters)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CryptoConfig, __uuidof(_CryptoConfig)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CryptoStream, __uuidof(_CryptoStream)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DES, __uuidof(_DES)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DESCryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_DESCryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DeriveBytes, __uuidof(_DeriveBytes)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DSA, __uuidof(_DSA)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DSACryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_DSACryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DSASignatureDeformatter, __uuidof(_DSASignatureDeformatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DSASignatureFormatter, __uuidof(_DSASignatureFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HashAlgorithm, __uuidof(_HashAlgorithm)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_KeyedHashAlgorithm, __uuidof(_KeyedHashAlgorithm)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HMAC, __uuidof(_HMAC)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HMACMD5, __uuidof(_HMACMD5)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HMACRIPEMD160, __uuidof(_HMACRIPEMD160)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HMACSHA1, __uuidof(_HMACSHA1)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HMACSHA256, __uuidof(_HMACSHA256)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HMACSHA384, __uuidof(_HMACSHA384)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_HMACSHA512, __uuidof(_HMACSHA512)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_CspKeyContainerInfo, __uuidof(_CspKeyContainerInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm, __uuidof(ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MACTripleDES, __uuidof(_MACTripleDES)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MD5, __uuidof(_MD5)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MD5CryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_MD5CryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MaskGenerationMethod, __uuidof(_MaskGenerationMethod)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PasswordDeriveBytes, __uuidof(_PasswordDeriveBytes)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod, __uuidof(_PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RC2, __uuidof(_RC2)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RC2CryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_RC2CryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Rfc2898DeriveBytes, __uuidof(_Rfc2898DeriveBytes)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RIPEMD160, __uuidof(_RIPEMD160)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RIPEMD160Managed, __uuidof(_RIPEMD160Managed)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSA, __uuidof(_RSA)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSACryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_RSACryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter, __uuidof(_RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter, __uuidof(_RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter, __uuidof(_RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter, __uuidof(_RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter, __uuidof(_RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter, __uuidof(_RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Rijndael, __uuidof(_Rijndael)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RijndaelManaged, __uuidof(_RijndaelManaged)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_RijndaelManagedTransform, __uuidof(_RijndaelManagedTransform)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA1, __uuidof(_SHA1)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA1CryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_SHA1CryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA1Managed, __uuidof(_SHA1Managed)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA256, __uuidof(_SHA256)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA256Managed, __uuidof(_SHA256Managed)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA384, __uuidof(_SHA384)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA384Managed, __uuidof(_SHA384Managed)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA512, __uuidof(_SHA512)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SHA512Managed, __uuidof(_SHA512Managed)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_SignatureDescription, __uuidof(_SignatureDescription)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TripleDES, __uuidof(_TripleDES)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider, __uuidof(_TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_X509Certificate, __uuidof(_X509Certificate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Exception, __uuidof(_Exception)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IClientResponseChannelSinkStack, __uuidof(IClientResponseChannelSinkStack)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMethodReturnMessage, __uuidof(IMethodReturnMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFormattable, __uuidof(IFormattable)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IConvertible, __uuidof(IConvertible)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_AppDomain, __uuidof(_AppDomain)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomFormatter, __uuidof(ICustomFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFormatProvider, __uuidof(IFormatProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomAttributeProvider, __uuidof(ICustomAttributeProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MemberInfo, __uuidof(_MemberInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Type, __uuidof(_Type)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFormatterConverter, __uuidof(IFormatterConverter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICustomFactory, __uuidof(ICustomFactory)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IRemotingTypeInfo, __uuidof(IRemotingTypeInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Object, __uuidof(_Object)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ObjectHandle, __uuidof(_ObjectHandle)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IReflect, __uuidof(IReflect)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolBinder, __uuidof(ISymbolBinder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolBinder1, __uuidof(ISymbolBinder1)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolMethod, __uuidof(ISymbolMethod)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolReader, __uuidof(ISymbolReader)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISymbolScope, __uuidof(ISymbolScope)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Assembly, __uuidof(_Assembly)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, __uuidof(ITypeLibImporterNotifySink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IRegistrationServices, __uuidof(IRegistrationServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ITypeLibExporterNotifySink, __uuidof(ITypeLibExporterNotifySink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ITypeLibConverter, __uuidof(ITypeLibConverter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodBase, __uuidof(_MethodBase)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMethodMessage, __uuidof(IMethodMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_MethodInfo, __uuidof(_MethodInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Delegate, __uuidof(_Delegate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_EventInfo, __uuidof(_EventInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_ConstructorInfo, __uuidof(_ConstructorInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_FieldInfo, __uuidof(_FieldInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_PropertyInfo, __uuidof(_PropertyInfo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IExpando, __uuidof(IExpando)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Binder, __uuidof(_Binder)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISerializationSurrogate, __uuidof(ISerializationSurrogate)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISurrogateSelector, __uuidof(ISurrogateSelector)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFormatter, __uuidof(IFormatter)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContextAttribute, __uuidof(IContextAttribute)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IActivator, __uuidof(IActivator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IConstructionCallMessage, __uuidof(IConstructionCallMessage)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IContextPropertyActivator, __uuidof(IContextPropertyActivator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IClientChannelSinkStack, __uuidof(IClientChannelSinkStack)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IClientChannelSink, __uuidof(IClientChannelSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IClientChannelSinkProvider, __uuidof(IClientChannelSinkProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IServerChannelSinkStack, __uuidof(IServerChannelSinkStack)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IServerChannelSink, __uuidof(IServerChannelSink)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IServerChannelSinkProvider, __uuidof(IServerChannelSinkProvider)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IChannelReceiverHook, __uuidof(IChannelReceiverHook)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISponsor, __uuidof(ISponsor)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ILease, __uuidof(ILease)); // // Type library items // struct __declspec(uuid("81c5fe01-027c-3e1c-98d5-da9c9862aa21")) Object; // [ default ] interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("a1c0a095-df97-3441-bfc1-c9f194e494db")) Exception; // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // [ default ] interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("ce8ad32f-b6db-31ea-9f1e-c2424e0f5eee")) ValueType; // [ default ] interface _ValueType // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("deb0e770-91fd-3cf6-9a6c-e6a3656f3965")) IComparable : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // long CompareTo ( const _variant_t & obj ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CompareTo ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("c43345b9-7fed-3fc7-8fc2-7b1b82bc109e")) Enum; // [ default ] interface _Enum // interface _Object // interface IComparable // interface IFormattable // interface IConvertible struct __declspec(uuid("0cb251a7-3ab3-3b5c-a0b8-9ddf88824b85")) ICloneable : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t Clone ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clone ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("03ce85f6-37cb-3588-b3db-d5628bb1335b")) Delegate; // [ default ] interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("198ffbde-a6db-3cc3-ab15-fbbb7250d624")) MulticastDelegate; // [ default ] interface _MulticastDelegate // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("496b0abe-cdee-11d3-88e8-00902754c43a")) IEnumerable : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IEnumVARIANTPtr GetEnumerator ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEnumerator ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IEnumVARIANT * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("7bcfa00f-f764-3113-9140-3bbd127a96bb")) IList : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutRefItem)) _variant_t Item[]; __declspec(property(get=GetIsReadOnly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsReadOnly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFixedSize)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFixedSize; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t GetItem ( long index ); void PutRefItem ( long index, const _variant_t & pRetVal ); long Add ( const _variant_t & value ); VARIANT_BOOL Contains ( const _variant_t & value ); HRESULT Clear ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsReadOnly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFixedSize ( ); long IndexOf ( const _variant_t & value ); HRESULT Insert ( long index, const _variant_t & value ); HRESULT Remove ( const _variant_t & value ); HRESULT RemoveAt ( long index ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item ( /*[in]*/ long index, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Item ( /*[in]*/ long index, /*[in]*/ VARIANT pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Contains ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsReadOnly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFixedSize ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IndexOf ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Insert ( /*[in]*/ long index, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAt ( /*[in]*/ long index ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("200fb91c-815d-39e0-9e07-0e1bdb2ed47b")) Array; // [ default ] interface _Array // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface IList // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("496b0abf-cdee-11d3-88e8-00902754c43a")) IEnumerator : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetCurrent)) _variant_t Current; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL MoveNext ( ); _variant_t GetCurrent ( ); HRESULT Reset ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveNext ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Current ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("805d7a98-d4af-3f0f-967f-e5cf45312d2c")) IDisposable : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Dispose ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Dispose ( ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("296afbff-1b0b-3ff5-9d6c-4e7e599f8b57")) String; // [ default ] interface _String // interface _Object // interface IComparable // interface ICloneable // interface IConvertible // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("c20fd3eb-7022-3d14-8477-760fab54e50d")) IComparer : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // long Compare ( const _variant_t & x, const _variant_t & y ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Compare ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT x, /*[in]*/ VARIANT y, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("aab7c6ea-cab0-3adb-82aa-cf32e29af238")) IEqualityComparer : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & x, const _variant_t & y ); long GetHashCode ( const _variant_t & obj ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT x, /*[in]*/ VARIANT y, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("8ea98c90-180d-39ae-aa70-2aa3d5ebb7ae")) StringComparer; // [ default ] interface _StringComparer // interface _Object // interface IComparer // interface IEqualityComparer enum __declspec(uuid("d0431551-3853-37f8-b714-8a8986e1ea38")) StringComparison { StringComparison_CurrentCulture = 0, StringComparison_CurrentCultureIgnoreCase = 1, StringComparison_InvariantCulture = 2, StringComparison_InvariantCultureIgnoreCase = 3, StringComparison_Ordinal = 4, StringComparison_OrdinalIgnoreCase = 5 }; struct __declspec(uuid("e724b749-18d6-36ab-9f6d-09c36d9c6016")) StringBuilder; // [ default ] interface _StringBuilder // interface _Object // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("69cedc24-bc35-3354-b324-6bd5f3ecb757")) DateTimeKind { DateTimeKind_Unspecified = 0, DateTimeKind_Utc = 1, DateTimeKind_Local = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("ab3f47e4-c227-3b05-bf9f-94649bef9888")) IDeserializationCallback : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT OnDeserialization ( const _variant_t & sender ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnDeserialization ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT sender ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("4224ac84-9b11-3561-8923-c893ca77acbe")) SystemException; // [ default ] interface _SystemException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("ccf306ae-33bd-3003-9cce-daf5befef611")) OutOfMemoryException; // [ default ] interface _OutOfMemoryException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("9c125a6f-eae2-3fc1-97a1-c0dceab0b5df")) StackOverflowException; // [ default ] interface _StackOverflowException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("aad4bdd3-81aa-3abc-b53b-d904d25bc01e")) DataMisalignedException; // [ default ] interface _DataMisalignedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("e786fb32-b659-3d96-94c4-e1a9fc037868")) ExecutionEngineException; // [ default ] interface _ExecutionEngineException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("0ff66430-c796-3ee7-902b-166c402ca288")) MemberAccessException; // [ default ] interface _MemberAccessException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("03973551-57a1-3900-a2b5-9083e3ff2943")) _Activator : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("9ba4fd4e-2bc2-31a0-b721-d17aba5b12c3")) Activator; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _Activator struct __declspec(uuid("4c3ebfd5-fc72-33dc-bc37-9953eb25b8d7")) AccessViolationException; // [ default ] interface _AccessViolationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("1d09b407-a97f-378a-accb-82ca0082f9f3")) ApplicationActivator; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationActivator // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("682d63b8-1692-31be-88cd-5cb1f79edb7b")) ApplicationException; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("3fb717af-9d21-3016-871a-df817abddd51")) EventArgs; // [ default ] interface _EventArgs // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("1c1d34a9-3f45-3b51-a9af-0354975bf8cc")) ResolveEventArgs; // [ default ] interface _ResolveEventArgs // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("81548590-3849-32a8-aa6f-f2b3137cf4a3")) AssemblyLoadEventArgs; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyLoadEventArgs // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("a4b8c851-941a-3dee-bd08-d9e2eed101c5")) ResolveEventHandler; // [ default ] interface _ResolveEventHandler // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("2e130dc8-564e-397f-a628-397709da52e9")) AssemblyLoadEventHandler; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyLoadEventHandler // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("fa525b27-3d69-3116-8d15-0064f6299548")) AppDomainInitializer; // [ default ] interface _AppDomainInitializer // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("14b542c6-1c5a-3869-b8f8-feefd7b29d09")) MarshalByRefObject; // [ default ] interface _MarshalByRefObject // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("5fe0a145-a82b-3d96-94e3-fd214c9d6eb9")) AppDomain; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _AppDomain // interface IEvidenceFactory struct __declspec(uuid("496219c1-3fb7-3dcf-8af7-d56032f7891f")) CrossAppDomainDelegate; // [ default ] interface _CrossAppDomainDelegate // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("148540d3-e67f-36dc-a55d-2c8dec53b9d3")) AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions { AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions_None = 0, AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions_RegisterWithHost = 1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("c03880a5-0b5e-39ad-954a-ce0dcbd5ef7d")) AppDomainManager; // [ default ] interface _AppDomainManager // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("27fff232-a7a8-40dd-8d4a-734ad59fcd41")) IAppDomainSetup : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetApplicationBase,put=PutApplicationBase)) _bstr_t ApplicationBase; __declspec(property(get=GetApplicationName,put=PutApplicationName)) _bstr_t ApplicationName; __declspec(property(get=GetCachePath,put=PutCachePath)) _bstr_t CachePath; __declspec(property(get=GetConfigurationFile,put=PutConfigurationFile)) _bstr_t ConfigurationFile; __declspec(property(get=GetDynamicBase,put=PutDynamicBase)) _bstr_t DynamicBase; __declspec(property(get=GetLicenseFile,put=PutLicenseFile)) _bstr_t LicenseFile; __declspec(property(get=GetPrivateBinPath,put=PutPrivateBinPath)) _bstr_t PrivateBinPath; __declspec(property(get=GetPrivateBinPathProbe,put=PutPrivateBinPathProbe)) _bstr_t PrivateBinPathProbe; __declspec(property(get=GetShadowCopyDirectories,put=PutShadowCopyDirectories)) _bstr_t ShadowCopyDirectories; __declspec(property(get=GetShadowCopyFiles,put=PutShadowCopyFiles)) _bstr_t ShadowCopyFiles; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetApplicationBase ( ); void PutApplicationBase ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetApplicationName ( ); void PutApplicationName ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetCachePath ( ); void PutCachePath ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetConfigurationFile ( ); void PutConfigurationFile ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetDynamicBase ( ); void PutDynamicBase ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetLicenseFile ( ); void PutLicenseFile ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetPrivateBinPath ( ); void PutPrivateBinPath ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetPrivateBinPathProbe ( ); void PutPrivateBinPathProbe ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetShadowCopyDirectories ( ); void PutShadowCopyDirectories ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetShadowCopyFiles ( ); void PutShadowCopyFiles ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplicationBase ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplicationBase ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplicationName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplicationName ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CachePath ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CachePath ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConfigurationFile ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ConfigurationFile ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DynamicBase ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DynamicBase ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LicenseFile ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LicenseFile ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrivateBinPath ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrivateBinPath ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrivateBinPathProbe ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrivateBinPathProbe ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShadowCopyDirectories ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShadowCopyDirectories ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShadowCopyFiles ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShadowCopyFiles ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3e8e0f03-d3fd-3a93-bae0-c74a6494dbca")) AppDomainSetup; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface IAppDomainSetup enum __declspec(uuid("8a6c24c5-1f87-37c2-bc4d-3421eb62d4c1")) LoaderOptimization { LoaderOptimization_NotSpecified = 0, LoaderOptimization_SingleDomain = 1, LoaderOptimization_MultiDomain = 2, LoaderOptimization_MultiDomainHost = 3, LoaderOptimization_DomainMask = 3, LoaderOptimization_DisallowBindings = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("917b14d0-2d9e-38b8-92a9-381acf52f7c0")) _Attribute : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("1765714b-e628-34c3-b66f-7686faf462da")) Attribute; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("b39742fd-1a55-3810-9ea5-f6e86ebeb472")) LoaderOptimizationAttribute; // [ default ] interface _LoaderOptimizationAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("61b3e12b-3586-3a58-a497-7ed7c4c794b9")) AppDomainUnloadedException; // [ default ] interface _AppDomainUnloadedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("d85d40ce-a21a-3c41-a38f-323709b37697")) EvidenceBase; // [ default ] interface _EvidenceBase // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("d12b05f9-0654-351a-92d1-8fdac1f243de")) ActivationArguments; // [ default ] interface _ActivationArguments // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("af3866ad-f70a-3cf8-984e-858c5a686d57")) ApplicationId; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationId // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("3fdceec6-b14b-37e2-bb69-abc7ca0da22f")) ArgumentException; // [ default ] interface _ArgumentException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("3bd1f243-9bc4-305d-9b1c-0d10c80329fc")) ArgumentNullException; // [ default ] interface _ArgumentNullException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("74bdd0b9-38d7-3fda-a67e-d404ee684f24")) ArgumentOutOfRangeException; // [ default ] interface _ArgumentOutOfRangeException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("647053c3-1879-34d7-ae57-67015c91fc70")) ArithmeticException; // [ default ] interface _ArithmeticException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("676e1164-752c-3a74-8d3f-bcd32a2026d6")) ArrayTypeMismatchException; // [ default ] interface _ArrayTypeMismatchException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("b2a87ddb-5dab-395f-b7be-ad83058fb516")) AsyncCallback; // [ default ] interface _AsyncCallback // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("9bc2306f-4971-38f5-b861-f19c022274a0")) AttributeTargets { AttributeTargets_Assembly = 1, AttributeTargets_Module = 2, AttributeTargets_Class = 4, AttributeTargets_Struct = 8, AttributeTargets_Enum = 16, AttributeTargets_Constructor = 32, AttributeTargets_Method = 64, AttributeTargets_Property = 128, AttributeTargets_Field = 256, AttributeTargets_Event = 512, AttributeTargets_Interface = 1024, AttributeTargets_Parameter = 2048, AttributeTargets_Delegate = 4096, AttributeTargets_ReturnValue = 8192, AttributeTargets_GenericParameter = 16384, AttributeTargets_All = 32767 }; struct __declspec(uuid("53a62bb1-75b9-3b52-ae98-92afd573cdb1")) AttributeUsageAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AttributeUsageAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("e9148312-a9bf-3a45-bbca-350967fd78f5")) BadImageFormatException; // [ default ] interface _BadImageFormatException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("c3008e12-9b16-36ec-b731-73257f25be7a")) Boolean { long m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("830fe109-4566-3af2-9b57-5602724fcace")) Buffer; // [ default ] interface _Buffer // interface _Object #pragma pack(push, 1) struct __declspec(uuid("9b957340-adba-3234-91ea-46a5c9bff530")) Byte { unsigned char m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("29c69707-875f-3678-8f01-283094a2dfb1")) CannotUnloadAppDomainException; // [ default ] interface _CannotUnloadAppDomainException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception #pragma pack(push, 1) struct __declspec(uuid("6ee96102-3657-3d66-867a-26b63aaaaf78")) Char { unsigned char m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("277eabd6-f03a-3c52-8b42-b8e326d9c0cc")) CharEnumerator; // [ default ] interface _CharEnumerator // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface IDisposable // interface IEnumerator struct __declspec(uuid("15dbec24-0e2d-3db2-af66-932203215895")) CLSCompliantAttribute; // [ default ] interface _CLSCompliantAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("d6d2034d-5f67-30d7-9cc5-452f2c46694f")) TypeUnloadedException; // [ default ] interface _TypeUnloadedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("c281c7f1-4aa9-3517-961a-463cfed57e75")) _Thread : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("314bda5a-9292-3fc0-830d-7a4b0261fc88")) CriticalFinalizerObject; // [ default ] interface _CriticalFinalizerObject // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("cbeaa915-4d2c-3f77-98e8-a258b0fd3cef")) ContextMarshalException; // [ default ] interface _ContextMarshalException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("7916cbef-050e-3e39-b83a-5ab9558e72f1")) ContextBoundObject; // [ default ] interface _ContextBoundObject // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("96705ee3-f7ab-3e9a-9fb2-ad1d536e901a")) ContextStaticAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ContextStaticAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("543c0dd8-a713-3777-b01a-aeb801dac001")) TimeZone; // [ default ] interface _TimeZone // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("12d4d747-6b55-36f2-9108-3ee9bc0ffefd")) DayOfWeek { DayOfWeek_Sunday = 0, DayOfWeek_Monday = 1, DayOfWeek_Tuesday = 2, DayOfWeek_Wednesday = 3, DayOfWeek_Thursday = 4, DayOfWeek_Friday = 5, DayOfWeek_Saturday = 6 }; struct __declspec(uuid("8c1a4524-3ceb-3436-b449-cac456ecab09")) DBNull; // [ default ] interface _DBNull // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface IConvertible #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("6fb370d8-4f72-3ac1-9a32-3875f336ecb5")) Decimal { long flags; long hi; long lo; long mid; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("74a6b90c-8710-32da-bbf7-9d4445e071e9")) Binder; // [ default ] interface _Binder // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("f6914a11-d95d-324f-ba0f-39a374625290")) DivideByZeroException; // [ default ] interface _DivideByZeroException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception #pragma pack(push, 8) struct __declspec(uuid("0f4f147f-4369-3388-8e4b-71e20c96f9ad")) Double { double m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("cc20c6df-a054-3f09-a5f5-a3b5a25f4ce6")) DuplicateWaitObjectException; // [ default ] interface _DuplicateWaitObjectException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("112bc2e7-9ef9-3648-af9e-45c0d4b89929")) TypeLoadException; // [ default ] interface _TypeLoadException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("ad326409-bf80-3e0c-ba6f-ee2c33b675a5")) EntryPointNotFoundException; // [ default ] interface _EntryPointNotFoundException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("46e97093-b2ec-3787-a9a5-470d1a27417c")) DllNotFoundException; // [ default ] interface _DllNotFoundException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("3b1774cd-34e0-3c00-aabd-168b38c62fd9")) EnvironmentVariableTarget { EnvironmentVariableTarget_Process = 0, EnvironmentVariableTarget_User = 1, EnvironmentVariableTarget_Machine = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("df81b4ff-7226-30fa-84df-80795ba1a642")) Environment; // [ default ] interface _Environment // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("dca836de-c23d-334c-86b7-8385be47030d")) EventHandler; // [ default ] interface _EventHandler // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("bda7bee5-85f1-3b66-b610-ddf1d5898006")) FieldAccessException; // [ default ] interface _FieldAccessException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("66ce75d4-0334-3ca6-bca8-ce9af28a4396")) FlagsAttribute; // [ default ] interface _FlagsAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("964aa3bd-4b12-3e23-9d7f-99342afae812")) FormatException; // [ default ] interface _FormatException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("9c5923e9-de52-33ea-88de-7ebc8633b9cc")) Guid { long _a; short _b; short _c; unsigned char _d; unsigned char _e; unsigned char _f; unsigned char _g; unsigned char _h; unsigned char _i; unsigned char _j; unsigned char _k; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("5ca9971b-2dc3-3bc8-847a-5e6d15cbb16e")) IndexOutOfRangeException; // [ default ] interface _IndexOutOfRangeException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception #pragma pack(push, 2) struct __declspec(uuid("206daf34-5ba5-3504-8a19-d57699561886")) Int16 { short m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("a310fadd-7c33-377c-9d6b-599b0317d7f2")) Int32 { long m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 8) struct __declspec(uuid("ad1cecf5-5fad-3ecf-ad89-2febd6521fa9")) Int64 { __int64 m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("a1cb710c-8d50-3181-bb38-65ce2e98f9a6")) IntPtr { void * m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("7f6bcbe5-eb30-370b-9f1b-92a6265afedd")) InvalidCastException; // [ default ] interface _InvalidCastException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("9546306b-1b68-33af-80db-3a9206501515")) InvalidOperationException; // [ default ] interface _InvalidOperationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("91591469-efef-3d63-90f9-88520f0aa1ef")) InvalidProgramException; // [ default ] interface _InvalidProgramException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("e95e800a-cba4-3613-821d-6d6ef3bcbf6b")) LocalDataStoreSlot; // [ default ] interface _LocalDataStoreSlot // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("92e76a74-2622-3aa9-a3ca-1ae8bd7bc4a8")) MethodAccessException; // [ default ] interface _MethodAccessException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("d12abe44-783e-328b-aad3-4ed726e903c7")) MidpointRounding { MidpointRounding_ToEven = 0, MidpointRounding_AwayFromZero = 1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("cdc70043-d56b-3799-b7bd-6113bbca160a")) MissingMemberException; // [ default ] interface _MissingMemberException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("8d36569b-14d6-3c3d-b55c-9d02a45bfc3d")) MissingFieldException; // [ default ] interface _MissingFieldException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("58897d76-ef6c-327a-93f7-6cd66c424e11")) MissingMethodException; // [ default ] interface _MissingMethodException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("9da2f8b8-59f0-3852-b509-0663e3bf643b")) MulticastNotSupportedException; // [ default ] interface _MulticastNotSupportedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("cc77f5f3-222d-3586-88c3-410477a3b65d")) NonSerializedAttribute; // [ default ] interface _NonSerializedAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("7e34ab89-0684-3b86-8a0f-e638eb4e6252")) NotFiniteNumberException; // [ default ] interface _NotFiniteNumberException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("f8be2ad5-4e99-3e00-b10e-7c54d31c1c1d")) NotImplementedException; // [ default ] interface _NotImplementedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("dafb2462-2a5b-3818-b17e-602984fe1bb0")) NotSupportedException; // [ default ] interface _NotSupportedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("7f71db2d-1ea0-3cae-8087-26095f5215e6")) NullReferenceException; // [ default ] interface _NullReferenceException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("f17baaf6-d35c-3c6e-acd3-d0d49a5022c4")) ObjectDisposedException; // [ default ] interface _ObjectDisposedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("08295c62-7462-3633-b35e-7ae68aca3948")) ObsoleteAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ObsoleteAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("d7ca3b25-a57b-354c-8758-9fe3a905c1ac")) OperatingSystem; // [ default ] interface _OperatingSystem // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("11581718-2434-32e3-b559-e86ce9923744")) OperationCanceledException; // [ default ] interface _OperationCanceledException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("4286fa72-a2fa-3245-8751-d4206070a191")) OverflowException; // [ default ] interface _OverflowException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("3495e5fa-2a90-3ca7-b3b5-58736c4441dd")) ParamArrayAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ParamArrayAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("f9628962-01e2-32f6-a40c-08bd8adcff25")) PlatformID { PlatformID_Win32S = 0, PlatformID_Win32Windows = 1, PlatformID_Win32NT = 2, PlatformID_WinCE = 3, PlatformID_Unix = 4, PlatformID_Xbox = 5, PlatformID_MacOSX = 6 }; struct __declspec(uuid("a36738b5-fa8f-3316-a929-68099a32b43b")) PlatformNotSupportedException; // [ default ] interface _PlatformNotSupportedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("4e77ec8f-51d8-386c-85fe-7dc931b7a8e7")) Random; // [ default ] interface _Random // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("c9f61cbd-287f-3d24-9feb-2c3f347cf570")) RankException; // [ default ] interface _RankException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("5ae028b5-9a3a-32a9-899c-1deefb85cc50")) MemberInfo; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // [ default ] interface _MemberInfo struct __declspec(uuid("6c9863dc-7207-327f-a048-c3bb63474bfc")) Type; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // [ default ] interface _Type // interface IReflect struct __declspec(uuid("0df960bc-125d-3dcb-b55a-e19d773be4f2")) TypeInfo; // [ default ] interface _TypeInfo // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _Type // interface IReflect #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("3613a9b6-c23b-3b54-ae02-6ec764d69e70")) RuntimeArgumentHandle { long m_ptr; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("78c18a10-c00e-3c09-b000-411c38900c2c")) RuntimeTypeHandle { IUnknown * m_type; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("f8fc5d7c-8215-3e65-befb-11e8172606fe")) RuntimeMethodHandle { IUnknown * m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("27b33bd9-e6f7-3148-911d-f67340a5353f")) RuntimeFieldHandle { IUnknown * m_ptr; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("8531f85a-746b-3db5-a45f-9bac4bd02d8b")) ModuleHandle { IUnknown * m_ptr; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) struct __declspec(uuid("ca2bcdb4-3a7e-33e8-80ed-d32475adef33")) SByte { char m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("89bcc804-53a5-3eb2-a342-6282cc410260")) SerializableAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SerializableAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("23d4a35b-c997-3401-8372-736025b17744")) Single { float m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("50aad4c2-61fa-3b1f-8157-5ba3b27aee61")) STAThreadAttribute; // [ default ] interface _STAThreadAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("b406ac70-4d7e-3d24-b241-aeaeac343bd9")) MTAThreadAttribute; // [ default ] interface _MTAThreadAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("eaa78d4a-20a3-3fde-ab72-d3d55e3aefe6")) TimeoutException; // [ default ] interface _TimeoutException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception #pragma pack(push, 8) struct __declspec(uuid("94942670-4acf-3572-92d1-0916cd777e00")) TimeSpan { __int64 _ticks; }; #pragma pack(pop) enum __declspec(uuid("8e3cc6fb-a6ed-3f63-a7d1-d40d8c6666f6")) TypeCode { TypeCode_Empty = 0, TypeCode_Object = 1, TypeCode_DBNull = 2, TypeCode_Boolean = 3, TypeCode_Char = 4, TypeCode_SByte = 5, TypeCode_Byte = 6, TypeCode_Int16 = 7, TypeCode_UInt16 = 8, TypeCode_Int32 = 9, TypeCode_UInt32 = 10, TypeCode_Int64 = 11, TypeCode_UInt64 = 12, TypeCode_Single = 13, TypeCode_Double = 14, TypeCode_Decimal = 15, TypeCode_DateTime = 16, TypeCode_String = 18 }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("06ad02b5-c5a4-3eec-b7ba-b0af7860d36a")) TypedReference { long value; long Type; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("811fb5f2-9bfe-3557-83de-1279f0b3eb55")) TypeInitializationException; // [ default ] interface _TypeInitializationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception #pragma pack(push, 2) struct __declspec(uuid("0f0928b7-11dd-31dd-a0d5-bb008ae887bf")) UInt16 { unsigned short m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("4f854e40-af6d-3d30-860a-e9722c85e9a3")) UInt32 { unsigned long m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 8) struct __declspec(uuid("62ad7d6b-52cc-3ed4-a20d-1a32ef6bf1da")) UInt64 { unsigned __int64 m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("4f93b8dd-5396-3b65-b16a-11fbc8812a71")) UIntPtr { void * m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("75215200-a2fe-30f6-a34b-8f1a1830358e")) UnauthorizedAccessException; // [ default ] interface _UnauthorizedAccessException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("b55dae2e-c8e8-3c48-b404-d991979a9d9d")) UnhandledExceptionEventArgs; // [ default ] interface _UnhandledExceptionEventArgs // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("db4d2d94-3fa3-36f5-b22e-a00ff22f08bd")) UnhandledExceptionEventHandler; // [ default ] interface _UnhandledExceptionEventHandler // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("43cd41ad-3b78-3531-9031-3059e0aa64eb")) Version; // [ default ] interface _Version // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface IComparable struct __declspec(uuid("d3f54e92-a0c7-3bf4-a114-f1f384ce3eff")) WeakReference; // [ default ] interface _WeakReference // interface _Object // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("4d0e564a-78c8-31e0-ba03-73af7bdff5a9")) WaitHandle; // [ default ] interface _WaitHandle // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("80226212-1832-310f-862c-a511e3534e62")) EventWaitHandle; // [ default ] interface _EventWaitHandle // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("e35af4dd-eb37-39fc-9071-4ce39b1a54be")) AutoResetEvent; // [ default ] interface _AutoResetEvent // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("5b193863-a73e-3ec3-80d0-35b36e3cf4ed")) ContextCallback; // [ default ] interface _ContextCallback // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("c460e2b4-e199-412a-8456-84dc3e4838c3")) IObjectHandle : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t Unwrap ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unwrap ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("ba0e4cf7-a429-3fe8-abab-183387d05852")) LockCookie { long _dwFlags; long _dwWriterSeqNum; long _wReaderAndWriterLevel; long _dwThreadID; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("17a355c3-c65e-3f26-8a80-236890ebc997")) ManualResetEvent; // [ default ] interface _ManualResetEvent // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("9e97213a-0b49-3c05-a0bf-d203c4fc8487")) Monitor; // [ default ] interface _Monitor // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("d74d613d-f27f-311b-a9a3-27ebc63a1a5d")) Mutex; // [ default ] interface _Mutex // interface _Object // interface IDisposable #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("a2959123-2f66-35b4-815d-37c83360809b")) NativeOverlapped { long InternalLow; long InternalHigh; long OffsetLow; long OffsetHigh; long EventHandle; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("7fe87a55-1321-3d9f-8fef-cd2f5e8ab2e9")) Overlapped; // [ default ] interface _Overlapped // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("9173d971-b142-38a5-8488-d10a9dcf71b0")) ReaderWriterLock; // [ default ] interface _ReaderWriterLock // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("48a75519-cb7a-3d18-b91e-be62ee842a3e")) SynchronizationLockException; // [ default ] interface _SynchronizationLockException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("a5889aad-36a6-3b3e-89f9-118ce3a77d7c")) Thread; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _Thread struct __declspec(uuid("ea1cf67d-7904-36a3-bd5b-dd028985861c")) ThreadAbortException; // [ default ] interface _ThreadAbortException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("27e986e1-baec-3d48-82e4-14169ca8cecf")) ThreadInterruptedException; // [ default ] interface _ThreadInterruptedException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("50f8ae2b-69f0-37ef-954b-d2618e3e8267")) RegisteredWaitHandle; // [ default ] interface _RegisteredWaitHandle // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("d8e04cc2-f4f5-367d-a23f-f71aff4f14f3")) WaitCallback; // [ default ] interface _WaitCallback // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("3c8c9f02-2c23-39ff-ac7b-cd0ee1d14a79")) WaitOrTimerCallback; // [ default ] interface _WaitOrTimerCallback // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("8a937e3b-9c07-3d4d-b50a-4f4f3c85317c")) IOCompletionCallback; // [ default ] interface _IOCompletionCallback // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("d32b1206-1440-3664-9991-1ae109add173")) ThreadPriority { ThreadPriority_Lowest = 0, ThreadPriority_BelowNormal = 1, ThreadPriority_Normal = 2, ThreadPriority_AboveNormal = 3, ThreadPriority_Highest = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("e7ac1e4d-35db-3432-a032-e94c012b2d39")) ThreadStart; // [ default ] interface _ThreadStart // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("f768ec63-95ed-35fc-9876-7bcf01a14919")) ThreadState { ThreadState_Running = 0, ThreadState_StopRequested = 1, ThreadState_SuspendRequested = 2, ThreadState_Background = 4, ThreadState_Unstarted = 8, ThreadState_Stopped = 16, ThreadState_WaitSleepJoin = 32, ThreadState_Suspended = 64, ThreadState_AbortRequested = 128, ThreadState_Aborted = 256 }; struct __declspec(uuid("3e5509f0-1fb9-304d-8174-75d6c9afe5da")) ThreadStateException; // [ default ] interface _ThreadStateException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("ffc9f9ae-e87a-3252-8e25-b22423a40065")) ThreadStaticAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ThreadStaticAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("5a49b766-b474-3501-901e-5bdac8b48a3d")) Timeout; // [ default ] interface _Timeout // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("ddf7ba7f-4b7c-378d-a153-6285b84c6593")) TimerCallback; // [ default ] interface _TimerCallback // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("490ca7a8-d03f-3459-8208-d428ea010da0")) Timer; // [ default ] interface _Timer // interface _Object // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("7055b1db-d445-31fc-bdec-a9fb3f6e6e58")) ApartmentState { ApartmentState_STA = 0, ApartmentState_MTA = 1, ApartmentState_Unknown = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("35e946e4-7cda-3824-8b24-d799a96309ad")) CaseInsensitiveComparer; // [ default ] interface _CaseInsensitiveComparer // interface _Object // interface IComparer struct __declspec(uuid("5d573036-3435-3c5a-aeff-2b8191082c71")) IHashCodeProvider : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // long GetHashCode ( const _variant_t & obj ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("47d3c68d-7d85-3227-a9e7-88451d6badfc")) CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider; // [ default ] interface _CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider // interface _Object // interface IHashCodeProvider struct __declspec(uuid("87259279-9f5d-3c0a-bb58-723a2a6e4dba")) CollectionBase; // [ default ] interface _CollectionBase // interface _Object // interface IList // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("9840c5c3-21d3-3b8a-94c1-3fc542b0227e")) DictionaryBase; // [ default ] interface _DictionaryBase // interface _Object // interface IDictionary // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("b66406bd-746d-3d10-98a1-41d097cf42b7")) ReadOnlyCollectionBase; // [ default ] interface _ReadOnlyCollectionBase // interface _Object // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("7f976b72-4b71-3858-bee8-8e3a3189a651")) Queue; // [ default ] interface _Queue // interface _Object // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("6896b49d-7afb-34dc-934e-5add38eeee39")) ArrayList; // [ default ] interface _ArrayList // interface _Object // interface IList // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("5d2fb755-c658-3f51-86f2-881f4a1a2a55")) BitArray; // [ default ] interface _BitArray // interface _Object // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("4599202d-460f-3fb7-8a1c-c2cc6ed6c7c8")) Stack; // [ default ] interface _Stack // interface _Object // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("8a63140f-7eb8-3f4e-ba59-19b8c747843f")) Comparer; // [ default ] interface _Comparer // interface _Object // interface IComparer // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("146855fa-309f-3d0e-bb3e-df525f30a715")) Hashtable; // [ default ] interface _Hashtable // interface _Object // interface IDictionary // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface ISerializable // interface IDeserializationCallback // interface ICloneable #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("a6cceb32-ec73-3e9b-8852-02783c97d3fa")) DictionaryEntry { IUnknown * _key; IUnknown * _value; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("35d574bf-7a4f-3588-8c19-12212a0fe4dc")) IDictionaryEnumerator : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=Getkey)) _variant_t key; __declspec(property(get=Getvalue)) _variant_t value; __declspec(property(get=GetEntry)) struct DictionaryEntry Entry; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t Getkey ( ); _variant_t Getvalue ( ); struct DictionaryEntry GetEntry ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_key ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_value ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Entry ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct DictionaryEntry * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("026cc6d7-34b2-33d5-b551-ca31eb6ce345")) SortedList; // [ default ] interface _SortedList // interface _Object // interface IDictionary // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("f358ac62-4569-3705-be32-b07e799b4223")) Nullable; // [ default ] interface _Nullable // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("0d52abe3-3c93-3d94-a744-ac44850baccd")) KeyNotFoundException; // [ default ] interface _KeyNotFoundException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("75b3810e-f2d5-36e2-8d27-514ebcad4511")) ConditionalAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ConditionalAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("91f672a3-6b82-3e04-b2d7-bac5d6676609")) Debugger; // [ default ] interface _Debugger // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("93f551d6-2f9e-301b-be63-85aef508cae0")) DebuggerStepThroughAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerStepThroughAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("1b979846-aaeb-314b-8e63-d44ef1cb9efc")) DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("41970d73-92f6-36d9-874d-3bd0762a0d6f")) DebuggerHiddenAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerHiddenAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("29625281-51ce-3f8a-ac4d-e360cacb92e2")) DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("df1f67b4-74f7-30af-922d-29f0b91abc25")) DebuggableAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggableAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("5a235286-93f1-3c18-a3ae-16d345a87a24")) DebuggerBrowsableState { DebuggerBrowsableState_Never = 0, DebuggerBrowsableState_Collapsed = 2, DebuggerBrowsableState_RootHidden = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("a709ebbe-bdb2-30f4-959b-37b7a68e4299")) DebuggerBrowsableAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerBrowsableAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("8366ee18-bbe6-3061-b99f-ba87e26919d1")) DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("f640e47b-67d0-31a2-8621-02e2dd41b496")) DebuggerDisplayAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerDisplayAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("29813e13-8772-3b1f-878d-26c33b045d5a")) DebuggerVisualizerAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DebuggerVisualizerAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("405c2d81-315b-3cb0-8442-ef5a38d4c3b8")) StackTrace; // [ default ] interface _StackTrace // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("14910622-09d4-3b4a-8c1e-9991dbdcc553")) StackFrame; // [ default ] interface _StackFrame // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("1c32f012-2684-3efe-8d50-9c2973acc00b")) ISymbolDocument : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetUrl)) _bstr_t Url; __declspec(property(get=GetDocumentType)) GUID DocumentType; __declspec(property(get=GetLanguage)) GUID Language; __declspec(property(get=GetLanguageVendor)) GUID LanguageVendor; __declspec(property(get=GetCheckSumAlgorithmId)) GUID CheckSumAlgorithmId; __declspec(property(get=GetHasEmbeddedSource)) VARIANT_BOOL HasEmbeddedSource; __declspec(property(get=GetSourceLength)) long SourceLength; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetUrl ( ); GUID GetDocumentType ( ); GUID GetLanguage ( ); GUID GetLanguageVendor ( ); GUID GetCheckSumAlgorithmId ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCheckSum ( ); long FindClosestLine ( long line ); VARIANT_BOOL GetHasEmbeddedSource ( ); long GetSourceLength ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetSourceRange ( long startLine, long startColumn, long endLine, long endColumn ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Url ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocumentType ( /*[out,retval]*/ GUID * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Language ( /*[out,retval]*/ GUID * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LanguageVendor ( /*[out,retval]*/ GUID * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CheckSumAlgorithmId ( /*[out,retval]*/ GUID * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCheckSum ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindClosestLine ( /*[in]*/ long line, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasEmbeddedSource ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SourceLength ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSourceRange ( /*[in]*/ long startLine, /*[in]*/ long startColumn, /*[in]*/ long endLine, /*[in]*/ long endColumn, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("fa682f24-3a3c-390d-b8a2-96f1106f4b37")) ISymbolDocumentWriter : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT SetSource ( SAFEARRAY * Source ); HRESULT SetCheckSum ( GUID algorithmId, SAFEARRAY * checkSum ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSource ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * Source ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCheckSum ( /*[in]*/ GUID algorithmId, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * checkSum ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("23ed2454-6899-3c28-bab7-6ec86683964a")) ISymbolNamespace : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t Getname ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetNamespaces ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetVariables ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNamespaces ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetVariables ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; enum __declspec(uuid("b6b91160-2abf-352b-a74d-1174cc324e18")) SymAddressKind { SymAddressKind_ILOffset = 1, SymAddressKind_NativeRVA = 2, SymAddressKind_NativeRegister = 3, SymAddressKind_NativeRegisterRelative = 4, SymAddressKind_NativeOffset = 5, SymAddressKind_NativeRegisterRegister = 6, SymAddressKind_NativeRegisterStack = 7, SymAddressKind_NativeStackRegister = 8, SymAddressKind_BitField = 9, SymAddressKind_NativeSectionOffset = 10 }; struct __declspec(uuid("4042bd4d-b5ab-30e8-919b-14910687baae")) ISymbolVariable : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) _variant_t Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetAddressKind)) enum SymAddressKind AddressKind; __declspec(property(get=GetAddressField1)) long AddressField1; __declspec(property(get=GetAddressField2)) long AddressField2; __declspec(property(get=GetAddressField3)) long AddressField3; __declspec(property(get=GetStartOffset)) long StartOffset; __declspec(property(get=GetEndOffset)) long EndOffset; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t Getname ( ); _variant_t GetAttributes ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetSignature ( ); enum SymAddressKind GetAddressKind ( ); long GetAddressField1 ( ); long GetAddressField2 ( ); long GetAddressField3 ( ); long GetStartOffset ( ); long GetEndOffset ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSignature ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AddressKind ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum SymAddressKind * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AddressField1 ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AddressField2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AddressField3 ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartOffset ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndOffset ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("40ae2088-ce00-33ad-9320-5d201cb46fc9")) SymDocumentType; // [ default ] interface _SymDocumentType // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("5a18d43e-115b-3b8b-8245-9a06b204b717")) SymLanguageType; // [ default ] interface _SymLanguageType // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("dfd888a7-a6b0-3b1b-985e-4cdab0e4c17d")) SymLanguageVendor; // [ default ] interface _SymLanguageVendor // interface _Object #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("709164df-d0e2-3813-a07d-f9f1e99f9a4b")) SymbolToken { long m_token; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("2846ae5e-a9fa-36cf-b2d1-6e95596dbde7")) AmbiguousMatchException; // [ default ] interface _AmbiguousMatchException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("aaaa10c6-9902-3dbb-b173-eba1eba2cd5e")) ModuleResolveEventHandler; // [ default ] interface _ModuleResolveEventHandler // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("28e89a9f-e67d-3028-aa1b-e5ebcde6f3c8")) Assembly; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _Assembly // interface IEvidenceFactory // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("8687959f-d86d-3217-8d58-be9a0427bb84")) AssemblyCopyrightAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyCopyrightAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("e64c95df-eadc-3d08-9c6f-80f29d92cb4e")) AssemblyTrademarkAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyTrademarkAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("cfe2bcf1-683c-39b5-83ce-4b186a521513")) AssemblyProductAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyProductAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("62342fb2-16bf-30a9-88ad-6bc781eec94f")) AssemblyCompanyAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyCompanyAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("432e5e9f-03ba-37b2-8edf-7fac14b03b4f")) AssemblyDescriptionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyDescriptionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("51b4f67c-2fcb-391d-a381-d040100d6717")) AssemblyTitleAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyTitleAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("09dd9840-5e39-317a-aab3-0a467998de25")) AssemblyConfigurationAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyConfigurationAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("8beb1256-5d9b-3262-bf85-beb6287e4eea")) AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("894593b9-99e5-3b61-a592-ee44b9396277")) AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("14152cb5-dc51-3c42-8a43-09854dea1b8f")) AssemblyFileVersionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyFileVersionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("4265ab21-a68f-38a9-98d8-5d62b8035ea0")) AssemblyCultureAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyCultureAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("2d0fa06f-88fd-3643-8dbc-1f428a2b1a3b")) AssemblyVersionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyVersionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("ff408450-1db9-3203-84ec-b70a01f48a06")) AssemblyKeyFileAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyKeyFileAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("4804184f-4741-396b-af5b-71134937f21a")) AssemblyDelaySignAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyDelaySignAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("0d052b0a-23d1-3bac-85ee-4e764b814cee")) AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("4554ed74-4243-3e7c-9b33-e9a89379c4f1")) AssemblyFlagsAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyFlagsAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("3dace301-6c51-3bf7-b975-e4a05f00fd4d")) AssemblyKeyNameAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyKeyNameAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("b42b6aac-317e-34d5-9fa9-093bb4160c50")) _AssemblyName : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f12fde6a-9394-3c32-8e4d-f3d470947284")) AssemblyName; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _AssemblyName // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable // interface IDeserializationCallback struct __declspec(uuid("3f4a4283-6a08-3e90-a976-2c2d3be4eb0b")) AssemblyNameProxy; // [ default ] interface _AssemblyNameProxy // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("981dc77e-ce21-3753-92da-3c4a0cc7aa44")) AssemblyNameFlags { AssemblyNameFlags_None = 0, AssemblyNameFlags_PublicKey = 1, AssemblyNameFlags_EnableJITcompileOptimizer = 16384, AssemblyNameFlags_EnableJITcompileTracking = 32768, AssemblyNameFlags_Retargetable = 256 }; enum __declspec(uuid("56b1cccb-6490-396d-8c09-2257259f3caa")) ProcessorArchitecture { ProcessorArchitecture_None = 0, ProcessorArchitecture_MSIL = 1, ProcessorArchitecture_X86 = 2, ProcessorArchitecture_IA64 = 3, ProcessorArchitecture_Amd64 = 4, ProcessorArchitecture_Arm = 5 }; struct __declspec(uuid("d5cb383d-99f4-3c7e-a9c3-85b53661448f")) CustomAttributeFormatException; // [ default ] interface _CustomAttributeFormatException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("3223e024-5d70-3236-a92a-6b4114b2632f")) BindingFlags { BindingFlags_Default = 0, BindingFlags_IgnoreCase = 1, BindingFlags_DeclaredOnly = 2, BindingFlags_Instance = 4, BindingFlags_Static = 8, BindingFlags_Public = 16, BindingFlags_NonPublic = 32, BindingFlags_FlattenHierarchy = 64, BindingFlags_InvokeMethod = 256, BindingFlags_CreateInstance = 512, BindingFlags_GetField = 1024, BindingFlags_SetField = 2048, BindingFlags_GetProperty = 4096, BindingFlags_SetProperty = 8192, BindingFlags_PutDispProperty = 16384, BindingFlags_PutRefDispProperty = 32768, BindingFlags_ExactBinding = 65536, BindingFlags_SuppressChangeType = 131072, BindingFlags_OptionalParamBinding = 262144, BindingFlags_IgnoreReturn = 16777216 }; enum __declspec(uuid("fd67ebe2-30de-3fbe-896b-81da2e455137")) CallingConventions { CallingConventions_Standard = 1, CallingConventions_VarArgs = 2, CallingConventions_Any = 3, CallingConventions_HasThis = 32, CallingConventions_ExplicitThis = 64 }; struct __declspec(uuid("993634c4-e47a-32cc-be08-85f567dc27d6")) _ParameterInfo : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("d002e9ba-d9e3-3749-b1d3-d565a08b13e7")) _Module : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("ca308c9f-3b97-3152-acfa-8ab23c17df73")) MethodBase; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // [ default ] interface _MethodBase struct __declspec(uuid("0a541f87-ebd7-36a0-9a7d-9bbf86188766")) ConstructorInfo; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _MethodBase // [ default ] interface _ConstructorInfo struct __declspec(uuid("c2655ae8-0193-35d4-855e-f64909065c1e")) CustomAttributeData; // [ default ] interface _CustomAttributeData // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("cf452b26-6040-3acb-9c72-ce5bb86e5046")) DefaultMemberAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DefaultMemberAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("03c85cd9-d760-3aa8-94bd-f774407391cb")) EventAttributes { EventAttributes_None = 0, EventAttributes_SpecialName = 512, EventAttributes_ReservedMask = 1024, EventAttributes_RTSpecialName = 1024 }; struct __declspec(uuid("15762ca5-bc5c-3b86-a450-acf32fc98aa5")) EventInfo; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // [ default ] interface _EventInfo enum __declspec(uuid("c8679e0a-1c67-3a20-8645-0d930f529031")) FieldAttributes { FieldAttributes_FieldAccessMask = 7, FieldAttributes_PrivateScope = 0, FieldAttributes_Private = 1, FieldAttributes_FamANDAssem = 2, FieldAttributes_Assembly = 3, FieldAttributes_Family = 4, FieldAttributes_FamORAssem = 5, FieldAttributes_Public = 6, FieldAttributes_Static = 16, FieldAttributes_InitOnly = 32, FieldAttributes_Literal = 64, FieldAttributes_NotSerialized = 128, FieldAttributes_SpecialName = 512, FieldAttributes_PinvokeImpl = 8192, FieldAttributes_ReservedMask = 38144, FieldAttributes_RTSpecialName = 1024, FieldAttributes_HasFieldMarshal = 4096, FieldAttributes_HasDefault = 32768, FieldAttributes_HasFieldRVA = 256 }; struct __declspec(uuid("98ba57dc-4cf2-3ed1-b4a2-890c21bbbf4b")) FieldInfo; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // [ default ] interface _FieldInfo struct __declspec(uuid("7b938a6f-77bf-351c-a712-69483c91115d")) InvalidFilterCriteriaException; // [ default ] interface _InvalidFilterCriteriaException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("f695c021-dcf5-397b-a300-edaa51da5a5b")) ManifestResourceInfo; // [ default ] interface _ManifestResourceInfo // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("e84fe360-54e3-3884-adee-7c6832dd354e")) ResourceLocation { ResourceLocation_Embedded = 1, ResourceLocation_ContainedInAnotherAssembly = 2, ResourceLocation_ContainedInManifestFile = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("f52fd74c-ada6-38cc-ae0f-693afb9b9a8f")) MemberFilter; // [ default ] interface _MemberFilter // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("513b8b77-4930-36ba-9a22-0daeb293e109")) MemberTypes { MemberTypes_Constructor = 1, MemberTypes_Event = 2, MemberTypes_Field = 4, MemberTypes_Method = 8, MemberTypes_Property = 16, MemberTypes_TypeInfo = 32, MemberTypes_Custom = 64, MemberTypes_NestedType = 128, MemberTypes_All = 191 }; enum __declspec(uuid("641ab47a-9351-3a37-81c1-647d31873f15")) MethodAttributes { MethodAttributes_MemberAccessMask = 7, MethodAttributes_PrivateScope = 0, MethodAttributes_Private = 1, MethodAttributes_FamANDAssem = 2, MethodAttributes_Assembly = 3, MethodAttributes_Family = 4, MethodAttributes_FamORAssem = 5, MethodAttributes_Public = 6, MethodAttributes_Static = 16, MethodAttributes_Final = 32, MethodAttributes_Virtual = 64, MethodAttributes_HideBySig = 128, MethodAttributes_CheckAccessOnOverride = 512, MethodAttributes_VtableLayoutMask = 256, MethodAttributes_ReuseSlot = 0, MethodAttributes_NewSlot = 256, MethodAttributes_Abstract = 1024, MethodAttributes_SpecialName = 2048, MethodAttributes_PinvokeImpl = 8192, MethodAttributes_UnmanagedExport = 8, MethodAttributes_RTSpecialName = 4096, MethodAttributes_ReservedMask = 53248, MethodAttributes_HasSecurity = 16384, MethodAttributes_RequireSecObject = 32768 }; enum __declspec(uuid("bcab3a5d-f2cd-3c69-841d-ad001969bf50")) MethodImplAttributes { MethodImplAttributes_CodeTypeMask = 3, MethodImplAttributes_IL = 0, MethodImplAttributes_Native = 1, MethodImplAttributes_OPTIL = 2, MethodImplAttributes_Runtime = 3, MethodImplAttributes_ManagedMask = 4, MethodImplAttributes_Unmanaged = 4, MethodImplAttributes_Managed = 0, MethodImplAttributes_ForwardRef = 16, MethodImplAttributes_PreserveSig = 128, MethodImplAttributes_InternalCall = 4096, MethodImplAttributes_Synchronized = 32, MethodImplAttributes_NoInlining = 8, MethodImplAttributes_NoOptimization = 64, MethodImplAttributes_MaxMethodImplVal = 65535 }; struct __declspec(uuid("0e22cc27-ca1e-3138-9640-be831f721659")) MethodInfo; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _MethodBase // [ default ] interface _MethodInfo struct __declspec(uuid("d5faac26-db25-34e7-adbd-ad5ed51f9433")) Missing; // [ default ] interface _Missing // interface _Object // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("68da8301-be1b-3c22-b9f2-db8f48694ddd")) PortableExecutableKinds { PortableExecutableKinds_NotAPortableExecutableImage = 0, PortableExecutableKinds_ILOnly = 1, PortableExecutableKinds_Required32Bit = 2, PortableExecutableKinds_PE32Plus = 4, PortableExecutableKinds_Unmanaged32Bit = 8 }; enum __declspec(uuid("51191552-c65e-360d-ba21-9f0e454fd59f")) ImageFileMachine { ImageFileMachine_I386 = 332, ImageFileMachine_IA64 = 512, ImageFileMachine_AMD64 = 34404, ImageFileMachine_ARM = 452 }; struct __declspec(uuid("128191c5-b188-3054-81b7-e4f588eacf0e")) Module; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _Module // interface ISerializable // interface ICustomAttributeProvider struct __declspec(uuid("d495920d-00a0-3d6f-920c-672df186cec8")) ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("93d11de9-5f6c-354a-a7c5-16ccca64a9b8")) ObfuscationAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ObfuscationAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("6bd98650-5ae6-3f03-b6cf-1463bbd45e6d")) ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions { ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions_Clause = 0, ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions_Filter = 1, ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions_Finally = 2, ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions_Fault = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("17ca8e14-f624-3879-94ca-6b9556a97d1f")) ExceptionHandlingClause; // [ default ] interface _ExceptionHandlingClause // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("8e2ea778-34a7-32a0-8cc2-0baa5aa2066a")) MethodBody; // [ default ] interface _MethodBody // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("14c0b634-a0e7-3e5d-be59-b2bf1a571ffc")) LocalVariableInfo; // [ default ] interface _LocalVariableInfo // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("688a6ff0-5727-32d2-8228-6e838a822616")) ParameterAttributes { ParameterAttributes_None = 0, ParameterAttributes_In = 1, ParameterAttributes_Out = 2, ParameterAttributes_Lcid = 4, ParameterAttributes_Retval = 8, ParameterAttributes_Optional = 16, ParameterAttributes_ReservedMask = 61440, ParameterAttributes_HasDefault = 4096, ParameterAttributes_HasFieldMarshal = 8192, ParameterAttributes_Reserved3 = 16384, ParameterAttributes_Reserved4 = 32768 }; struct __declspec(uuid("da295a1b-c5bd-3b34-8acd-1d7d334ffb7f")) ISymbolWriter : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Initialize ( long emitter, _bstr_t filename, VARIANT_BOOL fFullBuild ); ISymbolDocumentWriterPtr DefineDocument ( _bstr_t Url, GUID Language, GUID LanguageVendor, GUID DocumentType ); HRESULT SetUserEntryPoint ( struct SymbolToken entryMethod ); HRESULT OpenMethod ( struct SymbolToken Method ); HRESULT CloseMethod ( ); HRESULT DefineSequencePoints ( struct ISymbolDocumentWriter * document, SAFEARRAY * offsets, SAFEARRAY * lines, SAFEARRAY * columns, SAFEARRAY * endLines, SAFEARRAY * endColumns ); long OpenScope ( long StartOffset ); HRESULT CloseScope ( long EndOffset ); HRESULT SetScopeRange ( long scopeID, long StartOffset, long EndOffset ); HRESULT DefineLocalVariable ( _bstr_t name, enum FieldAttributes Attributes, SAFEARRAY * signature, enum SymAddressKind addrKind, long addr1, long addr2, long addr3, long StartOffset, long EndOffset ); HRESULT DefineParameter ( _bstr_t name, enum ParameterAttributes Attributes, long sequence, enum SymAddressKind addrKind, long addr1, long addr2, long addr3 ); HRESULT DefineField ( struct SymbolToken parent, _bstr_t name, enum FieldAttributes Attributes, SAFEARRAY * signature, enum SymAddressKind addrKind, long addr1, long addr2, long addr3 ); HRESULT DefineGlobalVariable ( _bstr_t name, enum FieldAttributes Attributes, SAFEARRAY * signature, enum SymAddressKind addrKind, long addr1, long addr2, long addr3 ); HRESULT Close ( ); HRESULT SetSymAttribute ( struct SymbolToken parent, _bstr_t name, SAFEARRAY * data ); HRESULT OpenNamespace ( _bstr_t name ); HRESULT CloseNamespace ( ); HRESULT UsingNamespace ( _bstr_t FullName ); HRESULT SetMethodSourceRange ( struct ISymbolDocumentWriter * startDoc, long startLine, long startColumn, struct ISymbolDocumentWriter * endDoc, long endLine, long endColumn ); HRESULT SetUnderlyingWriter ( long underlyingWriter ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Initialize ( /*[in]*/ long emitter, /*[in]*/ BSTR filename, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL fFullBuild ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDocument ( /*[in]*/ BSTR Url, /*[in]*/ GUID Language, /*[in]*/ GUID LanguageVendor, /*[in]*/ GUID DocumentType, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolDocumentWriter * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetUserEntryPoint ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken entryMethod ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenMethod ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken Method ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloseMethod ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineSequencePoints ( /*[in]*/ struct ISymbolDocumentWriter * document, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * offsets, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * lines, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * columns, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * endLines, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * endColumns ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenScope ( /*[in]*/ long StartOffset, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloseScope ( /*[in]*/ long EndOffset ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetScopeRange ( /*[in]*/ long scopeID, /*[in]*/ long StartOffset, /*[in]*/ long EndOffset ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineLocalVariable ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum FieldAttributes Attributes, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * signature, /*[in]*/ enum SymAddressKind addrKind, /*[in]*/ long addr1, /*[in]*/ long addr2, /*[in]*/ long addr3, /*[in]*/ long StartOffset, /*[in]*/ long EndOffset ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineParameter ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum ParameterAttributes Attributes, /*[in]*/ long sequence, /*[in]*/ enum SymAddressKind addrKind, /*[in]*/ long addr1, /*[in]*/ long addr2, /*[in]*/ long addr3 ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineField ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken parent, /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum FieldAttributes Attributes, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * signature, /*[in]*/ enum SymAddressKind addrKind, /*[in]*/ long addr1, /*[in]*/ long addr2, /*[in]*/ long addr3 ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineGlobalVariable ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum FieldAttributes Attributes, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * signature, /*[in]*/ enum SymAddressKind addrKind, /*[in]*/ long addr1, /*[in]*/ long addr2, /*[in]*/ long addr3 ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSymAttribute ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken parent, /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * data ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenNamespace ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloseNamespace ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UsingNamespace ( /*[in]*/ BSTR FullName ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetMethodSourceRange ( /*[in]*/ struct ISymbolDocumentWriter * startDoc, /*[in]*/ long startLine, /*[in]*/ long startColumn, /*[in]*/ struct ISymbolDocumentWriter * endDoc, /*[in]*/ long endLine, /*[in]*/ long endColumn ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetUnderlyingWriter ( /*[in]*/ long underlyingWriter ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e5ce8078-0ca7-3578-80db-f20fca8786a6")) ParameterInfo; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _ParameterInfo // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface IObjectReference #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("11d31042-14c0-3b5c-87d0-a2cd40803cb5")) ParameterModifier { SAFEARRAY * _byRef; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("0517463e-1139-3970-bfa9-dcc997b23e7c")) Pointer; // [ default ] interface _Pointer // interface _Object // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("816c979c-d3d2-3101-b5ca-e4a5c5e966fa")) PropertyAttributes { PropertyAttributes_None = 0, PropertyAttributes_SpecialName = 512, PropertyAttributes_ReservedMask = 62464, PropertyAttributes_RTSpecialName = 1024, PropertyAttributes_HasDefault = 4096, PropertyAttributes_Reserved2 = 8192, PropertyAttributes_Reserved3 = 16384, PropertyAttributes_Reserved4 = 32768 }; struct __declspec(uuid("bfdf1f57-230d-394a-b773-d9ec58cbef9a")) PropertyInfo; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // [ default ] interface _PropertyInfo struct __declspec(uuid("843b19ad-a02b-3852-ac56-fdc798935630")) ReflectionTypeLoadException; // [ default ] interface _ReflectionTypeLoadException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("d89e7f8e-9f99-3ee9-8fce-d97e64c8650e")) ResourceAttributes { ResourceAttributes_Public = 1, ResourceAttributes_Private = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("d633f013-0563-312a-b9d6-d067a7d59231")) StrongNameKeyPair; // [ default ] interface _StrongNameKeyPair // interface _Object // interface IDeserializationCallback // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("0d23f8b4-f2a6-3eff-9d37-bdf79ac6b440")) TargetException; // [ default ] interface _TargetException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("03d016e3-cae1-3068-880e-af8d08d517f0")) TargetInvocationException; // [ default ] interface _TargetInvocationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("da317be2-1a0d-37b3-83f2-a0f32787fc67")) TargetParameterCountException; // [ default ] interface _TargetParameterCountException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("28ee6224-fd72-3bdf-b248-ba9102fceb14")) TypeAttributes { TypeAttributes_VisibilityMask = 7, TypeAttributes_NotPublic = 0, TypeAttributes_Public = 1, TypeAttributes_NestedPublic = 2, TypeAttributes_NestedPrivate = 3, TypeAttributes_NestedFamily = 4, TypeAttributes_NestedAssembly = 5, TypeAttributes_NestedFamANDAssem = 6, TypeAttributes_NestedFamORAssem = 7, TypeAttributes_LayoutMask = 24, TypeAttributes_AutoLayout = 0, TypeAttributes_SequentialLayout = 8, TypeAttributes_ExplicitLayout = 16, TypeAttributes_ClassSemanticsMask = 32, TypeAttributes_Class = 0, TypeAttributes_Interface = 32, TypeAttributes_Abstract = 128, TypeAttributes_Sealed = 256, TypeAttributes_SpecialName = 1024, TypeAttributes_Import = 4096, TypeAttributes_Serializable = 8192, TypeAttributes_StringFormatMask = 196608, TypeAttributes_AnsiClass = 0, TypeAttributes_UnicodeClass = 65536, TypeAttributes_AutoClass = 131072, TypeAttributes_CustomFormatClass = 196608, TypeAttributes_CustomFormatMask = 12582912, TypeAttributes_BeforeFieldInit = 1048576, TypeAttributes_ReservedMask = 264192, TypeAttributes_RTSpecialName = 2048, TypeAttributes_HasSecurity = 262144 }; struct __declspec(uuid("19e2e2f7-b53c-366b-8840-aba2f8cb98b5")) TypeDelegator; // [ default ] interface _TypeDelegator // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _Type // interface IReflect struct __declspec(uuid("37e24f25-5ef0-366f-9d0f-f7b9e3edffd9")) TypeFilter; // [ default ] interface _TypeFilter // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("d23d2f41-1d69-3e03-a275-32ae381223ac")) FormatterConverter; // [ default ] interface _FormatterConverter // interface _Object // interface IFormatterConverter struct __declspec(uuid("688c32ea-1e9c-3a4b-90e0-a4d2a1d73f3f")) FormatterServices; // [ default ] interface _FormatterServices // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("1c97ef1d-74ed-3d21-84a4-8631d959634a")) OptionalFieldAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OptionalFieldAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("9bf86f6e-b0e1-348b-9627-6970672eb3d3")) OnSerializingAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OnSerializingAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("6f8527bf-5aad-3236-b639-a05177332efe")) OnSerializedAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OnSerializedAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("30ac0b94-3bdb-3199-8a5d-eca0c5458381")) OnDeserializingAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OnDeserializingAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("18b1c7ee-68e3-35bb-9e40-469a223285f7")) OnDeserializedAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OnDeserializedAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("25d97db7-bdc3-3205-b86b-956b852ece76")) SerializationBinder; // [ default ] interface _SerializationBinder // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("57154c7c-edb2-3bfd-a8ba-924c60913ebf")) SerializationException; // [ default ] interface _SerializationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("d69398c1-7541-33e7-b544-a803f380ffb6")) SerializationInfo; // [ default ] interface _SerializationInfo // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("341ba870-b7fe-3cbc-9a72-b7894c6ec171")) SerializationInfoEnumerator; // [ default ] interface _SerializationInfoEnumerator // interface _Object // interface IEnumerator enum __declspec(uuid("78304e50-a1e6-3d84-a718-49020681e02e")) StreamingContextStates { StreamingContextStates_CrossProcess = 1, StreamingContextStates_CrossMachine = 2, StreamingContextStates_File = 4, StreamingContextStates_Persistence = 8, StreamingContextStates_Remoting = 16, StreamingContextStates_Other = 32, StreamingContextStates_Clone = 64, StreamingContextStates_CrossAppDomain = 128, StreamingContextStates_All = 255 }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("79179aa0-e14c-35ea-a666-66be968af69f")) StreamingContext { IUnknown * m_additionalContext; enum StreamingContextStates m_state; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("6e70ed5f-0439-38ce-83bb-860f1421f29f")) IObjectReference : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t GetRealObject ( struct StreamingContext Context ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRealObject ( /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e6854c08-0666-3939-bdf1-e1555a2c49fa")) Formatter; // [ default ] interface _Formatter // interface _Object // interface IFormatter struct __declspec(uuid("4f272c37-f0a8-350c-867b-2c03b2b16b80")) ObjectIDGenerator; // [ default ] interface _ObjectIDGenerator // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("c3a27c9a-5f79-3b7a-963d-39b1e5202b55")) ObjectManager; // [ default ] interface _ObjectManager // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("88c8a919-eb24-3cca-84f7-2ea82bb3f3ed")) SurrogateSelector; // [ default ] interface _SurrogateSelector // interface _Object // interface ISurrogateSelector struct __declspec(uuid("8a93390f-4331-317f-b450-1e0e4914e335")) Calendar; // [ default ] interface _Calendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable enum __declspec(uuid("f680a48a-2d6c-33f1-aff7-6273b785b035")) CalendarAlgorithmType { CalendarAlgorithmType_Unknown = 0, CalendarAlgorithmType_SolarCalendar = 1, CalendarAlgorithmType_LunarCalendar = 2, CalendarAlgorithmType_LunisolarCalendar = 3 }; enum __declspec(uuid("117d12e1-4d32-3326-b23e-57d4fe34a527")) CalendarWeekRule { CalendarWeekRule_FirstDay = 0, CalendarWeekRule_FirstFullWeek = 1, CalendarWeekRule_FirstFourDayWeek = 2 }; enum __declspec(uuid("fdbf0369-d278-3320-b9ce-0e0719380c0f")) CompareOptions { CompareOptions_None = 0, CompareOptions_IgnoreCase = 1, CompareOptions_IgnoreNonSpace = 2, CompareOptions_IgnoreSymbols = 4, CompareOptions_IgnoreKanaType = 8, CompareOptions_IgnoreWidth = 16, CompareOptions_OrdinalIgnoreCase = 268435456, CompareOptions_StringSort = 536870912, CompareOptions_Ordinal = 1073741824 }; struct __declspec(uuid("6747ff61-f8da-3689-bb01-47f2266ae261")) CompareInfo; // [ default ] interface _CompareInfo // interface _Object // interface IDeserializationCallback struct __declspec(uuid("348a8c6d-464a-3f21-856b-061370d54599")) CultureInfo; // [ default ] interface _CultureInfo // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface IFormatProvider struct __declspec(uuid("5df1ce00-4ebd-3f48-887a-c4bcca7ad912")) CultureNotFoundException; // [ default ] interface _CultureNotFoundException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("ab8e1300-f46a-3ffd-bcef-a45de1c55458")) CultureTypes { CultureTypes_NeutralCultures = 1, CultureTypes_SpecificCultures = 2, CultureTypes_InstalledWin32Cultures = 4, CultureTypes_AllCultures = 7, CultureTypes_UserCustomCulture = 8, CultureTypes_ReplacementCultures = 16, CultureTypes_WindowsOnlyCultures = 32, CultureTypes_FrameworkCultures = 64 }; enum __declspec(uuid("f62ff05f-99ce-30db-8344-2b2c26f5765c")) DateTimeStyles { DateTimeStyles_None = 0, DateTimeStyles_AllowLeadingWhite = 1, DateTimeStyles_AllowTrailingWhite = 2, DateTimeStyles_AllowInnerWhite = 4, DateTimeStyles_AllowWhiteSpaces = 7, DateTimeStyles_NoCurrentDateDefault = 8, DateTimeStyles_AdjustToUniversal = 16, DateTimeStyles_AssumeLocal = 32, DateTimeStyles_AssumeUniversal = 64, DateTimeStyles_RoundTripKind = 128 }; struct __declspec(uuid("70a738d1-1bc5-3175-bd42-603e2b82c08b")) DateTimeFormatInfo; // [ default ] interface _DateTimeFormatInfo // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface IFormatProvider struct __declspec(uuid("5050fe97-72a6-3bc6-92f2-9dd0413041e3")) DaylightTime; // [ default ] interface _DaylightTime // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("a2d18600-d187-399c-b2ed-6fa8ed5d2a59")) DigitShapes { DigitShapes_Context = 0, DigitShapes_None = 1, DigitShapes_NativeNational = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("68f8aea9-1968-35b9-8a0e-6fdc637a4f8e")) GregorianCalendar; // [ default ] interface _GregorianCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable enum __declspec(uuid("d535a40b-83c0-36fc-82d1-7ef2de252ecc")) GregorianCalendarTypes { GregorianCalendarTypes_Localized = 1, GregorianCalendarTypes_USEnglish = 2, GregorianCalendarTypes_MiddleEastFrench = 9, GregorianCalendarTypes_Arabic = 10, GregorianCalendarTypes_TransliteratedEnglish = 11, GregorianCalendarTypes_TransliteratedFrench = 12 }; struct __declspec(uuid("2206d773-ca1c-3258-9456-ceb7706c3710")) HebrewCalendar; // [ default ] interface _HebrewCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("ee832ce3-06ca-33ef-8f01-61c7c218bd7e")) HijriCalendar; // [ default ] interface _HijriCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("47ff8f5e-f989-39ff-a985-898bf36109bd")) EastAsianLunisolarCalendar; // [ default ] interface _EastAsianLunisolarCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("5c3e6ce8-b218-3762-883c-91bc987cdc2d")) JulianCalendar; // [ default ] interface _JulianCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("374050dd-6190-3257-8812-8230bf095147")) JapaneseCalendar; // [ default ] interface _JapaneseCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("1a06a4dc-e239-3717-89e1-d0683f3a5320")) KoreanCalendar; // [ default ] interface _KoreanCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("0c630393-7583-333c-ab5d-cb10b910f69b")) RegionInfo; // [ default ] interface _RegionInfo // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("f34b5293-82d0-32a5-9165-ae789fd3cf15")) SortKey; // [ default ] interface _SortKey // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("31c967b5-2f8a-3957-9c6d-34a0731db36c")) StringInfo; // [ default ] interface _StringInfo // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("769b8b68-64f7-3b61-b744-160a9fcc3216")) TaiwanCalendar; // [ default ] interface _TaiwanCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("4c96da7c-8858-3c24-a973-cb50f2860a91")) TextElementEnumerator; // [ default ] interface _TextElementEnumerator // interface _Object // interface IEnumerator struct __declspec(uuid("bca1528c-6369-37ad-8cc1-db24a92cc6b1")) TextInfo; // [ default ] interface _TextInfo // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface IDeserializationCallback struct __declspec(uuid("ec3dac94-df80-3017-b381-b13dced6c4d8")) ThaiBuddhistCalendar; // [ default ] interface _ThaiBuddhistCalendar // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("146a47ab-a2cf-3587-bb25-2b286d7566b4")) NumberFormatInfo; // [ default ] interface _NumberFormatInfo // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface IFormatProvider enum __declspec(uuid("00d1aca9-41f2-3340-816e-330175414a56")) NumberStyles { NumberStyles_None = 0, NumberStyles_AllowLeadingWhite = 1, NumberStyles_AllowTrailingWhite = 2, NumberStyles_AllowLeadingSign = 4, NumberStyles_AllowTrailingSign = 8, NumberStyles_AllowParentheses = 16, NumberStyles_AllowDecimalPoint = 32, NumberStyles_AllowThousands = 64, NumberStyles_AllowExponent = 128, NumberStyles_AllowCurrencySymbol = 256, NumberStyles_AllowHexSpecifier = 512, NumberStyles_Integer = 7, NumberStyles_HexNumber = 515, NumberStyles_Number = 111, NumberStyles_Float = 167, NumberStyles_Currency = 383, NumberStyles_Any = 511 }; enum __declspec(uuid("299e2a7d-6551-3ed1-b4a0-a51cb56eefe7")) UnicodeCategory { UnicodeCategory_UppercaseLetter = 0, UnicodeCategory_LowercaseLetter = 1, UnicodeCategory_TitlecaseLetter = 2, UnicodeCategory_ModifierLetter = 3, UnicodeCategory_OtherLetter = 4, UnicodeCategory_NonSpacingMark = 5, UnicodeCategory_SpacingCombiningMark = 6, UnicodeCategory_EnclosingMark = 7, UnicodeCategory_DecimalDigitNumber = 8, UnicodeCategory_LetterNumber = 9, UnicodeCategory_OtherNumber = 10, UnicodeCategory_SpaceSeparator = 11, UnicodeCategory_LineSeparator = 12, UnicodeCategory_ParagraphSeparator = 13, UnicodeCategory_Control = 14, UnicodeCategory_Format = 15, UnicodeCategory_Surrogate = 16, UnicodeCategory_PrivateUse = 17, UnicodeCategory_ConnectorPunctuation = 18, UnicodeCategory_DashPunctuation = 19, UnicodeCategory_OpenPunctuation = 20, UnicodeCategory_ClosePunctuation = 21, UnicodeCategory_InitialQuotePunctuation = 22, UnicodeCategory_FinalQuotePunctuation = 23, UnicodeCategory_OtherPunctuation = 24, UnicodeCategory_MathSymbol = 25, UnicodeCategory_CurrencySymbol = 26, UnicodeCategory_ModifierSymbol = 27, UnicodeCategory_OtherSymbol = 28, UnicodeCategory_OtherNotAssigned = 29 }; struct __declspec(uuid("eaecc459-5ce4-35a2-a085-5afc0451c03a")) Encoding; // [ default ] interface _Encoding // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("cc9d4538-57e8-3a82-886a-5fe65a127a5a")) Encoder; // [ default ] interface _Encoder // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("a924269d-5df2-33af-b72a-3250c4105ebe")) Decoder; // [ default ] interface _Decoder // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("9e28ef95-9c6f-3a00-b525-36a76178cc9c")) ASCIIEncoding; // [ default ] interface _ASCIIEncoding // interface _Object // interface ICloneable enum __declspec(uuid("b38da717-d61b-3c13-93ce-2b9370d0ae43")) NormalizationForm { NormalizationForm_FormC = 1, NormalizationForm_FormD = 2, NormalizationForm_FormKC = 5, NormalizationForm_FormKD = 6 }; struct __declspec(uuid("a0f5f5dc-337b-38d7-b1a3-fb1b95666bbf")) UnicodeEncoding; // [ default ] interface _UnicodeEncoding // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("3c9dca8b-4410-3143-b801-559553eb6725")) UTF7Encoding; // [ default ] interface _UTF7Encoding // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("8c40d44a-4ede-3760-9b61-50255056d3c7")) UTF8Encoding; // [ default ] interface _UTF8Encoding // interface _Object // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("8965a22f-fba8-36ad-8132-70bbd0da457d")) IResourceReader : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Close ( ); IDictionaryEnumeratorPtr GetEnumerator ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEnumerator ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IDictionaryEnumerator * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e97aa6e5-595e-31c3-82f0-688fb91954c6")) IResourceWriter : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT AddResource ( _bstr_t name, _bstr_t value ); HRESULT AddResource_2 ( _bstr_t name, const _variant_t & value ); HRESULT AddResource_3 ( _bstr_t name, SAFEARRAY * value ); HRESULT Close ( ); HRESULT Generate ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddResource ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ BSTR value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddResource_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddResource_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Generate ( ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("726bbdf4-6c6d-30f4-b3a0-f14d6aec08c7")) MissingManifestResourceException; // [ default ] interface _MissingManifestResourceException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("d41969a6-c394-34b9-bd24-dd408f39f261")) MissingSatelliteAssemblyException; // [ default ] interface _MissingSatelliteAssemblyException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("87797538-6bae-366a-a9bc-012c8f62ea44")) NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute; // [ default ] interface _NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("9afb3b93-e6da-35d6-b9fe-44815e2bfd45")) ResourceManager; // [ default ] interface _ResourceManager // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("dd78b5ed-aa52-3b2b-a1b4-6ce3ce3155ea")) ResourceReader; // [ default ] interface _ResourceReader // interface _Object // interface IResourceReader // interface IEnumerable // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("a907f7cd-8c99-31ea-ac00-80fa4d94780a")) ResourceSet; // [ default ] interface _ResourceSet // interface _Object // interface IDisposable // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("9187a0d6-508c-36cc-a79f-f90b89a0e154")) ResourceWriter; // [ default ] interface _ResourceWriter // interface _Object // interface IResourceWriter // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("f4ae34f8-6ce4-32dc-96ba-9c7a0a9c6d06")) SatelliteContractVersionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SatelliteContractVersionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("2173568c-6edc-392b-880a-cc158d7e2bda")) UltimateResourceFallbackLocation { UltimateResourceFallbackLocation_MainAssembly = 0, UltimateResourceFallbackLocation_Satellite = 1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("9b4ef4fa-742e-3878-953a-474999711087")) Registry; // [ default ] interface _Registry // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("b3b46869-c190-3199-96da-4006e2ac6e72")) RegistryHive { RegistryHive_ClassesRoot = 0x80000000, RegistryHive_CurrentUser = -2147483647, RegistryHive_LocalMachine = -2147483646, RegistryHive_Users = -2147483645, RegistryHive_PerformanceData = -2147483644, RegistryHive_CurrentConfig = -2147483643, RegistryHive_DynData = -2147483642 }; struct __declspec(uuid("2c8fa9bd-cbe4-3223-b592-41b5a22fb820")) RegistryKey; // [ default ] interface _RegistryKey // interface _Object // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("62ecb562-b92a-37e7-8d5b-84036a1a4348")) RegistryValueKind { RegistryValueKind_String = 1, RegistryValueKind_ExpandString = 2, RegistryValueKind_Binary = 3, RegistryValueKind_DWord = 4, RegistryValueKind_MultiString = 7, RegistryValueKind_QWord = 11, RegistryValueKind_Unknown = 0 }; struct __declspec(uuid("06b81c12-a5da-340d-aff7-fa1453fbc29a")) AllMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _AllMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("720bf501-75aa-39f3-b6c2-eabe2f47cee5")) ApplicationDirectory; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationDirectory // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("3ddb2114-9285-30a6-906d-b117640ca927")) ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("80472d32-ef68-3988-be44-bd9e336d4df8")) ApplicationSecurityInfo; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationSecurityInfo // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("2fb9ac2a-8724-32d0-98fa-218c1b2b3e1d")) ApplicationSecurityManager; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationSecurityManager // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("d93eaca8-8176-387b-9667-6d32b504047b")) ApplicationVersionMatch { ApplicationVersionMatch_MatchExactVersion = 0, ApplicationVersionMatch_MatchAllVersions = 1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("a5448b7a-aa07-3c56-b42b-7d881fa10934")) ApplicationTrust; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationTrust // interface _Object // interface ISecurityEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("45cd6d50-a8b4-3783-9759-445fc3d4731c")) ApplicationTrustCollection; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationTrustCollection // interface _Object // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("128ba7d4-e68f-3223-85be-7372d0fb5423")) ApplicationTrustEnumerator; // [ default ] interface _ApplicationTrustEnumerator // interface _Object // interface IEnumerator struct __declspec(uuid("05c4d71e-fb7d-30be-b6b4-1df8999ceee1")) CodeGroup; // [ default ] interface _CodeGroup // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("62545937-20a9-3d0f-b04b-322e854eacb0")) Evidence; // [ default ] interface _Evidence // interface _Object // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("3f8d7e3a-24e7-3f7c-9dc5-4ca22ee7c782")) FileCodeGroup; // [ default ] interface _FileCodeGroup // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("28635cc7-4c39-3779-8c31-839101001f78")) FirstMatchCodeGroup; // [ default ] interface _FirstMatchCodeGroup // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("940b1725-f706-3cef-9586-0f189b117c20")) TrustManagerUIContext { TrustManagerUIContext_Install = 0, TrustManagerUIContext_Upgrade = 1, TrustManagerUIContext_Run = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("afaef10f-1bc4-351f-886a-878a265c1862")) TrustManagerContext; // [ default ] interface _TrustManagerContext // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("e7473f93-eccf-38ed-9285-e93cd2d27608")) CodeConnectAccess; // [ default ] interface _CodeConnectAccess // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("a601b6b7-422d-3b21-a61c-a77c5512f36a")) NetCodeGroup; // [ default ] interface _NetCodeGroup // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("e1c3e338-b088-3c69-9989-a0e59e96fea8")) PermissionRequestEvidence; // [ default ] interface _PermissionRequestEvidence // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("89d26277-8408-3fc8-bd44-cf5f0e614c82")) PolicyException; // [ default ] interface _PolicyException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("64e304c1-d80d-3388-94ef-002f45d5ac05")) PolicyLevel; // [ default ] interface _PolicyLevel // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("338d2529-b3d6-37f1-bb01-404698dc537b")) PolicyStatementAttribute { PolicyStatementAttribute_Nothing = 0, PolicyStatementAttribute_Exclusive = 1, PolicyStatementAttribute_LevelFinal = 2, PolicyStatementAttribute_All = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("abcc3df5-7e59-3780-a3cc-4f412008a5ea")) PolicyStatement; // [ default ] interface _PolicyStatement // interface _Object // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable // interface ISecurityEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("0f71b36d-4006-35b5-9f42-4c468514af70")) Site; // [ default ] interface _Site // interface _Object // interface IIdentityPermissionFactory struct __declspec(uuid("7f5e4fd8-9575-3691-bf0c-2d30a21e4376")) SiteMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _SiteMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("f1566aaf-63fe-3f4b-b121-dcd17999119b")) StrongName; // [ default ] interface _StrongName // interface _Object // interface IIdentityPermissionFactory struct __declspec(uuid("7cffac1c-7370-30f9-aa72-e30fe39257d9")) StrongNameMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _StrongNameMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("f424d0be-f3cb-3d09-9b18-c523a739ebfe")) UnionCodeGroup; // [ default ] interface _UnionCodeGroup // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("7a2ae0c8-ef79-334e-bacf-d7ba452caf7c")) Url; // [ default ] interface _Url // interface _Object // interface IIdentityPermissionFactory struct __declspec(uuid("93e33d56-812d-3112-beeb-276a67d1172e")) UrlMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _UrlMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("6fcf98ff-b4d6-37a4-9dab-4de11a5fe5f2")) Zone; // [ default ] interface _Zone // interface _Object // interface IIdentityPermissionFactory struct __declspec(uuid("d72f9aeb-23f8-3b88-b6fd-8a143e3245a1")) ZoneMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _ZoneMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("ee24a2c3-3aa2-33da-8731-a4fcc1105813")) GacInstalled; // [ default ] interface _GacInstalled // interface _Object // interface IIdentityPermissionFactory struct __declspec(uuid("390e92c9-fa66-3357-bef2-45a1f34186b9")) GacMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _GacMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("260356e2-bafa-3349-8bf7-86eeb460a2c7")) Hash; // [ default ] interface _Hash // interface _Object // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("769edead-e3b2-3c89-b9a6-948cd7288587")) HashMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _HashMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface IDeserializationCallback // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("649546a7-965f-366f-a735-0fb522917b5a")) Publisher; // [ default ] interface _Publisher // interface _Object // interface IIdentityPermissionFactory struct __declspec(uuid("05bf00f9-44b8-39a7-af36-7e11c9b502dd")) PublisherMembershipCondition; // [ default ] interface _PublisherMembershipCondition // interface _Object // interface IMembershipCondition // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable struct __declspec(uuid("f4205a87-4d46-303d-b1d9-5a99f7c90d30")) IIdentity : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetAuthenticationType)) _bstr_t AuthenticationType; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAuthenticated)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAuthenticated; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t Getname ( ); _bstr_t GetAuthenticationType ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAuthenticated ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AuthenticationType ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAuthenticated ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("21c7f1a2-37fb-3bff-9819-f586a7702f36")) ClaimsIdentity; // [ default ] interface _ClaimsIdentity // interface _Object // interface IIdentity struct __declspec(uuid("4c534a8e-3c46-3745-bdae-5119c40f98e7")) GenericIdentity; // [ default ] interface _GenericIdentity // interface _Object // interface IIdentity struct __declspec(uuid("4283ca6c-d291-3481-83c9-9554481fe888")) IPrincipal : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetIdentity)) IIdentityPtr Identity; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IIdentityPtr GetIdentity ( ); VARIANT_BOOL IsInRole ( _bstr_t role ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Identity ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IIdentity * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsInRole ( /*[in]*/ BSTR role, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("62b5eee1-b5cd-30f1-854f-fbb7f2d8690b")) ClaimsPrincipal; // [ default ] interface _ClaimsPrincipal // interface _Object // interface IPrincipal struct __declspec(uuid("2eacb710-fe48-3c13-8145-e810792c58a2")) GenericPrincipal; // [ default ] interface _GenericPrincipal // interface _Object // interface IPrincipal enum __declspec(uuid("7d29bc4b-8fbc-38aa-8b35-ed4539a1cf8e")) PrincipalPolicy { PrincipalPolicy_UnauthenticatedPrincipal = 0, PrincipalPolicy_NoPrincipal = 1, PrincipalPolicy_WindowsPrincipal = 2 }; enum __declspec(uuid("10a8b906-2f7a-327c-87ab-1a95a9b5e23e")) TokenAccessLevels { TokenAccessLevels_AssignPrimary = 1, TokenAccessLevels_Duplicate = 2, TokenAccessLevels_Impersonate = 4, TokenAccessLevels_Query = 8, TokenAccessLevels_QuerySource = 16, TokenAccessLevels_AdjustPrivileges = 32, TokenAccessLevels_AdjustGroups = 64, TokenAccessLevels_AdjustDefault = 128, TokenAccessLevels_AdjustSessionId = 256, TokenAccessLevels_Read = 131080, TokenAccessLevels_Write = 131296, TokenAccessLevels_AllAccess = 983551, TokenAccessLevels_MaximumAllowed = 33554432 }; enum __declspec(uuid("8830f669-e622-3da0-bc37-4a02a151e142")) WindowsAccountType { WindowsAccountType_Normal = 0, WindowsAccountType_Guest = 1, WindowsAccountType_System = 2, WindowsAccountType_Anonymous = 3 }; enum __declspec(uuid("3e82fb4a-7f30-35b7-b8b1-6d717b3b5db0")) TokenImpersonationLevel { TokenImpersonationLevel_None = 0, TokenImpersonationLevel_Anonymous = 1, TokenImpersonationLevel_Identification = 2, TokenImpersonationLevel_Impersonation = 3, TokenImpersonationLevel_Delegation = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("70c7cec2-5bb2-3770-a26e-fc180c81f4fe")) WindowsIdentity; // [ default ] interface _WindowsIdentity // interface _Object // interface IIdentity // interface ISerializable // interface IDeserializationCallback // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("fc1abb5c-d107-3145-908a-3ea107d53748")) WindowsImpersonationContext; // [ default ] interface _WindowsImpersonationContext // interface _Object // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("8b7e18b8-3e96-3a4c-82cb-3d13fa15a32f")) WindowsBuiltInRole { WindowsBuiltInRole_Administrator = 544, WindowsBuiltInRole_User = 545, WindowsBuiltInRole_Guest = 546, WindowsBuiltInRole_PowerUser = 547, WindowsBuiltInRole_AccountOperator = 548, WindowsBuiltInRole_SystemOperator = 549, WindowsBuiltInRole_PrintOperator = 550, WindowsBuiltInRole_BackupOperator = 551, WindowsBuiltInRole_Replicator = 552 }; struct __declspec(uuid("138887db-c015-3254-b05a-d15616bf9aee")) WindowsPrincipal; // [ default ] interface _WindowsPrincipal // interface _Object // interface IPrincipal #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("8351108f-34e3-3cc9-bf5a-c76c48060835")) ArrayWithOffset { IUnknown * m_array; long m_offset; long m_count; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("1a8e1b1f-ef9e-33e6-950e-4d9435f1335b")) UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute; // [ default ] interface _UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("b36860b2-bac3-3c25-81ee-1f62cb91fc76")) DispIdAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DispIdAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("18c327e4-e4ba-3c3c-9942-274272626278")) ComInterfaceType { ComInterfaceType_InterfaceIsDual = 0, ComInterfaceType_InterfaceIsIUnknown = 1, ComInterfaceType_InterfaceIsIDispatch = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("c8a36b3c-bc72-31e7-8ba2-ef949a54bd0c")) InterfaceTypeAttribute; // [ default ] interface _InterfaceTypeAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("43c2214a-95fc-362d-a792-7316c65b49aa")) ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("d58dc4bb-3a4c-3b0c-b75f-9d0876694f3d")) ClassInterfaceType { ClassInterfaceType_None = 0, ClassInterfaceType_AutoDispatch = 1, ClassInterfaceType_AutoDual = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("5819db84-163f-3fa2-853b-43a0269626b1")) ClassInterfaceAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ClassInterfaceAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("1f4bcc99-e9d8-3aab-99af-4d1ec26e3376")) ComVisibleAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComVisibleAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("a09b7b15-dfa5-3e98-9c26-865ad9079e42")) TypeLibImportClassAttribute; // [ default ] interface _TypeLibImportClassAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("f912451b-8766-32cd-917f-3b9fee4421a8")) LCIDConversionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _LCIDConversionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("630a3ef1-23c6-31fe-9d25-294e3b3e7486")) ComRegisterFunctionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComRegisterFunctionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("8f45c7ff-1e6e-34c1-a7cc-260985392a05")) ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("47854ae8-f71c-3459-a943-1e91edc951a7")) ProgIdAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ProgIdAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("8afeaa55-757f-3ddb-a750-b2caa6a0b80b")) ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("8a958a5b-626c-3d22-ab56-3ec30c9b7ee2")) IDispatchImplType { IDispatchImplType_SystemDefinedImpl = 0, IDispatchImplType_InternalImpl = 1, IDispatchImplType_CompatibleImpl = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("3ab97590-3a62-36fb-903f-bb70b015f156")) IDispatchImplAttribute; // [ default ] interface _IDispatchImplAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("ac0c43b1-6ca0-3e6c-b088-b11e96fa0ce3")) ComSourceInterfacesAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComSourceInterfacesAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("8a3fd229-b2a9-347f-93d2-87f3b7f92753")) ComConversionLossAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComConversionLossAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("97aa3979-1066-3969-b278-e064bdb97dce")) TypeLibTypeFlags { TypeLibTypeFlags_FAppObject = 1, TypeLibTypeFlags_FCanCreate = 2, TypeLibTypeFlags_FLicensed = 4, TypeLibTypeFlags_FPreDeclId = 8, TypeLibTypeFlags_FHidden = 16, TypeLibTypeFlags_FControl = 32, TypeLibTypeFlags_FDual = 64, TypeLibTypeFlags_FNonExtensible = 128, TypeLibTypeFlags_FOleAutomation = 256, TypeLibTypeFlags_FRestricted = 512, TypeLibTypeFlags_FAggregatable = 1024, TypeLibTypeFlags_FReplaceable = 2048, TypeLibTypeFlags_FDispatchable = 4096, TypeLibTypeFlags_FReverseBind = 8192 }; enum __declspec(uuid("bf1bf727-537f-3284-9ca9-5adf12641ab5")) TypeLibFuncFlags { TypeLibFuncFlags_FRestricted = 1, TypeLibFuncFlags_FSource = 2, TypeLibFuncFlags_FBindable = 4, TypeLibFuncFlags_FRequestEdit = 8, TypeLibFuncFlags_FDisplayBind = 16, TypeLibFuncFlags_FDefaultBind = 32, TypeLibFuncFlags_FHidden = 64, TypeLibFuncFlags_FUsesGetLastError = 128, TypeLibFuncFlags_FDefaultCollelem = 256, TypeLibFuncFlags_FUiDefault = 512, TypeLibFuncFlags_FNonBrowsable = 1024, TypeLibFuncFlags_FReplaceable = 2048, TypeLibFuncFlags_FImmediateBind = 4096 }; enum __declspec(uuid("c660d7a6-d1dd-3e9d-85eb-f844791e2dae")) TypeLibVarFlags { TypeLibVarFlags_FReadOnly = 1, TypeLibVarFlags_FSource = 2, TypeLibVarFlags_FBindable = 4, TypeLibVarFlags_FRequestEdit = 8, TypeLibVarFlags_FDisplayBind = 16, TypeLibVarFlags_FDefaultBind = 32, TypeLibVarFlags_FHidden = 64, TypeLibVarFlags_FRestricted = 128, TypeLibVarFlags_FDefaultCollelem = 256, TypeLibVarFlags_FUiDefault = 512, TypeLibVarFlags_FNonBrowsable = 1024, TypeLibVarFlags_FReplaceable = 2048, TypeLibVarFlags_FImmediateBind = 4096 }; struct __declspec(uuid("2f53c69e-f1f0-3e98-ad3b-eeaa89a88906")) TypeLibTypeAttribute; // [ default ] interface _TypeLibTypeAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("05074a9c-0b30-3a78-aaef-99356e49df45")) TypeLibFuncAttribute; // [ default ] interface _TypeLibFuncAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("36bdd1da-2b15-3428-b055-bdabf4667c3f")) TypeLibVarAttribute; // [ default ] interface _TypeLibVarAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("875eb8b7-663d-3b83-b702-5af34662b9b5")) VarEnum { VarEnum_VT_EMPTY = 0, VarEnum_VT_NULL = 1, VarEnum_VT_I2 = 2, VarEnum_VT_I4 = 3, VarEnum_VT_R4 = 4, VarEnum_VT_R8 = 5, VarEnum_VT_CY = 6, VarEnum_VT_DATE = 7, VarEnum_VT_BSTR = 8, VarEnum_VT_DISPATCH = 9, VarEnum_VT_ERROR = 10, VarEnum_VT_BOOL = 11, VarEnum_VT_VARIANT = 12, VarEnum_VT_UNKNOWN = 13, VarEnum_VT_DECIMAL = 14, VarEnum_VT_I1 = 16, VarEnum_VT_UI1 = 17, VarEnum_VT_UI2 = 18, VarEnum_VT_UI4 = 19, VarEnum_VT_I8 = 20, VarEnum_VT_UI8 = 21, VarEnum_VT_INT = 22, VarEnum_VT_UINT = 23, VarEnum_VT_VOID = 24, VarEnum_VT_HRESULT = 25, VarEnum_VT_PTR = 26, VarEnum_VT_SAFEARRAY = 27, VarEnum_VT_CARRAY = 28, VarEnum_VT_USERDEFINED = 29, VarEnum_VT_LPSTR = 30, VarEnum_VT_LPWSTR = 31, VarEnum_VT_RECORD = 36, VarEnum_VT_FILETIME = 64, VarEnum_VT_BLOB = 65, VarEnum_VT_STREAM = 66, VarEnum_VT_STORAGE = 67, VarEnum_VT_STREAMED_OBJECT = 68, VarEnum_VT_STORED_OBJECT = 69, VarEnum_VT_BLOB_OBJECT = 70, VarEnum_VT_CF = 71, VarEnum_VT_CLSID = 72, VarEnum_VT_VECTOR = 4096, VarEnum_VT_ARRAY = 8192, VarEnum_VT_BYREF = 16384 }; enum __declspec(uuid("03d65b1a-bbf6-3bdc-bc53-85e02415670d")) UnmanagedType { UnmanagedType_Bool = 2, UnmanagedType_I1 = 3, UnmanagedType_U1 = 4, UnmanagedType_I2 = 5, UnmanagedType_U2 = 6, UnmanagedType_I4 = 7, UnmanagedType_U4 = 8, UnmanagedType_I8 = 9, UnmanagedType_U8 = 10, UnmanagedType_R4 = 11, UnmanagedType_R8 = 12, UnmanagedType_Currency = 15, UnmanagedType_BStr = 19, UnmanagedType_LPStr = 20, UnmanagedType_LPWStr = 21, UnmanagedType_LPTStr = 22, UnmanagedType_ByValTStr = 23, UnmanagedType_IUnknown = 25, UnmanagedType_IDispatch = 26, UnmanagedType_Struct = 27, UnmanagedType_Interface = 28, UnmanagedType_SafeArray = 29, UnmanagedType_ByValArray = 30, UnmanagedType_SysInt = 31, UnmanagedType_SysUInt = 32, UnmanagedType_VBByRefStr = 34, UnmanagedType_AnsiBStr = 35, UnmanagedType_TBStr = 36, UnmanagedType_VariantBool = 37, UnmanagedType_FunctionPtr = 38, UnmanagedType_AsAny = 40, UnmanagedType_LPArray = 42, UnmanagedType_LPStruct = 43, UnmanagedType_CustomMarshaler = 44, UnmanagedType_Error = 45 }; struct __declspec(uuid("aaffef00-519d-3ee0-8763-d4b650611e0d")) MarshalAsAttribute; // [ default ] interface _MarshalAsAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("f1eba909-6621-346d-9ce2-39f266c9d011")) ComImportAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComImportAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("fde6d643-768a-3c91-a169-2c8fb7c1cd1f")) GuidAttribute; // [ default ] interface _GuidAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("204d5a28-46a0-3f04-bd7c-b5672631e57f")) PreserveSigAttribute; // [ default ] interface _PreserveSigAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("96a058cd-faf7-386c-85bf-e47f00c81795")) InAttribute; // [ default ] interface _InAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("fdb2dc94-b5a0-3702-ae84-bbfa752acb36")) OutAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OutAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("b81cb5ed-e654-399f-9698-c83c50665786")) OptionalAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OptionalAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("3c52777e-f51c-300a-8122-479a19164325")) DllImportAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DllImportAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("a0fff774-26bd-3de7-95ce-dbcea6088f96")) StructLayoutAttribute; // [ default ] interface _StructLayoutAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("3ba14c59-4c61-3d7c-8161-9962d7a89292")) FieldOffsetAttribute; // [ default ] interface _FieldOffsetAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("e1aa0b69-ca47-3749-aeb1-133dce4c705f")) ComAliasNameAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComAliasNameAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("0e67c08b-d921-33d0-82fe-b6fd28bbaeff")) AutomationProxyAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AutomationProxyAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("6dd18f5d-7a5c-3868-b1c2-7e19da873386")) PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute; // [ default ] interface _PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("03e4c7f5-974c-3253-9be0-41470697bbad")) CoClassAttribute; // [ default ] interface _CoClassAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("830ac1f5-98ee-39a3-9212-fa5626ca855a")) ComEventInterfaceAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComEventInterfaceAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("5f8dc45f-a2d8-3e34-8c86-586ed6a74984")) TypeLibVersionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _TypeLibVersionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("7f962ebf-2220-30f0-8b92-24a73b7cd268")) ComCompatibleVersionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ComCompatibleVersionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("84fee617-858b-364b-a662-8bf7ed5330ca")) BestFitMappingAttribute; // [ default ] interface _BestFitMappingAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("66708447-ecce-3422-b3a3-c8161c1c693b")) DefaultCharSetAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DefaultCharSetAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("9d309f77-4655-372e-84b0-b0fb4030f3b8")) SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("79c2c4a6-8d21-371c-995f-52c38701b91e")) CallingConvention { CallingConvention_Winapi = 1, CallingConvention_Cdecl = 2, CallingConvention_StdCall = 3, CallingConvention_ThisCall = 4, CallingConvention_FastCall = 5 }; enum __declspec(uuid("deae387d-c9a7-3a9c-b772-0153a2538502")) CharSet { CharSet_None = 1, CharSet_Ansi = 2, CharSet_Unicode = 3, CharSet_Auto = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("afc681cf-e82f-361a-8280-cf4e1f844c3e")) ExternalException; // [ default ] interface _ExternalException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("07f94112-a42e-328b-b508-702ef62bcc29")) COMException; // [ default ] interface _COMException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("0e71f38e-c5e1-3094-9487-5c7dd1e998ec")) GCHandleType { GCHandleType_Weak = 0, GCHandleType_WeakTrackResurrection = 1, GCHandleType_Normal = 2, GCHandleType_Pinned = 3 }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("66e1f723-e57f-35ce-8306-3c09fb68a322")) GCHandle { long m_handle; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("c71dce2b-b87f-37a9-89ed-f1145955bcd6")) HandleRef { IUnknown * m_wrapper; long m_handle; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("601cd486-04bf-3213-9ea9-06ebe4351d74")) ICustomMarshaler : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t MarshalNativeToManaged ( long pNativeData ); long MarshalManagedToNative ( const _variant_t & ManagedObj ); HRESULT CleanUpNativeData ( long pNativeData ); HRESULT CleanUpManagedData ( const _variant_t & ManagedObj ); long GetNativeDataSize ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MarshalNativeToManaged ( /*[in]*/ long pNativeData, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MarshalManagedToNative ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT ManagedObj, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CleanUpNativeData ( /*[in]*/ long pNativeData ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CleanUpManagedData ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT ManagedObj ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNativeDataSize ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("9a944885-edaf-3a81-a2ff-6a9d5d1abfc7")) InvalidOleVariantTypeException; // [ default ] interface _InvalidOleVariantTypeException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("9abe23bd-d5d5-30f6-b127-9b3ab98f7dbb")) LayoutKind { LayoutKind_Sequential = 0, LayoutKind_Explicit = 2, LayoutKind_Auto = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("742ad1fb-b2f0-3681-b4aa-e736a3bce4e1")) MarshalDirectiveException; // [ default ] interface _MarshalDirectiveException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("78d22140-40cf-303e-be96-b3ac0407a34d")) RuntimeEnvironment; // [ default ] interface _RuntimeEnvironment // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("ca805b13-468c-3a22-bf9a-818e97efa6b7")) SEHException; // [ default ] interface _SEHException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("e5de21f2-12d7-3604-8251-1c5dbc64ca66")) BStrWrapper; // [ default ] interface _BStrWrapper // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("96e0dee8-c1ca-38a5-a3c9-52da9b5440ef")) ComMemberType { ComMemberType_Method = 0, ComMemberType_PropGet = 1, ComMemberType_PropSet = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("d540a482-8fb8-3720-b52e-08c7a2c1b9df")) CurrencyWrapper; // [ default ] interface _CurrencyWrapper // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("da7109d3-bcd8-3d4c-b172-dfc2e585562a")) DispatchWrapper; // [ default ] interface _DispatchWrapper // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("d7900ebd-ff28-3ae6-b517-7e32714f578b")) ErrorWrapper; // [ default ] interface _ErrorWrapper // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("58734403-8382-3110-b729-14c7855982f9")) ExtensibleClassFactory; // [ default ] interface _ExtensibleClassFactory // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("3cc86595-feb5-3ce9-ba14-d05c8dc3321c")) ICustomAdapter : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IUnknownPtr GetUnderlyingObject ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUnderlyingObject ( /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("a7248ec6-a8a5-3d07-890e-6107f8c247e5")) InvalidComObjectException; // [ default ] interface _InvalidComObjectException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("765653a0-2b24-38e4-a6f6-5cb325e8ccc9")) AssemblyRegistrationFlags { AssemblyRegistrationFlags_None = 0, AssemblyRegistrationFlags_SetCodeBase = 1 }; enum __declspec(uuid("c335350a-892d-37f7-967c-99b3c4c4a301")) TypeLibImporterFlags { TypeLibImporterFlags_None = 0, TypeLibImporterFlags_PrimaryInteropAssembly = 1, TypeLibImporterFlags_UnsafeInterfaces = 2, TypeLibImporterFlags_SafeArrayAsSystemArray = 4, TypeLibImporterFlags_TransformDispRetVals = 8, TypeLibImporterFlags_PreventClassMembers = 16, TypeLibImporterFlags_SerializableValueClasses = 32, TypeLibImporterFlags_ImportAsX86 = 256, TypeLibImporterFlags_ImportAsX64 = 512, TypeLibImporterFlags_ImportAsItanium = 1024, TypeLibImporterFlags_ImportAsAgnostic = 2048, TypeLibImporterFlags_ReflectionOnlyLoading = 4096, TypeLibImporterFlags_NoDefineVersionResource = 8192, TypeLibImporterFlags_ImportAsArm = 16384 }; enum __declspec(uuid("ad92602f-55f2-3552-a977-d93c79db346e")) TypeLibExporterFlags { TypeLibExporterFlags_None = 0, TypeLibExporterFlags_OnlyReferenceRegistered = 1, TypeLibExporterFlags_CallerResolvedReferences = 2, TypeLibExporterFlags_OldNames = 4, TypeLibExporterFlags_ExportAs32Bit = 16, TypeLibExporterFlags_ExportAs64Bit = 32 }; enum __declspec(uuid("b42619b4-0edc-3f55-aa64-2140275fa115")) ImporterEventKind { ImporterEventKind_NOTIF_TYPECONVERTED = 0, ImporterEventKind_NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING = 1, ImporterEventKind_ERROR_REFTOINVALIDTYPELIB = 2 }; enum __declspec(uuid("26170123-45fd-30f7-987d-bf3689662b6c")) ExporterEventKind { ExporterEventKind_NOTIF_TYPECONVERTED = 0, ExporterEventKind_NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING = 1, ExporterEventKind_ERROR_REFTOINVALIDASSEMBLY = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("fa1f3615-acb9-486d-9eac-1bef87e36b09")) ITypeLibExporterNameProvider : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // SAFEARRAY * GetNames ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNames ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("8a21df64-f31a-306f-9db8-0dfa164ed9ee")) ObjectCreationDelegate; // [ default ] interface _ObjectCreationDelegate // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("475e398f-8afa-43a7-a3be-f4ef8d6787c9")) RegistrationServices; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface IRegistrationServices struct __declspec(uuid("4be89ac3-603d-36b2-ab9b-9c38866f56d5")) SafeArrayRankMismatchException; // [ default ] interface _SafeArrayRankMismatchException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("2d5ec63c-1b3e-3ee4-9052-eb0d0303549c")) SafeArrayTypeMismatchException; // [ default ] interface _SafeArrayTypeMismatchException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("f1c3bf79-c3e4-11d3-88e7-00902754c43a")) TypeLibConverter; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface ITypeLibConverter struct __declspec(uuid("887d4d94-31d1-37f3-9938-643ed2a46155")) UnknownWrapper; // [ default ] interface _UnknownWrapper // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("08416c5b-a003-327c-9f0f-93942467e6e0")) TextWriter; // [ default ] interface _TextWriter // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("e331083b-c22d-3046-8ec7-d222d6be031f")) Stream; // [ default ] interface _Stream // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("2484afda-7b47-3cd7-97b5-951f5c6ab5b6")) BinaryReader; // [ default ] interface _BinaryReader // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("d92ccd03-5c88-3339-8011-46e8b01a2ba8")) BinaryWriter; // [ default ] interface _BinaryWriter // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("1500abc0-1dd4-37dd-985f-82430314c798")) BufferedStream; // [ default ] interface _BufferedStream // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("0ebd869e-64bf-3682-80bb-690a70114be0")) Directory; // [ default ] interface _Directory // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("1f0e8db5-8f52-3360-8a47-9d3dc3a5acaf")) FileSystemInfo; // [ default ] interface _FileSystemInfo // interface _Object // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("40a8b2fa-e055-3f59-8ba6-54c4e35649b5")) DirectoryInfo; // [ default ] interface _DirectoryInfo // interface _Object // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("8d583b4d-52c8-3243-829e-999d660d3947")) SearchOption { SearchOption_TopDirectoryOnly = 0, SearchOption_AllDirectories = 1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("a164c0bf-67ae-3c7e-bc05-bfe24a8cdb62")) IOException; // [ default ] interface _IOException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("8833bc41-dc6b-34b9-a799-682d2554f02f")) DirectoryNotFoundException; // [ default ] interface _DirectoryNotFoundException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("72e8197d-904b-3371-ae0e-b70d9d53771c")) DriveType { DriveType_Unknown = 0, DriveType_NoRootDirectory = 1, DriveType_Removable = 2, DriveType_Fixed = 3, DriveType_Network = 4, DriveType_CDRom = 5, DriveType_Ram = 6 }; struct __declspec(uuid("b7c87928-b1ad-35ce-aa58-3dc3aab7ac67")) DriveInfo; // [ default ] interface _DriveInfo // interface _Object // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("a8f9f740-70c9-30a7-937c-59785a9bb5a4")) DriveNotFoundException; // [ default ] interface _DriveNotFoundException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("58d052bc-a3df-3508-ac95-ff297bdc9f0c")) EndOfStreamException; // [ default ] interface _EndOfStreamException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("2a96793e-4cf3-3976-a893-b66886d89a03")) File; // [ default ] interface _File // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("74caa246-be0e-3ae5-a17c-946e10d89626")) FileAccess { FileAccess_Read = 1, FileAccess_Write = 2, FileAccess_ReadWrite = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("d6dffead-0b46-3ded-83de-1943413b94d5")) FileInfo; // [ default ] interface _FileInfo // interface _Object // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("af8c5f8a-9999-3e92-bb41-c5f4955174cd")) FileLoadException; // [ default ] interface _FileLoadException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("f9a5bd62-8da3-3b2d-a556-864cdad150f6")) FileMode { FileMode_CreateNew = 1, FileMode_Create = 2, FileMode_Open = 3, FileMode_OpenOrCreate = 4, FileMode_Truncate = 5, FileMode_Append = 6 }; struct __declspec(uuid("48c6e96f-a2f3-33e7-ba7f-c8f74866760b")) FileNotFoundException; // [ default ] interface _FileNotFoundException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("68db6e95-f774-3ae3-b1de-b0cc80f6e174")) FileOptions { FileOptions_None = 0, FileOptions_WriteThrough = 0x80000000, FileOptions_Asynchronous = 1073741824, FileOptions_RandomAccess = 268435456, FileOptions_DeleteOnClose = 67108864, FileOptions_SequentialScan = 134217728, FileOptions_Encrypted = 16384 }; enum __declspec(uuid("791ec67c-5a1b-35fd-832d-80b02d07ed6d")) FileShare { FileShare_None = 0, FileShare_Read = 1, FileShare_Write = 2, FileShare_ReadWrite = 3, FileShare_Delete = 4, FileShare_Inheritable = 16 }; struct __declspec(uuid("7f25e491-33be-31e2-a334-cb506d4ee471")) FileStream; // [ default ] interface _FileStream // interface _Object // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("38512cf6-ff94-3ad8-8299-f5f64a8956aa")) FileAttributes { FileAttributes_ReadOnly = 1, FileAttributes_Hidden = 2, FileAttributes_System = 4, FileAttributes_Directory = 16, FileAttributes_Archive = 32, FileAttributes_Device = 64, FileAttributes_Normal = 128, FileAttributes_Temporary = 256, FileAttributes_SparseFile = 512, FileAttributes_ReparsePoint = 1024, FileAttributes_Compressed = 2048, FileAttributes_Offline = 4096, FileAttributes_NotContentIndexed = 8192, FileAttributes_Encrypted = 16384 }; struct __declspec(uuid("f5e692d9-8a87-349d-9657-f96e5799d2f4")) MemoryStream; // [ default ] interface _MemoryStream // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("b7ae0cae-979e-3ebf-b33f-8f121dafd78e")) Path; // [ default ] interface _Path // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("c016a313-9606-36d3-a823-33ebf5006189")) PathTooLongException; // [ default ] interface _PathTooLongException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("0cfe1abf-373d-3208-85c2-947434046704")) SeekOrigin { SeekOrigin_Begin = 0, SeekOrigin_Current = 1, SeekOrigin_End = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("7457d481-248a-3c89-b7e0-fceb8fd827e5")) TextReader; // [ default ] interface _TextReader // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("405fb68b-360d-382c-8a64-1da3c853d161")) StreamReader; // [ default ] interface _StreamReader // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("ef1ab726-0b87-3e09-aef4-3a87c5dcdda0")) StreamWriter; // [ default ] interface _StreamWriter // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("0247d5af-d61d-341c-8615-0ff28865b7cb")) StringReader; // [ default ] interface _StringReader // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("27f31d55-d6c6-3676-9d42-c40f3a918636")) StringWriter; // [ default ] interface _StringWriter // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("5efb687d-2b50-3216-bd74-52d06c8d3cd1")) AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("a3a1f076-1fa7-3a26-886d-8841cb45382f")) CallConvCdecl; // [ default ] interface _CallConvCdecl // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("bcb67d4d-2096-36be-974c-a003fc95041b")) CallConvStdcall; // [ default ] interface _CallConvStdcall // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("46080ca7-7cb8-3a55-a72e-8e50eca4d4fc")) CallConvThiscall; // [ default ] interface _CallConvThiscall // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("ed0bc45c-2438-31a9-bbb6-e2a3b5916419")) CallConvFastcall; // [ default ] interface _CallConvFastcall // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("6f7a3516-efd9-31c3-bc9a-a89df19f64e7")) CustomConstantAttribute; // [ default ] interface _CustomConstantAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("3178fd5d-2a5b-30b9-9c5c-7593802f9c1a")) DateTimeConstantAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DateTimeConstantAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("837a6733-1675-3bc9-bbf8-13889f84daf4")) DiscardableAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DiscardableAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("ac8de863-b115-3179-810f-162b43abd2b5")) DecimalConstantAttribute; // [ default ] interface _DecimalConstantAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("1e552dae-602e-3cb5-9bfa-22aeb1fc38a5")) CompilationRelaxations { CompilationRelaxations_NoStringInterning = 8 }; struct __declspec(uuid("76cec05b-c55e-3adf-92a2-0698f1cf2017")) CompilationRelaxationsAttribute; // [ default ] interface _CompilationRelaxationsAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("4b601364-a04b-38bc-bd38-a18e981324cf")) CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute; // [ default ] interface _CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("9599c078-dc94-3ea2-8761-408295bd1155")) IndexerNameAttribute; // [ default ] interface _IndexerNameAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("86527c04-536a-33c6-8c84-3d5a5b458db3")) IsVolatile; // [ default ] interface _IsVolatile // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("63a2e7fd-9a9b-3d6b-a827-3c5bf8db1e6a")) MethodImplOptions { MethodImplOptions_Unmanaged = 4, MethodImplOptions_ForwardRef = 16, MethodImplOptions_PreserveSig = 128, MethodImplOptions_InternalCall = 4096, MethodImplOptions_Synchronized = 32, MethodImplOptions_NoInlining = 8, MethodImplOptions_NoOptimization = 64 }; enum __declspec(uuid("6b7f18ae-f5ac-368f-8dfd-ab5e2d229ed7")) MethodCodeType { MethodCodeType_IL = 0, MethodCodeType_Native = 1, MethodCodeType_OPTIL = 2, MethodCodeType_Runtime = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("48d0cfe7-3128-3d2c-a5b5-8c7b82b4ab4f")) MethodImplAttribute; // [ default ] interface _MethodImplAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("d49c12a2-c401-3894-8005-716c2f692d38")) RequiredAttributeAttribute; // [ default ] interface _RequiredAttributeAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("2d6b9536-e9ca-317c-b62f-8e5876351e10")) IsCopyConstructed; // [ default ] interface _IsCopyConstructed // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("c437ab2e-865b-321d-ba15-0c8ec4ca119b")) NativeCppClassAttribute; // [ default ] interface _NativeCppClassAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("e947a0b0-d47f-3aa3-9b77-4624e0f3aca4")) IDispatchConstantAttribute; // [ default ] interface _IDispatchConstantAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("590e4a07-dafc-3be7-a178-da349bba980b")) IUnknownConstantAttribute; // [ default ] interface _IUnknownConstantAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("b9033cd1-c905-3059-9d29-562ecb13b0b3")) SecurityElement; // [ default ] interface _SecurityElement // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("e38da416-8050-3786-8201-46f187c15213")) XmlSyntaxException; // [ default ] interface _XmlSyntaxException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("ec73fceb-1aea-3a57-b953-21368e992507")) EnvironmentPermissionAccess { EnvironmentPermissionAccess_NoAccess = 0, EnvironmentPermissionAccess_Read = 1, EnvironmentPermissionAccess_Write = 2, EnvironmentPermissionAccess_AllAccess = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("a19b3fc6-d680-3dd4-a17a-f58a7d481494")) IPermission : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IPermissionPtr Copy ( ); IPermissionPtr Intersect ( struct IPermission * Target ); IPermissionPtr Union ( struct IPermission * Target ); VARIANT_BOOL IsSubsetOf ( struct IPermission * Target ); HRESULT Demand ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPermission * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Intersect ( /*[in]*/ struct IPermission * Target, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPermission * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Union ( /*[in]*/ struct IPermission * Target, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPermission * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsSubsetOf ( /*[in]*/ struct IPermission * Target, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Demand ( ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("60fc57b0-4a46-32a0-a5b4-b05b0de8e781")) IStackWalk : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Assert ( ); HRESULT Demand ( ); HRESULT Deny ( ); HRESULT PermitOnly ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Assert ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Demand ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Deny ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PermitOnly ( ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("af6550fa-7c4b-3477-86dd-235f8286eaac")) CodeAccessPermission; // [ default ] interface _CodeAccessPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk struct __declspec(uuid("0f1284e6-4399-3963-8ddd-a6a4904f66c8")) IUnrestrictedPermission : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL IsUnrestricted ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsUnrestricted ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("801f6e40-b384-3d27-b75f-de2df38f1192")) EnvironmentPermission; // [ default ] interface _EnvironmentPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission enum __declspec(uuid("0df04a9b-dddc-3777-a6b1-9604b5ced191")) FileDialogPermissionAccess { FileDialogPermissionAccess_None = 0, FileDialogPermissionAccess_Open = 1, FileDialogPermissionAccess_Save = 2, FileDialogPermissionAccess_OpenSave = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("9e1239b4-493a-3d2d-8f91-6636ec9eca21")) FileDialogPermission; // [ default ] interface _FileDialogPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission enum __declspec(uuid("ca10c1a1-9fdc-36a3-ad74-8fac60e6541c")) FileIOPermissionAccess { FileIOPermissionAccess_NoAccess = 0, FileIOPermissionAccess_Read = 1, FileIOPermissionAccess_Write = 2, FileIOPermissionAccess_Append = 4, FileIOPermissionAccess_PathDiscovery = 8, FileIOPermissionAccess_AllAccess = 15 }; struct __declspec(uuid("dc50cd5a-0cad-3b47-bf0d-79e85f3c2fc7")) FileIOPermission; // [ default ] interface _FileIOPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission enum __declspec(uuid("4548a129-2855-35e8-a892-ff506c877aa8")) HostProtectionResource { HostProtectionResource_None = 0, HostProtectionResource_Synchronization = 1, HostProtectionResource_SharedState = 2, HostProtectionResource_ExternalProcessMgmt = 4, HostProtectionResource_SelfAffectingProcessMgmt = 8, HostProtectionResource_ExternalThreading = 16, HostProtectionResource_SelfAffectingThreading = 32, HostProtectionResource_SecurityInfrastructure = 64, HostProtectionResource_UI = 128, HostProtectionResource_MayLeakOnAbort = 256, HostProtectionResource_All = 511 }; struct __declspec(uuid("47dcd758-df63-3226-a3a9-b0b88872a311")) SecurityAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SecurityAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("21858390-fe95-33a9-a103-f322c64d85ae")) CodeAccessSecurityAttribute; // [ default ] interface _CodeAccessSecurityAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("ad664904-fe8a-3217-bbf5-e6ab1d998f5f")) HostProtectionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _HostProtectionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("0d6e31df-3a76-3054-a8eb-150e92300f89")) IsolatedStorageContainment { IsolatedStorageContainment_None = 0, IsolatedStorageContainment_DomainIsolationByUser = 16, IsolatedStorageContainment_ApplicationIsolationByUser = 21, IsolatedStorageContainment_AssemblyIsolationByUser = 32, IsolatedStorageContainment_DomainIsolationByMachine = 48, IsolatedStorageContainment_AssemblyIsolationByMachine = 64, IsolatedStorageContainment_ApplicationIsolationByMachine = 69, IsolatedStorageContainment_DomainIsolationByRoamingUser = 80, IsolatedStorageContainment_AssemblyIsolationByRoamingUser = 96, IsolatedStorageContainment_ApplicationIsolationByRoamingUser = 101, IsolatedStorageContainment_AdministerIsolatedStorageByUser = 112, IsolatedStorageContainment_UnrestrictedIsolatedStorage = 240 }; struct __declspec(uuid("f458abf2-2b5e-3158-b0e4-228e8cdcf759")) IsolatedStoragePermission; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStoragePermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission struct __declspec(uuid("ae588447-d98e-3e39-96f7-073433db8d35")) IsolatedStorageFilePermission; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStorageFilePermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission enum __declspec(uuid("dfaecf33-4728-382d-a34d-c1b0392f8b73")) PermissionState { PermissionState_Unrestricted = 1, PermissionState_None = 0 }; enum __declspec(uuid("ba99ae52-d539-362f-b78c-4e84c14158bf")) SecurityAction { SecurityAction_Demand = 2, SecurityAction_Assert = 3, SecurityAction_Deny = 4, SecurityAction_PermitOnly = 5, SecurityAction_LinkDemand = 6, SecurityAction_InheritanceDemand = 7, SecurityAction_RequestMinimum = 8, SecurityAction_RequestOptional = 9, SecurityAction_RequestRefuse = 10 }; struct __declspec(uuid("6161df0c-cd78-33e1-b3e1-978b27025e40")) EnvironmentPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _EnvironmentPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("a141f926-e6b5-3903-8efa-1014d4970f1c")) FileDialogPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _FileDialogPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("de440c06-7ec3-3e59-83c8-3829090198f7")) FileIOPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _FileIOPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("f40ffbd5-4ca8-333e-8706-29f13fb8d4d6")) KeyContainerPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _KeyContainerPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("6d0ae73b-ed58-32e2-973c-765897783971")) PrincipalPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _PrincipalPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("64578750-937f-3b27-b631-c57e0bfff97f")) ReflectionPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ReflectionPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("f69cf20d-f85b-3436-9e0e-dd3cb3e8b2cd")) RegistryPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _RegistryPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("5e77314c-043d-3d8c-9c9d-d18f09fb3500")) SecurityPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SecurityPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("5f4ed054-c453-3d2b-a0fe-64e89871d364")) UIPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _UIPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("c386115f-2b99-356b-b4a1-2cf57ce52988")) ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("ef2c9de4-bcda-3322-ae75-16cc3ec2665c")) StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("23f73179-6349-3183-a55c-bcfb1a2446e8")) SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("6852be7d-8c00-3f66-bee3-463f74838491")) UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("2335c1da-cd60-3208-ab5e-447f16a087e5")) PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("a56859a3-98ed-39a9-bd33-5807f0d6291f")) IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("f6610df3-8d62-38bd-bf6b-2a4ba839eb3b")) IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("24151ba6-6d79-3ec4-8c77-014ffbe735ae")) PermissionSetAttribute; // [ default ] interface _PermissionSetAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("44c2f476-9e95-3d5a-b666-fdbef071494e")) ReflectionPermissionFlag { ReflectionPermissionFlag_NoFlags = 0, ReflectionPermissionFlag_TypeInformation = 1, ReflectionPermissionFlag_MemberAccess = 2, ReflectionPermissionFlag_ReflectionEmit = 4, ReflectionPermissionFlag_AllFlags = 7 }; struct __declspec(uuid("e71cdc85-7fe7-3f51-bcdb-02459770db87")) ReflectionPermission; // [ default ] interface _ReflectionPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission struct __declspec(uuid("67100ade-60cf-33f1-8d95-f6fe1174458a")) PrincipalPermission; // [ default ] interface _PrincipalPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IUnrestrictedPermission enum __declspec(uuid("b718f0f8-e5e7-3651-a2be-97009b568250")) SecurityPermissionFlag { SecurityPermissionFlag_NoFlags = 0, SecurityPermissionFlag_Assertion = 1, SecurityPermissionFlag_UnmanagedCode = 2, SecurityPermissionFlag_SkipVerification = 4, SecurityPermissionFlag_Execution = 8, SecurityPermissionFlag_ControlThread = 16, SecurityPermissionFlag_ControlEvidence = 32, SecurityPermissionFlag_ControlPolicy = 64, SecurityPermissionFlag_SerializationFormatter = 128, SecurityPermissionFlag_ControlDomainPolicy = 256, SecurityPermissionFlag_ControlPrincipal = 512, SecurityPermissionFlag_ControlAppDomain = 1024, SecurityPermissionFlag_RemotingConfiguration = 2048, SecurityPermissionFlag_Infrastructure = 4096, SecurityPermissionFlag_BindingRedirects = 8192, SecurityPermissionFlag_AllFlags = 16383 }; struct __declspec(uuid("d5f5125a-3d46-3c57-8393-0e4ee9d8016b")) SecurityPermission; // [ default ] interface _SecurityPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission struct __declspec(uuid("3bcfc458-07dc-3ba7-8404-97eb76641080")) SiteIdentityPermission; // [ default ] interface _SiteIdentityPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk struct __declspec(uuid("2b00b9ec-b4f4-3243-90ab-532e64fee941")) StrongNameIdentityPermission; // [ default ] interface _StrongNameIdentityPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk struct __declspec(uuid("a463394f-7ba6-3721-8ad8-842748612b4c")) StrongNamePublicKeyBlob; // [ default ] interface _StrongNamePublicKeyBlob // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("b30fd15e-ced6-3977-8151-0d50e79cd703")) UIPermissionWindow { UIPermissionWindow_NoWindows = 0, UIPermissionWindow_SafeSubWindows = 1, UIPermissionWindow_SafeTopLevelWindows = 2, UIPermissionWindow_AllWindows = 3 }; enum __declspec(uuid("9e5c3c99-d046-3fe5-9921-21cf0f0a08ff")) UIPermissionClipboard { UIPermissionClipboard_NoClipboard = 0, UIPermissionClipboard_OwnClipboard = 1, UIPermissionClipboard_AllClipboard = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("05b46a2d-7c6b-3eff-a09a-1490a36811c2")) UIPermission; // [ default ] interface _UIPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission struct __declspec(uuid("ab7d1ab9-d192-3a95-b34c-a3996837c6a7")) UrlIdentityPermission; // [ default ] interface _UrlIdentityPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk struct __declspec(uuid("caeb199e-ceb9-388a-b240-e29c9f55199b")) ZoneIdentityPermission; // [ default ] interface _ZoneIdentityPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk struct __declspec(uuid("52f1a8f3-7c7c-3c08-848b-8ab0ea946959")) GacIdentityPermissionAttribute; // [ default ] interface _GacIdentityPermissionAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("29a6cf6f-d663-31a7-9210-1347871681fc")) GacIdentityPermission; // [ default ] interface _GacIdentityPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk enum __declspec(uuid("742bdc16-f04e-3e0e-8ff1-e3250940b5bf")) KeyContainerPermissionFlags { KeyContainerPermissionFlags_NoFlags = 0, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_Create = 1, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_Open = 2, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_Delete = 4, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_Import = 16, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_Export = 32, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_Sign = 256, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_Decrypt = 512, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_ViewAcl = 4096, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_ChangeAcl = 8192, KeyContainerPermissionFlags_AllFlags = 13111 }; struct __declspec(uuid("ab32dbc6-3d50-3098-8b72-fe98ba5cefba")) KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry; // [ default ] interface _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("a9b28590-073c-392c-82f4-b47fd3d00ec3")) KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection; // [ default ] interface _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection // interface _Object // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("616e9d9e-ee8a-35e6-a0a1-8bf70d536b02")) KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator; // [ default ] interface _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator // interface _Object // interface IEnumerator struct __declspec(uuid("2d91f34b-85ec-33e5-a32e-752d8219404d")) KeyContainerPermission; // [ default ] interface _KeyContainerPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission struct __declspec(uuid("73cf786b-cd2c-37e4-9835-824e4a019f11")) PublisherIdentityPermission; // [ default ] interface _PublisherIdentityPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk enum __declspec(uuid("3eb29914-f9a9-3c15-a03f-560885cfcb61")) RegistryPermissionAccess { RegistryPermissionAccess_NoAccess = 0, RegistryPermissionAccess_Read = 1, RegistryPermissionAccess_Write = 2, RegistryPermissionAccess_Create = 4, RegistryPermissionAccess_AllAccess = 7 }; struct __declspec(uuid("b35e31f2-9e50-3d43-8eaf-ec111f6b3295")) RegistryPermission; // [ default ] interface _RegistryPermission // interface _Object // interface IPermission // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface IStackWalk // interface IUnrestrictedPermission struct __declspec(uuid("7ae01d6c-bee7-38f6-9a86-329d8a917803")) SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("7e3393ab-2ab2-320b-8f6f-eab6f5cf2caf")) UnverifiableCodeAttribute; // [ default ] interface _UnverifiableCodeAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("5610f042-ff1d-36d0-996c-68f7a207d1f0")) AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute; // [ default ] interface _AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute enum __declspec(uuid("51e1b3ca-d3cb-39bf-a016-6199569e74b2")) HostSecurityManagerOptions { HostSecurityManagerOptions_None = 0, HostSecurityManagerOptions_HostAppDomainEvidence = 1, HostSecurityManagerOptions_HostPolicyLevel = 2, HostSecurityManagerOptions_HostAssemblyEvidence = 4, HostSecurityManagerOptions_HostDetermineApplicationTrust = 8, HostSecurityManagerOptions_HostResolvePolicy = 16, HostSecurityManagerOptions_AllFlags = 31 }; struct __declspec(uuid("84589833-40d7-36e2-8545-67a92b97c408")) HostSecurityManager; // [ default ] interface _HostSecurityManager // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("afafd122-dac4-3ff9-9646-dc032a4a8806")) PermissionSet; // [ default ] interface _PermissionSet // interface _Object // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface IStackWalk // interface IDeserializationCallback struct __declspec(uuid("c23e56ce-0a9a-3733-8189-46b43c9e4fb3")) NamedPermissionSet; // [ default ] interface _NamedPermissionSet // interface _Object // interface ISecurityEncodable // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable // interface IStackWalk // interface IDeserializationCallback struct __declspec(uuid("eef05c76-5c98-3685-a69c-6e1a26a7f846")) SecurityException; // [ default ] interface _SecurityException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("ecc82a10-b731-3a01-8a17-ac0ddd7666cf")) HostProtectionException; // [ default ] interface _HostProtectionException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception enum __declspec(uuid("ee965595-853a-331b-9cd0-d53dcce3b6f8")) PolicyLevelType { PolicyLevelType_User = 0, PolicyLevelType_Machine = 1, PolicyLevelType_Enterprise = 2, PolicyLevelType_AppDomain = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("df4e1bb0-8cdc-3c4b-a1c9-fee64bbef8c5")) SecurityManager; // [ default ] interface _SecurityManager // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("902a6b65-41bd-32f1-a233-075f009d459c")) SecurityZone { SecurityZone_MyComputer = 0, SecurityZone_Intranet = 1, SecurityZone_Trusted = 2, SecurityZone_Internet = 3, SecurityZone_Untrusted = 4, SecurityZone_NoZone = -1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("ebaa029c-01c0-32b6-aae6-fe21adfc3e5d")) VerificationException; // [ default ] interface _VerificationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("1764148e-73c1-320a-83fc-337de81a68b4")) ContextAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ContextAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute // interface IContextAttribute // interface IContextProperty struct __declspec(uuid("614e973a-b737-38f5-9ddf-5825ac923135")) AsyncResult; // [ default ] interface _AsyncResult // interface _Object // interface IAsyncResult // interface IMessageSink struct __declspec(uuid("d625ba4c-7c4c-3b86-99ea-780204ede5cd")) ChannelServices; // [ default ] interface _ChannelServices // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("dd5856e5-8151-3334-b8e9-07cb152b20a4")) ClientChannelSinkStack; // [ default ] interface _ClientChannelSinkStack // interface _Object // interface IClientChannelSinkStack // interface IClientResponseChannelSinkStack struct __declspec(uuid("5c35f099-165e-3225-a3a5-564150ea17f5")) ServerChannelSinkStack; // [ default ] interface _ServerChannelSinkStack // interface _Object // interface IServerChannelSinkStack // interface IServerResponseChannelSinkStack struct __declspec(uuid("fd8c8fce-4f85-36b2-b8e8-f5a183654539")) ClientSponsor; // [ default ] interface _ClientSponsor // interface _Object // interface ISponsor enum __declspec(uuid("669212cb-7972-3073-bdb0-6782534b6590")) WellKnownObjectMode { WellKnownObjectMode_Singleton = 1, WellKnownObjectMode_SingleCall = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("8de7f105-07f6-31a8-8469-bafcdc5024b8")) CrossContextDelegate; // [ default ] interface _CrossContextDelegate // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("a36e4eaf-ea3f-30a6-906d-374bbf7903b1")) Context; // [ default ] interface _Context // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("6134805f-e8ff-3fd8-931e-4d847bca7551")) ContextProperty; // [ default ] interface _ContextProperty // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("563581e8-c86d-39e2-b2e8-6c23f7987a4b")) IChannel : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetChannelPriority)) long ChannelPriority; __declspec(property(get=GetChannelName)) _bstr_t ChannelName; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // long GetChannelPriority ( ); _bstr_t GetChannelName ( ); _bstr_t Parse ( _bstr_t Url, BSTR * objectURI ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChannelPriority ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChannelName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Parse ( /*[in]*/ BSTR Url, /*[out]*/ BSTR * objectURI, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("48ad41da-0872-31da-9887-f81f213527e6")) IChannelReceiver : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetChannelData)) _variant_t ChannelData; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t GetChannelData ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetUrlsForUri ( _bstr_t objectURI ); HRESULT StartListening ( const _variant_t & data ); HRESULT StopListening ( const _variant_t & data ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChannelData ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUrlsForUri ( /*[in]*/ BSTR objectURI, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StartListening ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT data ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StopListening ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT data ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("bc5062b6-79e8-3f19-a87e-f9daf826960c")) EnterpriseServicesHelper; // [ default ] interface _EnterpriseServicesHelper // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("b946ac61-dd6b-39f3-bbe1-e4c1540f16ea")) ActivatorLevel { ActivatorLevel_Construction = 4, ActivatorLevel_Context = 8, ActivatorLevel_AppDomain = 12, ActivatorLevel_Process = 16, ActivatorLevel_Machine = 20 }; struct __declspec(uuid("b90efaa6-25e4-33d2-aca3-94bf74dc4ab9")) IMethodCallMessage : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetInArgCount)) long InArgCount; __declspec(property(get=GetInArgs)) SAFEARRAY * InArgs; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // long GetInArgCount ( ); _bstr_t GetInArgName ( long index ); _variant_t GetInArg ( long argNum ); SAFEARRAY * GetInArgs ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InArgCount ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInArgName ( /*[in]*/ long index, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInArg ( /*[in]*/ long argNum, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InArgs ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("ca0ab564-f5e9-3a7f-a80b-eb0aeefa44e9")) IConstructionReturnMessage : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6d94b6f3-da91-3c2f-b876-083769667468")) IClientFormatterSinkProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("042b5200-4317-3e4d-b653-7e9a08f1a5f2")) IServerFormatterSinkProvider : IDispatch {}; enum __declspec(uuid("a026e65f-9720-3f82-8de1-a18e51180a34")) ServerProcessing { ServerProcessing_Complete = 0, ServerProcessing_OneWay = 1, ServerProcessing_Async = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("46527c03-b144-3cf0-86b3-b8776148a6e9")) IClientFormatterSink : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1e250ccd-dc30-3217-a7e4-148f375a0088")) IChannelDataStore : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetChannelUris)) SAFEARRAY * ChannelUris; __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutRefItem)) _variant_t Item[]; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // SAFEARRAY * GetChannelUris ( ); _variant_t GetItem ( const _variant_t & key ); void PutRefItem ( const _variant_t & key, const _variant_t & pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChannelUris ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Item ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[in]*/ VARIANT pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f3e38cea-40e4-33c1-9df7-bd103be2d68b")) ChannelDataStore; // [ default ] interface _ChannelDataStore // interface _Object // interface IChannelDataStore struct __declspec(uuid("1ac82fbe-4ff0-383c-bbfd-fe40ecb3628d")) ITransportHeaders : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutRefItem)) _variant_t Item[]; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t GetItem ( const _variant_t & key ); void PutRefItem ( const _variant_t & key, const _variant_t & pRetVal ); IEnumVARIANTPtr GetEnumerator ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Item ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[in]*/ VARIANT pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEnumerator ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IEnumVARIANT * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("48728b3f-f7d9-36c1-b3e7-8bf2e63ce1b3")) TransportHeaders; // [ default ] interface _TransportHeaders // interface _Object // interface ITransportHeaders struct __declspec(uuid("b8be8d68-5fe6-38c5-838e-67ce2fca9d70")) SinkProviderData; // [ default ] interface _SinkProviderData // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("f369a73e-78d8-3bcc-ae36-522d116e19f9")) BaseChannelObjectWithProperties; // [ default ] interface _BaseChannelObjectWithProperties // interface _Object // interface IDictionary // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("0e9eb6e5-d899-3132-90c5-7376970c4fb5")) BaseChannelSinkWithProperties; // [ default ] interface _BaseChannelSinkWithProperties // interface _Object // interface IDictionary // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("22282340-9e30-3591-bd1e-6571930e8582")) BaseChannelWithProperties; // [ default ] interface _BaseChannelWithProperties // interface _Object // interface IDictionary // interface ICollection // interface IEnumerable struct __declspec(uuid("00a358d4-4d58-3b9d-8fb6-fb7f6bc1713b")) IDynamicProperty : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t Getname ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3677cbb0-784d-3c15-bbc8-75cd7dc3901e")) IMessageCtrl : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Cancel ( long msToCancel ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cancel ( /*[in]*/ long msToCancel ) = 0; }; enum __declspec(uuid("a2c06560-e728-39d5-8230-7eb08001c79e")) LeaseState { LeaseState_Null = 0, LeaseState_Initial = 1, LeaseState_Active = 2, LeaseState_Renewing = 3, LeaseState_Expired = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("8fd730c1-dd1b-3694-84a1-8ce7159e266b")) LifetimeServices; // [ default ] interface _LifetimeServices // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("7b3bbd13-c870-3105-b123-ffca166cdc04")) ReturnMessage; // [ default ] interface _ReturnMessage // interface _Object // interface IMethodReturnMessage // interface IMethodMessage // interface IMessage struct __declspec(uuid("4f592b1f-4a0c-3fc0-9914-3677f64fc5a8")) MethodCall; // [ default ] interface _MethodCall // interface _Object // interface IMethodCallMessage // interface IMethodMessage // interface IMessage // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("54dac96d-ecaf-38db-a27b-3ddb102130c4")) ConstructionCall; // [ default ] interface _ConstructionCall // interface _Object // interface IMethodCallMessage // interface IMethodMessage // interface IMessage // interface ISerializable // interface IConstructionCallMessage struct __declspec(uuid("7e7bf3c0-b07b-3209-a424-7bc35d76ea7d")) MethodResponse; // [ default ] interface _MethodResponse // interface _Object // interface IMethodReturnMessage // interface IMethodMessage // interface IMessage // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("cc18fd4d-aa2d-3ab4-9848-584bbae4ab44")) IFieldInfo : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetFieldNames,put=PutFieldNames)) SAFEARRAY * FieldNames; __declspec(property(get=GetFieldTypes,put=PutFieldTypes)) SAFEARRAY * FieldTypes; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // SAFEARRAY * GetFieldNames ( ); void PutFieldNames ( SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ); SAFEARRAY * GetFieldTypes ( ); void PutFieldTypes ( SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FieldNames ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FieldNames ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FieldTypes ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FieldTypes ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("25e8547a-6b49-3f00-b963-d45fdcef4f11")) ConstructionResponse; // [ default ] interface _ConstructionResponse // interface _Object // interface IMethodReturnMessage // interface IMethodMessage // interface IMessage // interface ISerializable // interface IConstructionReturnMessage struct __declspec(uuid("30c4cd02-66a2-3abe-bc6c-638e6730e534")) InternalMessageWrapper; // [ default ] interface _InternalMessageWrapper // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("40133645-ffaf-3a9c-b408-997e049d5c11")) MethodCallMessageWrapper; // [ default ] interface _MethodCallMessageWrapper // interface _Object // interface IMethodCallMessage // interface IMethodMessage // interface IMessage struct __declspec(uuid("2ec528fb-b987-3b3b-a444-9f94c3a257c1")) MethodReturnMessageWrapper; // [ default ] interface _MethodReturnMessageWrapper // interface _Object // interface IMethodReturnMessage // interface IMethodMessage // interface IMessage struct __declspec(uuid("855e6566-014a-3fe8-aa70-1eac771e3a88")) IChannelInfo : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetChannelData,put=PutChannelData)) SAFEARRAY * ChannelData; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // SAFEARRAY * GetChannelData ( ); void PutChannelData ( SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChannelData ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ChannelData ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("21f5a790-53ea-3d73-86c3-a5ba6cf65fe9")) ObjRef; // [ default ] interface _ObjRef // interface _Object // interface IObjectReference // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("c30abd41-7b5a-3d10-a6ef-56862e2979b6")) OneWayAttribute; // [ default ] interface _OneWayAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("1163d0ca-2a02-37c1-bf3f-a9b9e9d49245")) ProxyAttribute; // [ default ] interface _ProxyAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute // interface IContextAttribute struct __declspec(uuid("531d00a5-2cff-30d7-8245-97e18cd4d037")) RealProxy; // [ default ] interface _RealProxy // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("c888351b-5dfd-3a9f-8d36-96e7770d0ebf")) SoapOption { SoapOption_None = 0, SoapOption_AlwaysIncludeTypes = 1, SoapOption_XsdString = 2, SoapOption_EmbedAll = 4, SoapOption_Option1 = 8, SoapOption_Option2 = 16 }; enum __declspec(uuid("0ad279c7-05fb-3a46-9031-92e00c9f7c29")) XmlFieldOrderOption { XmlFieldOrderOption_All = 0, XmlFieldOrderOption_Sequence = 1, XmlFieldOrderOption_Choice = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("9b924ec5-bf13-3a98-8ac0-80877995d403")) SoapAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SoapAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("9c67f424-22dc-3d05-ab36-17eaf95881f2")) SoapTypeAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SoapTypeAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("01ff4e4b-8ad0-3171-8c82-5c2f48b87e3d")) SoapMethodAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SoapMethodAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("5b76534c-3acc-3d52-aa61-d788b134abe2")) SoapFieldAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SoapFieldAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("c76b435d-86c2-30fd-9329-e2603246095c")) SoapParameterAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SoapParameterAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute struct __declspec(uuid("3db6f309-9dab-36ec-8036-d901172c994c")) RemotingConfiguration; // [ default ] interface _RemotingConfiguration // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("4e52d7d6-9fdf-3b59-b318-778e0f40f37c")) TypeEntry; // [ default ] interface _TypeEntry // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("3ed0f148-e447-3efe-8488-3c834082cc96")) ActivatedClientTypeEntry; // [ default ] interface _ActivatedClientTypeEntry // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("6cd360cd-d53d-3775-87ef-00d72e6645f5")) ActivatedServiceTypeEntry; // [ default ] interface _ActivatedServiceTypeEntry // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("6b3b6647-b39d-3ed4-992f-df6c49ace82e")) WellKnownClientTypeEntry; // [ default ] interface _WellKnownClientTypeEntry // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("2ce0da26-18ef-3cf4-abac-be90965f5f90")) WellKnownServiceTypeEntry; // [ default ] interface _WellKnownServiceTypeEntry // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("82febf4c-9fc8-3285-8d5a-f00dd1e1ba40")) CustomErrorsModes { CustomErrorsModes_On = 0, CustomErrorsModes_Off = 1, CustomErrorsModes_RemoteOnly = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("24540ebc-316e-35d2-80db-8a535caf6a35")) RemotingException; // [ default ] interface _RemotingException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("db13821e-9835-3958-8539-1e021399ab6c")) ServerException; // [ default ] interface _ServerException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("3cded51a-86b4-39f0-a12a-5d1fdced6546")) RemotingTimeoutException; // [ default ] interface _RemotingTimeoutException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("8df4c38a-8492-3c47-8332-d9d04faf3c59")) RemotingServices; // [ default ] interface _RemotingServices // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("53a3c917-bb24-3908-b58b-09ecda99265f")) InternalRemotingServices; // [ default ] interface _InternalRemotingServices // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("c48ca9bc-bbdb-3059-aec8-763cf7e9a88c")) MessageSurrogateFilter; // [ default ] interface _MessageSurrogateFilter // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("24eec005-3938-3c71-821d-7f68fd850b2d")) RemotingSurrogateSelector; // [ default ] interface _RemotingSurrogateSelector // interface _Object // interface ISurrogateSelector struct __declspec(uuid("da5681da-7c21-3a2d-afac-69e3a4d11f4d")) SoapServices; // [ default ] interface _SoapServices // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("80031d2a-ad59-3fb4-97f3-b864d71da86b")) ISoapXsd : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetXsdType ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetXsdType ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("48ad62e8-bd40-37f4-8fd7-f7a17478a8e6")) SoapDateTime; // [ default ] interface _SoapDateTime // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("de47d9cf-0107-3d66-93e9-a8acb06b4583")) SoapDuration; // [ default ] interface _SoapDuration // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("d049dc2b-82c3-3350-a1cc-bf69fee3825e")) SoapTime; // [ default ] interface _SoapTime // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("2decbcb7-bac0-316d-9131-43035c5cb480")) SoapDate; // [ default ] interface _SoapDate // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("a7136bdf-b141-3913-9d1c-9bc5aff21470")) SoapYearMonth; // [ default ] interface _SoapYearMonth // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("75999eba-0679-3d43-bdc4-02e4d637f1b1")) SoapYear; // [ default ] interface _SoapYear // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("463ae13f-c7e5-357e-a41c-df8762fff85c")) SoapMonthDay; // [ default ] interface _SoapMonthDay // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("c9f0a842-3ce1-338f-a1d4-6d7bb397bdaa")) SoapDay; // [ default ] interface _SoapDay // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("caec7d4f-0b02-3579-943f-821738ee78cc")) SoapMonth; // [ default ] interface _SoapMonth // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("8c1425c9-a7d3-35cd-8248-928ca52ad49b")) SoapHexBinary; // [ default ] interface _SoapHexBinary // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("f59d514c-f200-319f-bf3f-9e4e23b2848c")) SoapBase64Binary; // [ default ] interface _SoapBase64Binary // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("09a60795-31c0-3a79-9250-8d93c74fe540")) SoapInteger; // [ default ] interface _SoapInteger // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("7b769b29-35f0-3bdc-aae9-e99937f6cdec")) SoapPositiveInteger; // [ default ] interface _SoapPositiveInteger // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("2bb6c5e0-c2b9-3608-8868-21cfd6ddb91e")) SoapNonPositiveInteger; // [ default ] interface _SoapNonPositiveInteger // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("6850404f-d7fb-32bd-8328-c94f66e8c1c7")) SoapNonNegativeInteger; // [ default ] interface _SoapNonNegativeInteger // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("c41d0b30-a518-3093-a18f-364af9e71eb7")) SoapNegativeInteger; // [ default ] interface _SoapNegativeInteger // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("cdfa7117-b2a4-3a3f-b393-bc19d44f9749")) SoapAnyUri; // [ default ] interface _SoapAnyUri // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("d8a4f3eb-e7ec-3620-831a-b052a67c9944")) SoapQName; // [ default ] interface _SoapQName // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("b54e38f8-17ff-3d0a-9ff3-5e662de2055f")) SoapNotation; // [ default ] interface _SoapNotation // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("0e71f9bd-c109-3352-bd60-14f96d56b6f3")) SoapNormalizedString; // [ default ] interface _SoapNormalizedString // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("777f668e-3272-39cd-a8b5-860935a35181")) SoapToken; // [ default ] interface _SoapToken // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("84f70b6c-d59e-394a-b879-ffcc30ddcaa2")) SoapLanguage; // [ default ] interface _SoapLanguage // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("4e515531-7a71-3cdd-8078-0a01c85c8f9d")) SoapName; // [ default ] interface _SoapName // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("2763be6b-f8cf-39d9-a2e8-9e9815c0815e")) SoapIdrefs; // [ default ] interface _SoapIdrefs // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("9a3a64f4-8ba5-3dcf-880c-8d3ee06c5538")) SoapEntities; // [ default ] interface _SoapEntities // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("c498f2d9-a77c-3d4b-a1a5-12cc7b99115d")) SoapNmtoken; // [ default ] interface _SoapNmtoken // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("14be6b21-c682-3a3a-8b24-fee75b4ff8c5")) SoapNmtokens; // [ default ] interface _SoapNmtokens // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("d13b741d-051f-322f-93aa-1367a3c8aafb")) SoapNcName; // [ default ] interface _SoapNcName // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("fa0b54d5-f221-3648-a20c-f67a96f4a207")) SoapId; // [ default ] interface _SoapId // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("433ca926-9887-3541-89cc-5d74d0259144")) SoapIdref; // [ default ] interface _SoapIdref // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("f00ca7a7-4b8d-3f2f-a5f2-ce4a4478b39c")) SoapEntity; // [ default ] interface _SoapEntity // interface _Object // interface ISoapXsd struct __declspec(uuid("5520b6d3-6ec6-3ce7-958b-e69faf6eff99")) SynchronizationAttribute; // [ default ] interface _SynchronizationAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute // interface IContextAttribute // interface IContextProperty // interface IContributeServerContextSink // interface IContributeClientContextSink struct __declspec(uuid("e822f35c-ddc2-3fb2-9768-a2aebced7c40")) TrackingServices; // [ default ] interface _TrackingServices // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("79c14066-e37e-3643-a449-d166fa0e8ec2")) UrlAttribute; // [ default ] interface _UrlAttribute // interface _Object // interface _Attribute // interface IContextAttribute // interface IContextProperty struct __declspec(uuid("14309fab-eacd-3c64-877e-07eb01b89c91")) Header; // [ default ] interface _Header // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("cc4c81b2-365e-3ba5-b374-a949b727e929")) HeaderHandler; // [ default ] interface _HeaderHandler // interface _Delegate // interface _Object // interface ICloneable // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("9d0df3b9-107c-3392-88c8-fe629ca21dab")) CallContext; // [ default ] interface _CallContext // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("4d125449-ba27-3927-8589-3e1b34b622e5")) ILogicalThreadAffinative : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5db435a0-0db3-3f4a-bf49-191a69d451bb")) LogicalCallContext; // [ default ] interface _LogicalCallContext // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface ICloneable struct __declspec(uuid("abeb0459-03b9-35af-96e1-66bb7bc923f7")) ObjectHandle; // [ default ] interface _ObjectHandle // interface _Object // interface IObjectHandle enum __declspec(uuid("b3e5a7ff-afc6-3f2b-8fff-300c7c567693")) IsolatedStorageScope { IsolatedStorageScope_None = 0, IsolatedStorageScope_User = 1, IsolatedStorageScope_Domain = 2, IsolatedStorageScope_Assembly = 4, IsolatedStorageScope_Roaming = 8, IsolatedStorageScope_Machine = 16, IsolatedStorageScope_Application = 32 }; struct __declspec(uuid("70541b17-bf7e-399b-8d33-2afa4f5af395")) IsolatedStorage; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStorage // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("e5cfdffc-aeb5-3489-b12c-640f7b031b57")) IsolatedStorageFileStream; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStorageFileStream // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("4479c009-4cc3-39a2-8f92-dfcdf034f748")) IsolatedStorageException; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStorageException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("f5006531-d4d7-319e-9eda-9b4b65ad8d4f")) INormalizeForIsolatedStorage : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t Normalize ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Normalize ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("5e45c68a-e894-3b38-aeee-634540bd0d57")) IsolatedStorageFile; // [ default ] interface _IsolatedStorageFile // interface _Object // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("72b06367-de53-3111-9c49-b816efee3148")) FormatterTypeStyle { FormatterTypeStyle_TypesWhenNeeded = 0, FormatterTypeStyle_TypesAlways = 1, FormatterTypeStyle_XsdString = 2 }; enum __declspec(uuid("f18130e7-bd6c-37f4-9488-35f9fb832ac7")) FormatterAssemblyStyle { FormatterAssemblyStyle_Simple = 0, FormatterAssemblyStyle_Full = 1 }; enum __declspec(uuid("c5d299ac-63b0-3448-bcb7-6aa9b5eb598e")) TypeFilterLevel { TypeFilterLevel_Low = 2, TypeFilterLevel_Full = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("e699146c-7793-3455-9bef-964c90d8f995")) ISoapMessage : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetParamNames,put=PutParamNames)) SAFEARRAY * ParamNames; __declspec(property(get=GetParamValues,put=PutParamValues)) SAFEARRAY * ParamValues; __declspec(property(get=GetParamTypes,put=PutParamTypes)) SAFEARRAY * ParamTypes; __declspec(property(get=GetMethodName,put=PutMethodName)) _bstr_t MethodName; __declspec(property(get=GetXmlNameSpace,put=PutXmlNameSpace)) _bstr_t XmlNameSpace; __declspec(property(get=Getheaders,put=Putheaders)) SAFEARRAY * headers; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // SAFEARRAY * GetParamNames ( ); void PutParamNames ( SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ); SAFEARRAY * GetParamValues ( ); void PutParamValues ( SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ); SAFEARRAY * GetParamTypes ( ); void PutParamTypes ( SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetMethodName ( ); void PutMethodName ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetXmlNameSpace ( ); void PutXmlNameSpace ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); SAFEARRAY * Getheaders ( ); void Putheaders ( SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParamNames ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ParamNames ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParamValues ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ParamValues ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParamTypes ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ParamTypes ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MethodName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MethodName ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_XmlNameSpace ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_XmlNameSpace ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_headers ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_headers ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("cf8f7fcf-94fe-3516-90e9-c103156dd2d5")) InternalRM; // [ default ] interface _InternalRM // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("cbbaf6ec-251a-3480-8a3d-4d56bc7320d0")) InternalST; // [ default ] interface _InternalST // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("e772bbe6-cb52-3c19-876a-d1bfa2305f4e")) SoapMessage; // [ default ] interface _SoapMessage // interface _Object // interface ISoapMessage struct __declspec(uuid("a8d058c4-d923-3859-9490-d3888fc90439")) SoapFault; // [ default ] interface _SoapFault // interface _Object // interface ISerializable struct __declspec(uuid("817accb7-35d8-3c18-baf2-0a5ce2157b74")) ServerFault; // [ default ] interface _ServerFault // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("50369004-db9a-3a75-be7a-1d0ef017b9d3")) BinaryFormatter; // [ default ] interface _BinaryFormatter // interface _Object // interface IRemotingFormatter // interface IFormatter struct __declspec(uuid("bebb2505-8b54-3443-aead-142a16dd9cc7")) _AssemblyBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("0814be2a-48e5-3d61-90f3-ef3d05df9d5e")) AssemblyBuilder; // interface _Object // interface _Assembly // interface IEvidenceFactory // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface ISerializable // [ default ] interface _AssemblyBuilder enum __declspec(uuid("f0778630-ac34-3d71-9fab-617f61243065")) AssemblyBuilderAccess { AssemblyBuilderAccess_Run = 1, AssemblyBuilderAccess_Save = 2, AssemblyBuilderAccess_RunAndSave = 3, AssemblyBuilderAccess_ReflectionOnly = 6, AssemblyBuilderAccess_RunAndCollect = 9 }; struct __declspec(uuid("ed3e4384-d7e2-3fa7-8ffd-8940d330519a")) _ConstructorBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("be9acce8-aaff-3b91-81ae-8211663f5cad")) _CustomAttributeBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("c7bd73de-9f85-3290-88ee-090b8bdfe2df")) _EnumBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("aadaba99-895d-3d65-9760-b1f12621fae8")) _EventBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("ce1a3bf5-975e-30cc-97c9-1ef70f8f3993")) _FieldBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("a4924b27-6e3b-37f7-9b83-a4501955e6a7")) _ILGenerator : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("4e6350d1-a08b-3dec-9a3e-c465f9aeec0c")) _LocalBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("007d8a14-fdf3-363e-9a0b-fec0618260a2")) _MethodBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("c2323c25-f57f-3880-8a4d-12ebea7a5852")) _MethodRental : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("d05ffa9a-04af-3519-8ee1-8d93ad73430b")) _ModuleBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("36329eba-f97a-3565-bc07-0ed5c6ef19fc")) _ParameterBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("15f9a479-9397-3a63-acbd-f51977fb0f02")) _PropertyBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("7d13dd37-5a04-393c-bbca-a5fea802893d")) _SignatureHelper : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("7e5678ee-48b3-3f83-b076-c58543498a58")) _TypeBuilder : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("93c24cdb-4014-3efd-b564-e836ba48c765")) ConstructorBuilder; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _MethodBase // interface _ConstructorInfo // [ default ] interface _ConstructorBuilder struct __declspec(uuid("5a3dcd44-5855-3d89-a0ec-ce50a3b144a9")) ILGenerator; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _ILGenerator struct __declspec(uuid("a6d0f5a1-9218-30d4-8ad7-18ca98ac8026")) DynamicILInfo; // [ default ] interface _DynamicILInfo // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("5b9f3fa2-dabb-3887-93f6-663d83a93858")) DynamicMethod; // [ default ] interface _DynamicMethod // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _MethodBase // interface _MethodInfo struct __declspec(uuid("dc18b7ec-91e4-3999-910a-188d7afa0a68")) EventBuilder; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _EventBuilder #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("4e8b1bb8-6a6f-3b57-8afa-0129550b07be")) EventToken { long m_event; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("36d63e48-1646-345f-a3d4-b34e4c42c3c5")) FieldBuilder; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _FieldInfo // [ default ] interface _FieldBuilder #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("24246833-61eb-329d-bddf-0daf3874062b")) FieldToken { long m_fieldTok; IUnknown * m_class; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("a419b664-dabd-383d-a0db-991487d41e14")) Label { long m_label; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("a6bcaa25-d357-3f79-a716-ad1434e4d832")) LocalBuilder; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _LocalBuilder struct __declspec(uuid("53df4fb3-a164-37d3-8310-f0d15730ab32")) MethodBuilder; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _MethodBase // interface _MethodInfo // [ default ] interface _MethodBuilder struct __declspec(uuid("71bc3e08-0082-320a-8ba5-efa8d2b9798a")) CustomAttributeBuilder; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _CustomAttributeBuilder struct __declspec(uuid("726d83b0-9a52-36b0-919c-60e625f03211")) MethodRental; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _MethodRental #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("0efe423a-a87e-33d9-8bf4-2d212620ee5f")) MethodToken { long m_method; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("fb2ed445-2862-3a63-9f5a-bbf6c2195dce")) ModuleBuilder; // interface _Object // interface _Module // interface ISerializable // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // [ default ] interface _ModuleBuilder enum __declspec(uuid("e87fa4d7-0caa-3c24-be83-cf98b50186e2")) PEFileKinds { PEFileKinds_Dll = 1, PEFileKinds_ConsoleApplication = 2, PEFileKinds_WindowApplication = 3 }; struct __declspec(uuid("2a59a0e6-11b2-3025-92de-e036a6ddbc00")) OpCodes; // [ default ] interface _OpCodes // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("8abd8cb3-a365-32f9-9914-f08ec1fec4ca")) OpCodeType { OpCodeType_Annotation = 0, OpCodeType_Macro = 1, OpCodeType_Nternal = 2, OpCodeType_Objmodel = 3, OpCodeType_Prefix = 4, OpCodeType_Primitive = 5 }; enum __declspec(uuid("d25ed092-a7a8-3bbe-820c-42f5a4604768")) StackBehaviour { StackBehaviour_Pop0 = 0, StackBehaviour_Pop1 = 1, StackBehaviour_Pop1_pop1 = 2, StackBehaviour_Popi = 3, StackBehaviour_Popi_pop1 = 4, StackBehaviour_Popi_popi = 5, StackBehaviour_Popi_popi8 = 6, StackBehaviour_Popi_popi_popi = 7, StackBehaviour_Popi_popr4 = 8, StackBehaviour_Popi_popr8 = 9, StackBehaviour_Popref = 10, StackBehaviour_Popref_pop1 = 11, StackBehaviour_Popref_popi = 12, StackBehaviour_Popref_popi_popi = 13, StackBehaviour_Popref_popi_popi8 = 14, StackBehaviour_Popref_popi_popr4 = 15, StackBehaviour_Popref_popi_popr8 = 16, StackBehaviour_Popref_popi_popref = 17, StackBehaviour_Push0 = 18, StackBehaviour_Push1 = 19, StackBehaviour_Push1_push1 = 20, StackBehaviour_Pushi = 21, StackBehaviour_Pushi8 = 22, StackBehaviour_Pushr4 = 23, StackBehaviour_Pushr8 = 24, StackBehaviour_Pushref = 25, StackBehaviour_Varpop = 26, StackBehaviour_Varpush = 27, StackBehaviour_Popref_popi_pop1 = 28 }; enum __declspec(uuid("b125618b-1b4e-37c3-b31a-331d6021b52d")) OperandType { OperandType_InlineBrTarget = 0, OperandType_InlineField = 1, OperandType_InlineI = 2, OperandType_InlineI8 = 3, OperandType_InlineMethod = 4, OperandType_InlineNone = 5, OperandType_InlinePhi = 6, OperandType_InlineR = 7, OperandType_InlineSig = 9, OperandType_InlineString = 10, OperandType_InlineSwitch = 11, OperandType_InlineTok = 12, OperandType_InlineType = 13, OperandType_InlineVar = 14, OperandType_ShortInlineBrTarget = 15, OperandType_ShortInlineI = 16, OperandType_ShortInlineR = 17, OperandType_ShortInlineVar = 18 }; enum __declspec(uuid("75a7861c-767e-3a5e-a57b-6ec136009654")) FlowControl { FlowControl_Branch = 0, FlowControl_Break = 1, FlowControl_Call = 2, FlowControl_Cond_Branch = 3, FlowControl_Meta = 4, FlowControl_Next = 5, FlowControl_Phi = 6, FlowControl_Return = 7, FlowControl_Throw = 8 }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("a7ed05c6-fecf-3c35-ba3b-84163ac1d5e5")) OpCode { LPSTR m_stringname; enum StackBehaviour m_pop; enum StackBehaviour m_push; enum OperandType m_operand; enum OpCodeType m_type; long m_size; unsigned char m_s1; unsigned char m_s2; enum FlowControl m_ctrl; long m_endsUncondJmpBlk; long m_stackChange; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("027ad5c3-d619-3506-b8e6-ca67a33b9c8f")) ParameterBuilder; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _ParameterBuilder #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("cfb98ca9-8121-35be-af40-c176c616a16b")) ParameterToken { long m_tkParameter; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("22d4c021-1b3c-3ee3-93b6-4c9d810ce077")) PropertyBuilder; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _PropertyInfo // [ default ] interface _PropertyBuilder #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("566833c7-f4a0-30ee-bd7e-44752ad570e6")) PropertyToken { long m_property; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("798b57a2-064a-3098-9a80-e12da70e0085")) SignatureHelper; // interface _Object // [ default ] interface _SignatureHelper #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("155e1466-0e84-3f2b-b825-f6525523407c")) SignatureToken { long m_signature; struct _ModuleBuilder * m_moduleBuilder; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("8cf0278d-d0ad-307d-be63-a785432e3fdf")) StringToken { long m_string; }; #pragma pack(pop) enum __declspec(uuid("3e0af669-1cd8-3afc-9f2c-e81c2b810135")) PackingSize { PackingSize_Unspecified = 0, PackingSize_Size1 = 1, PackingSize_Size2 = 2, PackingSize_Size4 = 4, PackingSize_Size8 = 8, PackingSize_Size16 = 16, PackingSize_Size32 = 32, PackingSize_Size64 = 64, PackingSize_Size128 = 128 }; struct __declspec(uuid("0f445332-e34c-3f8c-90ed-ab7f0724adab")) TypeBuilder; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _Type // interface IReflect // [ default ] interface _TypeBuilder struct __declspec(uuid("a2289b64-5de0-38ba-9266-b55e3598c901")) GenericTypeParameterBuilder; // [ default ] interface _GenericTypeParameterBuilder // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _Type // interface IReflect struct __declspec(uuid("70f855da-4948-38ab-a727-431c386ab9f5")) EnumBuilder; // interface _Object // interface ICustomAttributeProvider // interface _MemberInfo // interface _Type // interface IReflect // [ default ] interface _EnumBuilder #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("048fa0c2-8ebb-3bc2-a47f-01f12a32008e")) TypeToken { long m_class; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("e3c3a258-e508-3704-b9eb-264601956fe5")) UnmanagedMarshal; // [ default ] interface _UnmanagedMarshal // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("ddd019bf-d182-34de-9192-95575f7b2a31")) AssemblyHashAlgorithm { AssemblyHashAlgorithm_None = 0, AssemblyHashAlgorithm_MD5 = 32771, AssemblyHashAlgorithm_SHA1 = 32772 }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("42a66664-072f-3a67-a189-7d440709a77e")) AssemblyHash { enum AssemblyHashAlgorithm _Algorithm; SAFEARRAY * _value; }; #pragma pack(pop) enum __declspec(uuid("e3dc8079-43bc-3e70-b291-1591cc9e451d")) AssemblyVersionCompatibility { AssemblyVersionCompatibility_SameMachine = 1, AssemblyVersionCompatibility_SameProcess = 2, AssemblyVersionCompatibility_SameDomain = 3 }; enum __declspec(uuid("75c9e85e-d2d1-32db-bf9c-0636f94fb0c2")) CipherMode { CipherMode_CBC = 1, CipherMode_ECB = 2, CipherMode_OFB = 3, CipherMode_CFB = 4, CipherMode_CTS = 5 }; enum __declspec(uuid("1254089d-0104-3bfb-b6ba-9168f994dca6")) PaddingMode { PaddingMode_None = 1, PaddingMode_PKCS7 = 2, PaddingMode_Zeros = 3, PaddingMode_ANSIX923 = 4, PaddingMode_ISO10126 = 5 }; struct __declspec(uuid("d7a12132-100f-37ae-a277-268a2656e476")) KeySizes; // [ default ] interface _KeySizes // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("7f8c7dc5-d8b4-3758-981f-02af6b42461a")) CryptographicException; // [ default ] interface _CryptographicException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("c41fa05c-8a7a-3157-8166-4104bb4925ba")) CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException; // [ default ] interface _CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException // interface _Object // interface ISerializable // interface _Exception struct __declspec(uuid("8abad867-f515-3cf6-bb62-5f0c88b3bb11")) ICryptoTransform : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetInputBlockSize)) long InputBlockSize; __declspec(property(get=GetOutputBlockSize)) long OutputBlockSize; __declspec(property(get=GetCanTransformMultipleBlocks)) VARIANT_BOOL CanTransformMultipleBlocks; __declspec(property(get=GetCanReuseTransform)) VARIANT_BOOL CanReuseTransform; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // long GetInputBlockSize ( ); long GetOutputBlockSize ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetCanTransformMultipleBlocks ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetCanReuseTransform ( ); long TransformBlock ( SAFEARRAY * inputBuffer, long inputOffset, long inputCount, SAFEARRAY * outputBuffer, long outputOffset ); SAFEARRAY * TransformFinalBlock ( SAFEARRAY * inputBuffer, long inputOffset, long inputCount ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InputBlockSize ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutputBlockSize ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanReuseTransform ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransformBlock ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * inputBuffer, /*[in]*/ long inputOffset, /*[in]*/ long inputCount, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * outputBuffer, /*[in]*/ long outputOffset, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransformFinalBlock ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * inputBuffer, /*[in]*/ long inputOffset, /*[in]*/ long inputCount, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3e04dc56-84ce-3893-8bef-6c9b95f9ccf4")) RandomNumberGenerator; // [ default ] interface _RandomNumberGenerator // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("40031115-09d2-3851-a13f-56930be48038")) RNGCryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _RNGCryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("5b67ea6b-d85d-3f48-86d2-8581db230c43")) SymmetricAlgorithm; // [ default ] interface _SymmetricAlgorithm // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("4b135d8e-7b1b-3ea8-8d06-10e34f157e9d")) AsymmetricAlgorithm; // [ default ] interface _AsymmetricAlgorithm // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("0202ce16-1f18-3bfb-807d-760b157ab260")) AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter; // [ default ] interface _AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("ce38dc2d-eb2d-3b6a-afac-8537bd0b9bf7")) AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter; // [ default ] interface _AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("bee4e9fd-de7a-3512-93d8-0c5e006b167a")) AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter; // [ default ] interface _AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("5b475a84-5310-3c64-b625-e2bf00476f53")) AsymmetricSignatureFormatter; // [ default ] interface _AsymmetricSignatureFormatter // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("11472518-c3b8-3bf4-9705-2135e1709883")) FromBase64TransformMode { FromBase64TransformMode_IgnoreWhiteSpaces = 0, FromBase64TransformMode_DoNotIgnoreWhiteSpaces = 1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("5f3a0f8d-5ef9-3ad5-94e0-53aff8bce960")) ToBase64Transform; // [ default ] interface _ToBase64Transform // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("c1abb475-f198-39d5-bf8d-330bc7189661")) FromBase64Transform; // [ default ] interface _FromBase64Transform // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("ae746923-16bb-3d31-9d08-ce50ef6f7b1a")) CryptoAPITransform; // [ default ] interface _CryptoAPITransform // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("6be41cdf-29d7-32db-8181-5117f580ba68")) CspProviderFlags { CspProviderFlags_NoFlags = 0, CspProviderFlags_UseMachineKeyStore = 1, CspProviderFlags_UseDefaultKeyContainer = 2, CspProviderFlags_UseNonExportableKey = 4, CspProviderFlags_UseExistingKey = 8, CspProviderFlags_UseArchivableKey = 16, CspProviderFlags_UseUserProtectedKey = 32, CspProviderFlags_NoPrompt = 64, CspProviderFlags_CreateEphemeralKey = 128 }; struct __declspec(uuid("af60343f-6c7b-3761-839f-0c44e3ca06da")) CspParameters; // [ default ] interface _CspParameters // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("9ea60eca-3dcd-340f-8e95-67845d185999")) CryptoConfig; // [ default ] interface _CryptoConfig // interface _Object enum __declspec(uuid("8990cb3b-227e-3a43-8264-0057ec763fa0")) CryptoStreamMode { CryptoStreamMode_Read = 0, CryptoStreamMode_Write = 1 }; struct __declspec(uuid("b5c4e3ca-476a-3961-bca5-a6c0ad73e7b1")) CryptoStream; // [ default ] interface _CryptoStream // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("f30d404c-a350-36fa-a6fc-054c3f583420")) DES; // [ default ] interface _DES // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("b6eb52d5-bb1c-3380-8bca-345ff43f4b04")) DESCryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _DESCryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("7d62db2d-86e3-3ade-90c4-215950643d10")) DeriveBytes; // [ default ] interface _DeriveBytes // interface _Object // interface IDisposable #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("0c646f46-aa27-350d-88dd-d8c920ce6c2d")) DSAParameters { SAFEARRAY * P; SAFEARRAY * Q; SAFEARRAY * G; SAFEARRAY * y; SAFEARRAY * J; SAFEARRAY * x; SAFEARRAY * Seed; long Counter; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("c13e7301-9b3f-3530-b60a-7f141d6dde83")) DSA; // [ default ] interface _DSA // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("673dfe75-9f93-304f-aba8-d2a86ba87d7c")) DSACryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _DSACryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface IDisposable // interface ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm struct __declspec(uuid("1f17c39c-99d5-37e0-8e98-8f27044bd50a")) DSASignatureDeformatter; // [ default ] interface _DSASignatureDeformatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("8f6d198c-e66f-3a87-aa3f-f885dd09ea13")) DSASignatureFormatter; // [ default ] interface _DSASignatureFormatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("68549fc3-f82c-3387-8578-e5fb09833740")) HashAlgorithm; // [ default ] interface _HashAlgorithm // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("bf1b2d6a-e41e-3645-8257-a08d7483bd41")) KeyedHashAlgorithm; // [ default ] interface _KeyedHashAlgorithm // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("c67d3b5f-8b7f-3720-b35f-3b49d058a900")) HMAC; // [ default ] interface _HMAC // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("a7eddcb5-6043-3988-921c-25e3dee6322b")) HMACMD5; // [ default ] interface _HMACMD5 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("20051d1b-321f-3e4d-a3da-5fbe892f7ec5")) HMACRIPEMD160; // [ default ] interface _HMACRIPEMD160 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("00b01b2e-b1fe-33a6-ad40-57de8358dc7d")) HMACSHA1; // [ default ] interface _HMACSHA1 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("2c314899-8f99-3041-a49d-2f6afc0e6296")) HMACSHA256; // [ default ] interface _HMACSHA256 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("ae53ed01-cab4-39ce-854a-8bf544eeec35")) HMACSHA384; // [ default ] interface _HMACSHA384 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("477a7d8e-8d26-3959-88f6-f6ab7e7f50cf")) HMACSHA512; // [ default ] interface _HMACSHA512 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("d7dd91c9-91e4-38e9-8ec6-37836572a66a")) KeyNumber { KeyNumber_Exchange = 1, KeyNumber_Signature = 2 }; struct __declspec(uuid("e5e5b585-8a68-3f26-bb61-f34ef3ad27f8")) CspKeyContainerInfo; // [ default ] interface _CspKeyContainerInfo // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("39b68485-6773-3c46-82e9-56d8f0b4570c")) MACTripleDES; // [ default ] interface _MACTripleDES // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("668515a6-213d-377a-8fe4-5a1e59a10ac9")) MD5; // [ default ] interface _MD5 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("d2548bf2-801a-36af-8800-1f11fbf54361")) MD5CryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _MD5CryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("be1e426e-676b-3524-9ced-21e306e9b827")) MaskGenerationMethod; // [ default ] interface _MaskGenerationMethod // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("eed31dd9-aa11-3993-80e0-0088c1f5feba")) PasswordDeriveBytes; // [ default ] interface _PasswordDeriveBytes // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("7ae844f0-eca8-3f15-ae27-afa21a2aa6f8")) PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod; // [ default ] interface _PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("1c6dc255-62d6-3366-bb25-01c509085473")) RC2; // [ default ] interface _RC2 // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("62e92675-cb77-3fc9-8597-1a81a5f18013")) RC2CryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _RC2CryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("7107ab85-4c6d-3890-af8a-90b2e2d82f5b")) Rfc2898DeriveBytes; // [ default ] interface _Rfc2898DeriveBytes // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("7813009a-0f6f-3f40-b73a-fae619971619")) RIPEMD160; // [ default ] interface _RIPEMD160 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("3d367908-928f-3c13-8b93-5e1718820f6d")) RIPEMD160Managed; // [ default ] interface _RIPEMD160Managed // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("094e9135-483d-334a-aae7-8690895ab70a")) RSAParameters { SAFEARRAY * Exponent; SAFEARRAY * Modulus; SAFEARRAY * P; SAFEARRAY * Q; SAFEARRAY * DP; SAFEARRAY * DQ; SAFEARRAY * InverseQ; SAFEARRAY * D; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("3e39ca4f-cd6f-3cfe-8659-7fdc8d1c9f0b")) RSA; // [ default ] interface _RSA // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("d9035152-6b1f-33e3-86f4-411cd21cde0e")) RSACryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _RSACryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface IDisposable // interface ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm struct __declspec(uuid("4d187ac2-d815-3b7e-bcea-8e0bbc702f7c")) RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter; // [ default ] interface _RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("a0e2e749-63ce-3651-8f4f-f5f996344c32")) RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter; // [ default ] interface _RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("ee96f4e1-377e-315c-aef5-874dc8c7a2aa")) RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter; // [ default ] interface _RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("92755472-2059-3f96-8938-8ac767b5187b")) RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter; // [ default ] interface _RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("6f674828-9081-3b45-bc39-791bd84ccf8f")) RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter; // [ default ] interface _RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("7bc115cd-1ee2-3068-894d-e3d3f7632f40")) RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter; // [ default ] interface _RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("48cbeb8f-db77-3103-899c-cd24a832b5cc")) Rijndael; // [ default ] interface _Rijndael // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("1f9f18a3-efc0-3913-84a5-90678a4a9a80")) RijndaelManaged; // [ default ] interface _RijndaelManaged // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("fa28c8e8-6b89-3ec5-ac16-720d8e31dc97")) RijndaelManagedTransform; // [ default ] interface _RijndaelManagedTransform // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("eb52b161-afb3-3dea-bfaf-c183aeb57e56")) SHA1; // [ default ] interface _SHA1 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("fc13a7d5-e2b3-37ba-b807-7fa6238284d5")) SHA1CryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _SHA1CryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("fdf9c30d-ccab-3e2d-b584-9e24ce8038e3")) SHA1Managed; // [ default ] interface _SHA1Managed // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("e29b25fc-9402-3a80-aaa5-eb07d9ef5488")) SHA256; // [ default ] interface _SHA256 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("44181b13-ae94-3cfb-81d1-37db59145030")) SHA256Managed; // [ default ] interface _SHA256Managed // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("0c00c2e9-7bbe-359e-8261-fd9b9c882a15")) SHA384; // [ default ] interface _SHA384 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("7fd3958d-0a14-3001-8074-0d15ead7f05c")) SHA384Managed; // [ default ] interface _SHA384Managed // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("8de638d4-0575-3083-9cd7-41619ef9ac75")) SHA512; // [ default ] interface _SHA512 // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("a6673c32-3943-3bbb-b476-c09a0ec0bcd6")) SHA512Managed; // [ default ] interface _SHA512Managed // interface _Object // interface ICryptoTransform // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("3fa7a1c5-812c-3b56-b957-cb14af670c09")) SignatureDescription; // [ default ] interface _SignatureDescription // interface _Object struct __declspec(uuid("3d79ae1a-a949-3601-978f-02bea1e70a98")) TripleDES; // [ default ] interface _TripleDES // interface _Object // interface IDisposable struct __declspec(uuid("daa132bf-1170-3d8b-a0ef-e2f55a68a91d")) TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider; // [ default ] interface _TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider // interface _Object // interface IDisposable enum __declspec(uuid("70446b90-f93b-3578-9b7b-95d05a12da60")) X509ContentType { X509ContentType_Unknown = 0, X509ContentType_Cert = 1, X509ContentType_SerializedCert = 2, X509ContentType_Pfx = 3, X509ContentType_Pkcs12 = 3, X509ContentType_SerializedStore = 4, X509ContentType_Pkcs7 = 5, X509ContentType_Authenticode = 6 }; enum __declspec(uuid("2530ee1e-6d70-3a79-a864-7cc0e2120da1")) X509KeyStorageFlags { X509KeyStorageFlags_DefaultKeySet = 0, X509KeyStorageFlags_UserKeySet = 1, X509KeyStorageFlags_MachineKeySet = 2, X509KeyStorageFlags_Exportable = 4, X509KeyStorageFlags_UserProtected = 8, X509KeyStorageFlags_PersistKeySet = 16 }; struct __declspec(uuid("4c69c54f-9824-38cc-8387-a22dc67e0bab")) X509Certificate; // [ default ] interface _X509Certificate // interface _Object // interface IDeserializationCallback // interface ISerializable enum __declspec(uuid("2e05a70a-1bbe-31df-b2a8-b8fa0f130915")) SpecialFolder { SpecialFolder_ApplicationData = 26, SpecialFolder_CommonApplicationData = 35, SpecialFolder_LocalApplicationData = 28, SpecialFolder_Cookies = 33, SpecialFolder_Desktop = 0, SpecialFolder_Favorites = 6, SpecialFolder_History = 34, SpecialFolder_InternetCache = 32, SpecialFolder_Programs = 2, SpecialFolder_MyComputer = 17, SpecialFolder_MyMusic = 13, SpecialFolder_MyPictures = 39, SpecialFolder_MyVideos = 14, SpecialFolder_Recent = 8, SpecialFolder_SendTo = 9, SpecialFolder_StartMenu = 11, SpecialFolder_Startup = 7, SpecialFolder_System = 37, SpecialFolder_Templates = 21, SpecialFolder_DesktopDirectory = 16, SpecialFolder_Personal = 5, SpecialFolder_MyDocuments = 5, SpecialFolder_ProgramFiles = 38, SpecialFolder_CommonProgramFiles = 43, SpecialFolder_AdminTools = 48, SpecialFolder_CDBurning = 59, SpecialFolder_CommonAdminTools = 47, SpecialFolder_CommonDocuments = 46, SpecialFolder_CommonMusic = 53, SpecialFolder_CommonOemLinks = 58, SpecialFolder_CommonPictures = 54, SpecialFolder_CommonStartMenu = 22, SpecialFolder_CommonPrograms = 23, SpecialFolder_CommonStartup = 24, SpecialFolder_CommonDesktopDirectory = 25, SpecialFolder_CommonTemplates = 45, SpecialFolder_CommonVideos = 55, SpecialFolder_Fonts = 20, SpecialFolder_NetworkShortcuts = 19, SpecialFolder_PrinterShortcuts = 27, SpecialFolder_UserProfile = 40, SpecialFolder_CommonProgramFilesX86 = 44, SpecialFolder_ProgramFilesX86 = 42, SpecialFolder_Resources = 56, SpecialFolder_LocalizedResources = 57, SpecialFolder_SystemX86 = 41, SpecialFolder_Windows = 36 }; enum __declspec(uuid("86343361-ce50-35ee-8bea-6f39ec8c8159")) DebuggingModes { DebuggingModes_None = 0, DebuggingModes_Default = 1, DebuggingModes_DisableOptimizations = 256, DebuggingModes_IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints = 2, DebuggingModes_EnableEditAndContinue = 4 }; struct __declspec(uuid("139e041d-0e41-39f5-a302-c4387e9d0a6c")) _ValueType : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d09d1e04-d590-39a3-b517-b734a49a9277")) _Enum : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("16fe0885-9129-3884-a232-90b58c5b2aa9")) _MulticastDelegate : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2b67cece-71c3-36a9-a136-925ccc1935a8")) _Array : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("de8db6f8-d101-3a92-8d1c-e72e5f10e992")) ICollection : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetCount)) long Count; __declspec(property(get=GetSyncRoot)) _variant_t SyncRoot; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSynchronized)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSynchronized; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT CopyTo ( struct _Array * Array, long index ); long GetCount ( ); _variant_t GetSyncRoot ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSynchronized ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyTo ( /*[in]*/ struct _Array * Array, /*[in]*/ long index ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SyncRoot ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSynchronized ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("6a6841df-3287-3d87-8060-ce0b4c77d2a1")) IDictionary : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutRefItem)) _variant_t Item[]; __declspec(property(get=GetKeys)) ICollectionPtr Keys; __declspec(property(get=GetValues)) ICollectionPtr Values; __declspec(property(get=GetIsReadOnly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsReadOnly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFixedSize)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFixedSize; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t GetItem ( const _variant_t & key ); void PutRefItem ( const _variant_t & key, const _variant_t & pRetVal ); ICollectionPtr GetKeys ( ); ICollectionPtr GetValues ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Contains ( const _variant_t & key ); HRESULT Add ( const _variant_t & key, const _variant_t & value ); HRESULT Clear ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsReadOnly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFixedSize ( ); IDictionaryEnumeratorPtr GetEnumerator ( ); HRESULT Remove ( const _variant_t & key ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Item ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[in]*/ VARIANT pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Keys ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICollection * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Values ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICollection * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Contains ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsReadOnly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFixedSize ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEnumerator ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IDictionaryEnumerator * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT key ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("308de042-acc8-32f8-b632-7cb9799d9aa6")) IChannelSinkBase : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetProperties)) IDictionaryPtr Properties; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IDictionaryPtr GetProperties ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IDictionary * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("1a8b0de6-b825-38c5-b744-8f93075fd6fa")) IMessage : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetProperties)) IDictionaryPtr Properties; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IDictionaryPtr GetProperties ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IDictionary * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("941f8aaa-a353-3b1d-a019-12e44377f1cd")) IMessageSink : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetNextSink)) IMessageSinkPtr NextSink; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IMessagePtr SyncProcessMessage ( struct IMessage * msg ); IMessageCtrlPtr AsyncProcessMessage ( struct IMessage * msg, struct IMessageSink * replySink ); IMessageSinkPtr GetNextSink ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SyncProcessMessage ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessage * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessMessage ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct IMessageSink * replySink, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageCtrl * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NextSink ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("10f1d605-e201-3145-b7ae-3ad746701986")) IChannelSender : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IMessageSinkPtr CreateMessageSink ( _bstr_t Url, const _variant_t & remoteChannelData, BSTR * objectURI ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateMessageSink ( /*[in]*/ BSTR Url, /*[in]*/ VARIANT remoteChannelData, /*[out]*/ BSTR * objectURI, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("4db956b7-69d0-312a-aa75-44fb55fd5d4b")) IContributeClientContextSink : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IMessageSinkPtr GetClientContextSink ( struct IMessageSink * NextSink ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetClientContextSink ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessageSink * NextSink, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("0caa23ec-f78c-39c9-8d25-b7a9ce4097a7")) IContributeServerContextSink : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IMessageSinkPtr GetServerContextSink ( struct IMessageSink * NextSink ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetServerContextSink ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessageSink * NextSink, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("c74076bb-8a2d-3c20-a542-625329e9af04")) IDynamicMessageSink : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT ProcessMessageStart ( struct IMessage * reqMsg, VARIANT_BOOL bCliSide, VARIANT_BOOL bAsync ); HRESULT ProcessMessageFinish ( struct IMessage * replyMsg, VARIANT_BOOL bCliSide, VARIANT_BOOL bAsync ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ProcessMessageStart ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * reqMsg, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bCliSide, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bAsync ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ProcessMessageFinish ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * replyMsg, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bCliSide, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bAsync ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("a0fe9b86-0c06-32ce-85fa-2ff1b58697fb")) IContributeDynamicSink : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IDynamicMessageSinkPtr GetDynamicSink ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDynamicSink ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IDynamicMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("2a6e91b9-a874-38e4-99c2-c5d83d78140d")) IEnvoyInfo : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetEnvoySinks,put=PutRefEnvoySinks)) IMessageSinkPtr EnvoySinks; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IMessageSinkPtr GetEnvoySinks ( ); void PutRefEnvoySinks ( struct IMessageSink * pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EnvoySinks ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_EnvoySinks ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessageSink * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("36936699-fc79-324d-ab43-e33c1f94e263")) _String : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7499e7e8-df01-3948-b8d4-fa4b9661d36b")) _StringComparer : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9fb09782-8d39-3b0c-b79e-f7a37a65b3da")) _StringBuilder : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4c482cc2-68e9-37c6-8353-9a94bd2d7f0b")) _SystemException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("cf3edb7e-0574-3383-a44f-292f7c145db4")) _OutOfMemoryException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9cf4339a-2911-3b8a-8f30-e5c6b5be9a29")) _StackOverflowException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("152a6b4d-09af-3edf-8cba-11797eeeea4e")) _DataMisalignedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ccf0139c-79f7-3d0a-affe-2b0762c65b07")) _ExecutionEngineException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7eaba4e2-1259-3cf2-b084-9854278e5897")) _MemberAccessException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("13ef674a-6327-3caf-8772-fa0395612669")) _AccessViolationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d1204423-01f0-336a-8911-a7e8fbe185a3")) _ApplicationActivator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d81130bf-d627-3b91-a7c7-cea597093464")) _ApplicationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1f9ec719-343a-3cb3-8040-3927626777c1")) _EventArgs : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("98947cf0-77e7-328e-b709-5dd1aa1c9c96")) _ResolveEventArgs : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7a0325f0-22c2-31f9-8823-9b8aee9456b1")) _AssemblyLoadEventArgs : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8e54a9cc-7aa4-34ca-985b-bd7d7527b110")) _ResolveEventHandler : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("deece11f-a893-3e35-a4c3-dab7fa0911eb")) _AssemblyLoadEventHandler : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5e6f9edb-3ce1-3a56-86d9-cd2ddf7a6fff")) _AppDomainInitializer : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2c358e27-8c1a-3c03-b086-a40465625557")) _MarshalByRefObject : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("124777b6-0308-3569-97e5-e6fe88eae4eb")) IContributeEnvoySink : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IMessageSinkPtr GetEnvoySink ( struct _MarshalByRefObject * obj, struct IMessageSink * NextSink ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEnvoySink ( /*[in]*/ struct _MarshalByRefObject * obj, /*[in]*/ struct IMessageSink * NextSink, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("6a5d38bc-2789-3546-81a1-f10c0fb59366")) IContributeObjectSink : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IMessageSinkPtr GetObjectSink ( struct _MarshalByRefObject * obj, struct IMessageSink * NextSink ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetObjectSink ( /*[in]*/ struct _MarshalByRefObject * obj, /*[in]*/ struct IMessageSink * NextSink, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMessageSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("af93163f-c2f4-3fab-9ff1-728a7aaad1cb")) _CrossAppDomainDelegate : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("63e53e04-d31b-3099-9f0c-c7a1c883c1d9")) _AppDomainManager : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ce59d7ad-05ca-33b4-a1dd-06028d46e9d2")) _LoaderOptimizationAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6e96aa70-9ffb-399d-96bf-a68436095c54")) _AppDomainUnloadedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f4b8d231-6028-39ef-b017-72988a3f6766")) _EvidenceBase : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("cfd9ca27-f0ba-388a-acde-b7e20fcad79c")) _ActivationArguments : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2f218f95-4215-3cc6-8a51-bd2770c090e4")) _ApplicationId : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4db2c2b7-cbc2-3185-b966-875d4625b1a8")) _ArgumentException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c991949b-e623-3f24-885c-bbb01ff43564")) _ArgumentNullException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("77da3028-bc45-3e82-bf76-2c123ee2c021")) _ArgumentOutOfRangeException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9b012cf1-acf6-3389-a336-c023040c62a2")) _ArithmeticException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("dd7488a6-1b3f-3823-9556-c2772b15150f")) _ArrayTypeMismatchException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3612706e-0239-35fd-b900-0819d16d442d")) _AsyncCallback : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a902a192-49ba-3ec8-b444-af5f7743f61a")) _AttributeUsageAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f98bce04-4a4b-398c-a512-fd8348d51e3b")) _BadImageFormatException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f036bca4-f8df-3682-8290-75285ce7456c")) _Buffer : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6d4b6adb-b9fa-3809-b5ea-fa57b56c546f")) _CannotUnloadAppDomainException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1dd627fc-89e3-384f-bb9d-58cb4efb9456")) _CharEnumerator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bf1af177-94ca-3e6d-9d91-55cf9e859d22")) _CLSCompliantAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c2a10f3a-356a-3c77-aab9-8991d73a2561")) _TypeUnloadedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6b3f9834-1725-38c5-955e-20f051d067bd")) _CriticalFinalizerObject : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7386f4d7-7c11-389f-bb75-895714b12bb5")) _ContextMarshalException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3eb1d909-e8bf-3c6b-ada5-0e86e31e186e")) _ContextBoundObject : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("160d517f-f175-3b61-8264-6d2305b8246c")) _ContextStaticAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3025f666-7891-33d7-aacd-23d169ef354e")) _TimeZone : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0d9f1b65-6d27-3e9f-baf3-0597837e0f33")) _DBNull : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bdeea460-8241-3b41-9ed3-6e3e9977ac7f")) _DivideByZeroException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d345a42b-cfe0-3eee-861c-f3322812b388")) _DuplicateWaitObjectException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("82d6b3bf-a633-3b3b-a09e-2363e4b24a41")) _TypeLoadException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("67388f3f-b600-3bcf-84aa-bb2b88dd9ee2")) _EntryPointNotFoundException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("24ae6464-2834-32cd-83d6-fa06953de62a")) _DllNotFoundException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("29dc56cf-b981-3432-97c8-3680ab6d862d")) _Environment : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7cefc46e-16e0-3e65-9c38-55b4342ba7f0")) _EventHandler : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8d5f5811-ffa1-3306-93e3-8afc572b9b82")) _FieldAccessException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ebe3746d-ddec-3d23-8e8d-9361ba87bac6")) _FlagsAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("07f92156-398a-3548-90b7-2e58026353d0")) _FormatException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e5a5f1e4-82c1-391f-a1c6-f39eae9dc72f")) _IndexOutOfRangeException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fa047cbd-9ba5-3a13-9b1f-6694d622cd76")) _InvalidCastException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8d520d10-0b8a-3553-8874-d30a4ad2ff4c")) _InvalidOperationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3410e0fb-636f-3cd1-8045-3993ca113f25")) _InvalidProgramException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("dc77f976-318d-3a1a-9b60-abb9dd9406d6")) _LocalDataStoreSlot : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ff0bf77d-8f81-3d31-a3bb-6f54440fa7e5")) _MethodAccessException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8897d14b-7fb3-3d8b-9ee4-221c3dbad6fe")) _MissingMemberException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9717176d-1179-3487-8849-cf5f63de356e")) _MissingFieldException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e5c659f6-92c8-3887-a07e-74d0d9c6267a")) _MissingMethodException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d2ba71cc-1b3d-3966-a0d7-c61e957ad325")) _MulticastNotSupportedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("665c9669-b9c6-3add-9213-099f0127c893")) _NonSerializedAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8e21ce22-4f17-347b-b3b5-6a6df3e0e58a")) _NotFiniteNumberException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1e4d31a2-63ea-397a-a77e-b20ad87a9614")) _NotImplementedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("40e5451f-b237-33f8-945b-0230db700bbb")) _NotSupportedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ecbe2313-cf41-34b4-9fd0-b6cd602b023f")) _NullReferenceException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("17b730ba-45ef-3ddf-9f8d-a490bac731f4")) _ObjectDisposedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e84307be-3036-307a-acc2-5d5de8a006a8")) _ObsoleteAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9e230640-a5d0-30e1-b217-9d2b6cc0fc40")) _OperatingSystem : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9df9af5a-7853-3d55-9b48-bd1f5d8367ab")) _OperationCanceledException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("37c69a5d-7619-3a0f-a96b-9c9578ae00ef")) _OverflowException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d54500ae-8cf4-3092-9054-90dc91ac65c9")) _ParamArrayAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1eb8340b-8190-3d9d-92f8-51244b9804c5")) _PlatformNotSupportedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0f240708-629a-31ab-94a5-2bb476fe1783")) _Random : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("871ddc46-b68e-3fee-a09a-c808b0f827e6")) _RankException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0c4e9393-dab1-3f92-b36b-d9b958acaaf9")) _TypeInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1b96e53c-4028-38bc-9dc3-8d7a9555c311")) _SerializableAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("85d72f83-be91-3cb1-b4f0-76b56ff04033")) _STAThreadAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c02468d1-8713-3225-bda3-49b2fe37ddbb")) _MTAThreadAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7ab88ca9-17f4-385e-ad41-4ee0aa316fa1")) _TimeoutException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("feb0323d-8ce4-36a4-a41e-0ba0c32e1a6a")) _TypeInitializationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6193c5f6-6807-3561-a7f3-b64c80b5f00f")) _UnauthorizedAccessException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a218e20a-0905-3741-b0b3-9e3193162e50")) _UnhandledExceptionEventArgs : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("84199e64-439c-3011-b249-3c9065735adb")) _UnhandledExceptionEventHandler : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("011a90c5-4910-3c29-bbb7-50d05ccbaa4a")) _Version : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c5df3568-c251-3c58-afb4-32e79e8261f0")) _WeakReference : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("40dfc50a-e93a-3c08-b9ef-e2b4f28b5676")) _WaitHandle : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("11ab34e7-0176-3c9e-9efe-197858400a3d")) IAsyncResult : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetIsCompleted)) VARIANT_BOOL IsCompleted; __declspec(property(get=GetAsyncWaitHandle)) _WaitHandlePtr AsyncWaitHandle; __declspec(property(get=GetAsyncState)) _variant_t AsyncState; __declspec(property(get=GetCompletedSynchronously)) VARIANT_BOOL CompletedSynchronously; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCompleted ( ); _WaitHandlePtr GetAsyncWaitHandle ( ); _variant_t GetAsyncState ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetCompletedSynchronously ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCompleted ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AsyncWaitHandle ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _WaitHandle * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AsyncState ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CompletedSynchronously ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e142db4a-1a52-34ce-965e-13affd5447d0")) _EventWaitHandle : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3f243ebd-612f-3db8-9e03-bd92343a8371")) _AutoResetEvent : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("56d201f1-3e5d-39d9-b5de-064710818905")) _ContextCallback : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c0bb9361-268f-3e72-bf6f-4120175a1500")) _ManualResetEvent : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ee22485e-4c45-3c9d-9027-a8d61c5f53f2")) _Monitor : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("36cb559b-87c6-3ad2-9225-62a7ed499b37")) _Mutex : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("dd846fcc-8d04-3665-81b6-aacbe99c19c3")) _Overlapped : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ad89b568-4fd4-3f8d-8327-b396b20a460e")) _ReaderWriterLock : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("87f55344-17e0-30fd-8eb9-38eaf6a19b3f")) _SynchronizationLockException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("95b525db-6b81-3cdc-8fe7-713f7fc793c0")) _ThreadAbortException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b9e07599-7c44-33be-a70e-efa16f51f54a")) _ThreadInterruptedException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("64409425-f8c9-370e-809e-3241ce804541")) _RegisteredWaitHandle : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ce949142-4d4c-358d-89a9-e69a531aa363")) _WaitCallback : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f078f795-f452-3d2d-8cc8-16d66ae46c67")) _WaitOrTimerCallback : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bbae942d-bff4-36e2-a3bc-508bb3801f4f")) _IOCompletionCallback : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b45bbd7e-a977-3f56-a626-7a693e5dbbc5")) _ThreadStart : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a13a41cf-e066-3b90-82f4-73109104e348")) _ThreadStateException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a6b94b6d-854e-3172-a4ec-a17edd16f85e")) _ThreadStaticAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("81456e86-22af-31d1-a91a-9c370c0e2530")) _Timeout : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3741bc6f-101b-36d7-a9d5-03fcc0ecda35")) _TimerCallback : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b49a029b-406b-3b1e-88e4-f86690d20364")) _Timer : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ea6795ac-97d6-3377-be64-829abd67607b")) _CaseInsensitiveComparer : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0422b845-b636-3688-8f61-9b6d93096336")) _CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b7d29e26-7798-3fa4-90f4-e6a22d2099f9")) _CollectionBase : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ddd44da2-bc6b-3620-9317-c0372968c741")) _DictionaryBase : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bd32d878-a59b-3e5c-bfe0-a96b1a1e9d6f")) _ReadOnlyCollectionBase : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3a7d3ca4-b7d1-3a2a-800c-8fc2acfcbda4")) _Queue : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("401f89cb-c127-3041-82fd-b67035395c56")) _ArrayList : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f145c46a-d170-3170-b52f-4678dfca0300")) _BitArray : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ab538809-3c2f-35d9-80e6-7bad540484a1")) _Stack : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8064a157-b5c8-3a4a-ad3d-02dc1a39c417")) _Comparer : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d25a197e-3e69-3271-a989-23d85e97f920")) _Hashtable : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("56421139-a143-3ae9-9852-1dbdfe3d6bfa")) _SortedList : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("84e7ac09-795a-3ea9-a36a-5b81ebab0558")) _Nullable : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8039c41f-4399-38a2-99b7-d234b5cf7a7b")) _KeyNotFoundException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e40a025c-645b-3c8e-a1ac-9c5cca279625")) _ConditionalAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a9b4786c-08e3-344f-a651-2f9926deac5e")) _Debugger : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3344e8b4-a5c3-3882-8d30-63792485eccf")) _DebuggerStepThroughAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b3276180-b23e-3034-b18f-e0122ba4e4cf")) _DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("55b6903b-55fe-35e0-804f-e42a096d2eb0")) _DebuggerHiddenAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("cc6dcafd-0185-308a-891c-83812fe574e7")) _DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("428e3627-2b1f-302c-a7e6-6388cd535e75")) _DebuggableAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a3fc6319-7355-3d7d-8621-b598561152fc")) _DebuggerBrowsableAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("404fafdd-1e3f-3602-bff6-755c00613ed8")) _DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("22fdabc0-eec7-33e0-b4f2-f3b739e19a5e")) _DebuggerDisplayAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e19ea1a2-67ff-31a5-b95c-e0b753403f6b")) _DebuggerVisualizerAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9a2669ec-ff84-3726-89a0-663a3ef3b5cd")) _StackTrace : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0e9b8e47-ca67-38b6-b9db-2c42ee757b08")) _StackFrame : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5141d79c-7b01-37da-b7e9-53e5a271baf8")) _SymDocumentType : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("22bb8891-fd21-313d-92e4-8a892dc0b39c")) _SymLanguageType : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("01364e7b-c983-3651-b7d8-fd1b64fc0e00")) _SymLanguageVendor : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("81aa0d59-c3b1-36a3-b2e7-054928fbfc1a")) _AmbiguousMatchException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("05532e88-e0f2-3263-9b57-805ac6b6bb72")) _ModuleResolveEventHandler : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6163f792-3cd6-38f1-b5f7-000b96a5082b")) _AssemblyCopyrightAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("64c26bf9-c9e5-3f66-ad74-bebaade36214")) _AssemblyTrademarkAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("de10d587-a188-3dcb-8000-92dfdb9b8021")) _AssemblyProductAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c6802233-ef82-3c91-ad72-b3a5d7230ed5")) _AssemblyCompanyAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6b2c0bc4-ddb7-38ea-8a86-f0b59e192816")) _AssemblyDescriptionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("df44cad3-cef2-36a9-b013-383cc03177d7")) _AssemblyTitleAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("746d1d1e-ee37-393b-b6fa-e387d37553aa")) _AssemblyConfigurationAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("04311d35-75ec-347b-bedf-969487ce4014")) _AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c6f5946c-143a-3747-a7c0-abfada6bdeb7")) _AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b101fe3c-4479-311a-a945-1225ee1731e8")) _AssemblyFileVersionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("177c4e63-9e0b-354d-838b-b52aa8683ef6")) _AssemblyCultureAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a1693c5c-101f-3557-94db-c480ceb4c16b")) _AssemblyVersionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a9fcda18-c237-3c6f-a6ef-749be22ba2bf")) _AssemblyKeyFileAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6cf1c077-c974-38e1-90a4-976e4835e165")) _AssemblyDelaySignAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("57b849aa-d8ef-3ea6-9538-c5b4d498c2f7")) _AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0ecd8635-f5eb-3e4a-8989-4d684d67c48a")) _AssemblyFlagsAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("322a304d-11ac-3814-a905-a019f6e3dae9")) _AssemblyKeyNameAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fe52f19a-8aa8-309c-bf99-9d0a566fb76a")) _AssemblyNameProxy : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1660eb67-ee41-363e-beb0-c2de09214abf")) _CustomAttributeFormatException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f4e5539d-0a65-3073-bf27-8dce8ef1def1")) _CustomAttributeData : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c462b072-fe6e-3bdc-9fab-4cdbfcbcd124")) _DefaultMemberAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e6df0ae7-ba15-3f80-8afa-27773ae414fc")) _InvalidFilterCriteriaException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3188878c-deb3-3558-80e8-84e9ed95f92c")) _ManifestResourceInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fae5d9b7-40c1-3de1-be06-a91c9da1ba9f")) _MemberFilter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0c48f55d-5240-30c7-a8f1-af87a640cefe")) _Missing : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8a5f0da2-7b43-3767-b623-2424cf7cd268")) _ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("71fb8dcf-3fa7-3483-8464-9d8200e57c43")) _ObfuscationAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("643a4016-1b16-3ccf-ae86-9c2d9135ecb0")) _ExceptionHandlingClause : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b072efe2-c943-3977-bfd9-91d5232b0d53")) _MethodBody : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f2ecd8ca-91a2-31e8-b808-e028b4f5ca67")) _LocalVariableInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f0deafe9-5eba-3737-9950-c1795739cdcd")) _Pointer : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("22c26a41-5fa3-34e3-a76f-ba480252d8ec")) _ReflectionTypeLoadException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fc4963cb-e52b-32d8-a418-d058fa51a1fa")) _StrongNameKeyPair : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("98b1524d-da12-3c4b-8a69-7539a6dec4fa")) _TargetException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a90106ed-9099-3329-8a5a-2044b3d8552b")) _TargetInvocationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6032b3cd-9bed-351c-a145-9d500b0f636f")) _TargetParameterCountException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("34e00ef9-83e2-3bbc-b6af-4cae703838bd")) _TypeDelegator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e1817846-3745-3c97-b4a6-ee20a1641b29")) _TypeFilter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3faa35ee-c867-3e2e-bf48-2da271f88303")) _FormatterConverter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f859954a-78cf-3d00-86ab-ef661e6a4b8d")) _FormatterServices : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("feca70d4-ae27-3d94-93dd-a90f02e299d5")) _OptionalFieldAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9ec28d2c-04c0-35f3-a7ee-0013271ff65e")) _OnSerializingAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("547bf8cd-f2a8-3b41-966d-98db33ded06d")) _OnSerializedAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f5aef88f-9ac4-320c-95d2-88e863a35762")) _OnDeserializingAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("dd36c803-73d1-338d-88ba-dc9eb7620ef7")) _OnDeserializedAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("450222d0-87ca-3699-a7b4-d8a0fdb72357")) _SerializationBinder : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("245fe7fd-e020-3053-b5f6-7467fd2c6883")) _SerializationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b58d62cf-b03a-3a14-b0b6-b1e5ad4e4ad5")) _SerializationInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d0eeaa62-3d30-3ee2-b896-a2f34dda47d8")) ISerializable : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetObjectData ( struct _SerializationInfo * info, struct StreamingContext Context ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetObjectData ( /*[in]*/ struct _SerializationInfo * info, /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("607056c6-1bca-36c8-ab87-33b202ebf0d8")) _SerializationInfoEnumerator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d9bd3c8d-9395-3657-b6ee-d1b509c38b70")) _Formatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a30646cc-f710-3bfa-a356-b4c858d4ed8e")) _ObjectIDGenerator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f28e7d04-3319-3968-8201-c6e55becd3d4")) _ObjectManager : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6de1230e-1f52-3779-9619-f5184103466c")) _SurrogateSelector : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4cca29e4-584b-3cd0-ad25-855dc5799c16")) _Calendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("505defe5-aefa-3e23-82b0-d5eb085bb840")) _CompareInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("152722c2-f0b1-3d19-ada8-f40ca5caecb8")) _CultureInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ab20bf9e-7549-3226-ba87-c1edfb6cda6c")) _CultureNotFoundException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("015e9f67-337c-398a-a0c1-da4af1905571")) _DateTimeFormatInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("efea8feb-ee7f-3e48-8a36-6206a6acbf73")) _DaylightTime : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("677ad8b5-8a0e-3c39-92fb-72fb817cf694")) _GregorianCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("96a62d6c-72a9-387a-81fa-e6dd5998caee")) _HebrewCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("28ddc187-56b2-34cf-a078-48bd1e113d1e")) _HijriCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("89e148c4-2424-30ae-80f5-c5d21ea3366c")) _EastAsianLunisolarCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("36e2de92-1fb3-3d7d-ba26-9cad5b98dd52")) _JulianCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d662ae3f-cef9-38b4-bb8e-5d8dd1dbf806")) _JapaneseCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("48bea6c4-752e-3974-8ca8-cfb6274e2379")) _KoreanCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f9e97e04-4e1e-368f-b6c6-5e96ce4362d6")) _RegionInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f4c70e15-2ca6-3e90-96ed-92e28491f538")) _SortKey : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0a25141f-51b3-3121-aa30-0af4556a52d9")) _StringInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0c08ed74-0acf-32a9-99df-09a9dc4786dd")) _TaiwanCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8c248251-3e6c-3151-9f8e-a255fb8d2b12")) _TextElementEnumerator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("db8de23f-f264-39ac-b61c-cc1e7eb4a5e6")) _TextInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c70c8ae8-925b-37ce-8944-34f15ff94307")) _ThaiBuddhistCalendar : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("25e47d71-20dd-31be-b261-7ae76497d6b9")) _NumberFormatInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ddedb94d-4f3f-35c1-97c9-3f1d87628d9e")) _Encoding : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8fd56502-8724-3df0-a1b5-9d0e8d4e4f78")) _Encoder : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2adb0d4a-5976-38e4-852b-c131797430f5")) _Decoder : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0cbe0204-12a1-3d40-9d9e-195de6aaa534")) _ASCIIEncoding : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f7dd3b7f-2b05-3894-8eda-59cdf9395b6a")) _UnicodeEncoding : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("89b9f00b-aa2a-3a49-91b4-e8d1f1c00e58")) _UTF7Encoding : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("010fc1d0-3ef9-3f3b-aa0a-b78a1ff83a37")) _UTF8Encoding : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1a4e1878-fe8c-3f59-b6a9-21ab82be57e9")) _MissingManifestResourceException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5a8de087-d9d7-3bba-92b4-fe1034a1242f")) _MissingSatelliteAssemblyException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f48df808-8b7d-3f4e-9159-1dfd60f298d6")) _NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4de671b7-7c85-37e9-aff8-1222abe4883e")) _ResourceManager : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7fbcfdc7-5cec-3945-8095-daed61be5fb1")) _ResourceReader : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("44d5f81a-727c-35ae-8df8-9ff6722f1c6c")) _ResourceSet : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("af170258-aac6-3a86-bd34-303e62ced10e")) _ResourceWriter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5cbb1f47-fba5-33b9-9d4a-57d6e3d133d2")) _SatelliteContractVersionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("23bae0c0-3a36-32f0-9dad-0e95add67d23")) _Registry : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2eac6733-8d92-31d9-be04-dc467efc3eb1")) _RegistryKey : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("99f01720-3cc2-366d-9ab9-50e36647617f")) _AllMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9ccc831b-1ba7-34be-a966-56d5a6db5aad")) _ApplicationDirectory : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a02a2b22-1dba-3f92-9f84-5563182851bb")) _ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("18e473f6-637b-3c01-8d46-d011aad26c95")) _ApplicationSecurityInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c664fe09-0a55-316d-b25b-6b3200ecaf70")) _ApplicationSecurityManager : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e66a9755-58e2-3fcb-a265-835851cbf063")) _ApplicationTrust : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bb03c920-1c05-3ecb-982d-53324d5ac9ff")) _ApplicationTrustCollection : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("01afd447-60ca-3b67-803a-e57b727f3a5b")) _ApplicationTrustEnumerator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d7093f61-ed6b-343f-b1e9-02472fcc710e")) _CodeGroup : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a505edbc-380e-3b23-9e1a-0974d4ef02ef")) _Evidence : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("35a8f3ac-fe28-360f-a0c0-9a4d50c4682a")) IEvidenceFactory : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetEvidence)) _EvidencePtr Evidence; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _EvidencePtr GetEvidence ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Evidence ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Evidence * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("6844eff4-4f86-3ca1-a1ea-aaf583a6395e")) IMembershipCondition : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL Check ( struct _Evidence * Evidence ); IMembershipConditionPtr Copy ( ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & obj ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Check ( /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * Evidence, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IMembershipCondition * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("4e95244e-c6fc-3a86-8db7-1712454de3b6")) IIdentityPermissionFactory : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IPermissionPtr CreateIdentityPermission ( struct _Evidence * Evidence ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateIdentityPermission ( /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * Evidence, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPermission * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("dfad74dc-8390-32f6-9612-1bd293b233f4")) _FileCodeGroup : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("54b0afb1-e7d3-3770-bb0e-75a95e8d2656")) _FirstMatchCodeGroup : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d89eac5e-0331-3fcd-9c16-4f1ed3fe1be2")) _TrustManagerContext : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("427e255d-af02-3b0d-8ce3-a2bb94ba300f")) IApplicationTrustManager : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _ApplicationTrustPtr DetermineApplicationTrust ( IUnknown * activationContext, struct _TrustManagerContext * Context ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DetermineApplicationTrust ( /*[in]*/ IUnknown * activationContext, /*[in]*/ struct _TrustManagerContext * Context, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ApplicationTrust * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("fe8a2546-3478-3fad-be1d-da7bc25c4e4e")) _CodeConnectAccess : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a8f69eca-8c48-3b5e-92a1-654925058059")) _NetCodeGroup : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("34b0417e-e71d-304c-9fac-689350a1b41c")) _PermissionRequestEvidence : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a9c9f3d9-e153-39b8-a533-b8df4664407b")) _PolicyException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("44494e35-c370-3014-bc78-0f2ecbf83f53")) _PolicyLevel : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3eefd1fc-4d8d-3177-99f6-6c19d9e088d3")) _PolicyStatement : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("90c40b4c-b0d0-30f5-b520-fdba97bc31a0")) _Site : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0a7c3542-8031-3593-872c-78d85d7cc273")) _SiteMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2a75c1fd-06b0-3cbb-b467-2545d4d6c865")) _StrongName : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("579e93bc-ffab-3b8d-9181-ce9c22b51915")) _StrongNameMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d9d822de-44e5-33ce-a43f-173e475cecb1")) _UnionCodeGroup : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d94ed9bf-c065-3703-81a2-2f76ea8e312f")) _Url : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bb7a158d-dbd9-3e13-b137-8e61e87e1128")) _UrlMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("742e0c26-0e23-3d20-968c-d221094909aa")) _Zone : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("adbc3463-0101-3429-a06c-db2f1dd6b724")) _ZoneMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a7aef52c-b47b-3660-bb3e-34347d56db46")) _GacInstalled : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b2217ab5-6e55-3ff6-a1a9-1b0dc0585040")) _GacMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7574e121-74a6-3626-b578-0783badb19d2")) _Hash : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6ba6ea7a-c9fc-3e73-82ec-18f29d83eefd")) _HashMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("77cca693-abf6-3773-bf58-c0b02701a744")) _Publisher : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3515cf63-9863-3044-b3e1-210e98efc702")) _PublisherMembershipCondition : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("42ca6b3f-8cb9-3005-a7c1-ee9021db369b")) _ClaimsIdentity : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9a37d8b2-2256-3fe3-8bf0-4fc421a1244f")) _GenericIdentity : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d26a9704-bf99-3a3f-ac55-96af1a314c7f")) _ClaimsPrincipal : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b4701c26-1509-3726-b2e1-409a636c9b4f")) _GenericPrincipal : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d8cf3f23-1a66-3344-8230-07eb53970b85")) _WindowsIdentity : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("60ecfdda-650a-324c-b4b3-f4d75b563bb1")) _WindowsImpersonationContext : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6c42baf9-1893-34fc-b3af-06931e9b34a3")) _WindowsPrincipal : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1b6ed26a-4b7f-34fc-b2c8-8109d684b3df")) _UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bbe41ac5-8692-3427-9ae1-c1058a38d492")) _DispIdAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a2145f38-cac1-33dd-a318-21948af6825d")) _InterfaceTypeAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0c1e7b57-b9b1-36e4-8396-549c29062a81")) _ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6b6391ee-842f-3e9a-8eee-f13325e10996")) _ClassInterfaceAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1e7fffe2-aad9-34ee-8a9f-3c016b880ff0")) _ComVisibleAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("288a86d1-6f4f-39c9-9e42-162cf1c37226")) _TypeLibImportClassAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4ab67927-3c86-328a-8186-f85357dd5527")) _LCIDConversionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("51ba926f-aab5-3945-b8a6-c8f0f4a7d12b")) _ComRegisterFunctionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9f164188-34eb-3f86-9f74-0bbe4155e65e")) _ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2b9f01df-5a12-3688-98d6-c34bf5ed1865")) _ProgIdAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3f3311ce-6baf-3fb0-b855-489aff740b6e")) _ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5778e7c7-2040-330e-b47a-92974dffcfd4")) _IDispatchImplAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e1984175-55f5-3065-82d8-a683fdfcf0ac")) _ComSourceInterfacesAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fd5b6aac-ff8c-3472-b894-cd6dfadb6939")) _ComConversionLossAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b5a1729e-b721-3121-a838-fde43af13468")) _TypeLibTypeAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3d18a8e2-eede-3139-b29d-8cac057955df")) _TypeLibFuncAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7b89862a-02a4-3279-8b42-4095fa3a778e")) _TypeLibVarAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d858399f-e19e-3423-a720-ac12abe2e5e8")) _MarshalAsAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1b093056-5454-386f-8971-bbcbc4e9a8f3")) _ComImportAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("74435dad-ec55-354b-8f5b-fa70d13b6293")) _GuidAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fdf2a2ee-c882-3198-a48b-e37f0e574dfa")) _PreserveSigAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8474b65c-c39a-3d05-893d-577b9a314615")) _InAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0697fc8c-9b04-3783-95c7-45eccac1ca27")) _OutAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0d6bd9ad-198e-3904-ad99-f6f82a2787c4")) _OptionalAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a1a26181-d55e-3ee2-96e6-70b354ef9371")) _DllImportAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("23753322-c7b3-3f9a-ac96-52672c1b1ca9")) _StructLayoutAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c14342b8-bafd-322a-bb71-62c672da284e")) _FieldOffsetAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e78785c4-3a73-3c15-9390-618bf3a14719")) _ComAliasNameAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("57b908a8-c082-3581-8a47-6b41b86e8fdc")) _AutomationProxyAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c69e96b2-6161-3621-b165-5805198c6b8d")) _PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("15d54c00-7c95-38d7-b859-e19346677dcd")) _CoClassAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("76cc0491-9a10-35c0-8a66-7931ec345b7f")) _ComEventInterfaceAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a03b61a4-ca61-3460-8232-2f4ec96aa88f")) _TypeLibVersionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ad419379-2ac8-3588-ab1e-0115413277c4")) _ComCompatibleVersionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ed47abe7-c84b-39f9-be1b-828cfb925afe")) _BestFitMappingAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b26b3465-28e4-33b5-b9bf-dd7c4f6461f5")) _DefaultCharSetAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a54ac093-bfce-37b0-a81f-148dfed0971f")) _SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a83f04e9-fd28-384a-9dff-410688ac23ab")) _ExternalException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a28c19df-b488-34ae-becc-7de744d17f7b")) _COMException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("76e5dbd6-f960-3c65-8ea6-fc8ad6a67022")) _InvalidOleVariantTypeException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("523f42a5-1fd2-355d-82bf-0d67c4a0a0e7")) _MarshalDirectiveException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("edcee21a-3e3a-331e-a86d-274028be6716")) _RuntimeEnvironment : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3e72e067-4c5e-36c8-bbef-1e2978c7780d")) _SEHException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("80da5818-609f-32b8-a9f8-95fcfbdb9c8e")) _BStrWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7df6f279-da62-3c9f-8944-4dd3c0f08170")) _CurrencyWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("72103c67-d511-329c-b19a-dd5ec3f1206c")) _DispatchWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f79db336-06be-3959-a5ab-58b2ab6c5fd1")) _ErrorWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("519eb857-7a2d-3a95-a2a3-8bb8ed63d41b")) _ExtensibleClassFactory : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("de9156b5-5e7a-3041-bf45-a29a6c2cf48a")) _InvalidComObjectException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e4a369d3-6cf0-3b05-9c0c-1a91e331641a")) _ObjectCreationDelegate : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8608fe7b-2fdc-318a-b711-6f7b2feded06")) _SafeArrayRankMismatchException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e093fb32-e43b-3b3f-a163-742c920c2af3")) _SafeArrayTypeMismatchException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1c8d8b14-4589-3dca-8e0f-a30e80fbd1a8")) _UnknownWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("556137ea-8825-30bc-9d49-e47a9db034ee")) _TextWriter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2752364a-924f-3603-8f6f-6586df98b292")) _Stream : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9be679a6-61fd-38fc-a7b2-89982d33338b")) IServerResponseChannelSinkStack : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT AsyncProcessResponse ( struct IMessage * msg, struct ITransportHeaders * headers, struct _Stream * Stream ); _StreamPtr GetResponseStream ( struct IMessage * msg, struct ITransportHeaders * headers ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessResponse ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * Stream ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetResponseStream ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Stream * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("442e3c03-a205-3f21-aa4d-31768bb8ea28")) _BinaryReader : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4ca8147e-baa3-3a7f-92ce-a4fd7f17d8da")) _BinaryWriter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4b7571c3-1275-3457-8fee-9976fd3937e3")) _BufferedStream : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8ce58ff5-f26d-38a4-9195-0e2ecb3b56b9")) _Directory : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a5d29a57-36a8-3e36-a099-7458b1fabaa2")) _FileSystemInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("487e52f1-2bb9-3bd0-a0ca-6728b3a1d051")) _DirectoryInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c5bfc9bf-27a7-3a59-a986-44c85f3521bf")) _IOException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c8a200e4-9735-30e4-b168-ed861a3020f2")) _DirectoryNotFoundException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ce83a763-940f-341f-b880-332325eb6f4b")) _DriveInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b24e9559-a662-3762-ae33-bc7dfdd538f4")) _DriveNotFoundException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d625afd0-8fd9-3113-a900-43912a54c421")) _EndOfStreamException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5d59051f-e19d-329a-9962-fd00d552e13d")) _File : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c3c429f9-8590-3a01-b2b2-434837f3d16d")) _FileInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("51d2c393-9b70-3551-84b5-ff5409fb3ada")) _FileLoadException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a15a976b-81e3-3ef4-8ff1-d75ddbe20aef")) _FileNotFoundException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("74265195-4a46-3d6f-a9dd-69c367ea39c8")) _FileStream : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2dbc46fe-b3dd-3858-afc2-d3a2d492a588")) _MemoryStream : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6df93530-d276-31d9-8573-346778c650af")) _Path : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("468b8eb4-89ac-381b-8f86-5e47ec0648b4")) _PathTooLongException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("897471f2-9450-3f03-a41f-d2e1f1397854")) _TextReader : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e645b470-dc3f-3ce0-8104-5837feda04b3")) _StreamReader : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1f124e1c-d05d-3643-a59f-c3de6051994f")) _StreamWriter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("59733b03-0ea5-358c-95b5-659fcd9aa0b4")) _StringReader : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("cb9f94c0-d691-3b62-b0b2-3ce5309cfa62")) _StringWriter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("998dcf16-f603-355d-8c89-3b675947997f")) _AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a6c2239b-08e6-3822-9769-e3d4b0431b82")) _CallConvCdecl : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8e17a5cd-1160-32dc-8548-407e7c3827c9")) _CallConvStdcall : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fa73dd3d-a472-35ed-b8be-f99a13581f72")) _CallConvThiscall : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3b452d17-3c5e-36c4-a12d-5e9276036cf8")) _CallConvFastcall : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("62caf4a2-6a78-3fc7-af81-a6bbf930761f")) _CustomConstantAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ef387020-b664-3acd-a1d2-806345845953")) _DateTimeConstantAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3c3a8c69-7417-32fa-aa20-762d85e1b594")) _DiscardableAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7e133967-ccec-3e89-8bd2-6cfca649ecbf")) _DecimalConstantAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c5c4f625-2329-3382-8994-aaf561e5dfe9")) _CompilationRelaxationsAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1eed213e-656a-3a73-a4b9-0d3b26fd942b")) _CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("243368f5-67c9-3510-9424-335a8a67772f")) _IndexerNameAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0278c819-0c06-3756-b053-601a3e566d9b")) _IsVolatile : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("98966503-5d80-3242-83ef-79e136f6b954")) _MethodImplAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("db2c11d9-3870-35e7-a10c-a3ddc3dc79b1")) _RequiredAttributeAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f68a4008-ab94-3370-a9ac-8cc99939f534")) _IsCopyConstructed : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("40e8e914-dc23-38a6-936b-90e4e3ab01fa")) _NativeCppClassAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("97d0b28a-6932-3d74-b67f-6bcd3c921e7d")) _IDispatchConstantAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("54542649-ce64-3f96-bce5-fde3bb22f242")) _IUnknownConstantAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8d597c42-2cfd-32b6-b6d6-86c9e2cff00a")) _SecurityElement : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fd46bde5-acdf-3ca5-b189-f0678387077f")) ISecurityEncodable : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _SecurityElementPtr ToXml ( ); HRESULT FromXml ( struct _SecurityElement * e ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToXml ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _SecurityElement * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromXml ( /*[in]*/ struct _SecurityElement * e ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e6c21ba7-21bb-34e9-8e57-db66d8ce4a70")) ISecurityPolicyEncodable : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _SecurityElementPtr ToXml ( struct _PolicyLevel * level ); HRESULT FromXml ( struct _SecurityElement * e, struct _PolicyLevel * level ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToXml ( /*[in]*/ struct _PolicyLevel * level, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _SecurityElement * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromXml ( /*[in]*/ struct _SecurityElement * e, /*[in]*/ struct _PolicyLevel * level ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("d9fcad88-d869-3788-a802-1b1e007c7a22")) _XmlSyntaxException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4803ce39-2f30-31fc-b84b-5a0141385269")) _CodeAccessPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0720590d-5218-352a-a337-5449e6bd19da")) _EnvironmentPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a8b7138c-8932-3d78-a585-a91569c743ac")) _FileDialogPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a2ed7efc-8e59-3ccc-ae92-ea2377f4d5ef")) _FileIOPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("48815668-6c27-3312-803e-2757f55ce96a")) _SecurityAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9c5149cb-d3c6-32fd-a0d5-95350de7b813")) _CodeAccessSecurityAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9f8f73a3-1e99-3e51-a41b-179a41dc747c")) _HostProtectionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7fee7903-f97c-3350-ad42-196b00ad2564")) _IsolatedStoragePermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0d0c83e8-bde1-3ba5-b1ef-a8fc686d8bc9")) _IsolatedStorageFilePermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4164071a-ed12-3bdd-af40-fdabcaa77d5f")) _EnvironmentPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0ccca629-440f-313e-96cd-ba1b4b4997f7")) _FileDialogPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0dca817d-f21a-3943-b54c-5e800ce5bc50")) _FileIOPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("edb51d1c-08ad-346a-be6f-d74fd6d6f965")) _KeyContainerPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("68ab69e4-5d68-3b51-b74d-1beab9f37f2b")) _PrincipalPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d31eed10-a5f0-308f-a951-e557961ec568")) _ReflectionPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("38b6068c-1e94-3119-8841-1eca35ed8578")) _RegistryPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3a5b876c-cde4-32d2-9c7e-020a14aca332")) _SecurityPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1d5c0f70-af29-38a3-9436-3070a310c73b")) _UIPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2e3be3ed-2f22-3b20-9f92-bd29b79d6f42")) _ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c9a740f4-26e9-39a8-8885-8ca26bd79b21")) _StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6fe6894a-2a53-3fb6-a06e-348f9bdad23b")) _SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ca4a2073-48c5-3e61-8349-11701a90dd9b")) _UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6722c730-1239-3784-ac94-c285ae5b901a")) _PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5c4c522f-de4e-3595-9aa9-9319c86a5283")) _IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6f1f8aae-d667-39cc-98fa-722bebbbeac3")) _IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("947a1995-bc16-3e7c-b65a-99e71f39c091")) _PermissionSetAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("aeb3727f-5c3a-34c4-bf18-a38f088ac8c7")) _ReflectionPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7c6b06d1-63ad-35ef-a938-149b4ad9a71f")) _PrincipalPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("33c54a2d-02bd-3848-80b6-742d537085e5")) _SecurityPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("790b3ee9-7e06-3cd0-8243-5848486d6a78")) _SiteIdentityPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5f1562fb-0160-3655-baea-b15bef609161")) _StrongNameIdentityPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("af53d21a-d6af-3406-b399-7df9d2aad48a")) _StrongNamePublicKeyBlob : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("47698389-f182-3a67-87df-aed490e14dc6")) _UIPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ec7cac31-08a2-393b-bdf2-d052eb53af2c")) _UrlIdentityPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("38b2f8d7-8cf4-323b-9c17-9c55ee287a63")) _ZoneIdentityPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5f19e082-26f8-3361-b338-9bacb98809a4")) _GacIdentityPermissionAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a9637792-5be8-3c93-a501-49f0e840de38")) _GacIdentityPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("094351ea-dbc1-327f-8a83-913b593a66be")) _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("28ecf94e-3510-3a3e-8bd1-f866f45f3b06")) _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("293187ea-5f88-316f-86a5-533b0c7b353f")) _KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("107a3cf1-b35e-3a23-b660-60264b231225")) _KeyContainerPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e86cc74a-1233-3df3-b13f-8b27eeaac1f6")) _PublisherIdentityPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c3fb5510-3454-3b31-b64f-de6aad6be820")) _RegistryPermission : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8000e51a-541c-3b20-a8ec-c8a8b41116c4")) _SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("41f41c1b-7b8d-39a3-a28f-aae20787f469")) _UnverifiableCodeAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c930c4-2233-3924-9840-231d008259b4")) _AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9deae196-48c1-3590-9d0a-33716a214acd")) _HostSecurityManager : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c2af4970-4fb6-319c-a8aa-0614d27f2b2c")) _PermissionSet : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ba3e053f-ade3-3233-874a-16e624c9a49b")) _NamedPermissionSet : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f174290f-e4cf-3976-88aa-4f8e32eb03db")) _SecurityException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ed727a9b-6fc5-3fed-bedd-7b66c847f87a")) _HostProtectionException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("abc04b16-5539-3c7e-92ec-0905a4a24464")) _SecurityManager : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f65070df-57af-3ae3-b951-d2ad7d513347")) _VerificationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f042505b-7aac-313b-a8c7-3f1ac949c311")) _ContextAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3936abe1-b29e-3593-83f1-793d1a7f3898")) _AsyncResult : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ffb2e16e-e5c7-367c-b326-965abf510f24")) _ChannelServices : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e1796120-c324-30d8-86f4-20086711463b")) _ClientChannelSinkStack : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("52da9f90-89b3-35ab-907b-3562642967de")) _ServerChannelSinkStack : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ff19d114-3bda-30ac-8e89-36ca64a87120")) _ClientSponsor : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ee949b7b-439f-363e-b9fc-34db1fb781d7")) _CrossContextDelegate : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("11a2ea7a-d600-307b-a606-511a6c7950d1")) _Context : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f01d896d-8d5f-3235-be59-20e1e10dc22a")) IContextProperty : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t Getname ( ); VARIANT_BOOL IsNewContextOK ( struct _Context * newCtx ); HRESULT Freeze ( struct _Context * newContext ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsNewContextOK ( /*[in]*/ struct _Context * newCtx, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Freeze ( /*[in]*/ struct _Context * newContext ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("4acb3495-05db-381b-890a-d12f5340dca3")) _ContextProperty : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("77c9bceb-9958-33c0-a858-599f66697da7")) _EnterpriseServicesHelper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("aa6da581-f972-36de-a53b-7585428a68ab")) _ChannelDataStore : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("65887f70-c646-3a66-8697-8a3f7d8fe94d")) _TransportHeaders : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a18545b7-e5ee-31ee-9b9b-41199b11c995")) _SinkProviderData : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a1329ec9-e567-369f-8258-18366d89eaf8")) _BaseChannelObjectWithProperties : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8af3451e-154d-3d86-80d8-f8478b9733ed")) _BaseChannelSinkWithProperties : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("94bb98ed-18bb-3843-a7fe-642824ab4e01")) _BaseChannelWithProperties : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b0ad9a21-5439-3d88-8975-4018b828d74c")) _LifetimeServices : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0eeff4c2-84bf-3e4e-bf22-b7bdbb5df899")) _ReturnMessage : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("95e01216-5467-371b-8597-4074402ccb06")) _MethodCall : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a2246ae7-eb81-3a20-8e70-c9fa341c7e10")) _ConstructionCall : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9e9ea93a-d000-3ab9-bfca-ddeb398a55b9")) _MethodResponse : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("be457280-6ffa-3e76-9822-83de63c0c4e0")) _ConstructionResponse : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ef926e1f-3ee7-32bc-8b01-c6e98c24bc19")) _InternalMessageWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c9614d78-10ea-3310-87ea-821b70632898")) _MethodCallMessageWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("89304439-a24f-30f6-9a8f-89ce472d85da")) _MethodReturnMessageWrapper : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1dd3cf3d-df8e-32ff-91ec-e19aa10b63fb")) _ObjRef : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("03ec7d10-17a5-3585-9a2e-0596fcac3870")) ITrackingHandler : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT MarshaledObject ( const _variant_t & obj, struct _ObjRef * or ); HRESULT UnmarshaledObject ( const _variant_t & obj, struct _ObjRef * or ); HRESULT DisconnectedObject ( const _variant_t & obj ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MarshaledObject ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ struct _ObjRef * or ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnmarshaledObject ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ struct _ObjRef * or ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DisconnectedObject ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("8ffedc68-5233-3fa8-813d-405aabb33ecb")) _OneWayAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d80ff312-2930-3680-a5e9-b48296c7415f")) _ProxyAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e0cf3f77-c7c3-33da-beb4-46147fc905de")) _RealProxy : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("725692a5-9e12-37f6-911c-e3da77e5faca")) _SoapAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ebcdcd84-8c74-39fd-821c-f5eb3a2704d7")) _SoapTypeAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c58145b5-bd5a-3896-95d9-b358f54fbc44")) _SoapMethodAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("46a3f9ff-f73c-33c7-bcc3-1bef4b25e4ae")) _SoapFieldAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c32abfc9-3917-30bf-a7bc-44250bdfc5d8")) _SoapParameterAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4b10971e-d61d-373f-bc8d-2ccf31126215")) _RemotingConfiguration : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8359f3ab-643f-3bcf-91e8-16e779edebe1")) _TypeEntry : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bac12781-6865-3558-a8d1-f1cadd2806dd")) _ActivatedClientTypeEntry : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("94855a3b-5ca2-32cf-b1ab-48fd3915822c")) _ActivatedServiceTypeEntry : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4d0bc339-e3f9-3e9e-8f68-92168e6f6981")) _WellKnownClientTypeEntry : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("60b8b604-0aed-3093-ac05-eb98fb29fc47")) _WellKnownServiceTypeEntry : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7264843f-f60c-39a9-99e1-029126aa0815")) _RemotingException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("19373c44-55b4-3487-9ad8-4c621aae85ea")) _ServerException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("44db8e15-acb1-34ee-81f9-56ed7ae37a5c")) _RemotingTimeoutException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7b91368d-a50a-3d36-be8e-5b8836a419ad")) _RemotingServices : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f4efb305-cdc4-31c5-8102-33c9b91774f3")) _InternalRemotingServices : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("04a35d22-0b08-34e7-a573-88ef2374375e")) _MessageSurrogateFilter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("551f7a57-8651-37db-a94a-6a3ca09c0ed7")) _RemotingSurrogateSelector : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7416b6ee-82e8-3a16-966b-018a40e7b1aa")) _SoapServices : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1738adbc-156e-3897-844f-c3147c528dea")) _SoapDateTime : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7ef50ddb-32a5-30a1-b412-47fab911404a")) _SoapDuration : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a3bf0bcd-ec32-38e6-92f2-5f37bad8030d")) _SoapTime : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("cfa6e9d2-b3de-39a6-94d1-cc691de193f8")) _SoapDate : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("103c7ef9-a9ee-35fb-84c5-3086c9725a20")) _SoapYearMonth : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c20769f3-858d-316a-be6d-c347a47948ad")) _SoapYear : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f9ead0aa-4156-368f-ae05-fd59d70f758d")) _SoapMonthDay : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d9e8314d-5053-3497-8a33-97d3dcfe33e2")) _SoapDay : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b4e32423-e473-3562-aa12-62fde5a7d4a2")) _SoapMonth : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("63b9da95-fb91-358a-b7b7-90c34aa34ab7")) _SoapHexBinary : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8ed115a1-5e7b-34dc-ab85-90316f28015d")) _SoapBase64Binary : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("30c65c40-4e54-3051-9d8f-4709b6ab214c")) _SoapInteger : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4979ec29-c2b7-3ad6-986d-5aaf7344cc4e")) _SoapPositiveInteger : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("aaf5401e-f71c-3fe3-8a73-a25074b20d3a")) _SoapNonPositiveInteger : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bc261fc6-7132-3fb5-9aac-224845d3aa99")) _SoapNonNegativeInteger : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e384aa10-a70c-3943-97cf-0f7c282c3bdc")) _SoapNegativeInteger : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("818ec118-be7e-3cde-92c8-44b99160920e")) _SoapAnyUri : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3ac646b6-6b84-382f-9aed-22c2433244e6")) _SoapQName : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("974f01f4-6086-3137-9448-6a31fc9bef08")) _SoapNotation : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f4926b50-3f23-37e0-9afa-aa91ff89a7bd")) _SoapNormalizedString : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ab4e97b9-651d-36f4-aaba-28acf5746624")) _SoapToken : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("14aed851-a168-3462-b877-8f9a01126653")) _SoapLanguage : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5eb06bef-4adf-3cc1-a6f2-62f76886b13a")) _SoapName : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7947a829-adb5-34d0-9cc8-6c172742c803")) _SoapIdrefs : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("aca96da3-96ed-397e-8a72-ee1be1025f5e")) _SoapEntities : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e941fa15-e6c8-3dd4-b060-c0ddfbc0240a")) _SoapNmtoken : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a5e385ae-27fb-3708-baf7-0bf1f3955747")) _SoapNmtokens : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("725cdaf7-b739-35c1-8463-e2a923e1f618")) _SoapNcName : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6a46b6a2-2d2c-3c67-af67-aae0175f17ae")) _SoapId : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7db7fd83-de89-38e1-9645-d4cabde694c0")) _SoapIdref : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("37171746-b784-3586-a7d5-692a7604a66b")) _SoapEntity : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2d985674-231c-33d4-b14d-f3a6bd2ebe19")) _SynchronizationAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f51728f2-2def-308c-874a-cbb1baa9cf9e")) _TrackingServices : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("717105a3-739b-3bc3-a2b7-ad215903fad2")) _UrlAttribute : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0d296515-ad19-3602-b415-d8ec77066081")) _Header : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5dbbaf39-a3df-30b7-aaea-9fd11394123f")) _HeaderHandler : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ae1850fd-3596-3727-a242-2fc31c5a0312")) IRemotingFormatter : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t Deserialize ( struct _Stream * serializationStream, struct _HeaderHandler * handler ); HRESULT Serialize ( struct _Stream * serializationStream, const _variant_t & graph, SAFEARRAY * headers ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Deserialize ( /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * serializationStream, /*[in]*/ struct _HeaderHandler * handler, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Serialize ( /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * serializationStream, /*[in]*/ VARIANT graph, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * headers ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("53bce4d4-6209-396d-bd4a-0b0a0a177df9")) _CallContext : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9aff21f5-1c9c-35e7-aea4-c3aa0beb3b77")) _LogicalCallContext : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("34ec3bd7-f2f6-3c20-a639-804bff89df65")) _IsolatedStorage : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("68d5592b-47c8-381a-8d51-3925c16cf025")) _IsolatedStorageFileStream : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("aec2b0de-9898-3607-b845-63e2e307cb5f")) _IsolatedStorageException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("6bbb7dee-186f-3d51-9486-be0a71e915ce")) _IsolatedStorageFile : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("361a5049-1bc8-35a9-946a-53a877902f25")) _InternalRM : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a864fb13-f945-3dc0-a01c-b903f944fc97")) _InternalST : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bc0847b2-bd5c-37b3-ba67-7d2d54b17238")) _SoapMessage : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a1c392fc-314c-39d5-8de6-1f8ebca0a1e2")) _SoapFault : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("02d1bd78-3bb6-37ad-a9f8-f7d5da273e4e")) _ServerFault : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3bcf0cb2-a849-375e-8189-1ba5f1f4a9b0")) _BinaryFormatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0daeaee7-007b-3fca-8755-a5c6c3158955")) _DynamicILInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("eaaa2670-0fb1-33ea-852b-f1c97fed1797")) _DynamicMethod : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1db1cc2a-da73-389e-828b-5c616f4fac49")) _OpCodes : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b1a62835-fc19-35a4-b206-a452463d7ee7")) _GenericTypeParameterBuilder : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fd302d86-240a-3694-a31f-9ef59e6e41bc")) _UnmanagedMarshal : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8978b0be-a89e-3ff9-9834-77862cebff3d")) _KeySizes : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4311e8f5-b249-3f81-8ff4-cf853d85306d")) _CryptographicException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7fb08423-038f-3acc-b600-e6d072bae160")) _CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7ae4b03c-414a-36e0-ba68-f9603004c925")) _RandomNumberGenerator : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("2c65d4c0-584c-3e4e-8e6d-1afb112bff69")) _RNGCryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("05bc0e38-7136-3825-9e34-26c1cf2142c9")) _SymmetricAlgorithm : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("09343ac0-d19a-3e62-bc16-0f600f10180a")) _AsymmetricAlgorithm : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b6685cca-7a49-37d1-a805-3de829cb8deb")) _AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1365b84b-6477-3c40-be6a-089dc01eced9")) _AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("7ca5fe57-d1ac-3064-bb0b-f450be40f194")) _AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5363d066-6295-3618-be33-3f0b070b7976")) _AsymmetricSignatureFormatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("23ded1e1-7d5f-3936-aa4e-18bbcc39b155")) _ToBase64Transform : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fc0717a6-2e86-372f-81f4-b35ed4bdf0de")) _FromBase64Transform : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("983b8639-2ed7-364c-9899-682abb2ce850")) _CryptoAPITransform : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d5331d95-fff2-358f-afd5-588f469ff2e4")) _CspParameters : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ab00f3f8-7dde-3ff5-b805-6c5dbb200549")) _CryptoConfig : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4134f762-d0ec-3210-93c0-de4f443d5669")) _CryptoStream : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c7ef0214-b91c-3799-98dd-c994aabfc741")) _DES : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("65e8495e-5207-3248-9250-0fc849b4f096")) _DESCryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("140ee78f-067f-3765-9258-c3bc72fe976b")) _DeriveBytes : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0eb5b5e0-1be6-3a5f-87b3-e3323342f44e")) _DSA : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1f38aafe-7502-332f-971f-c2fc700a1d55")) _DSACryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0e774498-ade6-3820-b1d5-426b06397be7")) _DSASignatureDeformatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("4b5fc561-5983-31e4-903b-1404231b2c89")) _DSASignatureFormatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("69d3baba-1c3d-354c-acfe-f19109ec3896")) _HashAlgorithm : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d182cf91-628c-3ff6-87f0-41ba51cc7433")) _KeyedHashAlgorithm : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e5456726-33f6-34e4-95c2-db2bfa581462")) _HMAC : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("486360f5-6213-322b-befb-45221579d4af")) _HMACMD5 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9fd974a5-338c-37b9-a1b2-d45f0c2b25c2")) _HMACRIPEMD160 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("63ac7c37-c51a-3d82-8fdd-2a567039e46d")) _HMACSHA1 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("1377ce34-8921-3bd4-96e9-c8d5d5aa1adf")) _HMACSHA256 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("786f8ac3-93e4-3b6f-9f62-1901b0e5f433")) _HMACSHA384 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("eb081b9d-a766-3abe-b720-505c42162d83")) _HMACSHA512 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("be8619cb-3731-3cb2-a3a8-cd0bfa5566ec")) _CspKeyContainerInfo : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("494a7583-190e-3693-9ec4-de54dc6a84a2")) ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetCspKeyContainerInfo)) _CspKeyContainerInfoPtr CspKeyContainerInfo; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _CspKeyContainerInfoPtr GetCspKeyContainerInfo ( ); SAFEARRAY * ExportCspBlob ( VARIANT_BOOL includePrivateParameters ); HRESULT ImportCspBlob ( SAFEARRAY * rawData ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CspKeyContainerInfo ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _CspKeyContainerInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExportCspBlob ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL includePrivateParameters, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ImportCspBlob ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawData ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("1cac0bda-ac58-31bc-b624-63f77d0c3d2f")) _MACTripleDES : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9aa8765e-69a0-30e3-9cde-ebc70662ae37")) _MD5 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("d3f5c812-5867-33c9-8cee-cb170e8d844a")) _MD5CryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("85601fee-a79d-3710-af21-099089edc0bf")) _MaskGenerationMethod : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3cd62d67-586f-309e-a6d8-1f4baac5ac28")) _PasswordDeriveBytes : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("425bff0d-59e4-36a8-b1ff-1f5d39d698f4")) _PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("f7c0c4cc-0d49-31ee-a3d3-b8b551e4928c")) _RC2 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("875715c5-cb64-3920-8156-0ee9cb0e07ea")) _RC2CryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a6589897-5a67-305f-9497-72e5fe8bead5")) _Rfc2898DeriveBytes : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("e5481be9-3422-3506-bc35-b96d4535014d")) _RIPEMD160 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("814f9c35-b7f8-3ceb-8e43-e01f09157060")) _RIPEMD160Managed : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("0b3fb710-a25c-3310-8774-1cf117f95bd4")) _RSA : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("bd9df856-2300-3254-bcf0-679ba03c7a13")) _RSACryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("37625095-7baa-377d-a0dc-7f465c0167aa")) _RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("77a416e7-2ac6-3d0e-98ff-3ba0f586f56f")) _RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8034aaf4-3666-3b6f-85cf-463f9bfd31a9")) _RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("9ff67f8e-a7aa-3ba6-90ee-9d44af6e2f8c")) _RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fc38507e-06a4-3300-8652-8d7b54341f65")) _RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("fb7a5ff4-cfa8-3f24-ad5f-d5eb39359707")) _RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("21b52a91-856f-373c-ad42-4cf3f1021f5a")) _Rijndael : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("427ea9d3-11d8-3e38-9e05-a4f7fa684183")) _RijndaelManaged : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("5767c78f-f344-35a5-84bc-53b9eaeb68cb")) _RijndaelManagedTransform : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("48600dd2-0099-337f-92d6-961d1e5010d4")) _SHA1 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("a16537bc-1edf-3516-b75e-cc65caf873ab")) _SHA1CryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c27990bb-3cfd-3d29-8dc0-bbe5fbadeafd")) _SHA1Managed : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3b274703-dfae-3f9c-a1b5-9990df9d7fa3")) _SHA256 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("3d077954-7bcc-325b-9dda-3b17a03378e0")) _SHA256Managed : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b60ad5d7-2c2e-35b7-8d77-7946156cfe8e")) _SHA384 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("de541460-f838-3698-b2da-510b09070118")) _SHA384Managed : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("49dd9e4b-84f3-3d6d-91fb-3fedcef634c7")) _SHA512 : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("dc8ce439-7954-36ed-803c-674f72f27249")) _SHA512Managed : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("8017b414-4886-33da-80a3-7865c1350d43")) _SignatureDescription : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("c040b889-5278-3132-aff9-afa61707a81d")) _TripleDES : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("ec69d083-3cd0-3c0c-998c-3b738db535d5")) _TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("68fd6f14-a7b2-36c8-a724-d01f90d73477")) _X509Certificate : IDispatch {}; struct __declspec(uuid("b36b5c63-42ef-38bc-a07e-0b34c98f164a")) _Exception : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetMessage)) _bstr_t Message; __declspec(property(get=GetStackTrace)) _bstr_t StackTrace; __declspec(property(get=GetHelpLink,put=PutHelpLink)) _bstr_t HelpLink; __declspec(property(get=GetSource,put=PutSource)) _bstr_t Source; __declspec(property(get=GetInnerException)) _ExceptionPtr InnerException; __declspec(property(get=GetTargetSite)) _MethodBasePtr TargetSite; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & obj ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); _bstr_t GetMessage ( ); _ExceptionPtr GetBaseException ( ); _bstr_t GetStackTrace ( ); _bstr_t GetHelpLink ( ); void PutHelpLink ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); _bstr_t GetSource ( ); void PutSource ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); HRESULT GetObjectData ( struct _SerializationInfo * info, struct StreamingContext Context ); _ExceptionPtr GetInnerException ( ); _MethodBasePtr GetTargetSite ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Message ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBaseException ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Exception * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StackTrace ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HelpLink ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HelpLink ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Source ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Source ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetObjectData ( /*[in]*/ struct _SerializationInfo * info, /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InnerException ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Exception * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TargetSite ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodBase * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3afab213-f5a2-3241-93ba-329ea4ba8016")) IClientResponseChannelSinkStack : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT AsyncProcessResponse ( struct ITransportHeaders * headers, struct _Stream * Stream ); HRESULT DispatchReplyMessage ( struct IMessage * msg ); HRESULT DispatchException ( struct _Exception * e ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessResponse ( /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * Stream ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DispatchReplyMessage ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DispatchException ( /*[in]*/ struct _Exception * e ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f617690a-55f4-36af-9149-d199831f8594")) IMethodReturnMessage : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetOutArgCount)) long OutArgCount; __declspec(property(get=GetOutArgs)) SAFEARRAY * OutArgs; __declspec(property(get=GetException)) _ExceptionPtr Exception; __declspec(property(get=GetReturnValue)) _variant_t ReturnValue; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // long GetOutArgCount ( ); _bstr_t GetOutArgName ( long index ); _variant_t GetOutArg ( long argNum ); SAFEARRAY * GetOutArgs ( ); _ExceptionPtr GetException ( ); _variant_t GetReturnValue ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutArgCount ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOutArgName ( /*[in]*/ long index, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOutArg ( /*[in]*/ long argNum, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutArgs ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Exception ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Exception * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReturnValue ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("9a604ee7-e630-3ded-9444-baae247075ab")) IFormattable : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString[][]; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetToString ( _bstr_t format, struct IFormatProvider * formatProvider ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[in]*/ BSTR format, /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * formatProvider, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("805e3b62-b5e9-393d-8941-377d8bf4556b")) IConvertible : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString[]; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // enum TypeCode GetTypeCode ( ); VARIANT_BOOL ToBoolean ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); unsigned short ToChar ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); char ToSByte ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); unsigned char ToByte ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); short ToInt16 ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); unsigned short ToUInt16 ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); long ToInt32 ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); unsigned long ToUInt32 ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); __int64 ToInt64 ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); unsigned __int64 ToUInt64 ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); float ToSingle ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); double ToDouble ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); DECIMAL ToDecimal ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); DATE ToDateTime ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); _bstr_t GetToString ( struct IFormatProvider * provider ); _variant_t ToType ( struct _Type * conversionType, struct IFormatProvider * provider ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum TypeCode * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToBoolean ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToChar ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned short * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToSByte ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ char * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToByte ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned char * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToInt16 ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ short * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToUInt16 ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned short * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToInt32 ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToUInt32 ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToInt64 ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ __int64 * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToUInt64 ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned __int64 * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToSingle ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ float * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToDouble ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ double * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToDecimal ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ DECIMAL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToDateTime ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToType ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * conversionType, /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * provider, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("05f696dc-2b29-3663-ad8b-c4389cf2a713")) _AppDomain : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetDynamicDirectory)) _bstr_t DynamicDirectory; __declspec(property(get=GetEvidence)) _EvidencePtr Evidence; __declspec(property(get=GetFriendlyName)) _bstr_t FriendlyName; __declspec(property(get=GetBaseDirectory)) _bstr_t BaseDirectory; __declspec(property(get=GetRelativeSearchPath)) _bstr_t RelativeSearchPath; __declspec(property(get=GetShadowCopyFiles)) VARIANT_BOOL ShadowCopyFiles; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); _variant_t InitializeLifetimeService ( ); _variant_t GetLifetimeService ( ); _EvidencePtr GetEvidence ( ); HRESULT add_DomainUnload ( struct _EventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_DomainUnload ( struct _EventHandler * value ); HRESULT add_AssemblyLoad ( struct _AssemblyLoadEventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_AssemblyLoad ( struct _AssemblyLoadEventHandler * value ); HRESULT add_ProcessExit ( struct _EventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_ProcessExit ( struct _EventHandler * value ); HRESULT add_TypeResolve ( struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_TypeResolve ( struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ); HRESULT add_ResourceResolve ( struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_ResourceResolve ( struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ); HRESULT add_AssemblyResolve ( struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_AssemblyResolve ( struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ); HRESULT add_UnhandledException ( struct _UnhandledExceptionEventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_UnhandledException ( struct _UnhandledExceptionEventHandler * value ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_2 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, _bstr_t dir ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_3 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, struct _Evidence * Evidence ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_4 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_5 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, _bstr_t dir, struct _Evidence * Evidence ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_6 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, _bstr_t dir, struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_7 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, struct _Evidence * Evidence, struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_8 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, _bstr_t dir, struct _Evidence * Evidence, struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr DefineDynamicAssembly_9 ( struct _AssemblyName * name, enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, _bstr_t dir, struct _Evidence * Evidence, struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions, VARIANT_BOOL IsSynchronized ); _ObjectHandlePtr CreateInstance ( _bstr_t AssemblyName, _bstr_t typeName ); _ObjectHandlePtr CreateInstanceFrom ( _bstr_t assemblyFile, _bstr_t typeName ); _ObjectHandlePtr CreateInstance_2 ( _bstr_t AssemblyName, _bstr_t typeName, SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes ); _ObjectHandlePtr CreateInstanceFrom_2 ( _bstr_t assemblyFile, _bstr_t typeName, SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes ); _ObjectHandlePtr CreateInstance_3 ( _bstr_t AssemblyName, _bstr_t typeName, VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * args, struct _CultureInfo * culture, SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes, struct _Evidence * securityAttributes ); _ObjectHandlePtr CreateInstanceFrom_3 ( _bstr_t assemblyFile, _bstr_t typeName, VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * args, struct _CultureInfo * culture, SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes, struct _Evidence * securityAttributes ); _AssemblyPtr Load ( struct _AssemblyName * assemblyRef ); _AssemblyPtr Load_2 ( _bstr_t assemblyString ); _AssemblyPtr Load_3 ( SAFEARRAY * rawAssembly ); _AssemblyPtr Load_4 ( SAFEARRAY * rawAssembly, SAFEARRAY * rawSymbolStore ); _AssemblyPtr Load_5 ( SAFEARRAY * rawAssembly, SAFEARRAY * rawSymbolStore, struct _Evidence * securityEvidence ); _AssemblyPtr Load_6 ( struct _AssemblyName * assemblyRef, struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity ); _AssemblyPtr Load_7 ( _bstr_t assemblyString, struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity ); long ExecuteAssembly ( _bstr_t assemblyFile, struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity ); long ExecuteAssembly_2 ( _bstr_t assemblyFile ); long ExecuteAssembly_3 ( _bstr_t assemblyFile, struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity, SAFEARRAY * args ); _bstr_t GetFriendlyName ( ); _bstr_t GetBaseDirectory ( ); _bstr_t GetRelativeSearchPath ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetShadowCopyFiles ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetAssemblies ( ); HRESULT AppendPrivatePath ( _bstr_t Path ); HRESULT ClearPrivatePath ( ); HRESULT SetShadowCopyPath ( _bstr_t s ); HRESULT ClearShadowCopyPath ( ); HRESULT SetCachePath ( _bstr_t s ); HRESULT SetData ( _bstr_t name, const _variant_t & data ); _variant_t GetData ( _bstr_t name ); HRESULT SetAppDomainPolicy ( struct _PolicyLevel * domainPolicy ); HRESULT SetThreadPrincipal ( struct IPrincipal * principal ); HRESULT SetPrincipalPolicy ( enum PrincipalPolicy policy ); HRESULT DoCallBack ( struct _CrossAppDomainDelegate * theDelegate ); _bstr_t GetDynamicDirectory ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InitializeLifetimeService ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLifetimeService ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Evidence ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Evidence * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_DomainUnload ( /*[in]*/ struct _EventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_DomainUnload ( /*[in]*/ struct _EventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_AssemblyLoad ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyLoadEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_AssemblyLoad ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyLoadEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_ProcessExit ( /*[in]*/ struct _EventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_ProcessExit ( /*[in]*/ struct _EventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_TypeResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_TypeResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_ResourceResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_ResourceResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_AssemblyResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_AssemblyResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_UnhandledException ( /*[in]*/ struct _UnhandledExceptionEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_UnhandledException ( /*[in]*/ struct _UnhandledExceptionEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_2 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ BSTR dir, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_3 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * Evidence, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_4 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_5 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ BSTR dir, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * Evidence, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_6 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ BSTR dir, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_7 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * Evidence, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_8 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ BSTR dir, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * Evidence, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DefineDynamicAssembly_9 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * name, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyBuilderAccess access, /*[in]*/ BSTR dir, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * Evidence, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * requiredPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * optionalPermissions, /*[in]*/ struct _PermissionSet * refusedPermissions, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IsSynchronized, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstance ( /*[in]*/ BSTR AssemblyName, /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ObjectHandle * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstanceFrom ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyFile, /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ObjectHandle * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstance_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR AssemblyName, /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ObjectHandle * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstanceFrom_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyFile, /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ObjectHandle * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstance_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR AssemblyName, /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * securityAttributes, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ObjectHandle * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstanceFrom_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyFile, /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * securityAttributes, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ObjectHandle * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * assemblyRef, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyString, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load_3 ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawAssembly, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load_4 ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawAssembly, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawSymbolStore, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load_5 ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawAssembly, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawSymbolStore, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * securityEvidence, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load_6 ( /*[in]*/ struct _AssemblyName * assemblyRef, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load_7 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyString, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExecuteAssembly ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyFile, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExecuteAssembly_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyFile, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExecuteAssembly_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR assemblyFile, /*[in]*/ struct _Evidence * assemblySecurity, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FriendlyName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaseDirectory ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RelativeSearchPath ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShadowCopyFiles ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAssemblies ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendPrivatePath ( /*[in]*/ BSTR Path ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearPrivatePath ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetShadowCopyPath ( /*[in]*/ BSTR s ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearShadowCopyPath ( ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCachePath ( /*[in]*/ BSTR s ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetData ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ VARIANT data ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetData ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetAppDomainPolicy ( /*[in]*/ struct _PolicyLevel * domainPolicy ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetThreadPrincipal ( /*[in]*/ struct IPrincipal * principal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPrincipalPolicy ( /*[in]*/ enum PrincipalPolicy policy ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DoCallBack ( /*[in]*/ struct _CrossAppDomainDelegate * theDelegate ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DynamicDirectory ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("2b130940-ca5e-3406-8385-e259e68ab039")) ICustomFormatter : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t format ( _bstr_t format, const _variant_t & arg, struct IFormatProvider * formatProvider ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_format ( /*[in]*/ BSTR format, /*[in]*/ VARIANT arg, /*[in]*/ struct IFormatProvider * formatProvider, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("c8cb1ded-2814-396a-9cc0-473ca49779cc")) IFormatProvider : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t GetFormat ( struct _Type * formatType ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFormat ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * formatType, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("b9b91146-d6c2-3a62-8159-c2d1794cdeb0")) ICustomAttributeProvider : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f7102fa9-cabb-3a74-a6da-b4567ef1b079")) _MemberInfo : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("bca8b44d-aad6-3a86-8ab7-03349f4f2da2")) _Type : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNestedPublic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNestedPublic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNestedPrivate)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNestedPrivate; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNestedFamily)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNestedFamily; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNestedAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNestedAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNestedFamANDAssem)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNestedFamANDAssem; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAutoLayout)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAutoLayout; __declspec(property(get=GetIsLayoutSequential)) VARIANT_BOOL IsLayoutSequential; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; __declspec(property(get=GetIsExplicitLayout)) VARIANT_BOOL IsExplicitLayout; __declspec(property(get=GetIsClass)) VARIANT_BOOL IsClass; __declspec(property(get=GetIsInterface)) VARIANT_BOOL IsInterface; __declspec(property(get=GetGuid)) GUID Guid; __declspec(property(get=GetModule)) _ModulePtr Module; __declspec(property(get=GetAssembly)) _AssemblyPtr Assembly; __declspec(property(get=GetTypeHandle)) struct RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle; __declspec(property(get=GetFullName)) _bstr_t FullName; __declspec(property(get=GetNamespace)) _bstr_t Namespace; __declspec(property(get=GetAssemblyQualifiedName)) _bstr_t AssemblyQualifiedName; __declspec(property(get=GetIsValueType)) VARIANT_BOOL IsValueType; __declspec(property(get=GetBaseType)) _TypePtr BaseType; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNestedFamORAssem)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNestedFamORAssem; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAbstract)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAbstract; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSealed)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSealed; __declspec(property(get=GetIsEnum)) VARIANT_BOOL IsEnum; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialName)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialName; __declspec(property(get=GetIsImport)) VARIANT_BOOL IsImport; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSerializable)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSerializable; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAnsiClass)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAnsiClass; __declspec(property(get=GetIsUnicodeClass)) VARIANT_BOOL IsUnicodeClass; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAutoClass)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAutoClass; __declspec(property(get=GetIsArray)) VARIANT_BOOL IsArray; __declspec(property(get=GetIsByRef)) VARIANT_BOOL IsByRef; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPointer)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPointer; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPrimitive)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPrimitive; __declspec(property(get=GetIsCOMObject)) VARIANT_BOOL IsCOMObject; __declspec(property(get=GetHasElementType)) VARIANT_BOOL HasElementType; __declspec(property(get=GetIsContextful)) VARIANT_BOOL IsContextful; __declspec(property(get=GetIsMarshalByRef)) VARIANT_BOOL IsMarshalByRef; __declspec(property(get=GetUnderlyingSystemType)) _TypePtr UnderlyingSystemType; __declspec(property(get=GetTypeInitializer)) _ConstructorInfoPtr TypeInitializer; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) enum TypeAttributes Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNotPublic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNotPublic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPublic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPublic; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); GUID GetGuid ( ); _ModulePtr GetModule ( ); _AssemblyPtr GetAssembly ( ); struct RuntimeTypeHandle GetTypeHandle ( ); _bstr_t GetFullName ( ); _bstr_t GetNamespace ( ); _bstr_t GetAssemblyQualifiedName ( ); long GetArrayRank ( ); _TypePtr GetBaseType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetConstructors ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _TypePtr GetInterface ( _bstr_t name, VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase ); SAFEARRAY * GetInterfaces ( ); SAFEARRAY * FindInterfaces ( struct _TypeFilter * filter, const _variant_t & filterCriteria ); _EventInfoPtr GetEvent ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetEvents ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetEvents_2 ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetNestedTypes ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _TypePtr GetNestedType ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetMember ( _bstr_t name, enum MemberTypes Type, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetDefaultMembers ( ); SAFEARRAY * FindMembers ( enum MemberTypes MemberType, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _MemberFilter * filter, const _variant_t & filterCriteria ); _TypePtr GetElementType ( ); VARIANT_BOOL IsSubclassOf ( struct _Type * c ); VARIANT_BOOL IsInstanceOfType ( const _variant_t & o ); VARIANT_BOOL IsAssignableFrom ( struct _Type * c ); struct InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap ( struct _Type * interfaceType ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod_2 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetMethods ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _FieldInfoPtr GetField ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetFields ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty_2 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, struct _Type * returnType, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); SAFEARRAY * GetProperties ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetMember_2 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetMembers ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _variant_t InvokeMember ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, const _variant_t & Target, SAFEARRAY * args, SAFEARRAY * modifiers, struct _CultureInfo * culture, SAFEARRAY * namedParameters ); _TypePtr GetUnderlyingSystemType ( ); _variant_t InvokeMember_2 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, const _variant_t & Target, SAFEARRAY * args, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); _variant_t InvokeMember_3 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, const _variant_t & Target, SAFEARRAY * args ); _ConstructorInfoPtr GetConstructor ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, enum CallingConventions callConvention, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _ConstructorInfoPtr GetConstructor_2 ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _ConstructorInfoPtr GetConstructor_3 ( SAFEARRAY * types ); SAFEARRAY * GetConstructors_2 ( ); _ConstructorInfoPtr GetTypeInitializer ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod_3 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, enum CallingConventions callConvention, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod_4 ( _bstr_t name, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod_5 ( _bstr_t name, SAFEARRAY * types ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod_6 ( _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetMethods_2 ( ); _FieldInfoPtr GetField_2 ( _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetFields_2 ( ); _TypePtr GetInterface_2 ( _bstr_t name ); _EventInfoPtr GetEvent_2 ( _bstr_t name ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty_3 ( _bstr_t name, struct _Type * returnType, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty_4 ( _bstr_t name, struct _Type * returnType, SAFEARRAY * types ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty_5 ( _bstr_t name, SAFEARRAY * types ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty_6 ( _bstr_t name, struct _Type * returnType ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty_7 ( _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetProperties_2 ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetNestedTypes_2 ( ); _TypePtr GetNestedType_2 ( _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetMember_3 ( _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetMembers_2 ( ); enum TypeAttributes GetAttributes ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNotPublic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPublic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNestedPublic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNestedPrivate ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNestedFamily ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNestedAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNestedFamANDAssem ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNestedFamORAssem ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAutoLayout ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLayoutSequential ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsExplicitLayout ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsClass ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsInterface ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsValueType ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAbstract ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSealed ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEnum ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialName ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsImport ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSerializable ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAnsiClass ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsUnicodeClass ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAutoClass ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsArray ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsByRef ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPointer ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPrimitive ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCOMObject ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetHasElementType ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsContextful ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMarshalByRef ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals_2 ( struct _Type * o ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Guid ( /*[out,retval]*/ GUID * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Module ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Module * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Assembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TypeHandle ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct RuntimeTypeHandle * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Namespace ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AssemblyQualifiedName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetArrayRank ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaseType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetConstructors ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInterface ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInterfaces ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindInterfaces ( /*[in]*/ struct _TypeFilter * filter, /*[in]*/ VARIANT filterCriteria, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEvent ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _EventInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEvents ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEvents_2 ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNestedTypes ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNestedType ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMember ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum MemberTypes Type, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDefaultMembers ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindMembers ( /*[in]*/ enum MemberTypes MemberType, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _MemberFilter * filter, /*[in]*/ VARIANT filterCriteria, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetElementType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsSubclassOf ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * c, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsInstanceOfType ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT o, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsAssignableFrom ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * c, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInterfaceMap ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * interfaceType, /*[out,retval]*/ struct InterfaceMapping * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethods ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetField ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _FieldInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFields ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * returnType, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperties ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMember_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMembers ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeMember ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ VARIANT Target, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * namedParameters, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnderlyingSystemType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeMember_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ VARIANT Target, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeMember_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ VARIANT Target, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetConstructor ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ enum CallingConventions callConvention, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ConstructorInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetConstructor_2 ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ConstructorInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetConstructor_3 ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ConstructorInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetConstructors_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TypeInitializer ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ConstructorInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ enum CallingConventions callConvention, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod_4 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod_5 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod_6 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethods_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetField_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _FieldInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFields_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInterface_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEvent_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _EventInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * returnType, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty_4 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * returnType, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty_5 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty_6 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * returnType, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty_7 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperties_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNestedTypes_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNestedType_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMember_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMembers_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum TypeAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNotPublic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPublic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNestedPublic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNestedPrivate ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNestedFamily ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNestedAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNestedFamANDAssem ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNestedFamORAssem ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAutoLayout ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLayoutSequential ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsExplicitLayout ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsClass ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsInterface ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsValueType ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAbstract ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSealed ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEnum ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialName ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsImport ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSerializable ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAnsiClass ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsUnicodeClass ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAutoClass ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsArray ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsByRef ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPointer ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPrimitive ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCOMObject ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasElementType ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsContextful ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMarshalByRef ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals_2 ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * o, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("9dc6ac40-edfa-3e34-9ad1-b7a0a9e3a40a")) CustomAttributeTypedArgument { IUnknown * m_value; struct _Type * m_argumentType; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("7fc47a26-aa2e-32ea-bde4-01a490842d87")) CustomAttributeNamedArgument { struct _MemberInfo * m_memberInfo; struct CustomAttributeTypedArgument m_value; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("5f7a2664-4778-3d72-a78f-d38b6b00180d")) InterfaceMapping { struct _Type * TargetType; struct _Type * interfaceType; SAFEARRAY * TargetMethods; SAFEARRAY * InterfaceMethods; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("f4f5c303-fad3-3d0c-a4df-bb82b5ee308f")) IFormatterConverter : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString[]; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t Convert ( const _variant_t & value, struct _Type * Type ); _variant_t Convert_2 ( const _variant_t & value, enum TypeCode TypeCode ); VARIANT_BOOL ToBoolean ( const _variant_t & value ); unsigned short ToChar ( const _variant_t & value ); char ToSByte ( const _variant_t & value ); unsigned char ToByte ( const _variant_t & value ); short ToInt16 ( const _variant_t & value ); unsigned short ToUInt16 ( const _variant_t & value ); long ToInt32 ( const _variant_t & value ); unsigned long ToUInt32 ( const _variant_t & value ); __int64 ToInt64 ( const _variant_t & value ); unsigned __int64 ToUInt64 ( const _variant_t & value ); float ToSingle ( const _variant_t & value ); double ToDouble ( const _variant_t & value ); DECIMAL ToDecimal ( const _variant_t & value ); DATE ToDateTime ( const _variant_t & value ); _bstr_t GetToString ( const _variant_t & value ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Convert ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Convert_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[in]*/ enum TypeCode TypeCode, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToBoolean ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToChar ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned short * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToSByte ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ char * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToByte ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned char * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToInt16 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ short * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToUInt16 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned short * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToInt32 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToUInt32 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToInt64 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ __int64 * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToUInt64 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned __int64 * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToSingle ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ float * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToDouble ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ double * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToDecimal ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ DECIMAL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToDateTime ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct __declspec(uuid("3642e7ed-5a69-3a94-98d3-a08877a0d046")) SerializationEntry { struct _Type * m_type; IUnknown * m_value; LPSTR m_name; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(uuid("0ca9008e-ee90-356e-9f6d-b59e6006b9a4")) ICustomFactory : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _MarshalByRefObjectPtr CreateInstance ( struct _Type * serverType ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstance ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * serverType, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MarshalByRefObject * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("c09effa9-1ffe-3a52-a733-6236cbc45e7b")) IRemotingTypeInfo : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GettypeName,put=PuttypeName)) _bstr_t typeName; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GettypeName ( ); void PuttypeName ( _bstr_t pRetVal ); VARIANT_BOOL CanCastTo ( struct _Type * fromType, const _variant_t & o ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_typeName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_typeName ( /*[in]*/ BSTR pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanCastTo ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * fromType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT o, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("65074f7f-63c0-304e-af0a-d51741cb4a8d")) _Object : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & obj ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("ea675b47-64e0-3b5f-9be7-f7dc2990730d")) _ObjectHandle : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & obj ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); _variant_t GetLifetimeService ( ); _variant_t InitializeLifetimeService ( ); _ObjRefPtr CreateObjRef ( struct _Type * requestedType ); _variant_t Unwrap ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLifetimeService ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InitializeLifetimeService ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateObjRef ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * requestedType, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ObjRef * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unwrap ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("afbf15e5-c37c-11d2-b88e-00a0c9b471b8")) IReflect : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetUnderlyingSystemType)) _TypePtr UnderlyingSystemType; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod_2 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetMethods ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _FieldInfoPtr GetField ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetFields ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _PropertyInfoPtr GetProperty_2 ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, struct _Type * returnType, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); SAFEARRAY * GetProperties ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetMember ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); SAFEARRAY * GetMembers ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr ); _variant_t InvokeMember ( _bstr_t name, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, const _variant_t & Target, SAFEARRAY * args, SAFEARRAY * modifiers, struct _CultureInfo * culture, SAFEARRAY * namedParameters ); _TypePtr GetUnderlyingSystemType ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethods ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetField ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _FieldInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFields ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * returnType, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperties ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMember ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMembers ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeMember ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ VARIANT Target, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * namedParameters, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnderlyingSystemType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("20808adc-cc01-3f3a-8f09-ed12940fc212")) ISymbolBinder : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // ISymbolReaderPtr GetReader ( long importer, _bstr_t filename, _bstr_t searchPath ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetReader ( /*[in]*/ long importer, /*[in]*/ BSTR filename, /*[in]*/ BSTR searchPath, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolReader * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("027c036a-4052-3821-85de-b53319df1211")) ISymbolBinder1 : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // ISymbolReaderPtr GetReader ( long importer, _bstr_t filename, _bstr_t searchPath ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetReader ( /*[in]*/ long importer, /*[in]*/ BSTR filename, /*[in]*/ BSTR searchPath, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolReader * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("25c72eb0-e437-3f17-946d-3b72a3acff37")) ISymbolMethod : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToken)) struct SymbolToken Token; __declspec(property(get=GetSequencePointCount)) long SequencePointCount; __declspec(property(get=GetRootScope)) ISymbolScopePtr RootScope; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // struct SymbolToken GetToken ( ); long GetSequencePointCount ( ); HRESULT GetSequencePoints ( SAFEARRAY * offsets, SAFEARRAY * documents, SAFEARRAY * lines, SAFEARRAY * columns, SAFEARRAY * endLines, SAFEARRAY * endColumns ); ISymbolScopePtr GetRootScope ( ); ISymbolScopePtr GetScope ( long offset ); long GetOffset ( struct ISymbolDocument * document, long line, long column ); SAFEARRAY * GetRanges ( struct ISymbolDocument * document, long line, long column ); SAFEARRAY * GetParameters ( ); ISymbolNamespacePtr GetNamespace ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetSourceStartEnd ( SAFEARRAY * docs, SAFEARRAY * lines, SAFEARRAY * columns ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Token ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct SymbolToken * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SequencePointCount ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSequencePoints ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * offsets, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * documents, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * lines, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * columns, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * endLines, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * endColumns ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RootScope ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolScope * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetScope ( /*[in]*/ long offset, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolScope * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOffset ( /*[in]*/ struct ISymbolDocument * document, /*[in]*/ long line, /*[in]*/ long column, /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRanges ( /*[in]*/ struct ISymbolDocument * document, /*[in]*/ long line, /*[in]*/ long column, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetParameters ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNamespace ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolNamespace * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSourceStartEnd ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * docs, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * lines, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * columns, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e809a5f1-d3d7-3144-9bef-fe8ac0364699")) ISymbolReader : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetUserEntryPoint)) struct SymbolToken UserEntryPoint; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // ISymbolDocumentPtr GetDocument ( _bstr_t Url, GUID Language, GUID LanguageVendor, GUID DocumentType ); SAFEARRAY * GetDocuments ( ); struct SymbolToken GetUserEntryPoint ( ); ISymbolMethodPtr GetMethod ( struct SymbolToken Method ); ISymbolMethodPtr GetMethod_2 ( struct SymbolToken Method, long Version ); SAFEARRAY * GetVariables ( struct SymbolToken parent ); SAFEARRAY * GetGlobalVariables ( ); ISymbolMethodPtr GetMethodFromDocumentPosition ( struct ISymbolDocument * document, long line, long column ); SAFEARRAY * GetSymAttribute ( struct SymbolToken parent, _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetNamespaces ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDocument ( /*[in]*/ BSTR Url, /*[in]*/ GUID Language, /*[in]*/ GUID LanguageVendor, /*[in]*/ GUID DocumentType, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolDocument * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDocuments ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UserEntryPoint ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct SymbolToken * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken Method, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolMethod * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethod_2 ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken Method, /*[in]*/ long Version, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolMethod * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetVariables ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken parent, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetGlobalVariables ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethodFromDocumentPosition ( /*[in]*/ struct ISymbolDocument * document, /*[in]*/ long line, /*[in]*/ long column, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolMethod * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSymAttribute ( /*[in]*/ struct SymbolToken parent, /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNamespaces ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("1cee3a11-01ae-3244-a939-4972fc9703ef")) ISymbolScope : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetMethod)) ISymbolMethodPtr Method; __declspec(property(get=Getparent)) ISymbolScopePtr parent; __declspec(property(get=GetStartOffset)) long StartOffset; __declspec(property(get=GetEndOffset)) long EndOffset; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // ISymbolMethodPtr GetMethod ( ); ISymbolScopePtr Getparent ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetChildren ( ); long GetStartOffset ( ); long GetEndOffset ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetLocals ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetNamespaces ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Method ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolMethod * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_parent ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISymbolScope * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetChildren ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartOffset ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndOffset ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLocals ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNamespaces ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("17156360-2f1a-384a-bc52-fde93c215c5b")) _Assembly : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetCodeBase)) _bstr_t CodeBase; __declspec(property(get=GetEscapedCodeBase)) _bstr_t EscapedCodeBase; __declspec(property(get=GetFullName)) _bstr_t FullName; __declspec(property(get=GetEntryPoint)) _MethodInfoPtr EntryPoint; __declspec(property(get=GetGlobalAssemblyCache)) VARIANT_BOOL GlobalAssemblyCache; __declspec(property(get=GetLocation)) _bstr_t Location; __declspec(property(get=GetEvidence)) _EvidencePtr Evidence; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); _bstr_t GetCodeBase ( ); _bstr_t GetEscapedCodeBase ( ); _AssemblyNamePtr GetName ( ); _AssemblyNamePtr GetName_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL copiedName ); _bstr_t GetFullName ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetEntryPoint ( ); _TypePtr GetType_2 ( _bstr_t name ); _TypePtr GetType_3 ( _bstr_t name, VARIANT_BOOL throwOnError ); SAFEARRAY * GetExportedTypes ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetTypes ( ); _StreamPtr GetManifestResourceStream ( struct _Type * Type, _bstr_t name ); _StreamPtr GetManifestResourceStream_2 ( _bstr_t name ); _FileStreamPtr GetFile ( _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetFiles ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetFiles_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL getResourceModules ); SAFEARRAY * GetManifestResourceNames ( ); _ManifestResourceInfoPtr GetManifestResourceInfo ( _bstr_t resourceName ); _bstr_t GetLocation ( ); _EvidencePtr GetEvidence ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); HRESULT GetObjectData ( struct _SerializationInfo * info, struct StreamingContext Context ); HRESULT add_ModuleResolve ( struct _ModuleResolveEventHandler * value ); HRESULT remove_ModuleResolve ( struct _ModuleResolveEventHandler * value ); _TypePtr GetType_4 ( _bstr_t name, VARIANT_BOOL throwOnError, VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase ); _AssemblyPtr GetSatelliteAssembly ( struct _CultureInfo * culture ); _AssemblyPtr GetSatelliteAssembly_2 ( struct _CultureInfo * culture, struct _Version * Version ); _ModulePtr LoadModule ( _bstr_t moduleName, SAFEARRAY * rawModule ); _ModulePtr LoadModule_2 ( _bstr_t moduleName, SAFEARRAY * rawModule, SAFEARRAY * rawSymbolStore ); _variant_t CreateInstance ( _bstr_t typeName ); _variant_t CreateInstance_2 ( _bstr_t typeName, VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase ); _variant_t CreateInstance_3 ( _bstr_t typeName, VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * args, struct _CultureInfo * culture, SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes ); SAFEARRAY * GetLoadedModules ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetLoadedModules_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL getResourceModules ); SAFEARRAY * GetModules ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetModules_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL getResourceModules ); _ModulePtr GetModule ( _bstr_t name ); SAFEARRAY * GetReferencedAssemblies ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetGlobalAssemblyCache ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CodeBase ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EscapedCodeBase ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetName ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyName * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetName_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL copiedName, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyName * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EntryPoint ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL throwOnError, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetExportedTypes ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypes ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetManifestResourceStream ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Stream * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetManifestResourceStream_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Stream * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFile ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _FileStream * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFiles ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFiles_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL getResourceModules, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetManifestResourceNames ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetManifestResourceInfo ( /*[in]*/ BSTR resourceName, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _ManifestResourceInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Location ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Evidence ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Evidence * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetObjectData ( /*[in]*/ struct _SerializationInfo * info, /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_add_ModuleResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ModuleResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_remove_ModuleResolve ( /*[in]*/ struct _ModuleResolveEventHandler * value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType_4 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL throwOnError, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSatelliteAssembly ( /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSatelliteAssembly_2 ( /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[in]*/ struct _Version * Version, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadModule ( /*[in]*/ BSTR moduleName, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawModule, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Module * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadModule_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR moduleName, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawModule, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * rawSymbolStore, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Module * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstance ( /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstance_2 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInstance_3 ( /*[in]*/ BSTR typeName, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ignoreCase, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * activationAttributes, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLoadedModules ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLoadedModules_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL getResourceModules, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetModules ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetModules_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL getResourceModules, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetModule ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Module * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetReferencedAssemblies ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GlobalAssemblyCache ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c3bf76-c3e4-11d3-88e7-00902754c43a")) ITypeLibImporterNotifySink : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT ReportEvent ( enum ImporterEventKind eventKind, long eventCode, _bstr_t eventMsg ); _AssemblyPtr ResolveRef ( IUnknown * typeLib ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReportEvent ( /*[in]*/ enum ImporterEventKind eventKind, /*[in]*/ long eventCode, /*[in]*/ BSTR eventMsg ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResolveRef ( /*[in]*/ IUnknown * typeLib, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Assembly * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("ccbd682c-73a5-4568-b8b0-c7007e11aba2")) IRegistrationServices : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL RegisterAssembly ( struct _Assembly * Assembly, enum AssemblyRegistrationFlags flags ); VARIANT_BOOL UnregisterAssembly ( struct _Assembly * Assembly ); SAFEARRAY * GetRegistrableTypesInAssembly ( struct _Assembly * Assembly ); _bstr_t GetProgIdForType ( struct _Type * Type ); HRESULT RegisterTypeForComClients ( struct _Type * Type, GUID * G ); GUID GetManagedCategoryGuid ( ); VARIANT_BOOL TypeRequiresRegistration ( struct _Type * Type ); VARIANT_BOOL TypeRepresentsComType ( struct _Type * Type ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegisterAssembly ( /*[in]*/ struct _Assembly * Assembly, /*[in]*/ enum AssemblyRegistrationFlags flags, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnregisterAssembly ( /*[in]*/ struct _Assembly * Assembly, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRegistrableTypesInAssembly ( /*[in]*/ struct _Assembly * Assembly, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProgIdForType ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegisterTypeForComClients ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[in,out]*/ GUID * G ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetManagedCategoryGuid ( /*[out,retval]*/ GUID * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TypeRequiresRegistration ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TypeRepresentsComType ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c3bf77-c3e4-11d3-88e7-00902754c43a")) ITypeLibExporterNotifySink : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT ReportEvent ( enum ExporterEventKind eventKind, long eventCode, _bstr_t eventMsg ); IUnknownPtr ResolveRef ( struct _Assembly * Assembly ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReportEvent ( /*[in]*/ enum ExporterEventKind eventKind, /*[in]*/ long eventCode, /*[in]*/ BSTR eventMsg ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResolveRef ( /*[in]*/ struct _Assembly * Assembly, /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f1c3bf78-c3e4-11d3-88e7-00902754c43a")) ITypeLibConverter : IUnknown { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _AssemblyBuilderPtr ConvertTypeLibToAssembly ( IUnknown * typeLib, _bstr_t asmFileName, enum TypeLibImporterFlags flags, struct ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * notifySink, SAFEARRAY * publicKey, struct _StrongNameKeyPair * keyPair, _bstr_t asmNamespace, struct _Version * asmVersion ); IUnknownPtr ConvertAssemblyToTypeLib ( struct _Assembly * Assembly, _bstr_t typeLibName, enum TypeLibExporterFlags flags, struct ITypeLibExporterNotifySink * notifySink ); VARIANT_BOOL GetPrimaryInteropAssembly ( GUID G, long major, long minor, long lcid, BSTR * asmName, BSTR * asmCodeBase ); _AssemblyBuilderPtr ConvertTypeLibToAssembly_2 ( IUnknown * typeLib, _bstr_t asmFileName, long flags, struct ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * notifySink, SAFEARRAY * publicKey, struct _StrongNameKeyPair * keyPair, VARIANT_BOOL unsafeInterfaces ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertTypeLibToAssembly ( /*[in]*/ IUnknown * typeLib, /*[in]*/ BSTR asmFileName, /*[in]*/ enum TypeLibImporterFlags flags, /*[in]*/ struct ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * notifySink, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * publicKey, /*[in]*/ struct _StrongNameKeyPair * keyPair, /*[in]*/ BSTR asmNamespace, /*[in]*/ struct _Version * asmVersion, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertAssemblyToTypeLib ( /*[in]*/ struct _Assembly * Assembly, /*[in]*/ BSTR typeLibName, /*[in]*/ enum TypeLibExporterFlags flags, /*[in]*/ struct ITypeLibExporterNotifySink * notifySink, /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPrimaryInteropAssembly ( /*[in]*/ GUID G, /*[in]*/ long major, /*[in]*/ long minor, /*[in]*/ long lcid, /*[out]*/ BSTR * asmName, /*[out]*/ BSTR * asmCodeBase, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertTypeLibToAssembly_2 ( /*[in]*/ IUnknown * typeLib, /*[in]*/ BSTR asmFileName, /*[in]*/ long flags, /*[in]*/ struct ITypeLibImporterNotifySink * notifySink, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * publicKey, /*[in]*/ struct _StrongNameKeyPair * keyPair, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL unsafeInterfaces, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _AssemblyBuilder * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("6240837a-707f-3181-8e98-a36ae086766b")) _MethodBase : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialName)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialName; __declspec(property(get=GetIsConstructor)) VARIANT_BOOL IsConstructor; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; __declspec(property(get=GetMethodHandle)) struct RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) enum MethodAttributes Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetCallingConvention)) enum CallingConventions CallingConvention; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPublic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPublic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPrivate)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPrivate; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamily)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamily; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyAndAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyAndAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyOrAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyOrAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsStatic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsStatic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFinal)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFinal; __declspec(property(get=GetIsVirtual)) VARIANT_BOOL IsVirtual; __declspec(property(get=GetIsHideBySig)) VARIANT_BOOL IsHideBySig; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAbstract)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAbstract; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetParameters ( ); enum MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags ( ); struct RuntimeMethodHandle GetMethodHandle ( ); enum MethodAttributes GetAttributes ( ); enum CallingConventions GetCallingConvention ( ); _variant_t Invoke_2 ( const _variant_t & obj, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * parameters, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPublic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPrivate ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamily ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyAndAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyOrAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsStatic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFinal ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsVirtual ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsHideBySig ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAbstract ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialName ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsConstructor ( ); _variant_t Invoke_3 ( const _variant_t & obj, SAFEARRAY * parameters ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetParameters ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethodImplementationFlags ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MethodImplAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MethodHandle ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct RuntimeMethodHandle * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MethodAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CallingConvention ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum CallingConventions * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPublic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPrivate ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamily ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyAndAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyOrAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsStatic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFinal ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsVirtual ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsHideBySig ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAbstract ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialName ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsConstructor ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_3 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("8e5e0b95-750e-310d-892c-8ca7231cf75b")) IMethodMessage : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetUri)) _bstr_t Uri; __declspec(property(get=GetMethodName)) _bstr_t MethodName; __declspec(property(get=GettypeName)) _bstr_t typeName; __declspec(property(get=GetMethodSignature)) _variant_t MethodSignature; __declspec(property(get=GetArgCount)) long ArgCount; __declspec(property(get=Getargs)) SAFEARRAY * args; __declspec(property(get=GetHasVarArgs)) VARIANT_BOOL HasVarArgs; __declspec(property(get=GetLogicalCallContext)) _LogicalCallContextPtr LogicalCallContext; __declspec(property(get=GetMethodBase)) _MethodBasePtr MethodBase; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetUri ( ); _bstr_t GetMethodName ( ); _bstr_t GettypeName ( ); _variant_t GetMethodSignature ( ); long GetArgCount ( ); _bstr_t GetArgName ( long index ); _variant_t GetArg ( long argNum ); SAFEARRAY * Getargs ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetHasVarArgs ( ); _LogicalCallContextPtr GetLogicalCallContext ( ); _MethodBasePtr GetMethodBase ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Uri ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MethodName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_typeName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MethodSignature ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ArgCount ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetArgName ( /*[in]*/ long index, /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetArg ( /*[in]*/ long argNum, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_args ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasVarArgs ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LogicalCallContext ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _LogicalCallContext * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MethodBase ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodBase * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("ffcc1b5d-ecb8-38dd-9b01-3dc8abc2aa5f")) _MethodInfo : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; __declspec(property(get=GetMethodHandle)) struct RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) enum MethodAttributes Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetCallingConvention)) enum CallingConventions CallingConvention; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPublic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPublic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPrivate)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPrivate; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamily)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamily; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyAndAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyAndAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyOrAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyOrAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsStatic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsStatic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFinal)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFinal; __declspec(property(get=GetIsVirtual)) VARIANT_BOOL IsVirtual; __declspec(property(get=GetIsHideBySig)) VARIANT_BOOL IsHideBySig; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAbstract)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAbstract; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialName)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialName; __declspec(property(get=GetIsConstructor)) VARIANT_BOOL IsConstructor; __declspec(property(get=GetreturnType)) _TypePtr returnType; __declspec(property(get=GetReturnTypeCustomAttributes)) ICustomAttributeProviderPtr ReturnTypeCustomAttributes; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetParameters ( ); enum MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags ( ); struct RuntimeMethodHandle GetMethodHandle ( ); enum MethodAttributes GetAttributes ( ); enum CallingConventions GetCallingConvention ( ); _variant_t Invoke_2 ( const _variant_t & obj, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * parameters, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPublic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPrivate ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamily ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyAndAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyOrAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsStatic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFinal ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsVirtual ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsHideBySig ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAbstract ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialName ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsConstructor ( ); _variant_t Invoke_3 ( const _variant_t & obj, SAFEARRAY * parameters ); _TypePtr GetreturnType ( ); ICustomAttributeProviderPtr GetReturnTypeCustomAttributes ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetBaseDefinition ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetParameters ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethodImplementationFlags ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MethodImplAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MethodHandle ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct RuntimeMethodHandle * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MethodAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CallingConvention ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum CallingConventions * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPublic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPrivate ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamily ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyAndAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyOrAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsStatic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFinal ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsVirtual ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsHideBySig ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAbstract ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialName ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsConstructor ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_3 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_returnType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICustomAttributeProvider * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBaseDefinition ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("fb6ab00f-5096-3af8-a33d-d7885a5fa829")) _Delegate : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetMethod)) _MethodInfoPtr Method; __declspec(property(get=GetTarget)) _variant_t Target; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & obj ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetInvocationList ( ); _variant_t Clone ( ); HRESULT GetObjectData ( struct _SerializationInfo * info, struct StreamingContext Context ); _variant_t DynamicInvoke ( SAFEARRAY * args ); _MethodInfoPtr GetMethod ( ); _variant_t GetTarget ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetInvocationList ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clone ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetObjectData ( /*[in]*/ struct _SerializationInfo * info, /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DynamicInvoke ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * args, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Method ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Target ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("9de59c64-d889-35a1-b897-587d74469e5b")) _EventInfo : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) enum EventAttributes Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetEventHandlerType)) _TypePtr EventHandlerType; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialName)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialName; __declspec(property(get=GetIsMulticast)) VARIANT_BOOL IsMulticast; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); _MethodInfoPtr GetAddMethod ( VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic ); _MethodInfoPtr GetRemoveMethod ( VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic ); _MethodInfoPtr GetRaiseMethod ( VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic ); enum EventAttributes GetAttributes ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetAddMethod_2 ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetRemoveMethod_2 ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetRaiseMethod_2 ( ); HRESULT AddEventHandler ( const _variant_t & Target, struct _Delegate * handler ); HRESULT RemoveEventHandler ( const _variant_t & Target, struct _Delegate * handler ); _TypePtr GetEventHandlerType ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialName ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMulticast ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAddMethod ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRemoveMethod ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRaiseMethod ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum EventAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAddMethod_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRemoveMethod_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRaiseMethod_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddEventHandler ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT Target, /*[in]*/ struct _Delegate * handler ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveEventHandler ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT Target, /*[in]*/ struct _Delegate * handler ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EventHandlerType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialName ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMulticast ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e9a19478-9646-3679-9b10-8411ae1fd57d")) _ConstructorInfo : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialName)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialName; __declspec(property(get=GetIsConstructor)) VARIANT_BOOL IsConstructor; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; __declspec(property(get=GetMethodHandle)) struct RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) enum MethodAttributes Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetCallingConvention)) enum CallingConventions CallingConvention; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPublic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPublic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPrivate)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPrivate; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamily)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamily; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyAndAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyAndAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyOrAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyOrAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsStatic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsStatic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFinal)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFinal; __declspec(property(get=GetIsVirtual)) VARIANT_BOOL IsVirtual; __declspec(property(get=GetIsHideBySig)) VARIANT_BOOL IsHideBySig; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAbstract)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAbstract; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetParameters ( ); enum MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags ( ); struct RuntimeMethodHandle GetMethodHandle ( ); enum MethodAttributes GetAttributes ( ); enum CallingConventions GetCallingConvention ( ); _variant_t Invoke_2 ( const _variant_t & obj, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * parameters, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPublic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPrivate ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamily ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyAndAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyOrAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsStatic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFinal ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsVirtual ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsHideBySig ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAbstract ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialName ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsConstructor ( ); _variant_t Invoke_3 ( const _variant_t & obj, SAFEARRAY * parameters ); _variant_t Invoke_4 ( enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * parameters, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); _variant_t Invoke_5 ( SAFEARRAY * parameters ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetParameters ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMethodImplementationFlags ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MethodImplAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MethodHandle ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct RuntimeMethodHandle * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MethodAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CallingConvention ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum CallingConventions * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPublic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPrivate ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamily ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyAndAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyOrAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsStatic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFinal ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsVirtual ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsHideBySig ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAbstract ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialName ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsConstructor ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_3 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_4 ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke_5 ( /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * parameters, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("8a7c1442-a9fb-366b-80d8-4939ffa6dbe0")) _FieldInfo : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetIsNotSerialized)) VARIANT_BOOL IsNotSerialized; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialName)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialName; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPinvokeImpl)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPinvokeImpl; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; __declspec(property(get=GetFieldType)) _TypePtr FieldType; __declspec(property(get=GetFieldHandle)) struct RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) enum FieldAttributes Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPublic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPublic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsPrivate)) VARIANT_BOOL IsPrivate; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamily)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamily; __declspec(property(get=GetIsAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyAndAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyAndAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsFamilyOrAssembly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsFamilyOrAssembly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsStatic)) VARIANT_BOOL IsStatic; __declspec(property(get=GetIsInitOnly)) VARIANT_BOOL IsInitOnly; __declspec(property(get=GetIsLiteral)) VARIANT_BOOL IsLiteral; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); _TypePtr GetFieldType ( ); _variant_t GetValue ( const _variant_t & obj ); _variant_t GetValueDirect ( const _variant_t & obj ); HRESULT SetValue ( const _variant_t & obj, const _variant_t & value, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); HRESULT SetValueDirect ( const _variant_t & obj, const _variant_t & value ); struct RuntimeFieldHandle GetFieldHandle ( ); enum FieldAttributes GetAttributes ( ); HRESULT SetValue_2 ( const _variant_t & obj, const _variant_t & value ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPublic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPrivate ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamily ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyAndAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFamilyOrAssembly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsStatic ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsInitOnly ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLiteral ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNotSerialized ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialName ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPinvokeImpl ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FieldType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetValue ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetValueDirect ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetValue ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetValueDirect ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FieldHandle ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct RuntimeFieldHandle * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum FieldAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetValue_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPublic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPrivate ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamily ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyAndAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFamilyOrAssembly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsStatic ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsInitOnly ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLiteral ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNotSerialized ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialName ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPinvokeImpl ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("f59ed4e4-e68f-3218-bd77-061aa82824bf")) _PropertyInfo : IUnknown { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; __declspec(property(get=GetMemberType)) enum MemberTypes MemberType; __declspec(property(get=Getname)) _bstr_t name; __declspec(property(get=GetDeclaringType)) _TypePtr DeclaringType; __declspec(property(get=GetReflectedType)) _TypePtr ReflectedType; __declspec(property(get=GetPropertyType)) _TypePtr PropertyType; __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes)) enum PropertyAttributes Attributes; __declspec(property(get=GetCanRead)) VARIANT_BOOL CanRead; __declspec(property(get=GetCanWrite)) VARIANT_BOOL CanWrite; __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialName)) VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialName; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount ( unsigned long * pcTInfo ); HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( unsigned long iTInfo, unsigned long lcid, long ppTInfo ); HRESULT GetIDsOfNames ( GUID * riid, long rgszNames, unsigned long cNames, unsigned long lcid, long rgDispId ); HRESULT Invoke ( unsigned long dispIdMember, GUID * riid, unsigned long lcid, short wFlags, long pDispParams, long pVarResult, long pExcepInfo, long puArgErr ); _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & other ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); enum MemberTypes GetMemberType ( ); _bstr_t Getname ( ); _TypePtr GetDeclaringType ( ); _TypePtr GetReflectedType ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); SAFEARRAY * GetCustomAttributes_2 ( VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); VARIANT_BOOL IsDefined ( struct _Type * attributeType, VARIANT_BOOL inherit ); _TypePtr GetPropertyType ( ); _variant_t GetValue ( const _variant_t & obj, SAFEARRAY * index ); _variant_t GetValue_2 ( const _variant_t & obj, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * index, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); HRESULT SetValue ( const _variant_t & obj, const _variant_t & value, SAFEARRAY * index ); HRESULT SetValue_2 ( const _variant_t & obj, const _variant_t & value, enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, struct _Binder * Binder, SAFEARRAY * index, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); SAFEARRAY * GetAccessors ( VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic ); _MethodInfoPtr GetGetMethod ( VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic ); _MethodInfoPtr GetSetMethod ( VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic ); SAFEARRAY * GetIndexParameters ( ); enum PropertyAttributes GetAttributes ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetCanRead ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetCanWrite ( ); SAFEARRAY * GetAccessors_2 ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetGetMethod_2 ( ); _MethodInfoPtr GetSetMethod_2 ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialName ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfoCount ( /*[out]*/ unsigned long * pcTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTypeInfo ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long iTInfo, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long ppTInfo ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIDsOfNames ( /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ long rgszNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long cNames, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ long rgDispId ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke ( /*[in]*/ unsigned long dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ GUID * riid, /*[in]*/ unsigned long lcid, /*[in]*/ short wFlags, /*[in]*/ long pDispParams, /*[in]*/ long pVarResult, /*[in]*/ long pExcepInfo, /*[in]*/ long puArgErr ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT other, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MemberType ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum MemberTypes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_name ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeclaringType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReflectedType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCustomAttributes_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDefined ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * attributeType, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL inherit, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PropertyType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetValue ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * index, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetValue_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * index, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetValue ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * index ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetValue_2 ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags invokeAttr, /*[in]*/ struct _Binder * Binder, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * index, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAccessors ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic, /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetGetMethod ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSetMethod ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL nonPublic, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIndexParameters ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum PropertyAttributes * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanRead ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanWrite ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAccessors_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetGetMethod_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSetMethod_2 ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialName ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("afbf15e6-c37c-11d2-b88e-00a0c9b471b8")) IExpando : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _FieldInfoPtr AddField ( _bstr_t name ); _PropertyInfoPtr AddProperty ( _bstr_t name ); _MethodInfoPtr AddMethod ( _bstr_t name, struct _Delegate * Method ); HRESULT RemoveMember ( struct _MemberInfo * m ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddField ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _FieldInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddProperty ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddMethod ( /*[in]*/ BSTR name, /*[in]*/ struct _Delegate * Method, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveMember ( /*[in]*/ struct _MemberInfo * m ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3169ab11-7109-3808-9a61-ef4ba0534fd9")) _Binder : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetToString)) _bstr_t ToString; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetToString ( ); VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & obj ); long GetHashCode ( ); _TypePtr GetType ( ); _MethodBasePtr BindToMethod ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, SAFEARRAY * match, SAFEARRAY * * args, SAFEARRAY * modifiers, struct _CultureInfo * culture, SAFEARRAY * names, VARIANT * state ); _FieldInfoPtr BindToField ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, SAFEARRAY * match, const _variant_t & value, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); _MethodBasePtr SelectMethod ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, SAFEARRAY * match, SAFEARRAY * types, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _PropertyInfoPtr SelectProperty ( enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, SAFEARRAY * match, struct _Type * returnType, SAFEARRAY * indexes, SAFEARRAY * modifiers ); _variant_t ChangeType ( const _variant_t & value, struct _Type * Type, struct _CultureInfo * culture ); HRESULT ReorderArgumentArray ( SAFEARRAY * * args, const _variant_t & state ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToString ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Equals ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHashCode ( /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToMethod ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * match, /*[in,out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * args, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * names, /*[out]*/ VARIANT * state, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodBase * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToField ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * match, /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _FieldInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectMethod ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * match, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * types, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _MethodBase * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectProperty ( /*[in]*/ enum BindingFlags bindingAttr, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * match, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * returnType, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * indexes, /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * modifiers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _PropertyInfo * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ChangeType ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT value, /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[in]*/ struct _CultureInfo * culture, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReorderArgumentArray ( /*[in,out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * args, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("62339172-dbfa-337b-8ac8-053b241e06ab")) ISerializationSurrogate : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetObjectData ( const _variant_t & obj, struct _SerializationInfo * info, struct StreamingContext Context ); _variant_t SetObjectData ( const _variant_t & obj, struct _SerializationInfo * info, struct StreamingContext Context, struct ISurrogateSelector * selector ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetObjectData ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ struct _SerializationInfo * info, /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetObjectData ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT obj, /*[in]*/ struct _SerializationInfo * info, /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context, /*[in]*/ struct ISurrogateSelector * selector, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("7c66ff18-a1a5-3e19-857b-0e7b6a9e3f38")) ISurrogateSelector : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT ChainSelector ( struct ISurrogateSelector * selector ); ISerializationSurrogatePtr GetSurrogate ( struct _Type * Type, struct StreamingContext Context, struct ISurrogateSelector * * selector ); ISurrogateSelectorPtr GetNextSelector ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ChainSelector ( /*[in]*/ struct ISurrogateSelector * selector ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSurrogate ( /*[in]*/ struct _Type * Type, /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext Context, /*[out]*/ struct ISurrogateSelector * * selector, /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISerializationSurrogate * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNextSelector ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISurrogateSelector * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("93d7a8c5-d2eb-319b-a374-a65d321f2aa9")) IFormatter : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetSurrogateSelector,put=PutRefSurrogateSelector)) ISurrogateSelectorPtr SurrogateSelector; __declspec(property(get=GetBinder,put=PutRefBinder)) _SerializationBinderPtr Binder; __declspec(property(get=GetContext,put=PutContext)) struct StreamingContext Context; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _variant_t Deserialize ( struct _Stream * serializationStream ); HRESULT Serialize ( struct _Stream * serializationStream, const _variant_t & graph ); ISurrogateSelectorPtr GetSurrogateSelector ( ); void PutRefSurrogateSelector ( struct ISurrogateSelector * pRetVal ); _SerializationBinderPtr GetBinder ( ); void PutRefBinder ( struct _SerializationBinder * pRetVal ); struct StreamingContext GetContext ( ); void PutContext ( struct StreamingContext pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Deserialize ( /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * serializationStream, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Serialize ( /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * serializationStream, /*[in]*/ VARIANT graph ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SurrogateSelector ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct ISurrogateSelector * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_SurrogateSelector ( /*[in]*/ struct ISurrogateSelector * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Binder ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _SerializationBinder * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Binder ( /*[in]*/ struct _SerializationBinder * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Context ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct StreamingContext * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Context ( /*[in]*/ struct StreamingContext pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("4a68baa3-27aa-314a-bdbb-6ae9bdfc0420")) IContextAttribute : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL IsContextOK ( struct _Context * ctx, struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ); HRESULT GetPropertiesForNewContext ( struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsContextOK ( /*[in]*/ struct _Context * ctx, /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPropertiesForNewContext ( /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("c02bbb79-5aa8-390d-927f-717b7bff06a1")) IActivator : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetNextActivator,put=PutRefNextActivator)) IActivatorPtr NextActivator; __declspec(property(get=Getlevel)) enum ActivatorLevel level; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IActivatorPtr GetNextActivator ( ); void PutRefNextActivator ( struct IActivator * pRetVal ); IConstructionReturnMessagePtr Activate ( struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ); enum ActivatorLevel Getlevel ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NextActivator ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IActivator * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_NextActivator ( /*[in]*/ struct IActivator * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IConstructionReturnMessage * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_level ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum ActivatorLevel * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("fa28e3af-7d09-31d5-beeb-7f2626497cde")) IConstructionCallMessage : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetActivator,put=PutRefActivator)) IActivatorPtr Activator; __declspec(property(get=GetCallSiteActivationAttributes)) SAFEARRAY * CallSiteActivationAttributes; __declspec(property(get=GetActivationTypeName)) _bstr_t ActivationTypeName; __declspec(property(get=GetActivationType)) _TypePtr ActivationType; __declspec(property(get=GetContextProperties)) IListPtr ContextProperties; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IActivatorPtr GetActivator ( ); void PutRefActivator ( struct IActivator * pRetVal ); SAFEARRAY * GetCallSiteActivationAttributes ( ); _bstr_t GetActivationTypeName ( ); _TypePtr GetActivationType ( ); IListPtr GetContextProperties ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Activator ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IActivator * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Activator ( /*[in]*/ struct IActivator * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CallSiteActivationAttributes ( /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActivationTypeName ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActivationType ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Type * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContextProperties ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IList * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("7197b56b-5fa1-31ef-b38b-62fee737277f")) IContextPropertyActivator : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // VARIANT_BOOL IsOKToActivate ( struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ); HRESULT CollectFromClientContext ( struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ); VARIANT_BOOL DeliverClientContextToServerContext ( struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ); HRESULT CollectFromServerContext ( struct IConstructionReturnMessage * msg ); VARIANT_BOOL DeliverServerContextToClientContext ( struct IConstructionReturnMessage * msg ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsOKToActivate ( /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CollectFromClientContext ( /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeliverClientContextToServerContext ( /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionCallMessage * msg, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CollectFromServerContext ( /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionReturnMessage * msg ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeliverServerContextToClientContext ( /*[in]*/ struct IConstructionReturnMessage * msg, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3a5fde6b-db46-34e8-bacd-16ea5a440540")) IClientChannelSinkStack : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Push ( struct IClientChannelSink * sink, const _variant_t & state ); _variant_t Pop ( struct IClientChannelSink * sink ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Push ( /*[in]*/ struct IClientChannelSink * sink, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Pop ( /*[in]*/ struct IClientChannelSink * sink, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("ff726320-6b92-3e6c-aaac-f97063d0b142")) IClientChannelSink : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetNextChannelSink)) IClientChannelSinkPtr NextChannelSink; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT ProcessMessage ( struct IMessage * msg, struct ITransportHeaders * requestHeaders, struct _Stream * requestStream, struct ITransportHeaders * * responseHeaders, struct _Stream * * responseStream ); HRESULT AsyncProcessRequest ( struct IClientChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, struct IMessage * msg, struct ITransportHeaders * headers, struct _Stream * Stream ); HRESULT AsyncProcessResponse ( struct IClientResponseChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, const _variant_t & state, struct ITransportHeaders * headers, struct _Stream * Stream ); _StreamPtr GetRequestStream ( struct IMessage * msg, struct ITransportHeaders * headers ); IClientChannelSinkPtr GetNextChannelSink ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ProcessMessage ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * requestHeaders, /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * requestStream, /*[out]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * * responseHeaders, /*[out]*/ struct _Stream * * responseStream ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessRequest ( /*[in]*/ struct IClientChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * Stream ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessResponse ( /*[in]*/ struct IClientResponseChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * Stream ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRequestStream ( /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Stream * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NextChannelSink ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IClientChannelSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3f8742c2-ac57-3440-a283-fe5ff4c75025")) IClientChannelSinkProvider : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetNext,put=PutRefNext)) IClientChannelSinkProviderPtr Next; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // IClientChannelSinkPtr CreateSink ( struct IChannelSender * channel, _bstr_t Url, const _variant_t & remoteChannelData ); IClientChannelSinkProviderPtr GetNext ( ); void PutRefNext ( struct IClientChannelSinkProvider * pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSink ( /*[in]*/ struct IChannelSender * channel, /*[in]*/ BSTR Url, /*[in]*/ VARIANT remoteChannelData, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IClientChannelSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IClientChannelSinkProvider * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Next ( /*[in]*/ struct IClientChannelSinkProvider * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("e694a733-768d-314d-b317-dcead136b11d")) IServerChannelSinkStack : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Push ( struct IServerChannelSink * sink, const _variant_t & state ); _variant_t Pop ( struct IServerChannelSink * sink ); HRESULT Store ( struct IServerChannelSink * sink, const _variant_t & state ); HRESULT StoreAndDispatch ( struct IServerChannelSink * sink, const _variant_t & state ); HRESULT ServerCallback ( struct IAsyncResult * ar ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Push ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerChannelSink * sink, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Pop ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerChannelSink * sink, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Store ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerChannelSink * sink, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StoreAndDispatch ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerChannelSink * sink, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ServerCallback ( /*[in]*/ struct IAsyncResult * ar ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("21b5f37b-bef3-354c-8f84-0f9f0863f5c5")) IServerChannelSink : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetNextChannelSink)) IServerChannelSinkPtr NextChannelSink; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // enum ServerProcessing ProcessMessage ( struct IServerChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, struct IMessage * requestMsg, struct ITransportHeaders * requestHeaders, struct _Stream * requestStream, struct IMessage * * responseMsg, struct ITransportHeaders * * responseHeaders, struct _Stream * * responseStream ); HRESULT AsyncProcessResponse ( struct IServerResponseChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, const _variant_t & state, struct IMessage * msg, struct ITransportHeaders * headers, struct _Stream * Stream ); _StreamPtr GetResponseStream ( struct IServerResponseChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, const _variant_t & state, struct IMessage * msg, struct ITransportHeaders * headers ); IServerChannelSinkPtr GetNextChannelSink ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ProcessMessage ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * requestMsg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * requestHeaders, /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * requestStream, /*[out]*/ struct IMessage * * responseMsg, /*[out]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * * responseHeaders, /*[out]*/ struct _Stream * * responseStream, /*[out,retval]*/ enum ServerProcessing * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AsyncProcessResponse ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerResponseChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state, /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[in]*/ struct _Stream * Stream ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetResponseStream ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerResponseChannelSinkStack * sinkStack, /*[in]*/ VARIANT state, /*[in]*/ struct IMessage * msg, /*[in]*/ struct ITransportHeaders * headers, /*[out,retval]*/ struct _Stream * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NextChannelSink ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IServerChannelSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("7dd6e975-24ea-323c-a98c-0fde96f9c4e6")) IServerChannelSinkProvider : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetNext,put=PutRefNext)) IServerChannelSinkProviderPtr Next; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT GetChannelData ( struct IChannelDataStore * ChannelData ); IServerChannelSinkPtr CreateSink ( struct IChannelReceiver * channel ); IServerChannelSinkProviderPtr GetNext ( ); void PutRefNext ( struct IServerChannelSinkProvider * pRetVal ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetChannelData ( /*[in]*/ struct IChannelDataStore * ChannelData ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSink ( /*[in]*/ struct IChannelReceiver * channel, /*[out,retval]*/ struct IServerChannelSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IServerChannelSinkProvider * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Next ( /*[in]*/ struct IServerChannelSinkProvider * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("3a02d3f7-3f40-3022-853d-cfda765182fe")) IChannelReceiverHook : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetChannelScheme)) _bstr_t ChannelScheme; __declspec(property(get=GetWantsToListen)) VARIANT_BOOL WantsToListen; __declspec(property(get=GetChannelSinkChain)) IServerChannelSinkPtr ChannelSinkChain; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // _bstr_t GetChannelScheme ( ); VARIANT_BOOL GetWantsToListen ( ); IServerChannelSinkPtr GetChannelSinkChain ( ); HRESULT AddHookChannelUri ( _bstr_t channelUri ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChannelScheme ( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WantsToListen ( /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ChannelSinkChain ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct IServerChannelSink * * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddHookChannelUri ( /*[in]*/ BSTR channelUri ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("675591af-0508-3131-a7cc-287d265ca7d6")) ISponsor : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // struct TimeSpan Renewal ( struct ILease * lease ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Renewal ( /*[in]*/ struct ILease * lease, /*[out,retval]*/ struct TimeSpan * pRetVal ) = 0; }; struct __declspec(uuid("53a561f2-cbbf-3748-bffe-2180002db3df")) ILease : IDispatch { // // Property data // __declspec(property(get=GetRenewOnCallTime,put=PutRenewOnCallTime)) struct TimeSpan RenewOnCallTime; __declspec(property(get=GetSponsorshipTimeout,put=PutSponsorshipTimeout)) struct TimeSpan SponsorshipTimeout; __declspec(property(get=GetInitialLeaseTime,put=PutInitialLeaseTime)) struct TimeSpan InitialLeaseTime; __declspec(property(get=GetCurrentLeaseTime)) struct TimeSpan CurrentLeaseTime; __declspec(property(get=GetCurrentState)) enum LeaseState CurrentState; // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // HRESULT Register ( struct ISponsor * obj, struct TimeSpan renewalTime ); HRESULT Register_2 ( struct ISponsor * obj ); HRESULT Unregister ( struct ISponsor * obj ); struct TimeSpan Renew ( struct TimeSpan renewalTime ); struct TimeSpan GetRenewOnCallTime ( ); void PutRenewOnCallTime ( struct TimeSpan pRetVal ); struct TimeSpan GetSponsorshipTimeout ( ); void PutSponsorshipTimeout ( struct TimeSpan pRetVal ); struct TimeSpan GetInitialLeaseTime ( ); void PutInitialLeaseTime ( struct TimeSpan pRetVal ); struct TimeSpan GetCurrentLeaseTime ( ); enum LeaseState GetCurrentState ( ); // // Raw methods provided by interface // virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Register ( /*[in]*/ struct ISponsor * obj, /*[in]*/ struct TimeSpan renewalTime ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Register_2 ( /*[in]*/ struct ISponsor * obj ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unregister ( /*[in]*/ struct ISponsor * obj ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Renew ( /*[in]*/ struct TimeSpan renewalTime, /*[out,retval]*/ struct TimeSpan * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RenewOnCallTime ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct TimeSpan * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RenewOnCallTime ( /*[in]*/ struct TimeSpan pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SponsorshipTimeout ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct TimeSpan * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SponsorshipTimeout ( /*[in]*/ struct TimeSpan pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InitialLeaseTime ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct TimeSpan * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InitialLeaseTime ( /*[in]*/ struct TimeSpan pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurrentLeaseTime ( /*[out,retval]*/ struct TimeSpan * pRetVal ) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurrentState ( /*[out,retval]*/ enum LeaseState * pRetVal ) = 0; }; // // Wrapper method implementations // #include "c:\users\admin\documents\projects\pcs\pcs\pcs-supervisor\x64\debug\mscorlib.tli" } // namespace mscorlib #pragma pack(pop)